• 2 years ago
13 December 2023 Livestream

What's up with single mothers? What is their fate?

Transcript: https://freedomain.com/are-single-moms-deluded-freedomain-livestream-transcript/

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00:00:00 Good evening everybody. Well, that's a zoom in. Why not?
00:00:04 Hope you're doing well. Stefan Molyneux from Free Domain. It is the greatest show on Earth.
00:00:09 The greatest show this planet will ever see.
00:00:13 I leave it to history to judge, but that is my absolute standard.
00:00:17 Every time I go live with you gorgeous, brilliant, beautiful people.
00:00:23 You amazing, emerging wonders.
00:00:27 I just branded everyone. Oh, oh, isn't that delightful.
00:00:32 Well, good evening, good evening. Thank you for joining me tonight.
00:00:35 Freedomain.com/donate. Oh, help a brother out from time to time.
00:00:40 You'll feel good. I'll feel good. And I, if even remotely possible,
00:00:45 thank you, Jared, will be even sexier.
00:00:48 Ha ha ha. Yeah, as if that's possible.
00:00:52 No, maximum sexiness has already been achieved.
00:00:55 I leave all other philosophers in the dust relative to the gorgeosity of my general frame.
00:01:03 All right. Ah, I, of course, am perfectly thrilled to hear what you have to say
00:01:10 and your thoughts. Oh, don't forget.
00:01:13 If you are a premium subscriber, a premier human being,
00:01:18 a gorgeous god/goddess of philosophy, a supporter of the greatest conversation
00:01:24 the world will ever see, don't forget to check out.
00:01:28 Don't forget. I'll give you the link here. I'll tell you what.
00:01:32 I'll just give you the link here. The glorious James, who very, who's a brilliant coder
00:01:36 and very often can remember the day of the week, very often, I say, of course,
00:01:40 having missed a Wednesday show a couple of weeks ago, at least for half an hour.
00:01:44 He has created a search engine to allow you to get a hold of my premium content.
00:01:51 So I hope that you will. I will check that out. I hope that you will check that out.
00:01:57 All right. Questions, comments, issues, challenges, problems, thank you for the tip.
00:02:04 I appreciate that. Many people will tip me just to avoid the song week, the song quiz.
00:02:13 All right. Steph, why do some people pretend that the left/right spectrum doesn't exist or make sense?
00:02:19 I'm ANCAP and consider that extreme right wing.
00:02:24 Why do some people pretend that the left/right spectrum doesn't exist or make sense?
00:02:32 Are you ready for the first mind-blowing principle of the evening?
00:02:37 Are you ready for the first? It's too soon. Should we start off this way?
00:02:40 No movie, not even a little bit of lube, just straight into the bed frame shaking,
00:02:48 a small, odd thrust of deep, virtuous truth.
00:02:57 All right. Okay.
00:03:02 Everything and everyone who remains central to the public square is serving the needs of those in power.
00:03:10 Everything and everyone who remains central to the public square is serving the needs of those in power.
00:03:18 Oh, good. Bitcoin's up $2,000. Okay. I guess we could have an even better show.
00:03:23 So, anyways, I just stopped blasting. Yeah, the Danny DeVito meme, right?
00:03:27 So, if the left/right spectrum was not advantageous to those in power, it would be about as popular as the bell curve.
00:03:40 Why has the left/right spectrum been allowed to remain a central concept?
00:03:46 Why on earth has it been allowed to remain a central concept?
00:03:54 Because you see, on the extreme left, which nobody ever talks about, all there is is moderates and Nazis, right?
00:04:01 Far right! The far right is just Nazis, right?
00:04:04 So, the reason why is that moderation serves tyranny, right?
00:04:11 Almost nothing serves tyranny more than moderation.
00:04:17 Almost nothing serves tyranny more than moderation because, for the simple reason, of course,
00:04:22 that if tyranny is imposed quickly, like the boiling frog thing, if tyranny is imposed quickly, people fight back.
00:04:29 If tyranny is imposed slowly, people get used to it.
00:04:34 You go back to the 90s and you talk to people about the Patriot Act, the new thing they're trying to get through,
00:04:38 they'd be absolutely, completely shocked at what was allowed, right?
00:04:43 The American Revolution was fought over 3% tax on tea.
00:04:49 So, if you want to take over a country, you want moderation, you want moderates.
00:04:55 So, you want everyone clustered towards the middle, and that way, you can move everyone slowly and end up with what you want, right?
00:05:04 So, how does the left/right spectrum serve those in power?
00:05:10 Well, it gets everyone to cluster towards the middle.
00:05:14 It's the same thing with the word "extremist".
00:05:18 You have all of these words that are designed to get you to cluster in the middle,
00:05:22 so that you can be slowly moved towards tyranny.
00:05:28 Let me know if the argument makes sense so far.
00:05:30 Not that you agree with it, but you sort of follow it.
00:05:32 Am I sort of being clear? Because we're just starting here.
00:05:40 It's kind of like stealing from an employer.
00:05:43 You don't want to steal the employee's car and his computer and his office furniture and his wife,
00:05:49 because then he'll be like, "Hey, I'm pretty sure I had a wife, office furniture, computer, and a car when I showed up this morning.
00:05:54 Somebody's stealing from me!"
00:05:56 What do you want to do if you want to be a good thief?
00:06:00 You steal small amounts over a long period of time.
00:06:06 Being in the middle, you're halfway to tyranny.
00:06:08 Well, they edge you to the left, right?
00:06:12 Now, if you look at all of the common ways of looking at politics,
00:06:19 this is political science, this isn't current politics, right?
00:06:22 If you look at all the current ways of viewing politics,
00:06:30 they're all to do with herding you to the middle so you can move slowly towards tyranny.
00:06:34 So you can be moved slowly towards tyranny.
00:06:37 So if you look at the left-right spectrum,
00:06:39 on the extreme left is communism, on the extreme right is fascism.
00:06:42 Both communism is considered bad to a lot of people.
00:06:45 Certainly fascism is considered bad, so you want to stay right in the middle.
00:06:52 Now, can you think of any measure that is designed to go from one thing to another that wraps around in the back?
00:07:03 The correct chart, of course, is tyranny to liberty.
00:07:08 How much initiation of the use of force are you subjected to?
00:07:11 In a tyranny, it's a lot.
00:07:13 In a free society, as I talk about in my novel, "The Future," read it at www.maine.com/books,
00:07:18 you are not subject to the initiation of force.
00:07:20 Certainly by institutions, there could be the occasional criminal, right?
00:07:23 So the initiation of the use of force.
00:07:25 So in the initiation of the use of force line, which is the only moral and rational one,
00:07:30 both in terms of your personal life and in terms of politics,
00:07:34 communism and fascism are just two sides of the same coin.
00:07:39 So communism is when the state owns the means of production directly,
00:07:43 and fascism is when you still have nominal private corporations,
00:07:47 but they're controlled and operated by and profit towards the state.
00:07:59 Now, can you imagine you got cancer, and that's at one extreme.
00:08:05 You have a deadly fatal stage four cancer, and you want to get to health.
00:08:09 You want to get to not cancer, right?
00:08:12 Now, can you imagine if they said, "Well, we want to get you halfway to not cancer,
00:08:17 and then we want to stop, because if we go all the way to no cancer,
00:08:21 it'll wrap right around and you'll have stage four deadly cancer again."
00:08:25 Can you imagine that?
00:08:26 What we want to do, stage four deadly cancer, you've got a month to live.
00:08:28 We're going to put you on this wild treatment protocol,
00:08:30 and it's going to move you to have in half no cancer,
00:08:33 and then we're just going to stop, because if we go on further to have no cancer,
00:08:38 at the extreme end of not having cancer is cancer.
00:08:43 Fuck.
00:08:44 Do you see what I mean?
00:08:46 At the extreme end of this thing, at the opposite of this thing is the thing as well.
00:08:52 The opposite of black is white.
00:08:54 No, no, no.
00:08:55 The opposite of black is black.
00:08:57 In the middle is gray, and that's all you can get.
00:09:00 Do you see what I mean?
00:09:01 Like it makes no sense at all.
00:09:04 What's the opposite of unhealthy?
00:09:05 Healthy.
00:09:06 The opposite of unhealthy is not unhealthy.
00:09:11 The opposite of dying from cancer is being healthy.
00:09:18 The opposite of dying from cancer is not dying from a heart attack.
00:09:27 Why do people say China is communism?
00:09:29 It seems to fit the definition of fascism better.
00:09:31 No, but fascism is not an objective definition.
00:09:34 Fascism is a term of deplatforming verbal abuse that you apply against people fighting to free people from fascism.
00:09:40 I mean, G. Edward Griffin was pointing out this decades and decades in the 1940s.
00:09:46 He was talking about it directly or aside, I don't know if he's that old, but he was talking about how, you know, the communists said,
00:09:52 "Well, you know, anybody who becomes annoying enough, we'll just keep labeling them with negative terms until we can drive them from the public square."
00:09:58 Nobody, I mean, ask the average person who complains about fascism to define fascism.
00:10:05 They won't be able to do it.
00:10:07 Well, it's socialism plus nationalism.
00:10:10 Well, communism, I mean, China is very nationalistic, right?
00:10:16 See, it's just how much initiation of force is there.
00:10:19 Now, of course, fascism, because you have nominal private entities between the government and the people,
00:10:26 people get distracted and blame the government rather than, sorry, they blame the corporations rather than the government for problems, right?
00:10:33 So, if the government was owning everything, when prices go up, people will get mad at the government.
00:10:37 If you have fascism, which is a corporate face between the state and the people, when the state drives up inflation,
00:10:45 then the corporations raise the prices and people get mad at the corporations rather than the government.
00:10:51 It's a scapegoat.
00:10:52 And so, a lot of corporations are willing to do this role in return for government privileges,
00:10:58 with everything from sort of copyrights to licenses and other barriers to competition.
00:11:04 So, yeah, the word fascism is never intended to describe anything accurate with regards to politics.
00:11:11 The term fascism is a label that you target paint people with so the mob will attack them and they'll get de-platformed.
00:11:24 So, fascism is when the government controls the means of production, but private citizens have nominal ownership, right?
00:11:35 Communism is when governments control them directly.
00:11:39 And it's not very efficient because then bad things are blamed on the government rather than the corporations.
00:11:44 So, if you look at something else that I learned at my long ago Charles Taylor course,
00:11:49 what a boring course that was, on political theory, there is, of course, thesis, antithesis, synthesis, right?
00:11:58 Thesis, antithesis, synthesis.
00:12:00 So, in medical terms, this would be the thesis is you have cancer.
00:12:05 The antithesis is you're cured of cancer.
00:12:08 We want a synthesis between these two things.
00:12:11 What we want is for you to be kind of cured of cancer, kind of sick with cancer, because that's antithesis.
00:12:18 So, thesis, antithesis, synthesis.
00:12:21 This is something that was taught.
00:12:22 And again, what does it do?
00:12:23 It drives everyone towards the middle.
00:12:25 Everything provokes its opposite.
00:12:27 The truth is that the right path is something in the middle.
00:12:30 So, we have communism.
00:12:32 We have unregulated capitalism.
00:12:35 Well, we want managed corporatism.
00:12:37 We want managed capitalism.
00:12:39 We want social democracy.
00:12:42 Like, we just, right?
00:12:44 So, everything is designed to drive you to the middle so you can be slowly drifted towards tyranny.
00:12:52 So, the reason why people dislike the left-right spectrum is it's dragging people towards tyranny, right?
00:13:05 It's dragging people towards tyranny.
00:13:08 It's an extremist.
00:13:10 No, it's not only a little cancer.
00:13:12 It's 50/50.
00:13:13 You know, half-half, 50/50 cancer.
00:13:16 Well, what happens if you get 50/50 cancer?
00:13:20 Like, if you've got some fast-growing cancer and they cut it down in half, what happens?
00:13:27 Can business and innovation succeed without the corporate model?
