Edmonton Oilers' Playoff Chances: Is The Hole Too Deep?

  • last year
00:00 [MUSIC]
00:05 >> Edmonton has played better since they chopped Woodcroft back about a month or
00:09 six weeks ago, whenever that was.
00:12 But they're still seven points out of a wild card,
00:15 13 points out of the top three in that division.
00:19 Did they dig themselves too much of a hole here, Denny?
00:23 Because they still have the same problems that they've had in past years.
00:27 Their goaltending is suspect, their defense is suspect.
00:30 And if they don't get Connor and Leo just going nuts every night,
00:33 they're not gonna win a hockey game.
00:35 >> Yeah, well, they did wait in a row, and they beat some good teams.
00:38 They beat Vegas in a shootout, they beat, I believe, Colorado.
00:40 They beat some quality teams.
00:41 But when you see them lose at home to Florida and to Tampa, what happens?
00:45 They didn't play defense, and their goaltending was bad.
00:48 Nothing changed.
00:49 So the question is, are they good enough structurally defensively?
00:52 Do they have enough on the bottom six, which they never appear to be?
00:55 Can they play good enough defense in the crunch time?
00:57 I don't know if they can.
00:58 Now, here's the thing.
00:58 If I'm no block, I'm telling this team, let's just get in.
01:01 Forget about top three, forget about winning the division, let's get in.
01:04 And here's the thing, Conor, if they do get in, and I still think they will,
01:07 cuz they'll play 650 hockey for their balance of the season.
01:10 I think that's good enough to get them in.
01:12 Imagine you win the West, and
01:13 you're rewarding the first rounders to play Edmonton when they're playing better.
01:16 I don't think anybody wants that either.
01:18 So they can still be a dangerous team, but dangerous team in what respect?
01:22 Win a round, win two rounds, are they a four round team?
01:25 For the reasons you said, Carver, absolutely not.
01:28 I don't see them as a cup winner,
01:29 despite the fact that a lot of people picked them to win a cup this season.
01:32 [MUSIC]
