"Court verdict regarding constituencies is correct," PTI's lawyer Hamid Khan's analysis

  • last year
"Court verdict regarding constituencies is correct," PTI's lawyer Hamid Khan's analysis
00:00 There have been so many press releases in a day, which means there is only one election.
00:04 Do you think this is a sincere effort to make the election clear?
00:08 Or is it that they are not saying this, but are making an excuse for delaying the election?
00:14 Absolutely. The second thing you said is absolutely right.
00:19 Knowingly, people who are in the dominant position today,
00:23 they follow their instructions and do not want an election.
00:29 They have postponed the elections before.
00:32 They did not let the elections happen on time.
00:34 They did not let the elections happen on the 90th day.
00:37 They did not let the elections happen until November.
00:39 Now, on one date, the Chief Election Commissioner and the President have agreed.
00:46 And the Supreme Court has given a verdict in accordance with it.
00:50 So now, to delay it, such objections are being raised.
00:56 Therefore, we do not like the attitude of the Election Commission so far.
01:02 But it is in its place.
01:04 We appeal to them to have a fair and free election.
01:08 But not that you delay the election process.
01:11 And also, it would be right to say that the PTI, now that the time has come,
01:15 when there are 50 days left in the election,
01:17 then the PTI does not demand the resignation of the Chief Election Commissioner
01:20 because now it will mean delay in elections.
01:22 Yes, yes, absolutely.
01:24 That is why, in fact, we have taken this stance that
01:27 we wanted to appoint judicial officers as returning officers.
01:32 But despite this, we want that at the time of election,
01:36 and under the overall supervision of the Supreme Court,
01:39 the returning officers there should treat all parties equally,
01:43 and the Election Commission should treat all parties equally.
01:46 And sir, if they say in the answer to Bar Consensus,
01:49 that what is our benefit or loss in the election on February 8 or 18,
01:53 in response to this, you are saying that
01:55 the political parties, for example, the PMLN does not want to hold elections,
01:58 and it is facilitating them.
02:01 Absolutely right.
02:03 The leadership in both these bodies is with the PMLN.
02:11 Because you know that in the Bar Consensus,
02:14 the members are still running,
02:17 and he is the spokesperson of the PMLN,
02:24 for the reason of Azam Azeem.
02:26 And his group is the dominant group in the Pakistan Bar Consensus.
02:32 That is why it is understood that this is a sign from those people,
02:37 and this statement was issued according to that.
02:40 And sir, my final question,
02:42 you are criticizing the recent decision of the Supreme Court of Pakistan,
02:46 in which they said that if there is any objection to the Biden-Halqa ban,
02:49 it will be discussed after the election.
02:51 You are criticizing this.
02:52 Absolutely right.
02:53 By chance, I was a lawyer in that case,
02:56 and this was my opinion as well,
02:59 that the High Court's interference on this stage,
03:03 does not become legal,
03:05 to go into factual details.
03:07 And the second thing is that,
03:09 since the schedule has been issued,
03:11 there can be no change on this stage.
03:14 This was my opinion,
03:17 and the Supreme Court has suspended it,
03:20 accepting that opinion.
03:23 Thank you sir.
03:24 Thank you very much, Mr. Amit Khan.
03:26 Because we have contributed as a representative of the justice system,
03:29 so he is clearly saying that,
03:31 he is taking forward the statement of the Muslim League Noon,
03:34 the Bar Council.
03:35 Of course, they also have a right to respond,
03:37 that is why we have contributed.
03:39 Mr. Hasan Azad Pasha, who is the chairman of the Executive Committee of the Pakistan Bar,
03:41 whose press release we have read and read,
03:43 he is with us.
03:44 And Mr. Abid Zubairi, who is a senior lawyer of the Supreme Court of Pakistan,
03:49 and a former president of the Supreme Court Bar Association as well.
03:52 So I am very thankful to both of them.
03:55 Mr. Hasan Pasha, I will come to these allegations later,
03:58 of course you can respond, if you want to.
04:00 But first let me tell you that,
04:02 the election commission has said in response to your press release,
04:04 that we should correct it factually.
04:06 Because your press release says that,
04:07 the Chief Election Commissioner has increased a seat in his district.
04:09 He says that in the district of the Chief Election Commissioner,
04:11 no additional seat has been created.
04:14 His primary circle is NA82, Sargodha district.
04:17 There is no additional seat in that.
04:19 Later, in response to you, he said that,
04:22 on someone's personal wish,
04:23 for any specific seat,
04:25 we are not allowed to create additional seats.