00:13:33 Corporations are completely unholy.
00:13:36 Now, why do people believe this stuff?
00:13:39 Well, people believe this stuff because it falls into the general category of the Aristotelian mean.
00:13:47 And because people aren't educated on the Aristotelian mean, they get it wrong consistently.
00:13:52 So, the thesis is, "I should never exercise."
00:13:59 The antithesis is, "I should exercise for 14 hours a day."
00:14:04 And the synthesis is, "Some reasonable level of exercise, maybe an hour or two a day."
00:14:08 Something like that, even if it's just walking around, right?
00:14:12 "The thesis is anorexia. The antithesis is obesity."
00:14:18 And we want something in the middle.
00:14:20 "Eat enough so you're not super skinny. Don't eat so much that you get fat."
00:14:25 That argument confuses me a bit because the lefties are typically the ones who pretend the spectrum doesn't exist.
00:14:30 That's not true. No, that's not true.
00:14:32 The left-wing media is always talking about the rise of the far-right in Europe,
00:14:36 the far-right here at Bilder's, far-right AFD in Germany.
00:14:39 It's all far-right. They're absolutely-- Come on, man.
00:14:42 I don't know which lefties you're talking to, but all the lefties that I read about--
00:14:45 which doesn't mean I'm right and you're wrong.
00:14:47 I'm just saying everything that I see is all about the rise of the far-right, right?
00:14:54 For more on corporations, I did an interview many years ago with Stephan Kinsella.
00:14:58 That's S-T-E-P-H-A-N-K-I-N-S-E-L-L-A. Stephan Kinsella on corporations.
00:15:04 If you want my real passionate view on corporations, you've got to read my novel, The Future.
00:15:09 You know, I'm not even going to wait for you people.
00:15:12 I'm not even going to wait for you people.
00:15:14 I'm going to give you the feed right now.
00:15:18 RSS feed.
00:15:21 RSS feed, baby.
00:15:23 Here it is. Just do it.
00:15:28 Now, of course, the Aristotelian mean is vaguely helpful.
00:15:32 Not super helpful, because it's kind of common sense.
00:15:34 So he says, "A deficiency of courage is cowardice, and excess of courage is foolhardiness."
00:15:39 Right? You don't want to hide from fights you can win, but you don't want to charge into fights you will lose.
00:15:49 So, you know, you don't want to have too little emotion, because then you're kind of Vulcan and bloodless.
00:15:59 You don't want to have too much emotion, otherwise you're random and overly passionate/Italian.
00:16:03 So, you know, you don't want to have no anger, otherwise you're pushed around.
00:16:08 You don't want to be a rageaholic, otherwise you're a bully.
00:16:10 So you have all of this, "We want this kind of middle ground," and I get all of that, right?
00:16:16 You don't want to chase after girls who are severely unattractive.
00:16:19 You don't want to chase after girls who will never go out with you, because they're too attractive.
00:16:22 You want something in the middle, blah, blah, blah, right?
00:16:25 But that's all aesthetics.
00:16:28 Of course, Aristotle never in a million years meant, "Well, we should have a medium amount of axe murdering."
00:16:35 Right? So, left, right, middle, liberal, conservative, libertarian, they're all within the fencing of the tax farmer.
00:16:44 Philosophy is leaving the cage.
00:16:50 Are we supposed to have a medium amount of rape? No.
00:16:53 The thesis is, "Don't rape." The antithesis is, "A lot of rape, we'll meet in the middle."
00:16:59 It's like, no, no, no. When it came to morals, there's no, right?
00:17:03 And politics is fundamentally about morality, the use of force.
00:17:07 And so what people do is they blend something around aesthetics, where the middle ground has real value, to morals, where it doesn't.
00:17:19 Don't want to have no emotion Irish. Don't want to be too emotional Italian.
00:17:23 You really think the Irish have no emotion?
00:17:26 I must say, I've spent a lot of time in Ireland, and I was born there.
00:17:29 There's a lot of very, very passionate Irish men and women.
00:17:38 In high school, we were taught libertarian was on the spectrum, road to the right wing leading to fascism.
00:17:43 Yeah, it didn't make sense to me. So you see, libertarianism is about not violating the non-aggression principle.
00:17:53 Therefore, an excess of not violating the non-aggression principle is a massive and institutional violation of the non-aggression principle.
00:18:05 It's crazy.
00:18:08 Wanting less rape means you want more rape.
00:18:13 It's just about a boogeyman, right? So they set up this demon called fascism.
00:18:17 And fascism is an evil ideology, and I get all of that, right?
00:18:21 But they set up this demon called fascism, and then they just attach that label to whoever they displease,
00:18:29 so that fascism becomes automatically negative, and then they can talk about you as being a fascist, right?
00:18:35 So, yeah, it's really sad.
00:18:38 I mean, it's like eugenicist, right? Eugenicist, right? Eugenicist.
00:18:43 Eugenics is bad. Okay, yeah, absolutely eugenics is bad, because it's a government program.
00:18:48 But then, I mean, people were attaching the label eugenics to me.
00:18:51 Like, oh my gosh, really? You've got to be kidding me.
00:18:55 The idea that I would be for a government program that...
00:18:59 Anyway, crazy man.
00:19:02 Just crazy.
00:19:05 Let me get back to your questions.
00:19:08 I got mildly distracted, but not enough to lose my train of thought.
00:19:14 It's a great song. It's an old Paul Simon song.
00:19:17 Everybody loves the sound of a train in the distance.
00:19:21 Everybody knows it's true.
00:19:24 We live in communism in the USA. The Fed loans to imaginary money.
00:19:27 No, it's not communism.
00:19:29 I mean, I did a show, gosh, like 15 years ago about how most of the plans of the communist party have been established in the West,
00:19:35 but no, it's closer to fascism.
00:19:42 I'm literally Irish.
00:19:45 When did the word literally become the thing?
00:19:51 Eugenics is not... choosing to mate with someone is not eugenics.
00:19:55 Eugenics is forceful breeding programs, or forceful sterilization programs through the state.
00:20:00 It's not just, well, I want a mate who's intelligent. That's eugenics.
00:20:05 No, it's not. It's just dating.
00:20:08 You've got to watch these terms. Don't give an inch on these terms, man.
00:20:15 Yeah, don't give an inch on these terms. Don't surrender anything.
00:20:22 James finally caught up to my comment. Excellent. Good to know.
00:20:26 Literally is a generational indicator. Isn't it? Yeah, like totally.
00:20:31 Choosing a partner carefully as being eugenics is real crazy.
00:20:34 Yeah, I mean, my gosh, my gosh, my gosh.
00:20:39 I...
00:20:42 Thoughts on private non-force eugenics, possibly in a future peaceful society.
00:20:47 We could use some super geniuses to get us to the stars.
00:20:51 Eugenics is force. I don't know if private non-force...
00:20:54 What about voluntary rape? It's like it's not.
00:20:56 Eugenics is a government program of forced breeding or sterilization.
00:21:00 So...
00:21:03 Just look up terms before you start jamming them all over the place.
00:21:06 What about totally voluntary violations of the non-aggression principle?
00:21:10 Ah...
00:21:13 Is forgetting the day of the week and actually a tech issue?
00:21:15 I'm not sure. I'm not sure it is.
00:21:18 It could be. If you're a robot, I suppose it would be.
00:21:25 Adoption.
00:21:28 There's a lot of adoption questions about all of this kind of stuff.
00:21:34 A lot of adoption questions. Would you be interested, a minor philosophical diatribe,
00:21:38 a bit of a rant on the question of adoptions.
00:21:43 What would you call a private breeding program that used money to incentivize participation?
00:21:47 Not force.
00:21:53 I don't know why you would ask me that. You literally say not force.
00:21:59 Yes, like when people say, "Okay, I'll be honest with you."
00:22:01 It's like, "Well, what have you been doing all this time?"
00:22:05 Adoptions mentioned in peaceful parenting? No.
00:22:07 But I've had some thought. Because, you know, there's questions about
00:22:10 whether adoption is good or bad, right or wrong, healthy or not healthy.
00:22:14 What's your thoughts on paranoia? Who asked that?
00:22:16 Sorry, what are your thoughts on paranoia? A few streams about, you said.
00:22:19 A few streams about? I guess you mean ago. You said you'd touch on it.
00:22:23 Yeah, I can touch on paranoia.
00:22:28 So, let's say, because there's questions around gay adoptions and so on.
00:22:33 So, in a free society, I think it would work something like this.
00:22:37 Tell me if this makes sense to you, right?
00:22:39 So, in a free society, it would work something like this.
00:22:42 The mother and an agency, right?
00:22:45 So, it's a mother and an agency who decide to adopt, give out a kid to adoption, right?
00:22:50 Just say to Bob and Sally, right?
00:22:52 So, the mother and the adoption agency give out a kid to Bob and Sally.
00:23:01 Now, the answer to me would be legally, and tell me if this makes sense to you,
00:23:09 legally, if the kid grows up and was abused by Bob and Sally,
00:23:15 the kid can sue the birth mother and the agency, right?
00:23:22 If the kid is abused, the kid can grow up and sue the birth mother and the agency,
00:23:29 which would give great incentive for both the birth mother and the agency
00:23:32 to make sure that the couple who adopted were as healthy as possible.
00:23:39 If, of course, the abuse went to hugely criminal levels,
00:23:45 then it would be actual jail time for this kind of stuff.
00:23:50 I think that's the way, because, you know, I mean, there are couples who can't have kids,
00:23:53 they want to adopt, there are couples, or often single women,
00:23:56 who won't have kids or have kids but can't keep them.
00:23:59 So, it would just be, you'd be liable, right? You'd be liable, of course.
00:24:03 I mean, to take a silly example, if I sell you a dog, I say the dog is perfectly peaceful,
00:24:07 it turns out the dog is extremely violent, then I'm liable for that, right?
00:24:13 I'm liable for that.
00:24:14 So, yeah, you would just have the people who offer up the kid for adoption,
00:24:18 they're getting usually money or some sort of benefit for that,
00:24:22 so they are delivering the child to caregivers.
00:24:25 And if the caregivers they deliver their child to are abusive,
00:24:31 then the child would be able to sue.
00:24:32 Now, of course, ideally as well, you would have the adoption agency check in with the child
00:24:37 on a regular basis to make sure the child was doing well.
00:24:41 Again, to take an analogy, it would be like if you drop your dog off at a kennel
00:24:47 and one of the kennel employees beats your dog to death because he's angry,
00:24:52 then you would sue the kennel, right?
00:24:53 And there may even be criminal charges involved as well,
00:24:56 because you had given your dog to a caregiver and then that caregiver had abused the dog
00:25:01 and therefore the caregiver would be liable.
00:25:03 So I think that would be the way to approach it.
00:25:08 And that way people would be very careful to make sure that they didn't end up
00:25:11 giving a kid to couples that turned out to be abusive,
00:25:14 and they would make sure that the child was being well treated over the course of the childhood.
00:25:22 So that's my general thought about how I think it would shake out in a free society.
00:25:27 I just wanted to mention that.
00:25:28 Let's get on to paranoia, soul destroyer.
00:25:31 What do you think?
00:25:33 Hit me with a 1 to 10, your level of interest in paranoia.
00:25:39 This is the question.
00:25:40 What are your thoughts on paranoia?
00:25:42 1 to 10.
00:25:44 Well, minus 10 if you really don't care, like you really dislike the idea.
00:25:47 1 to 10 or minus 10 to plus 10, your level of interest in the topic of paranoia.
00:25:52 That way I know how deep and dark to get on the topic.
00:25:56 On le topic.
00:25:58 Le topic.
00:25:59 Le topical.
00:26:01 Plus 10.
00:26:05 7.
00:26:08 Don't smoke pot or fight the government.
00:26:10 Then it's not an issue.
00:26:11 10.
00:26:12 I'm scared.
00:26:13 You should be.
00:26:14 You will be.
