Johnson on His Goals

  • last year
UW running back Dillon Johnson has hit nearly all of his season goals.
00:00 Dylan, when you came here, you've got now 1000 yards and 1415 touchdowns,
00:04 whatever it is. Is that what you envisioned when you came that that was
00:07 possible? Yeah, absolutely. If you go inside of the training room, I put in,
00:12 I put up my goals for the season and you can actually look at them and I had
00:16 1000 yards definitely written on there. So I've been surpassed that and my
00:20 other goal is a packed way of championship, you know, 15 touchdowns
00:24 actually had that and I'm right there at that. So, you know, I'm knocking it
00:29 all the doors of my goals. So it's been, it's been great. How do you stay
00:34 focused? I mean, you, you shut down in terms of media asking the same
00:38 question or do you just like you're saying, I can kill this about social
00:42 media. You know, I could be on it doesn't really when the game, when it
00:46 comes around, when it's time for game to play the game, I'm ready. There's,
00:50 I don't have nothing kind of nothing bothers me, nothing gets in my way of
00:55 uh, the way that I think, the way that I come into the game, I'm always ready.
01:00 I feel like my parents definitely was when they said I was born ready, they
01:05 really meant it. So with, with this game meaning so much and the
01:11 realization of the goals that you've set forward to now that you're here in
01:14 the present moment preparing for it, you know, how are you trying to
01:16 capitalize on getting ready to play your best man? It's a once in a lifetime
01:21 opportunity. I'm leaving it all on the field and like I said before, I don't
01:25 care if I don't have an arm, leg, knee, foot, whatever it takes, man, I'm gonna
01:30 do it, whatever it takes to win this game. I'm gonna do it. When you first
01:33 came here and decided to come here, were you thinking, okay, I hope this is a one
01:38 year stop. Were you thinking about two years or did you think about it at all?
01:41 I really didn't think about it too much at all, man. I just, my ultimate
01:45 ultimately the goal was for me was college football playoffs and packed
01:49 12 championship. That's, that was my goal and I set those goals and here we
01:53 are now. So, you know, um, like again, if you go, I'm telling you, you go in
01:57 the training room, I literally wrote him on the board and now you can see me
02:00 just checking them off, checking them off. So it's a blessing, man. It's
02:03 definitely a blessing to be a part of this team. Was there anything else on
02:06 that board or just, just those two things? No, yeah, the college football
02:10 playoffs, the packed 12 championship, my rushing yards, my touchdowns, my
02:14 receiving just done checked out about three or four of them right now, but
02:19 I'm catching up on everything else though.