Battle Through the Heaven 2023 ep 24 english sub

  • last year
Battle Through the Heaven 2023 ep 24 english sub
00:00 [The following is a work of fiction.]
00:02 [Any similarity to actual individuals or events is purely coincidental.]
00:04 [Any similarity is purely coincidental.]
00:06 [This is a work of fiction.]
00:08 [Any similarity is purely coincidental.]
00:10 The Soul Hall branch is located in the Wanghun Mountain Range in the northwest of Zhongzhou.
00:14 If we eradicate the Soul Hall, will we be able to save the medicine?
00:17 Shut up.
00:18 You don't need to participate in the attack on the Soul Hall.
00:21 Why?
00:22 I was the one who asked about the location.
00:24 You are in the Demon Poison Squad. You cannot use the Yi-Hu.
00:27 If you go, you will only cause us trouble.
00:29 [The following is a work of fiction.]
00:31 The attack on the Soul Hall is a fierce one.
00:35 Mu Gu is the Fight Master.
00:38 Everyone here is a Fight Master.
00:41 If you want to compete with each other,
00:43 you either need to break through the Fight Qi,
00:46 or you need to quickly learn a unique skill.
00:50 What's wrong, Xiao?
00:59 I came to the Star Fall Pavilion without permission and was found out.
01:03 The Fight Qi was taken away by the Master.
01:06 I am a useless person now.
01:08 How can I break through?
01:11 Enough. Stop crying.
01:15 What are you afraid of if your Fight Qi is taken away?
01:26 [The following is a work of fiction.]
01:28 You can practice this.
01:33 This is the Holy Elephant of the Demon Emperor.
01:36 I got it from a servant when I was taking medicine.
01:39 It's a skill that has been passed down from the Tian Yao royal family.
01:42 If you practice it well,
01:43 you will be able to improve your skills by a hundred miles.
01:47 You happen to be a Tian Yao royal family member.
01:49 Mu Qing Luan is a Tian Luan family member.
01:52 It's just right for you two to practice together.
01:55 What about mine?
02:02 I said I wouldn't take you.
02:05 Is there any trick to this skill?
02:14 There is only one point.
02:15 This unique skill is dangerous.
02:17 People who practice it cannot practice it.
02:21 Who is angry?
02:25 [The following is a work of fiction.]
02:53 You are angry again.
02:55 Who is angry? Come again.
02:59 The fire in the underground temple has been de-energized.
03:20 It can no longer form a fire.
03:22 Maybe the seal demon Du Ban
03:24 used up all the yang energy.
03:26 But the pure yang energy is still the best.
03:29 Using pure yang energy to stimulate the poison to break through.
03:34 You will die.
03:36 As long as I can break through,
03:38 even if I have to feed the dragon and tiger's blood, I will go.
03:42 [The following is a work of fiction.]
03:45 [The following is a work of fiction.]
03:47 Don't run.
04:13 Don't run.
04:14 Young master.
04:15 Young master.
04:16 This little girl's words
04:18 are painful and hurtful.
04:20 Look what she has done to me.
04:22 She took all my food.
04:23 Do you see where she is going?
04:25 I have to find her today.
04:26 Otherwise, no one will want to eat.
04:28 Don't run.
04:31 Stop.
04:33 Stop.
04:35 Stop.
04:36 [The following is a work of fiction.]
04:38 [The following is a work of fiction.]
04:41 [The following is a work of fiction.]
04:43 [The following is a work of fiction.]
04:46 [The following is a work of fiction.]
04:49 [The following is a work of fiction.]
04:51 [The following is a work of fiction.]
04:53 [The following is a work of fiction.]
04:56 [The following is a work of fiction.]
05:24 Don't you have anything to practice for me?
05:27 No.
05:28 Little candle.
05:39 I don't eat.
05:40 You take it back.
05:41 It seems that someone doesn't eat well.
05:53 Qing.
05:54 Qing, why are you here?
05:59 If you eat well,
06:00 I will stay for a few more days.
06:02 OK. I will eat well.
06:04 Put me down.
06:06 No.
06:08 I have to hold you for a while.
06:11 Eat slowly.
06:15 No one will grab it from you.
06:16 Don't choke.
06:17 I just came in.
06:21 I didn't see anyone.
06:22 Where did you go?
06:23 I used the Spirit of the Ancient Fire
06:26 to find the location of the Medicine Elder.
06:28 We will go to the Soul Hall in a few days.
06:30 They should be practicing in the front line.
06:31 Great.
06:32 I came at the right time.
06:33 Look at
06:34 what I brought you.
06:35 Qing, you really found it.
06:41 This is a treasure of the Xiao family.