00:26:15 What's that great meme about when you have a toddler around, you just understand finally the scene where Luke keeps asking so many questions that Yoda just lays down and dies.
00:26:25 Okay.
00:26:26 Hit me with 1 to 10, your level of jumpiness.
00:26:32 1 to 10, your level of jumpiness.
00:26:34 Again, I just need to know how to calibrate the conversation because it's a big, big topic.
00:26:38 10.
00:26:39 Why are you asking for that?
00:26:40 Who do you work for?
00:26:41 Right.
00:26:42 You're never paranoid about government.
00:26:48 How prone to, I won't say paranoia, but how prone to jumpiness are you?
00:26:54 Okay.
00:26:55 So you've got some high strung people here.
00:26:56 You'll have to excuse me, he's very high strung.
00:26:58 Yes, yes, he should be.
00:27:00 5.
00:27:01 You're right.
00:27:02 No, I'm kidding.
00:27:03 All right.
00:27:04 Okay.
00:27:05 So we got some jumpy people.
00:27:06 That's totally fine.
00:27:08 So there are two forms of paranoia.
00:27:10 The first form of paranoia is when people are out to get you.
00:27:15 Quick question.
00:27:16 Do you think I've had any reason to be mildly jumpy over the past, I don't know, 40 years?
00:27:20 Any reason that I could be legitimately mildly jumpy over the last couple of decades or whatever,
00:27:27 certainly since 2015, 2016, right?
00:27:30 So if I say, "I think that there are forces that are out there that don't particularly like me very much."
00:27:37 I mean, I've thought about this occasionally, like if I went to a therapist or whatever and I say,
00:27:41 "I think people are out to get me," and then she's like, "Well, that seems kind of paranoid."
00:27:44 And it's like, "Here, let me show you these articles."
00:27:46 It's like, "Oh, yeah, okay, well, that makes sense."
00:27:48 So I've had some cause, I understand that, to be just a bit, bit, bit, smidge, a smidge jumpy.
00:27:56 And of course, I've not shared a lot of what's happened behind the scenes, but nonetheless,
00:28:01 there's been some cause to be a little jumpy, a little jumpy.
00:28:05 Now, so that's when you're fighting evil, it's not paranoia, it's legitimate caution, right?
00:28:12 If you're hunting a lion, some lion that's got hydrophobe or rabies or whatever,
00:28:19 you're hunting some lion that's gone rogue, yes, you should be jumpy.
00:28:24 If you're in Jurassic Park and the fences all fail and you've got to run from place to place,
00:28:29 you're not paranoid if you're concerned about what's going on around you, right?
00:28:36 You have to understand this, especially after your visits to Australia.
00:28:40 Yes, yes, yes, yes.
00:28:43 So that's not paranoia, and in fact, that is part of the combat against you.
00:28:51 Can they make you jumpy enough that it hurts your health and it's a sort of slow assassination or whatever, right?
00:28:56 You're too stressed all the time and your cortisol burns out and your adrenaline causes problems and so on, right?
00:29:01 Yeah, so if you are, you know, if you're going to testify against the mafia,
00:29:09 you have every reason to be jumpy, right? Car backs, fires, you dive to the ground, right?
00:29:15 So that's not paranoia. That's, I mean, that's legitimate caution, right?
00:29:20 Now, why do you think, hello, Nina, welcome, welcome, welcome.
00:29:27 Yeah, the people who were vocally against the Patriot Act were proven to not be paranoid two decades later.
00:29:31 Yeah, for sure, for sure.
00:29:33 So the paranoia is it helps you stop the slippery slope when it's early enough that it's not doom, right?
00:29:41 So if you've ever gone skiing, if you go down a hill that's too tough for you,
00:29:46 you just fall to the bottom, right? You just fall to the bottom.
00:29:51 Whereas if you're really nervous about going down the wrong hill, you'll stop right at the top
00:29:55 and you can actually crawl back up, if that makes sense.
00:30:01 So a paranoia when you're at the top of a slippery slope is good common sense
00:30:05 and the people who said, yes, it's a slippery slope, I mean, the good news,
00:30:10 the bad news about our society is we're really on a down inside of the slippery slope.
00:30:14 The good news is in the future, nobody will ever say, well, the slippery slope ain't real.
00:30:19 It's like, no, no, no. Remember that time? Yeah, that's totally proven that the slippery slope is absolutely real
00:30:24 and a very valid thing.
00:30:28 So I don't want to spend too much time on that because I think paranoia as, you know,
00:30:34 if you're in war, like you're in a war and you're like, man, I think someone's trying to shoot me.
00:30:40 Like if you're just sitting at home in the suburbs and you haven't offended anyone,
00:30:43 you think, I think someone's trying to shoot me. It's like, that's kind of paranoid.
00:30:46 If you're out there and somebody just shot your friend, you're like, whoa, whoa,
00:30:49 is someone trying to shoot us? Like it's a war. That's not, that's not paranoid, right?
00:30:55 All right, I'm just going to pause here to make sure that we are,
00:31:03 if I'm focused and someone sneaks up on me, I'm one of those who yell and have a heart attack people.
00:31:07 Yeah, yeah. The people who I'll see home. I would be driving in my early twenties in New Jersey
00:31:16 and cars would be making the same turns as me. I'd be watching them as if they were following me.
00:31:20 I've had that. I've been going to therapy to establish, reestablish my anxiety
00:31:25 because it's been deadened for a long time.
00:31:29 Wait, are you serious? I also used to feel I was being watched by someone I couldn't see.
00:31:35 Right. So there is, now there's also two kinds of, two kinds of paranoia as well.
00:31:47 So there's paranoia like of like legit, it's not coming from some big obvious external source, right?
00:31:53 Like if I'm out on the beach all day, I'm not paranoid about getting a sunburn.
00:31:58 I will get a sunburn, right? And that look like two eyes, two blue eyes peering through a tomato.
00:32:05 So there's two kinds of paranoia in terms it's not legitimate from outside stuff.
00:32:10 I'm just going to use the term paranoia from here on inwards.
00:32:16 I'm just going to go from here on inwards, all paranoia is not justified by an external cause.
00:32:22 So there is aggressive paranoia and defensive paranoia.
00:32:28 Aggressive paranoia is when you punch first because you're jumpy, right?
00:32:32 So I don't know if you've ever seen these scare cam videos where someone's standing behind a door
00:32:36 and someone like boos someone and they go like they punch them in the face, right?
00:32:41 A woman says, "As a woman constantly looking over my shoulder while walking alone in my small town,
00:32:45 especially as the sun sets early in the winter."
00:32:48 Yeah, I mean women, I remember talking to a woman, it's like, "Yeah, it's two in the morning,
00:32:53 are you scared of walking home?" "Nope, I wouldn't do it, I wouldn't do it."
00:32:58 So there's aggressive paranoia where people scream at you.
00:33:02 And this is, germophobes can be kind of paranoid about germs,
00:33:06 and so they scream at everyone else to wash their hands and be clean.
00:33:09 So that paranoia is a form of legitimizing bullying, if that makes sense.
00:33:14 So these are the control freaks, they're paranoid about, I don't know, airborne coronaviruses.
00:33:20 "You gotta wear a mask!" They bully, right? So that paranoia is aggressive.
00:33:26 And then defensive paranoia is when you kind of hole up, you become agoraphobic,
00:33:30 you don't want to go out there, so the aggression turns inward against yourself.
00:33:38 So the question is, what is the origin story of paranoia?
00:33:46 So defensive paranoia generally is that you faced a legitimate threat in the past.
00:33:53 You don't face that threat anymore, but you need the threat to hold your personality together.
00:34:01 Again, it's just my opinion, I don't have any science on this,
00:34:05 this is all just amateur outside opinion, but defensive is when you face legitimate dangers in the past.
00:34:11 So one of the classic dangers is that you have a single mom,
00:34:15 she keeps bringing home these creepy guys, and you could be at risk for molestation.
00:34:19 As you know, abuse is like 32 times higher when you have a non-related adult living with the kids.
00:34:25 The underground man, you mean Dostoevsky's Notes from the Underground?
00:34:31 So defensive is when you face legitimate threat in the past,
00:34:37 that threat is no longer in your life, but your personality has become so enmeshed in that threat
00:34:44 that without that threat you don't know who you are.
00:34:46 So threat is a survival mechanism, threat is a way that you hold your personality together.
00:34:54 Yeah, you never knew what would set your dad off, yeah.
00:34:57 So you're paranoid because you don't know when that verbal or physical violence might erupt.
00:35:03 So defensive paranoia is when you have a need to remain in constant fear,
00:35:09 because if you don't live in constant fear, you'll get angry,
00:35:14 and getting angry feels like suicide, right?
00:35:17 So if you grow up with a really violent and aggressive parent,
00:35:19 if you are not afraid, you get angry, and if you get angry, they might kill you, right?
00:35:24 So it's a way of staying alive by staying frightened,
00:35:31 and you just need to invent things as you go forward.
00:35:35 Hit me with a "why" if this makes sense to you,
00:35:38 and then I'll tell you about what to me is much even more interesting.
00:35:45 Sounds like defensive paranoia is set up by random threats.
00:35:48 I don't know that, no, personal threats are not random,
00:35:53 because they're people and people act for a reason.
00:35:55 So personal threats are not random.
00:35:57 That all make sense? Okay.
00:35:59 Hit me with a "D" if you have some issues with defensive paranoia,
00:36:06 which is where you don't take it out on anyone else,
00:36:09 but you're constantly jumpy, you're self-critical, you abase yourself,
00:36:12 you kind of bow down, and so on.
00:36:14 Hit me with a "D" if you have some issues.
00:36:18 That makes sense, or an acquaintance loses mind
00:36:20 after putting distance between him and his parents.
00:36:22 Yeah. Yeah.
00:36:24 And of course, the parents want you to stay frightened so you don't get angry,
00:36:27 so that you don't prevent, you don't stop giving them resources,
00:36:30 if that makes sense.
00:36:32 Right.
00:36:40 So when you've been wronged,
00:36:43 you have a risk, in my view, of this defensive paranoia.
00:36:46 Now, on the flip side, aggressive paranoia
00:36:49 is when you've been really vicious and ugly
00:36:52 towards lots of people in your life,
00:36:55 and you constantly need to manage the blowback,
00:36:57 so you're paranoid that you're going to get blowback
00:37:02 for all the evil you've done.
00:37:04 And that, so you're paranoid now.
00:37:07 It might happen, it might not.
00:37:09 So, if you've never smoked, you probably don't worry about lung cancer.
00:37:13 But if you've been a heavy smoker for 20 or 30 years,
00:37:16 you're worried about lung cancer.
00:37:18 Right, so is it paranoid to be worried about lung cancer
00:37:21 if you've been a heavy smoker for 20 or 30 years?
00:37:24 No, it's not paranoid.
00:37:25 It hasn't actually happened, but the odds are high that it will,
00:37:27 so you're jumpy, right?
00:37:28 Every time you cough, or you can't take a deep breath,
00:37:31 or whatever it is, right?
00:37:33 So, aggressive paranoia is when you have
00:37:38 really screwed with people and done a lot of harm to people,
00:37:41 and you're afraid that the organization and the blowback
00:37:44 and the counterattack is going to happen.
00:37:48 And so what happens is you get very aggressive,
00:37:51 you get very punchy, you get very hostile,
00:37:53 and you're constantly trying to throw other people off their game
00:37:55 by being constantly jumpy.
00:38:00 So, if you had an abusive mother,
00:38:04 and you criticize her, the aggressive paranoia is,
00:38:07 "Oh, I guess I just never did anything right!"
00:38:09 You know, that kind of stuff.
00:38:10 "I guess I'm just the worst mother ever! Is that what you're saying?"
00:38:12 That's aggressive paranoia.
00:38:14 That's an attempt, and it's an attempt to provoke a fear response in people
00:38:18 so that they don't get angry at you
00:38:20 and interfere with your continued exploitation of them.