04:27 So, which stands outside Pakistan are corrected,
04:30 because they are saying that this is our circle,
04:32 this is its number,
04:33 this is its name,
04:34 we have not increased any seat.
04:35 So you stand corrected?
04:38 Yes, in the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful.
04:40 Mr. Padami, thank you very much for giving me this opportunity.
04:43 Sir, your thanks.
04:44 First of all, the word 'abai halqa' that was written in this press release,
04:51 was a typographical mistake.
04:53 We only had to give an example of JLM's circle.
04:57 So, this is fine.
05:00 We will clarify it to this extent.
05:03 We had to tell about JLM's voters,
05:07 and they had two seats.
05:08 And in Hafizabad district,
05:10 the voters were almost the same,
05:12 and one seat was given.
05:14 So, this is a misunderstanding.
05:15 You are saying that the numbers are written correctly in the press release,
05:17 apart from the fact that JLM is not their 'abai halqa'?
05:19 Yes, yes.
05:20 This is what we have to clarify.
05:32 I am sitting here as an elected representative,
05:35 and I am speaking with great responsibility.
05:39 Mr. Khan, who was saying that he is our senior,
05:43 and he is respectable,
05:44 but he represents a party,
05:46 and he also represents a group.
05:49 Yes, of course.
05:50 Coincidentally, we are from a different group.
05:53 This time, we won the Supreme Court election by a large majority.
05:56 That is why, they are also opposing the Supreme Court Bar,
05:59 and the Pakistan Bar Council.
06:01 Anyway, this is their right.
06:02 They can do it.
06:04 But, one thing I want to clarify,
06:07 and I want to do it through you,
06:13 is that the date of 8th February,
06:18 which the Supreme Court of Pakistan has given,
06:20 the Election Commission of Pakistan,
06:22 and the President of the Republic of Pakistan,
06:25 the way Qazi Faizal has said that it is a stone on a hard place,
06:29 I endorse that,
06:32 and in our view, it is a stone on a hard place.
06:35 So, the Pakistan Bar Council will oppose the one day delay in the election?
06:41 Yes, I am coming to that.
06:43 If there is a delay of one day,
06:45 then whoever becomes the reason for it,
06:48 we will openly oppose it,
06:51 we will condemn it,
06:53 and for that, we will fight to the end,
06:55 if we have to fight for our lives, we will fight.
06:58 So, sir, what you are saying is that the Supreme Court of Pakistan
07:01 will start to intervene in the objections on the restrictions.
07:03 Listen to me.
07:04 Then, the delay will not happen automatically.
07:06 Secondly, I think we could not explain it to you,
07:11 we have only quoted examples.
07:15 I also consider myself as a student of law of delimitation,
07:20 Respected Abbas Zubairi also attends,
07:23 the Supreme Court's, yesterday's and today's verdict has also come,
07:28 that we do not touch delimitation,
07:31 and this is a completely settled principle of law,
07:34 that when the schedule is announced,
07:36 then the courts do not touch the matter of delimitation.
07:40 And we also understand that if this is continued,
07:44 then there can be a violation of election delay.
07:47 Therefore, you keep these only to the extent of examples,
07:51 you do not think that we are its petitioners,
07:54 or want to take it,
07:56 or we have to correct the delimitation.
07:59 So, sir, when you say that Jhelum is also worth 14 lakhs,
08:02 Hafizabad is also worth 14 lakhs, Jhelum has two,
08:04 and Hafizabad has one,
08:05 then what do you want?
08:06 You want that the balance should be distributed,
08:08 and if the balance is distributed, then the delay will happen.
08:10 We pointed out the discrimination,
08:16 which the Election Commission of Pakistan has done with two states,
08:22 so we say that they did wrong.
08:25 And however you don't want it to be rectified,
08:27 or you want it to be rectified?
08:29 No, no, it is not possible yet.
08:32 As a student of law, I am saying that it is not possible.
08:36 So you are only making your point.
08:39 Yes, this is the point,
08:41 which you have just followed.
08:43 So let's clarify this,
08:45 that we are neither spokesmen of any party,
08:50 nor do we run any party,
08:53 nor do we work as puppets for any party.
08:58 We are independent bodies,
09:00 we are elected people,
09:01 we are non-political,
09:03 and if we have a party, then it is the black coat.
09:06 He mentioned Mr. Tarar,
09:08 isn't he your guru?
09:09 Who is the translator of Noon League?
09:11 Yes.
09:12 You said he was involved in politics.
09:14 Mr. Tarar,
09:15 see, Mr. Tarar is also a member of the Pakistan Bar Council,
09:20 and since he has become a minister,
09:26 or they have not attended any of our meetings till date.