06:43 I am now the owner of it.
06:45 With it,
06:47 Brother Xiao Ying,
06:48 you can definitely practice your ultimate skill
06:49 before going to the Soul Hall.
06:51 Ultimate skill?
06:52 I brought you some food.
07:18 This is Brother Xiao Yan's favorite.
07:20 Try it.
07:22 How does it taste?
07:31 No wonder Xiao Yan likes it.
07:35 Little Fish Immortal,
07:42 do you always have
07:45 Brother Xiao Yan in your heart?
07:48 Then what is
07:58 Brother Xiao Yan like in your heart?
08:01 Xiao Yan
08:10 is like his flame.
08:14 He can bring warmth and hope
08:16 to people around him.
08:18 So what about you?
08:22 What is Xiao Yan like
08:24 in your heart?
08:25 He
08:29 is always impulsive,
08:32 always impulsive,
08:34 always makes people worry for him.
08:36 But
08:40 he has never let anyone down.
08:43 Yes.
08:44 He has never let anyone down.
08:46 So
08:50 you admit it?
08:52 Admit what?
08:54 Admit that in your heart,
08:56 there is always Brother Xiao Yan.
08:58 When the poison of the Five-Poison Man was about to break out,
09:06 everyone was waiting for me.
09:09 Everyone was waiting for me.
09:10 But there was a figure
09:15 who broke in at that time
09:18 and stood in front of me
09:19 and gave me all the same eyes.
09:22 Since then,
09:26 he has been there.
09:29 Like
09:34 I think
09:39 it's right to like someone.
09:43 Although I will only feel this way
09:47 in my heart,
09:49 I will always be with him
09:53 and repay him
09:55 with the life he protected.
09:57 By the way,
10:06 this is for you.
10:08 Thank you.
10:09 The Heaven Poison Cauldron.
10:15 It was created by the God of Heaven Poison a thousand years ago.
10:18 It is made by the poisonous chain method.
10:20 Yes.
10:22 Even if it is a strong fighter,
10:25 it can kill the enemy without a heart.
10:26 It is said that it has long been passed down in the mainland.
10:30 How did you get it?
10:31 The ancient people have been looking for the method
10:34 and secret books of the fight
10:36 in the mainland since ancient times.
10:38 I have read this book.
10:41 It requires users to have a high level of creativity
10:44 in the use and configuration of poison.
10:46 It suits you very well.
10:48 Thank you, Xun'er.
10:51 Actually, I came to ask you
10:56 if Brother Xiao Yan
10:58 has any worries.
11:02 I brought back the scroll of the Three Mysteries of Tian Huo
11:04 from the ancient tribe.
11:06 But he was not as excited as he was
11:09 when he got the skill in the past.
11:11 And he was about to attack the Soul Hall.
11:14 He didn't go to practice,
11:15 but locked himself up in the house.
11:18 This is really not like him.
11:21 What happened?
11:22 Mo Gu was hit by the Mo Du Troupe on Xiao Yan.
11:25 He can't use the Yi Fire.
11:27 So the Grand Master said
11:29 he can't fight the Soul Hall.
11:31 He can't use the Yi Fire.
11:32 Oh, no.
11:34 The so-called Three Mysteries of Tian Huo
11:50 is a method of hypnosis
11:51 to draw the Yi Fire out of the body
11:53 and make the power explode.
11:56 If you use all three of the Three Mysteries of Tian Huo
11:59 in one go,
12:00 you can instantly improve your level three combat power.
12:02 Green Lotus Change.
12:17 Cloud Fall Change.
12:21 Cloud Fall Change.
12:23 Cloud Fall Change.
12:24 Cloud Fall Change.
12:26 Cloud Fall Change.
12:28 Cloud Fall Change.
12:30 Cloud Fall Change.
12:32 Cloud Fall Change.
12:34 Cloud Fall Change.
12:36 Cloud Fall Change.
12:38 Cloud Fall Change.
12:40 Cloud Fall Change.
12:42 Cloud Fall Change.
12:44 Cloud Fall Change.
12:46 Cloud Fall Change.
12:48 Cloud Fall Change.
12:51 Cloud Fall Change.
12:52 I knew you couldn't hold it.
13:00 If you use the Yi Fire
13:07 before you reach the Soul Hall,
13:09 you will die from the explosion of the demon poison.
13:11 Everyone risks their lives with me
13:14 and tries their best.
13:15 But I can't do anything.
13:16 It's too hard for me.
13:19 There's something you can do.
13:21 What is this?
13:30 Fire Lotus Vessel.
13:32 Back then, Yao Chen used the power of one person
13:34 to use the Cold Fire of the Ancient Tomb to push back the Soul Hall.