00:38:24 Does that make sense to you?
00:38:30 Oh, that was my parents' phase two after physical beating.
00:38:34 Eventually, they collapsed into defensive paranoia
00:38:36 and no one would lash out at them.
00:38:37 Both are agoraphobic.
00:38:39 If you put enough evil out into the world,
00:38:42 you inevitably expect blowback,
00:38:44 and that's why you get paranoid.
00:38:50 To give an analogy, which you probably don't need,
00:38:54 but I'll do it just for funsies,
00:38:56 if you have beaten up a bunch of mafia guys,
00:39:01 you're going to be pretty jumpy about the blowback, right?
00:39:03 If you're a mafia guy and you beat up a bunch of other people,
00:39:06 you might be worried about the blowback.
00:39:10 "That rings true."
00:39:11 I'm sorry that it rings true, but I'm glad it does.
00:39:13 "Yes, and I have been there when I was being a bad moderator."
00:39:17 Yeah, I mean, if you have unjust--
00:39:19 and we've all done it, right?
00:39:20 We've all been unjust at times in our life,
00:39:22 but if you leave--
00:39:24 So, what happens?
00:39:25 The aggressive paranoids, when they do harm, they do wrong,
00:39:31 they don't want to apologize, they don't want to make amends,
00:39:34 they don't want to make restitution,
00:39:37 and so they don't calm the beasts that they have provoked,
00:39:42 and so they live in this jumpy world.
00:39:46 "I found people who were always hustling others,
00:39:48 were always worried about getting ripped off."
00:39:49 Yeah, you put enough bad vibes or karma
00:39:52 or whatever you want to call it out into the world,
00:39:54 you get terrified of the blowback,
00:39:56 and so you're constantly jumpy.
00:39:58 So, aggressive paranoia, to me, is always a confession of evildoing.
00:40:02 So, if somebody's really aggressive and paranoid,
00:40:05 then I simply assume that they've done a lot of evil
00:40:08 and they have no intention of making amends,
00:40:10 and so they aggress against others
00:40:12 in order to continue to provoke the fear response
00:40:15 that prevents them from getting blowback against their evil.
00:40:21 Let me know if this makes more or less sense to you.
00:40:24 [silence]
00:40:29 Of course, I thought of this because my mother did great evils in the world,
00:40:33 not just to me, but she did great evils in the world,
00:40:36 and she was highly, highly terrified of everything.
00:40:39 She slept with a big serrated knife under her pillow,
00:40:42 and there was graffiti a couple of buildings over.
00:40:45 She thought it was a message to her.
00:40:46 There was a car that backfired.
00:40:47 She thought somebody was shooting at her, like just...
00:40:52 "What's the type of person when a stranger knocks on the door
00:40:54 and leaves bags on the porch that one freaks out, calls the cops,
00:40:57 and the bags were for the neighbor next door?"
00:40:59 But now the kids always ask if the stranger is coming back.
00:41:02 "What's the type of paranoia when a stranger knocks on the door,
00:41:05 leaves bags on the porch, freaks out, and calls the cops?"
00:41:08 That would be aggressive paranoia.
00:41:11 That would be aggressive paranoia,
00:41:13 because the aggression is she fears that there's an attack on the house.
00:41:20 So that's aggressive paranoia.
00:41:24 What about being afraid of dogs, even friendly ones,
00:41:26 because they got bit as a kid?
00:41:29 Well, that's not paranoia.
00:41:30 I mean, that's caution, right?
00:41:33 That's caution.
00:41:34 So remember, we didn't evolve with both friendly and hostile animals, right?
00:41:43 If there was a wolf, it was always assumed to be hostile.
00:41:46 It was never going to be your friend.
00:41:48 If there was a lamb, it was never going to be hostile
00:41:52 and never pose you any threat, a sheep or whatever, right?
00:41:55 So we didn't evolve to say, "Well, this thing bit me when I was younger,
00:42:01 but it's super helpful now that I'm older," right?
00:42:05 "My brother abused his children and became paranoid the government was after him."
00:42:08 Yes, that's right.
00:42:09 So people externalize and do all of these.
00:42:11 The blowback then messes with their head and they become jumpy, right?
00:42:16 It's important to avoid doing things that you don't agree with.
00:42:18 Betraying oneself is the worst kind of regret.
00:42:22 Betraying oneself is the worst kind of regret?
00:42:25 How solipsistic of you.
00:42:27 It's a little narcissistic, brother.
00:42:29 Betraying oneself is the worst kind of regret?
00:42:32 No.
00:42:34 Hurting the helpless is the worst kind of regret.
00:42:37 Betraying oneself.
00:42:39 You know, if you beat up a kid, that's really bad,
00:42:44 but it's betraying oneself that's the worst.
00:42:46 It's like, "No, no, no. Come on, man."
00:42:48 You know, that's very much I-me-me-I stuff.
00:42:54 All right, let's see here.
00:42:59 "The dog one, I was thinking about an aunt who made my cousins afraid of dogs,
00:43:02 even as kids, yeah?
00:43:03 I'm afraid of dogs by default?"
00:43:05 Oh, yeah.
00:43:07 Oh, yeah.
00:43:08 Oh, yeah, like I mean, I was walking down a country road a couple of years ago
00:43:11 with my daughter, and we heard these dogs barking,
00:43:16 and they came bursting through the trees, and I'm like,
00:43:18 "I don't know if you're--I don't know if this is just me.
00:43:21 Maybe this is me being paranoid, but do you ever have this thing--
00:43:24 I saw this meme the other day where there was this guy cornered by a bear
00:43:27 in a convenience store, and it's like 95% of men's daydreaming
00:43:30 is preparing for exactly this scenario."
00:43:33 I mean, I don't know.
00:43:35 I'm not constantly doing it, but, you know, if I'm out in the middle of nowhere,
00:43:38 I'm like, "Okay, well, if a bear came, I can go up this tree,
00:43:40 or I can grab this stick and defend my--
00:43:42 I think it's just kind of a terminate-and-stay-resident program
00:43:45 that happens because if a hunter-gatherer passed.
00:43:49 But, yeah, when those dogs came pouring out of the trees, I was like,
00:43:52 "Okay, where do I throw Izzy up in a tree so I can make a last stand?"
00:43:56 Like, you know, just, right, straight up.
00:43:59 "Country dogs are more scary, no leash, and many are hunting dogs or cattle dogs."
00:44:03 Right, and you don't know if they're wild dogs, right?
00:44:09 "My abusive partner is so paranoid he thinks astrology is out to get him."
00:44:12 Oh, those evil stars.
00:44:15 Well, yeah, so that's the price you pay for being abusive,
00:44:19 is you get no peace of mind.
00:44:22 And the reason that you get no peace of mind
00:44:24 is because you're lying to yourself about your virtue, right?
00:44:28 "I used to bicycle a lot. Every dog running at you is trying to rip your face off."
00:44:32 Well, you have to assume that, right? You have to assume that.
00:44:35 You have to assume that.
00:44:37 "I live near secluded beaches. Dogs are off leash.
00:44:39 Sign should read, 'Killing machines around you must not defend yourself.'"
00:44:43 Right.
00:44:44 "Well, I gave a speech once in Belize.
00:44:48 I was sort of flown out there to give a speech,
00:44:52 and there were dogs on the beach, like big dogs on the beach.
00:45:00 Really, some of the worst beaches I've ever seen in my life.
00:45:02 I was especially afraid of pit bulls as a kid before knowing any statistics."
00:45:07 Well, I mean, I've mentioned this story before,
00:45:09 but when I was a little kid, like five or so,
00:45:11 I was walking in some woods.
00:45:13 My mom was visiting a friend of hers,
00:45:15 and they had a big house, pool, and everything, very rich family.
00:45:19 And I was walking in the woods back there, and there was this big Great Dane,
00:45:22 like literally the size of a horse to me,
00:45:24 and pinned me up against a tree and was growling every time I moved.
00:45:27 I thought that was it.
00:45:28 Like I literally looking up at these drooling jaws,
00:45:30 and I thought like, "I'm dead," right?
00:45:41 I'm just waiting for the--
00:45:42 Yeah, so it's not paranoid when there's genuine dangers.
00:45:48 So how you know it's paranoia is there's nothing you can do to make it better.
00:45:53 Right, so if you're scared of dogs, okay,
00:45:55 but once you get home and you lock the door, right?
00:46:01 Now we all know why you can't talk about pit bulls, right?
00:46:04 I recently went to Georgia in Eastern Europe.
00:46:06 There's millions of stray dogs there.
00:46:07 They were all very friendly,
00:46:08 but most reviews for doctors were about excellent care after a dog bite.
00:46:13 Yeah, yeah, for sure.
00:46:14 I remember coming out of the mountains with my father
00:46:16 when we went hiking for a couple of days in Africa,
00:46:19 and we were set upon by wild dogs.
00:46:21 I have sort of vivid memory of him just kicking the dogs
00:46:24 to get them to go back, and yeah, it was really something.
00:46:29 There was a baby pic of me with some massive dog standing over me.
00:46:31 My father named it Cain.
00:46:33 No more tense there.
00:46:34 Boy, that's a little alarming.
00:46:38 Yeah, a friend of mine got attacked by a dog when he was a kid
00:46:41 and ripped open half of his leg,
00:46:43 and his father ended up suing the dog owner and all kind of stuff.
00:46:46 Why can't we talk about pit bulls?
00:46:48 Oh, Joe.
00:46:54 First time as an adult I was afraid of dogs was a pack of dogs
00:46:56 following me on a Saturday afternoon in Newark, New Jersey.
00:46:59 I had to sneak into a hotel.
00:47:01 I grew up in nice suburbs, never had an issue with dogs.
00:47:04 Usually they were just slobbery retrievers.
00:47:06 Oh, I absolutely loved dogs.
00:47:08 I absolutely loved the dog.
00:47:14 Hey, Seth, would you do a review of the movie Leave the World Behind?
00:47:18 Is that the Obama thing?
00:47:20 Is that Obama's one of the producers there?
00:47:22 The trailer starts with a black family showing up at a white person's house
00:47:25 and saying they live there now and trying to get rid of them,
00:47:28 and it turns into a cyber attack.
00:47:30 It's Julia Roberts.
00:47:31 You know, I really do try and limit my propaganda intake.
00:47:36 I tend to watch older shows before this kind of stuff came along,
00:47:39 so I assume it's all just programming people for various conflicts
00:47:43 and all of that.
00:47:45 Why does it seem that so many dog owners are antisocial?
00:47:48 Seems to be completely unaware of how others feel around their dogs,
00:47:51 think everyone loves them.
00:47:55 Oh, well.
00:47:58 Frankly, dog owners can be real assholes.
00:48:02 Yeah, dog owners can be real assholes.
00:48:04 "Oh, he's totally friendly," says--I don't know that.
00:48:07 Like, they get annoyed at you, right?
00:48:09 When you're in a park and it says, "Keep your dogs on a leash,"
00:48:12 and some dog comes running up to you, the tail's not wagging,
00:48:15 you get jumpy. It's scary.
00:48:18 "Oh, he's totally friendly." It's like, "I don't know that.
00:48:20 He's just some strange dog, you jerk.
00:48:23 Get the damn thing on a leash."
00:48:26 Or I don't know if you've ever had neighbors with dogs.
00:48:29 [barking]
00:48:30 Every time you go, "Rawr, rawr, rawr," they go outside, right?
00:48:34 Like, I don't know.
00:48:35 I mean, I like dogs as a whole.
00:48:36 I have great memories of dogs when I was growing up.
00:48:39 My aunts had dogs in places I went to visit.
00:48:42 I lived with a priest in Africa for a little while,
00:48:47 a friend of my father's, and he had beautiful dogs, great dogs.
00:48:51 I remember I would try and brush my hair,
00:48:53 and they were so used to getting their hair brushed and loved it so much,
00:48:55 they'd literally jump up and knock you over,
00:48:57 and it was actually really funny.
