00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 Robots with AI can make you more beautiful.
00:15 Talking about eyes, they say,
00:17 beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.
00:20 (speaking in foreign language)
00:23 We have been talking about eyes and hair for eternity.
00:28 All of us want to have those sparkly eyelashes
00:32 and those flowing tresses.
00:34 And why forget nails?
00:36 (speaking in foreign language)
00:37 You know, they have become a canvas of art.
00:41 So you might be wondering,
00:42 why am I talking about eyes, hair, nails
00:45 in a show that's about technology?
00:48 Well, wherever there's beauty,
00:49 technology can't be far behind.
00:52 Recently, we have got robots taking over hair and nails.
00:57 Hair and nail salons.
00:59 You heard it right.
01:00 There are robots from companies such as Loomlash
01:04 that can very perfectly figure out
01:07 where to put an eyelash extension on your eye.
01:11 These high definition computer vision cameras
01:16 with extremely soft mini actuators
01:19 are able to identify every single eyelash
01:24 and choose exactly how to put eyelash extensions
01:28 for that fluttery eye that all of us want.
01:32 At least some of us do, right?
01:34 And the beauty of all of this is it gets done very quickly.
01:39 You might ask though,
01:40 (speaking in foreign language)
01:43 Well, for starters, in expensive labor economies
01:46 like most of the Western world,
01:48 beauticians are quite expensive.
01:50 And also like Renuka Apte of Clockwork,
01:54 the robotic nail salon says,
01:56 "Such tools save you time."
01:59 An expensive beautician will take over two hours,
02:03 but tools like Clockwork can do your nail
02:07 with exquisite art almost perfectly the first time
02:10 and can also draw very intricate designs
02:14 in less than 30 minutes while you wait for that coffee.
02:18 I wonder a lot of men would also try
02:20 to get some nails done now.
02:22 Tell me if you think about that one.
02:24 Imagine having your school's logo on your fingernail.
02:28 Yeah, who knows?
02:28 That might work.
02:29 But why would you want to even go for a salon to that?
02:32 Take Nimble's beautiful at-home nail salon,
02:37 a little printer-sized device which you put your hands in,
02:40 and you can print your nails the way you want.
02:43 Beautifully done perfect nails,
02:45 extremely well-crafted eyelashes.
02:49 Robots are really becoming beauticians.
02:52 You know what I would want to do with this?
02:54 Figure out a way to put hair and hairstyles on people's head
02:59 by these extremely soft actuators
03:03 and well-designed computer vision.
03:05 You know, there's a big market for that.
03:07 But it would be more fun
03:09 if you could actually get your own hair, right?
03:13 Not some fake or somebody else's hair.
03:16 You know, maybe some geneticist is already working on that.
03:20 Shh, don't ask those mice at MIT labs
03:24 who are growing human hair
03:26 because someone transplanted follicle-forming human cells
03:30 on their skin.
03:31 Don't ask them.
03:33 (upbeat music)
03:37 (upbeat music)
03:39 (upbeat music)
03:42 (upbeat music)