13:36 This is what he used.
13:38 This vessel is made of fire-type Fight Qi.
13:41 It can store a small amount of Yi Fire.
13:43 When fighting,
13:44 the Fight Qi is injected
13:45 and the Yi Fire is ignited.
13:46 The explosion is so powerful.
13:48 If so,
13:49 you don't need to use the Yi Fire.
13:50 You can also fight
13:51 the guardian of the Soul Hall.
13:52 The Yi Fire is the most powerful in the Fight Qi Continent.
13:58 The one who can restrain the evil power of the Soul Hall
14:00 is the Yi Fire.
14:01 Your unique weapon
14:03 is also the Yi Fire.
14:04 You are destined to fight the Soul Hall.
14:16 There's such a useful trick.
14:18 Why didn't you tell me earlier?
14:20 I...
14:21 I didn't think about it.
14:22 One more.
14:34 Even if I remove the Yi Fire with a smile,
14:45 it will still violate the Magic Poison Class.
14:47 I know.
14:50 I
14:51 will definitely have a sense of propriety.
14:52 I'm leaving, Chief Feng.
14:54 This bottle
15:05 has been useless for 50 years.
15:07 No one knows if it's good or not.
15:10 Yao Chen,
15:12 your Yi Fire Bottle
15:14 is still usable.
15:16 Didn't Chief Feng say
15:34 that the Fire Bottle can't be used all the time?
15:36 You really can't use the Yi Fire frequently now.
15:39 Take a rest.
15:43 Okay, I got it.
15:45 Xuan Er,
15:54 how did you know
15:55 that I can't use the Yi Fire?
15:57 Yes,
16:00 how did I know?
16:01 Anyway, you didn't tell me.
16:03 Everyone in the West Garden knows.
16:06 You only scold me.
16:08 No,
16:09 I...
16:10 I didn't hide it on purpose.
16:11 I just...
16:12 didn't want to make you sad.
16:14 How long do you want to hide it from me?
16:16 One day?
16:18 Half a month?
16:20 But if you really want me to stay,
16:24 how can you hide it from me?
16:26 Or,
16:28 you have been planning to go back
16:30 from the beginning.
16:32 You want to hide it from me for a day.
16:34 No, no.
16:35 I...
16:36 I don't want you to leave.
16:38 Can you not leave?
16:40 I just...
16:41 don't want you to be sad because of me.
16:44 Brother Xiao Yan,
16:51 can you promise me
16:52 that no matter what happens to you in the future,
16:54 you can't hide it from me anymore?
16:56 Whether it's a good thing or a bad thing,
17:00 I will always be with you.
17:02 Whether it's pain
17:05 or happiness,
17:06 I will always be with you.
17:10 Okay, I promise you.
17:12 These fire-lotus bottles
17:17 can only be used to save the emergency.
17:19 I will fight alongside you.
17:25 But I want you to promise me
17:27 that you will protect yourself.
17:30 I promise you.
17:37 Xun'er,
17:38 I promised my teacher.
17:40 I promise you today, too.
17:42 I won't be reckless anymore.
17:43 Because I have
17:44 more important responsibilities.
17:46 I will definitely protect myself.
17:48 By then,
17:50 I will save my teacher with you.
17:52 I will save my teacher with you.
17:54 Zi Yan.
18:14 Zi Yan.
18:16 [Explosion]
18:19 [Explosion]
18:22 [Running]
18:24 [Explosion]
18:42 [Explosion]
18:46 [Explosion]
18:50 [Running]
18:52 [Explosion]
18:58 [Running]
19:04 [Running]
19:13 [Explosion]
19:15 [Explosion]
19:26 [Running]
19:41 [Explosion]
19:43 [Running]
19:47 [Explosion]
19:53 [Running]
19:57 You are a useless thing.