00:48:58 I really enjoyed that.
00:49:00 "Daisy just wants to make friends."
00:49:02 [laughs]
00:49:06 Yeah, and clean up after it.
00:49:07 I do see most dog owners do that, but I'm sure there's some who don't.
00:49:12 Yeah, it is a form of--
00:49:17 It's like the Adam Kokesh with his giant--
00:49:19 What were they, Dobermans or something like that?
00:49:21 It's just kind of like a thing that's kind of predictable,
00:49:23 like, "My dogs are my personality.
00:49:24 I'm a tough guy.
00:49:25 My dogs have to be tough guys."
00:49:28 So a lot of times it's this sort of nonsense personality extension thing
00:49:32 that's going on.
00:49:35 Yeah, dogs are clear amplifications of their owner's personalities, right?
00:49:39 Poorly trained dog.
00:49:40 The owner isn't aware.
00:49:41 They've allowed the dog to believe they're the alpha of the pack,
00:49:43 and the owner isn't aware of that for various reasons.
00:49:46 Yeah, I did a call-in show many years ago with a guy whose dog attacked him
00:49:50 after his parents had yelled at him, right?
00:49:53 The man was over at his parents' place with his dog.
00:49:55 His parents yelled at him.
00:49:56 He submitted, and then on the way home, the dog attacked him.
00:49:58 And it's like, "Well, yeah, because you just signaled you were low status to the dog,
00:50:01 so now the dog's going to test your status.
00:50:03 It's going to attack you."
00:50:05 But, of course, the only way you can be the alpha is to really assert dominance
00:50:08 over the dog, which, you know, I don't know it's that much fun for the dog,
00:50:11 but I don't know.
00:50:13 I'm torn.
00:50:14 I mean, I really, really like pets.
00:50:16 "What do you think of Darren Aronofsky movies, specifically The Fountain?"
00:50:20 Oh, that name is familiar to me.
00:50:22 I'm sure I've seen one of his.
00:50:23 Let me see.
00:50:24 Darren Aronofsky.
00:50:26 Let's find out.
00:50:29 Aronofsky.
00:50:32 I'm an American filmmaker.
00:50:33 All right, what have you got here?
00:50:34 What has he got?
00:50:35 What has he got?
00:50:38 Hi, Requiem for a Dream, The Fountain.
00:50:41 Mother, do you think they'll drop the bomb?
00:50:45 Postcards from Earth.
00:50:47 Wow, the guy's made some movies.
00:50:51 Uh, Requiem for a Dream, did I see that?
00:50:56 Uh, I might have.
00:50:58 Remember it.
00:50:59 I don't remember it if I did.
00:51:01 Oh, is that a documentary?
00:51:04 Pi.
00:51:05 I think of Life of Pi, but that's not it, right?
00:51:11 Yeah, I--what is The Fountain?
00:51:13 2006.
00:51:16 A modern-day scientist come down to meet you.
00:51:21 Tell you I'm sorry you don't know how lovely you are.
00:51:27 Yeah, I haven't seen it.
00:51:28 I haven't seen it.
00:51:29 It doesn't look like my kind of filmmaker.
00:51:31 I don't like this particularly dark and dismal kind of films.
00:51:36 I complained about the Nagus dog shit, and he treated--he knocked me out.
00:51:41 I'm so over dogs because of owners.
00:51:42 Yeah, I mean, you can't blame the dogs, of course, as you know, right?
00:51:46 Worked for a pet store for six years, and the number one killer of pets are their owners.
00:51:53 Why do aggressive dogs always have the cutest names?
00:51:55 Well, that's just, you know, the big guy in the biker gang is called Tiny, and--
00:52:00 What was it I saw?
00:52:01 Somebody was saying, like, a nickname that a friend of his was named Anthony.
00:52:05 It was only five foot tall, so people used to refer to him as Shetland Tony.
00:52:09 I thought that was pretty funny.
00:52:12 I moved to the country, and I keep expecting I'm going to run one over as they chase my car.
00:52:16 A part of me wants to get a dog who can live outside and guard my property, too.
00:52:19 It's a different world here.
00:52:20 So many houses have two dogs chilling on the front porch.
00:52:22 No fences.
00:52:23 Yeah, for sure.
00:52:32 All right.
00:52:34 Aaron--Aaron--Aaron--Aaronski, sorry.
00:52:37 Aaronski deals mostly with obsession and addiction.
00:52:40 Not part of my life and all of that, so.
00:52:48 I'm becoming mildly impatient with addicts.
00:52:53 I mean, it's one thing if they want to be addicted at home.
00:52:56 It's another thing if they're creating tent cities and crap on the sidewalk.
00:52:59 That's just a different thing entirely.
00:53:07 So, I did a call-in show today with a guy.
00:53:12 I don't too often get mad at callers, do I?
00:53:15 I don't. Maybe it's been happening a little bit more lately, but maybe I'm just getting more impatient.
00:53:19 I'm sort of aware. I'm trying to do as much philosophy before I die.
00:53:22 Not that I'm dying or anything, but, you know, 57.
00:53:24 I'm way closer to the end than the beginning.
00:53:26 So, I just want to get as much philosophy out before I die.
00:53:29 And this guy was talking about having an ex-girlfriend.
00:53:34 And he was like, "Yeah, she was kind of out there, man."
00:53:40 I said he had a fetish for crazy women, right?
00:53:42 Seemed to be the case.
00:53:44 So, yeah, I did have this girlfriend.
00:53:46 She had quite a few personalities.
00:53:54 Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh.
00:54:02 "But, you know," he said, "she didn't really show any signs of crazy for the first six months."
00:54:06 And then a couple of minutes later, he was talking about how when his kid was five
00:54:09 and she'd been dating this girl for a couple of months,
00:54:11 she traumatized his kid by screaming at him all night because he wouldn't eat the food she prepared.
00:54:15 So, I was like, "I can't have this conversation if you're just going to lie to me about that
00:54:20 and not even notice it, right?"
00:54:22 "She didn't show any signs for six months."
00:54:24 "Well, a couple of months in, she screamed at my kid all night."
00:54:26 "But other than that, I don't know. What can I say?"
00:54:29 "Well, crazy women do keep it exciting."
00:54:31 "No, I don't think it's that."
00:54:35 "Crazy women give you a lot of sex, and then you get no sex."
00:54:40 "Will the West recover from the TikTok generation being stunted socially?"
00:54:43 I don't think it's social stunting, although that certainly does happen.
00:54:47 What's happening is all creativity and imagination is being outsourced, right?
00:54:54 I couldn't afford to go see many movies, and there was nothing good on my 12-inch
00:54:57 roly-poly black-and-white squiggle TV.
00:55:00 So, I wrote stories, wrote novels, wrote plays for my friends.
00:55:03 We recorded them. We did Dungeons & Dragons.
00:55:06 We would go to the woods, make fires, and tell stories.
00:55:09 I don't go to the library and read books or whatever.
00:55:12 I internalize a lot of imagination, and to me, rational imagination is what makes us most human.
00:55:18 So, for me, the big problem with the modern generation--
00:55:23 So, you can see happiness over--
00:55:30 It's been a little over a decade since children really started getting miserable.
00:55:34 It started around 2012.
00:55:38 Let's see if I can dig up this chart because I did store this for you all.
00:55:43 Lovely people. Lovely people.
00:55:48 Yes. Oh, my gosh. Can it be this handy? No, it can't possibly be this handy.
00:55:52 There's just no way it can be this handy. Okay.
00:55:59 Kids, happiness. All right.
00:56:07 Why do I want to watch a movie about addiction?
00:56:09 I'm happy to hear the case, but why would I want to watch that?
00:56:12 I don't know any addicts. I don't deal with any addicts.
00:56:14 I know that it's bad.
00:56:16 Okay, so look at this. Where are we at? 56.
00:56:18 I'll just make a note of that, throw it in the video as if I'll remember that.
00:56:22 Why not? Why not? Okay, 56, 40.
00:56:25 So, this is a chart. You can click on it to zoom it in.
00:56:28 12th grade is satisfaction with the way you get along with your parents
00:56:32 and with your life as a whole these days, 1976 to 2022.
00:56:38 It's not increased parental abuse that's behind the increase in teen depression.
00:56:42 Now, this is zoomed in, right? So, they always zoom in to make it dramatic, right?
00:56:46 So, it's gone from 5.1 to 4.8.
00:56:49 It's not catastrophic, right? It's not catastrophic.
00:56:53 It's down, what is that, 3%? Yeah, about 3 to 5% or whatever, right?
00:56:58 It's not bad, it's not catastrophic, but satisfied with life as a whole,
00:57:02 kind of been going down. Now, this is long before the pandemic,
00:57:05 long before this, then the other, right?
00:57:07 So, why, why, why? Now, you can say social media, but what does that really explain?
00:57:12 Right, tablet, cell phone, social media, what does it really explain?
00:57:14 It doesn't explain much.
00:57:16 So, they're getting along better with their parents, but their increased anxiety.
00:57:21 Now, of course, was it 2012 or something like that, that Barack Obama changed the law
00:57:25 that allowed propaganda to be directed at American citizens?
00:57:29 So, that's one thing, but the other thing, you know, if you're older, like me,
00:57:35 you probably remember a time when you had no particular clue
00:57:39 how fucked up the world was.
00:57:41 You knew things were messed up, but you really didn't know how fucked up things were
00:57:45 when you were little, right?
00:57:49 And that time when you didn't know just how bad things were,
00:57:58 like, you know that meme, "If only you knew how bad things were."
00:58:01 So, when you were a kid and you're a teenager, you're like,
00:58:04 "Yeah, you know, there's some problems. Yeah, there's some crime and so on.
00:58:07 And yeah, you know, I wasn't a big fan of the welfare state,
00:58:09 and old age pensions seem kind of predatory on the next generation and so on,
00:58:12 but, you know, we can fix this, right? We can fix this."
00:58:17 And then it's like, "Wait, what? What?
00:58:24 There have been honeypots with underage girls controlling powerful people for decades?
00:58:28 What?" You know, just this kind of stuff, right?
00:58:31 You find out about Jimmy Seville and, I don't know, man, the rape crisis in the UK,
00:58:36 and you're just like, "Wait, what? Isn't there this general process
00:58:40 of, like, peeling the onions until your eyes bleed?"
00:58:44 "I thought the real world was supposed to be fair."
00:58:47 Yeah, you thought unfairness was kind of like a deviation or whatever, right?
00:58:52 Or, they've done, of course, they've done countless studies,
00:58:56 and I had "Myth of the Rational Voter," Brian Kaplan was on my show years ago,
00:59:00 and they've done all these studies that, what politicians promise,
00:59:05 and what people vote for, and what the politicians actually do,
00:59:10 and there's no correlation at all. There's no correlation at all.
00:59:16 So I think because of the Internet, I think kids are, like,
00:59:22 finding out about things that I'm probably glad I didn't know about as a kid,
00:59:28 about how fucked up the world is.
00:59:34 So, I mean, that, you know, the global warming stuff and all of that kind of stuff,
00:59:38 and children are a little bit more drawn to drama, and I get there's nothing wrong with that,
00:59:42 but I think that one thing that's happening with the rise of the Internet and with social media is,
00:59:47 you know, memes are incredibly powerful in terms of communication,
00:59:51 and really short-term, they're like the poetry of argument, right?
00:59:59 And I think that kids are getting blackpilled too young, right?
01:00:04 Way too much sexual imagery for kids, and I mean, not that any amount is okay, right?
01:00:11 So they get way, they get any and way too much sexual content,
01:00:16 and they are getting pretty blackpilled about the way that the world is, right?
01:00:23 So, and both these things combined for our selected epigenetics, I assume.
01:00:29 Not that I know, but I assume.
01:00:34 So, I think kids are pretty bleak and pretty blackpilled these days.
01:00:40 I think. I mean, tell me what you think.
01:00:48 And I wonder what's going on with Sticks, Hex, and Hammer these days.
01:00:51 What is going on? What is going on with that, man?
01:00:55 He's really upset about something. Something to do with his ex.
01:00:59 I'm sorry. It's not like I like gossip. It's just it's important things for me to know.
01:01:07 Right. Got a couple of other things that I think are interesting.
01:01:13 But I'm here for you. I'm here for you all.
01:01:16 And if you, just to remind you, tips are very, very, very, very helpful.
01:01:22 And after exactly what I need to hear, the "save my boy, girls" was an aggressive paranoia.
01:01:28 Oh, yeah.
01:01:31 My desire for you to watch the film is honestly primarily an ego-driven desire for validation.
01:01:35 I like the film, so I want you to like the film.
01:01:37 That aside, I think it contains topic worthy of discussion with the community as a whole.
01:01:41 Yes, the main topic is indeed addiction, but it manages to go beyond just that.
01:01:45 And as the title suggests, it is about the loss of our dreams in the face of our addiction.
01:01:49 But, Hermes, I will be absolutely happy to watch the movie.
01:01:52 But, but, but, what I want to know is, is addiction at all tied into child abuse?
01:02:02 If not, it just is a distraction from the real issue in my, but that's not even in my view.
01:02:06 That's just basic fact.
01:02:09 Years ago in another life, I gave a big long talk in Toronto about all of that.
01:02:13 And I said, "How do you keep from being black-pilled?"
01:02:19 Well, you limit your intake, right?
01:02:21 You have to limit your intake, and you have to have enough joy and love in your life that it acts as a bulwark against the tsunami of obsidian, acidic darkness that comes in from,
01:02:29 "Yes, addiction is tied to child abuse."
01:02:31 Yes, but it's that in the movie.
01:02:33 It's that in the movie.
01:02:36 Because a lot of times it's like, "Well, he comes from a good family.
01:02:39 Fell in with the wrong crowd and got addicted and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, right?"
01:02:43 The protagonist's mom is totally crazy, but they're all crazy.
01:02:48 Why would I want to expose myself to a crazy mom?
01:02:50 I don't understand.
01:02:51 You're like, you're like somebody who barely survived D-Day saying, "Hey, let's go see Saving Private Ryan."
01:02:56 It's like, "No, I've been there. I've done that. Why the hell would I want to do that again?"
01:02:59 I don't know, man.
01:03:00 Kind of strange.
01:03:02 Have some sensitivity, man.
01:03:04 Not the end of the world, right?
01:03:06 I want you to get re-traumatized with exposure to a crazy female mother.
01:03:10 Tips. Don't forget. Tips.
01:03:18 Freedomain.com/donate if you're listening to this. Later.
01:03:23 All right. Hit me with a why if you'd like me to poke at some single mothers.
01:03:27 Right here, on screen. Single mother pokery.
01:03:30 Definitely not a good movie.
01:03:37 You know, many years ago, I went to the Toronto Film Festival with a woman I knew.
01:03:42 She was a friend of mine, and she had passes for the job she was in.
01:03:47 We went to see a bunch of, like, two or three films in a day.
01:03:49 Because I'd never been to a film festival before, and it was actually kind of cool.
01:03:52 That's where I saw Sin Compasione, which is the best adaptation of Fathers and Sons that I've ever seen.
01:03:57 Although I've never seen it again, certainly with English subtitles.
01:04:00 But she came with a friend of hers, and we watched a movie about the indigenous population of...
01:04:12 Was it Australia or New Zealand?
01:04:16 And the movie was called... I'm going to actually find this out.
01:04:19 The movie was called Once Were Warriors.
01:04:23 Once Were Warriors.
01:04:25 Twere a movie.
01:04:27 Maori, that's New Zealand.
01:04:29 Oh, shut up, Wikipedia, you don't need money.
01:04:32 1994 New Zealand tragic film drama.
01:04:36 So Once Were Warriors.
01:04:39 And there is...
01:04:46 Is that the first? Yeah.
01:04:49 It was just brutal.
01:04:51 It was just brutal.
01:04:53 And there is child rape in the movie.
01:04:58 And it turns out that my friend's friend had been raped as a child,
01:05:03 and it was totally triggering for her, and it was just really, really terrible.
01:05:10 Actually, if you come to think of it now, I wonder if this is why I criticized the indigenous population in New Zealand,
01:05:17 well, in particular in Australia, or was it just to see the mainstream media defend cannibalism and child murder?
01:05:25 I don't know. One of the two things.
01:05:34 All right.
01:05:36 Yeah, so a lot of times, and I think about this with Beautiful Boy or whatever it was called,
01:05:40 a lot of times it's like, you know, the addiction movies are like, oh, man, this is like a firestorm through the family,
01:05:47 and this addict is just causing chaos to his parents who are crying, and they're trying their best to help him,
01:05:53 but he's an emotional terrorist.
01:05:55 So it portrays the parents as victims when almost always with addiction, in my view, the parents, it's not just my view,
01:06:00 I have the data behind it, the parents are the perpetrators, and the child is trying to self-medicate from violent abuse.
01:06:05 And so one of the reasons I try and stay away from drug addiction movies is because it portrays the abusers as victims.
01:06:11 And I think that's morally vile and reprehensible.
01:06:14 Maybe this isn't one of those movies, but I couldn't finish Once We Were Warriors.
01:06:19 It was too terrible and not in a funny way.
01:06:21 No, it was just awful.
01:06:22 It was just appalling.
01:06:26 And of course, when I worked up north, I spent some time in the Indian reservations
01:06:32 and even went to a party at an Indian house, and I remember I came out of a bar early in the morning,
01:06:40 and there were a bunch of kids with no pants running around the main street.
01:06:43 It was dark.
01:06:44 Like, five-year-olds, three-year-olds, six-year-olds, one, two in the morning, just running around no pants in the cold.
01:06:51 Oh, God.
01:06:53 Remember the movie Kids?
01:06:54 No, doesn't it start with an extended sex scene with teenagers?
01:06:57 And I was just like, "Ugh, no thanks."
01:06:59 I never watched it.
01:07:00 That's like the movie Thirteen.
01:07:02 Just Holly Hunter looking appalled at the evil she's created.
01:07:06 Yeah, it's just appalling.
01:07:09 All right.
01:07:11 Yeah, it's just all these people who are like noble custodians of the blah, blah, blah.
01:07:17 It's like, "Oh, but it's all the Westerners' fault."
01:07:21 Yeah, yeah.
01:07:23 Just tragic.
01:07:24 All right.
01:07:26 Let's get to this.
01:07:28 Woman Says.
01:07:32 I am so effing heartbroken, been dating a guy for six months.
01:07:35 He's awesome with my kids and treating me like an effing queen.
01:07:38 We broke up last night because he doesn't want to be a stepdad, because his dream life is to be a dad and not have a mixed family.
01:07:44 I'm sobbing, I'm screaming.
01:07:46 This always happens to me.
01:07:47 It's always because I have kids.
01:07:49 I'm so effing broken.
01:07:51 This is why I was scared to leave my abusive relationship for six years.
01:07:54 I don't even know what I'm looking for here.
01:07:55 I have no one to talk to.
01:07:56 I just moved and I have no friends here except him.
01:07:58 I don't know how to explain to my kids that he's not getting the Christmas presents they picked out for him to get.
01:08:07 I'm torn.
01:08:09 I'm just torn about this one.
01:08:21 I just don't know.
01:08:30 Is the woman...
01:08:34 Oh, you know what, let me get this for you so that you can look at it as well.
01:08:40 So this woman...
01:08:43 You know, I'm torn, right?
01:08:46 So...
01:08:49 Oops, no.
01:08:50 Let me try that again.
01:08:51 I don't want to save the HTML document.
01:08:56 Alright.
01:08:58 I'll give this to you so you can play along.
01:09:03 I did watch What Dreams May Come.
01:09:05 It gave me also significant flashbacks to my mom, because he's trying to save this woman who has gone nuts.
01:09:16 So I'm a little torn about this one.
01:09:23 No, this is from X.
01:09:26 Now, is it the case that this keeps happening to this woman, that guys will date her for a while and then won't commit to her because she already has kids?
01:09:39 I don't know how kids... two, I guess, two plus kids, right?
01:09:43 She's screaming, she's crying.
01:09:46 Does she genuinely think...
01:09:51 Does she genuinely think that a man wants to spend his life paying for and raising another man's children?
01:10:01 I don't...
01:10:02 Like, is she playing dumb or is she that dumb?
01:10:07 That's what I... I'm not trying to be facetious here, like I genuinely don't know.
01:10:14 I genuinely don't know.
01:10:17 Is she...
01:10:19 Like, if someone said to her, if a man said to her, "I have three kids by other women. I want you to pay all the bills and for me to stay home."
01:10:30 She wouldn't go for that.
01:10:36 Many women don't even know this is an issue.
01:10:38 I've had these conversations.
01:10:39 But do they?
01:10:40 Do they or not?
01:10:42 Because for men it doesn't pay to play dumb, for women apparently it's winning the lottery.
01:10:46 Front of the bottom is winning the lottery.
01:10:49 That sounds like the beginning of a rap.
01:10:51 So, of course they'll claim, you know.
01:10:53 So guys always claim, "Well, there was no sign she was crazy, except for the fact that she showed up with a rotating Messerschmitt propeller on the top of her head when we were going helicoptering."
01:11:02 So, I don't know.
01:11:05 Is it true that they believe that?
01:11:09 Or do they just say that?
01:11:11 Because how could women have evolved?
01:11:13 Like, how could women have evolved?
01:11:15 I go back to evolution, right?
01:11:16 How could women have evolved having no idea what men want?
01:11:24 How could women have possibly evolved thinking that one man would be happy to raise another man's children?
01:11:32 Like, if that was the case, we wouldn't have evolved at all.
01:11:37 Like, so evolution demands parental investment and parental investment demands biological investment, right?
01:11:48 So, how could women have evolved to have no clue that men don't like raising other men's children?
01:11:55 Right?
01:11:57 It's all over the case in the animal kingdom that when there's a single mom with kids, the new father will often kill or drive off the kids, right?
01:12:03 The male lions will kill the cubs of a previous male lion.
01:12:10 So, how...
01:12:13 Given that it's an evolutionary absolute that women have to know, women have to have evolved to know that men don't want to raise other men's kids.
01:12:22 Otherwise, why would there be monogamous?
01:12:24 They would sleep with anyone and everyone and then they'd just get some guy with resources to raise the kid.
01:12:30 And if men didn't care whose kids they were raising, those genes would be wiped out.
01:12:37 Those genes would be wiped out!
01:12:40 If you don't care about your own genes but you just raise whoever's genes, your genes will be wiped out.
01:12:47 So, men have evolved to care more for their own offspring and women have evolved to understand that men care more for their own offspring.
01:12:56 Oh, I don't think they consider that when they make bad decisions.
01:13:02 How could it be possible that women don't know that?
01:13:09 I mean, that's as retarded as a man saying, "Well, I had no idea that women prefer a man with more resources if they want to have kids."
01:13:25 Our selected don't care.
01:13:27 I'm not talking about don't care. Clearly, she cares about this because she's screaming and crying.
01:13:31 It's not a question of care or not. It's a question of knowledge.
01:13:36 Something which, after four billion years of evolution, right?
01:13:39 Four billion years of evolution only works if the parents care for their own offspring more than other people's offspring or other lizard's offspring or other kid's offspring, right?
01:13:49 I think she was in lust, not love. Guys, try and focus on my question.
01:13:53 For heaven's sake, you're still like, "Okay, this is good. This means that I'm causing everyone to dissociate, which means it's probably an important question, right?"
01:14:05 Steph, I talked to tons of women in New York City who were post-divorce with kids.
01:14:09 They're genuinely surprised you don't want to date them.
01:14:11 How do you know they're genuinely surprised?
01:14:14 Do you think that women aren't at all good at deception? Really?