20:05 [Explosion]
20:09 [Running]
20:11 [Explosion]
20:16 [Running]
20:23 [Explosion]
20:37 [Running]
20:39 [Explosion]
20:43 [Running]
20:52 [Explosion]
20:57 [Running]
21:05 [Explosion]
21:07 [Running]
21:11 [Explosion]
21:16 [Running]
21:23 [Chanting]
21:33 [Explosion]
21:35 [Running]
21:41 [Explosion]
21:46 [Chanting]
21:53 [Chanting]
21:57 [Chanting]
22:02 [Chanting]
22:04 [Explosion]
22:08 [Running]
22:13 [Explosion]
22:17 [Chanting]
22:21 [Explosion]
22:28 [Running]
22:30 [Chanting]
22:33 [Explosion]
22:38 [Running]
22:43 [Explosion]
22:48 [Running]
22:52 [Explosion]
22:56 [Running]
22:58 [Explosion]
23:05 [Chanting]
23:08 [Chanting]
23:12 [Chanting]
23:17 [Running]
23:23 [Running]
23:25 [Explosion]
23:29 [Running]
23:34 [Running]
23:40 [Explosion]
23:51 [Running]
23:53 [Explosion]
23:59 [Running]
24:02 [Explosion]
24:06 [Running]
24:19 [Running]
24:21 [Explosion]
24:24 [Running]
24:37 [Explosion]
24:40 [Running]
24:44 [Chanting]
24:46 [Chanting]
24:59 [Explosion]
25:06 [Running]
25:09 [Explosion]
25:13 [Chanting]
25:15 [Running]
25:30 [Chanting]
25:33 [Running]
25:36 [Chanting]
25:40 [Chanting]
25:42 [Explosion]
25:47 [Chanting]
25:51 [Explosion]
25:54 [Chanting]
25:57 [Chanting]
26:00 [Chanting]
26:03 [Explosion]
26:06 [Chanting]
26:10 [Chanting]
26:12 [Chanting]
26:15 [Chanting]
26:18 [Chanting]
26:21 [Chanting]
26:24 [Chanting]
26:27 [Chanting]
26:30 [Chanting]
26:33 [Chanting]
26:37 [Chanting]
26:39 [Chanting]
26:43 [Chanting]
26:46 [Chanting]
26:49 [Chanting]
26:52 [Chanting]
26:55 [Chanting]
26:58 [Chanting]
27:01 [Chanting]
27:05 okay
27:08 whoa
27:22 yo yo
27:28 one did not leave a bigdeal
27:33 you can't do that
27:35 Xiao Yan
27:40 Xiao Yan
27:43 don't scare me
27:45 don't scare me
27:47 wake up
27:49 Xiao Yan
27:51 (crying)
27:53 (speaking Chinese)
28:09 (music)
28:11 (applause)
28:38 (speaking Chinese)
28:40 (coughing)
28:50 (speaking Chinese)
28:52 (speaking Chinese)
29:06 (speaking Chinese)
29:08 (speaking Chinese)
29:11 (speaking Chinese)
29:14 (speaking Chinese)
29:16 (speaking Chinese)
29:19 (speaking Chinese)
29:21 (speaking Chinese)
29:23 (speaking Chinese)
29:25 (speaking Chinese)
29:27 (speaking Chinese)
29:30 (speaking Chinese)
29:32 (speaking Chinese)
29:38 (speaking Chinese)
29:49 (speaking Chinese)
29:56 (speaking Chinese)
30:24 (speaking Chinese)
30:26 (speaking Chinese)
30:35 (music)
30:37 (speaking Chinese)
30:56 (speaking Chinese)
31:02 (speaking Chinese)
31:04 (speaking Chinese)
31:09 (music)
31:16 (speaking Chinese)
31:26 (speaking Chinese)
31:29 (speaking Chinese)
31:31 (speaking Chinese)
31:39 (music)
31:44 (music)
31:46 (speaking Chinese)
32:04 (speaking Chinese)
32:12 (speaking Chinese)
32:14 (speaking Chinese)
32:22 (speaking Chinese)
32:27 (speaking Chinese)
32:40 (speaking Chinese)
32:42 (speaking Chinese)
32:51 (speaking Chinese)
32:58 (music)
33:10 (music)
33:12 (music)
33:25 (music)
33:37 (music)
33:39 (music)
33:47 (music)
33:54 (music)
33:59 (music)
34:06 (music)
34:08 (speaking Chinese)
34:33 (speaking Chinese)
34:35 (speaking Chinese)
35:02 (speaking Chinese)
35:04 (music)
35:24 (singing in Chinese)
35:32 (singing in Chinese)
35:34 (singing in Chinese)
35:44 (singing in Chinese)
35:51 (singing in Chinese)
35:59 (singing in Chinese)
36:01 (singing in Chinese)
36:09 (singing in Chinese)
36:16 (singing in Chinese)
36:24 (singing in Chinese)
36:26 (singing in Chinese)
36:32 (singing in Chinese)
36:43 (singing in Chinese)
36:45 (singing in Chinese)
36:55 (singing in Chinese)
37:02 (singing in Chinese)
37:11 (singing in Chinese)
37:13 (singing in Chinese)
37:23 (singing in Chinese)
37:30 (singing in Chinese)
37:38 (singing in Chinese)
37:40 (singing in Chinese)
37:44 (singing in Chinese)
37:48 (music)
37:50 (dramatic music)