01:14:18 Do you know the number of women who've talked men into raising kids who aren't the man's kids?
01:14:24 You don't think women are at all good at deception?
01:14:28 So, let's see here.
01:14:38 I don't think they consider that when they make that, sorry.
01:14:40 American women see it as a status to be a mom and to go out on dates every other weekend.
01:14:44 The programming is very intense.
01:14:48 She even admitted this has happened before, so she even has personal empirical evidence. She does.
01:14:57 I asked last stream, I'm sorry if I missed it. Let me just get here.
01:15:01 I get this question.
01:15:03 Do mothers no longer teach, "Why buy the cow if you can get the milk for free? Why invest in her if she would just give it up?
01:15:09 If she does, why should he commit to her as a life partner with such poor values?"
01:15:16 Well, because the woman can get the man's resources without his participation, right?
01:15:23 Wallet assault.
01:15:26 Beta box, stud fucks.
01:15:28 Yeah, no, I get all of that.
01:15:29 Yeah, beta box, alpha fucks.
01:15:30 I get all of that, for sure, but the question is not, "What's the mechanic behind it?"
01:15:35 I understand that.
01:15:37 The question is, "Can a woman credibly claim to have no idea that men prefer raising their own children?"
01:15:43 In other words, could we have evolved to be the alpha species, the top predators in the world,
01:15:48 if women fundamentally had no clue that men preferred their own children?
01:16:00 Let me see here.
01:16:02 First live stream, exactly what I needed to hear to find closure. Wow!
01:16:06 Excellent.
01:16:07 The Save My Boy girls was in aggressive paranoia because of the harm she caused to her kid and partners,
01:16:13 and in defensive paranoia because of the harm her mom caused her.
01:16:16 She's in limbo between the two paranoias.
01:16:18 Bob, with massive gratitude.
01:16:20 Mr. Pine, aka Bob, thank you.
01:16:22 Sounds like that's worth a donation.
01:16:24 All right.
01:16:25 Chances are, she does know she's just avoiding that knowledge as much as she can.
01:16:29 It seems to me that women know exactly what men want and exactly what men will put up with.
01:16:34 Well, I mean, if you've seen these videos of the strippers, sorry, women, sorry, strippers,
01:16:42 walking around the streets of England, right, like all in like total revealing hooker clothes, right?
01:16:50 And so they know what men want.
01:16:53 I know what guys like. I know what boys want.
01:16:56 Right. So they know what guys like.
01:16:58 They put the makeup on to simulate sexual arousal.
01:17:01 They put the clothing on to reveal skin.
01:17:04 They, right, they do their hair.
01:17:05 They know exactly what men want.
01:17:06 They know exactly what men like.
01:17:08 But apparently they have no idea that men like raising their own kids.
01:17:12 And these are women who chose to have children, not adopt children, right?
01:17:18 Having children is much tougher than adopting children.
01:17:21 So they prefer their own kids rather than a stranger's kids, but they don't think that a man might prefer his own kids rather than a stranger's kids.
01:17:27 Like, I just don't understand it.
01:17:29 How could it be possible?
01:17:33 Maybe she's being deceptive to get sympathy from new men, right?
01:17:37 Women are misguided by feminism.
01:17:39 Well, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
01:17:41 I mean, that's, of course, right?
01:17:43 They act surprised, but that can't be real, right?
01:17:51 Spice Girls.
01:17:53 What is it?
01:17:54 It was a pretty funny comedian who was talking about like, who knows what women want?
01:17:58 I mean, even the Spice Girls have a song, "I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want.
01:18:01 I'll tell you what I want, what I really want."
01:18:03 They never tell you what they want.
01:18:04 Even women don't know what they want.
01:18:07 Is this the case where you cannot know since they will always lie, unless you use a brain scan when asking the question?
01:18:12 No, I'm saying that you can know because every man's genes, almost every man's genes, are the result of his father preferring him over strangers' children.
01:18:27 Every man's genes have resulted from his father preferring his own children over other children.
01:18:33 His children get the protection, his children get the food and resources and inheritance and all of that.
01:18:41 So every woman exists because her father and her mother preferred her over the other children.
01:18:49 Her mother breastfed her, not some stranger's kids.
01:18:54 So we're all here because our parents preferred their own genetics to a stranger's genetics.
01:19:00 And then she says, "I don't know why this is."
01:19:02 Like, I think it's just a fake.
01:19:04 I think it's just a complete lie.
01:19:06 You say, "Well, you can't know the hearts and minds of another."
01:19:09 That's true, but you can know evolution.
01:19:12 And if we could only be here because our ancestors always and forever preferred their own children to other people's children,
01:19:18 then here's the other thing, too.
01:19:19 Women know that men prefer their own children over other people's children.
01:19:28 Why?
01:19:29 Because women lie about the child not being their husband's continually, perpetually, from here to eternity.
01:19:36 Women lie about it.
01:19:39 So if women genuinely thought that a man doesn't care if it's his kid or not, they wouldn't lie about that.
01:19:49 They also, women get really mad when you talk about paternity tests in hospitals.
01:19:55 Imagine if one out of every 20 women left the hospital with the wrong baby.
01:19:59 It just gets switched, right?
01:20:00 5% of women just left the hospital with the wrong baby,
01:20:02 while 5% of men are leaving the hospital with a baby they think is theirs but not.
01:20:07 So if women genuinely thought that men don't care whether the kid is there or not,
01:20:11 then they'd just say, "Oh, fine, have a paternity test. Doesn't matter. Doesn't matter."
01:20:18 Say, "Oh, but it's not the fact that it's not his kid. It's the fact that I cheated."
01:20:21 Yes, but it's the fact that you, why do men care that you cheat?
01:20:23 Because they could end up raising a kid who's not theirs and pour $100,000 of resources into some other guy's gene pool.
01:20:29 So of course women know that men prefer their own kids.
01:20:33 It's called cheating, right?
01:20:37 Ah!
01:20:42 They have been taught to see men as utilities for the last 30 years.
01:20:46 Dave, we are utilities. What are you talking about?
01:20:48 We are utilities. And I like that. I think it's great.
01:20:51 I'd rather be a utility than have a period, menopause, and weird fat distribution
01:20:58 if you eat one, even inhale one piece of cheesecake, and childbirth.
01:21:04 I would rather, I love the male rick tank body movement utility no sense of time. It's beautiful.
01:21:10 So I'm happy to be a utility.
01:21:12 But they've been taught to see men as utilities for the last 30 years?
01:21:15 I think that's 4 billion years.
01:21:17 Women who didn't view men as utilities didn't reward men for being productive by giving them kids.
01:21:27 Slightly tangential, even traditional women seem surprised that men want to raise their kids
01:21:31 by demanding he become a workaholic.
01:21:34 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
01:21:36 Well, a lot of time women want men to become a workaholic so they can have affairs, right?
01:21:43 Paul Joseph Watson talks about these women dressing skimpy hoping to catch a footballer to date
01:21:47 like American women are basketball players.
01:21:49 Yeah, what was it? Will Chamberlain? Or was it Dr. J?
01:21:53 10,000 women? Ugh, gross.
01:21:55 I don't think women in the USA understand men.
01:21:57 And I don't think it's a lie. I think it's genuine.
01:22:00 Yeah, but Dave, my God, man, you've listened to the show long enough that you've given me,
01:22:04 I've given like five different arguments and you just keep repeating the same thing.
01:22:07 Nah, you got a block here, brother.
01:22:09 You're not making arguments, neither you're rebutting my arguments.
01:22:12 Just keep repeating yourself, which means you have a block,
01:22:15 which means you think it's going to be too costly for you to give women responsibility.
01:22:19 Oh my God, if we give women, if I give the women in my life responsibility, they'll hate me.
01:22:23 So you're just having them play dumb so that you don't give them responsibility.
01:22:27 I'll always err if there is any erring on that side, on the side of just more responsibility.
01:22:32 So you got a block here, brother. Sorry, because I just keep making arguments
01:22:35 and you just keep saying the same thing over and over like a broken record,
01:22:37 which means you got a block. All right.
01:22:39 On the evolutionary level, wouldn't there be an arms race between female deception and masculine preferences?
01:22:44 Well, there could be for sure.
01:22:46 Yeah, so the arms race is the more attractive the woman, the more likely she is to cuck you
01:22:50 because there's more men are going to be pursuing her. Right.
01:22:53 So that could happen for sure.
01:22:55 There is a, but of course, women who stay loyal, their grandchildren, right.
01:23:00 Remember, it's not just about your kids. It's about your grandkids, right?
01:23:03 Women's fertility fades out when it would be too risky for them to have children
01:23:07 as opposed to invest in the 25% of their kids off grandkids, right? The genetics, right?
01:23:12 So it's really about your grandkids, your great grandkids and so on.
01:23:15 So if you keep your man and you have his kids, then he'll stay with you.
01:23:19 He'll continue to provide resources to your kids, your grandkids, great grandkids and so on.
01:23:23 So.
01:23:24 Okay. True about the lying of fraternity. Dang, that's true.
01:23:29 Oh, sorry, Dave. Let me yell at you before I got to your argument. My apologies.
01:23:32 I retract and apologetically withdraw. Sorry about that.
01:23:35 Let's see here.
01:23:38 There are enough beta sims that will put up with it.
01:23:42 Women know that most men don't reproduce, didn't reproduce in the distant past.
01:23:46 Most men are just played a supporting role.
01:23:48 Well, but of course, women grew up in maternal figures.
01:23:52 Men, huge numbers of men don't grow up with paternal figures because they're way more single moms.
01:23:57 And of course.
01:23:58 The teachers of kids are always female, so.
01:24:02 Men just aren't growing up with.
01:24:05 Male figures, which is why the sort of red pill movement, the manosphere and so on is so dangerous.
01:24:12 Because men are most men of single mothers, most children, male children, single mothers grew up to serve the needs and vanities of their single mothers.
01:24:20 And so all they think of is that they're empty vessel service and slavers and in.
01:24:26 Indentured serfs to female preferences.
01:24:31 And then when some man comes along and says, I remember, I'm not even going to tell you the age it was when I finally went, wait, I should really be getting something out of this relationship.
01:24:39 I mean, not just sex or whatever, I should really be getting something of great value and happiness and positivity.
01:24:45 I won't even tell you the age I was that was long before I got married, but I was like, wait, am I am I really getting a lot of value out of this or am I just like, hey, there's a woman who.
01:24:54 Ever seen what women want with Mel Gibson and Helen Hunt, he gained the ability to hear women's thoughts, supposedly even the women who don't know what they want.
01:25:04 I did see that. I don't remember much of it. I just remember Mel Gibson doing a great dance with a hat.
01:25:09 Did a very cool move with a hat. So and he also pretended to be giving a blowjob at some point, which was pretty funny.
01:25:16 Deception in the sexual marketplace often includes self-deception. They can fool themselves into not knowing.
01:25:24 Nope, no, no, nobody fools themselves into not knowing. It's a con.
01:25:31 It's a con. The con man knows he's conning you. And the way that you know, if somebody genuinely doesn't know something is they won't get angry when you point it out.
01:25:40 Right. So if you, you and I, you and I, and everyone listening and watching this forever and ever, amen, we know the exact truth. Right.
01:25:51 So if you were to say to the woman that I read from earlier, if you were to say to her, oh, give me a break, come on.
01:25:59 You, you absolutely know that men don't want to raise kids who aren't theirs. You know that.
01:26:04 I mean, I don't know why you're playing dumb about it. I mean, maybe it gets you some advantage or benefit, but of course, you know that, right?
01:26:11 What's she going to do? She's going to get enraged. Right.
01:26:18 If somebody has important knowledge to me that, you know, like, so Jared came up with this great audio service that does these transcriptions. Right.
01:26:25 So I'm like, there's no way we, transcriptions suck. Right. They're not very reliable. And I got to do all this work to process my audio.
01:26:35 And he found this great service and I just paid an ungodly amount of money for a year's worth of this service and free domain dot com slash donate if you'd like to help out.
01:26:44 So he gave me new information that's incredibly helpful to me. So what am I going to do? Scream at him? No, it's like, thanks. That was great. I appreciate that. Good stuff. Right.
01:26:53 So if this woman claims, has claimed for, I don't know, she's gone through a bunch of relationships. She was in a six year relationship. She claims it was abusive. Who knows? Right. Who knows?
01:27:06 Every time a woman leaves a relationship where she doesn't get what she wants. Well, a lot of times they'll say it was abusive. Some of it is absolutely genuine. And some of the men will say it's abusive when it's not either.
01:27:15 But abusive is just one of these words that I think is tossed around. He tried to set limits on me. He asked me not to dress too skimply. He said he didn't want me to go out to the clubs with my girlfriends and nuts.
01:27:23 He's just, he was controlling and then he fought me and it was abusive. And sometimes, of course, it's genuine. I mean, the genuine abuse, of course. Right.
01:27:30 But I have, I don't just take the term at face value. But if you were to go to her and say, well, of course, men, I mean, you don't want. I mean, if you just go to the woman, you say, okay, if the hospital had switched your baby at birth, would you be upset?
01:27:51 No, it doesn't matter at all. My kid, some other kid doesn't really matter. Right. If you're leaving the hospital and let's say you're a white couple, you're leaving the hospital and you have a black baby. Do you like, yeah, it's fine. No, of course not. Right. I mean, I'm only saying that not because it's a race issue, because it's the easiest way to figure out it's not your baby. Right.
01:28:08 Could be Hispanic, could be Asian, whatever it is. Right. So you'd be like, that's not my kid. And you'd get really upset and you'd take, get the right, get the baby to its right mother. So if you found out that your baby had been switched in the hospital with some other person's baby, you'd be really angry and upset.
01:28:25 So what, like, I don't know, this is not a high IQ thing. This is not asking someone to understand the math behind quantum physics. All right.
01:28:41 More so as in we are just a purse and adornment. Utility isn't the right word. I mean, as an object, just to serve her selfish needs.
01:28:53 I mean, you may be talking about some individuals, of course, but not. Anyway. Ah, good insight on the wanting affairs. That explains, this explains my mom's emotional affairs being just after my dad started doing 12 hours a day.
01:29:03 Yeah. A lot of times, like a lot of times the women just want the man out of the house. She doesn't even particularly want a new house. She doesn't want an expansion. She doesn't want new furniture. She doesn't want to redo the kitchen. She just wants him out of the house.
01:29:14 So she creates a whole bunch of busy work so that he has to go and work more. And then she can either have peace and quiet at home or she can go have an affair.
01:29:23 Chamberlain claimed he'd had sex with 20,000 women. I so did my caller today, but it was just one woman with an Alaskan town's worth of personality.
01:29:35 Love is the involuntary response to virtue inspired the creation of the Pineapple Fund. Oh, well, thank you. I appreciate that. And thank you for your tip. That's very kind.
01:29:51 All right. What have we got here? That's a really interesting point. I'm glad it was. I wish I knew what you're referring to.
01:29:57 Let's see here. Is there validity of wife's arguments against paternity tests that is a sign that the husband mistrusted them when they should fully trust them at this point in their lives?
01:30:15 Well, no, because the hospital could have made a mistake. Right. I mean, it's possible that that could have been the case.
01:30:29 So that means that a woman should never, ever ask for alimony. Right. Because she should trust. Right. She should sign a document saying, if we divorce, I get nothing.
01:30:43 Right. She should have no problem with that. Now, of course, a woman will say, oh, I don't know, man, you never know. Right. So don't you fully trust me?
01:30:51 We're not going to get divorced. I love you. You love me. So you should sign a document that says you get nothing if we divorce. A prenup. Right.
01:30:59 So but women will get upset about the prenup and they'd say, well, no, I'm not going to sign a prenup. I mean, what if something happens? Ah, what if something happens? Right.
01:31:08 Now, that's just a lie. That's just a lie. If women know it's difficult, then why did they get divorced so easily if they've had kids after 35?
01:31:19 It was a pattern I saw in New York City. Seems like they, well, this is all New York stuff. Right. I mean, that's about as real as sex in the city.
01:31:25 Seems like they saw the marriage as a temporary commitment. So what's the end game? Just perpetual dating?
01:31:33 So the woman said, I was afraid and here the woman that we were talking about earlier, she said, this is why I didn't leave my relationship of six years, because I was afraid that men wouldn't want me if I was a single mother.
01:31:46 Right. This is what she said. I stayed in that relationship because I was afraid of exactly what happened, that men don't want me if I'm a single mother, men don't want to raise another man's kids.
01:31:58 Right. That's what she said. So she knows that. She knows that exactly. Right. So the reality is that she should have stayed, either chosen a better guy or stayed and worked on the relationship.
01:32:15 Right. Chose a better guy or stay and work on the relationship. Fix it. Figure it out. Whatever it is. Right. But she's got this fantasy that she can go out there and just date and have another guy and he'll be happy to raise her.
01:32:26 But that's why she doesn't stay and work on the relationship. So she knew that this was a huge risk. Right. It would be funny if you asked the lady in the single mom post if she actually didn't know about the man's preferences and she mentioned taxicab geometry.
01:32:42 JF guy at the did his wife ever show up? Mama JF is it they call it? Did his wife ever show back up? Making sure the child is yours and not is not an unreasonable request. She's got nothing to hide. So she'll happily oblige.
01:32:58 Yeah. Nothing wrong with that. I mean, yeah, I mean, there's nothing wrong with that. Prenup arc great as well. You know, every now and then I come up with a good argument. It's just this. What's your theory on this woman? The one you read.
01:33:16 So I want children to be happy. I want children to be cared for. Amazing show tonight. Great topic. Great points. Thank you very much. So I want women and men and in particular children to be happy. Now this woman's children are miserable. Right. She's claimed she was in an abusive relationship. Maybe it really was abusive.
01:33:40 But her kids are miserable. Now she keeps going through these boyfriends. They keep making promises. Now the guy is a total jerk to like the guy is today to single mom for six months. Get to know her kids. Make them promises at Christmas. If that's even true. Right. Let's say it's all true. Right.
01:33:58 So today to single mom for six months, get to know her kids, make them promises about what you're going to buy them a Christmas and then dump the single mom is unbelievably jerky behavior. That's just terrible, terrible, terrible behavior.
01:34:12 Just terrible behavior. So I don't nobody's good except for the kids. Right. Nobody here is good except for the kids. So I want people to be happy. So if women understand or accept or if nobody takes the woman's claims, I didn't know a man didn't want to raise another man's kids.
01:34:28 If people are like, of course you did, like, don't be ridiculous. Right. I mean, you can't turn back time for these people, but you can help other people. So if it becomes general knowledge, the quality men don't want to raise another man's kids. Quality men don't want to raise another man's kids. Just don't. Of course not. Right.
01:34:44 It's a basic self-respecting. So a quality man doesn't want to raise another man's kids. So you better choose a quality man or stay with the man you've got. Because no quality man is going to want to raise your kids. Once that's accepted, once that's understood, once that's repeated, then women will make better decisions.
01:35:01 Now, does that help her? No, not necessarily. But the purpose of philosophy is to help the future. And how can you help the future without referencing the past? I mean, when they figured out that smoking was bad for you, there were a lot of long-term smokers who really freaked out, got paranoid, desperate, unhappy. I'm sure some of them even killed themselves.
01:35:20 And that's a shame. That's terrible. But the whole point when you're not supposed to... Well, we can't tell anyone that smoking is bad for you because it's going to upset a lot of smokers. It's like, no, no, no, we want to tell everyone that smoking is bad for them so that we can prevent people from smoking. Anyway.
01:35:34 What do you think on people who are very dramatic? Drastic? On people who are very drastic? What? What do you think on people who are very drastic? On people who are very drastic? Do you mean "of"? I assume you mean "of". What do I think of people who are very drastic? I don't know what you mean by the word drastic.
01:35:53 Passionate and exuberant? Well, I think I'm looking at myself. How you doing? But no, I don't know what you mean by that. I don't know what you mean by drastic. So, tell me more. I'd be happy to hear what you have to say. But I don't know. I don't know.
01:36:11 Alright, what else have I got for y'all? Yes. No amount of drinking is good for you. You can look at Scott Adams says during the victory lap on X. No amount of drinking is good for you.
01:36:33 Alright. A woman said she felt betrayed by feminism after deciding she wanted to settle down, have a family and a husband as she approached her 39th birthday. At one point during the interview with Fox News Digital she broke down crying describing how she feared she would end up alone in childness.
01:36:53 Blah blah blah recently wrote an essay for Business Insider titled "I'm 38 and single and I recently realized I want a child I'm terrified I've missed my opportunity". So, when she was 22 she married a traditional man and moved to a rural community in Idaho where she grew up. She said he wanted a simple life with children and home cooked meals.
01:37:13 This was a poor woman's name despite coming from a religious Christian background made it clear to her husband to be that she did not want children. And she said at the time I felt very strongly I did not want children and that I wasn't going to be like the traditional housewife. I knew I did want to pursue a career and I felt very strongly that that would never change. Ha ha ha ha. I guess I was wrong.
01:37:33 She said both her and her ex thought that love could conquer everything but after 10 years it was clear their differences in life goals were irreconcilable. She became resentful when we had to ask for dinner or for his laundry to be done. I did little to hide my disdain for our small town life. He was a good and hard working man but I don't think I made him feel that way. At 30 Persling and her ex divorced and she swore off the idea of marriage.
01:37:56 I told my friends and family I'd never get married again. I needed independence, a fulfilling career and space to chart my own course. And I didn't think marriage fit into that vision. I was content to look forward to a future without a husband, children or the trappings of a traditional life.
01:38:11 As she grew older however the fun carefree lifestyle being wined and dined, going to parties began to get old. The pursuit of comfort and self became dull she said. When she turned 38 the terror began to take over.
01:38:27 I was panic stricken. I really thought I'm going to be alone forever. It really scared me. I almost wrote the article as a sort of warning to other women. I don't want people to miss out on the important things in life because they're just enjoying themselves. Because I don't think that's ever going to really make you happy.
01:38:43 She wrote in the article how she felt urgency to find a stable relationship and was rethinking about wanting marriage and children. I hardly recognized myself she wrote in the article. I also began to feel selfish for spending so much time focusing solely on myself. My very existence started to feel shallow and hollow. More than a feeling.
01:39:01 In respect, Persling believed she had some self discovery and work for herself to do. And it took time to sort through previous trauma. Her parents divorce which she described as coming from a broken home took time to heal and sort through to find out what she really wanted. Blah blah blah blah blah.
01:39:19 At one point she recalled a man coming over to her in a coffee shop who randomly told her not to lose hope that God had a plan for her. Ah, the God epiphany of the late 30s woman. And then a happy turn to Persling's story arrived which she describes as the exception and not the rule for women in her age group. Shortly after penning the article she dated a man who she previously befriended. They're already talking about marriage and a future.
01:39:40 She dished on the details. So it's a guy that I've been friends with and we just sort of stayed in touch. And we did go on one date about a year ago and I told him I just want to be friends with you. After her epiphany that she wanted a traditional life the realization that he was the one hit her like a ton of bricks.
01:39:57 Anyway so it goes on and on. I'll give you the link if you want it but I'm not sure how many cliches you can roll into one particular article. How many cliches can you put into one?
01:40:13 Call me crazy Seth but are you okay with being a stepfather? Sounds like a question to ask of him when you're first considering dating not six months in. No no but see women avoid relationship challenging topics as do men. But women, since we're talking about women, women will avoid relationship challenging topics in the hopes that momentum and sex will just pull the man along her like some broken limbed water skier being dragged behind a boat.
01:40:40 Alright. No amount of weed is good for you. Oh that's true man. Weed is pretty rough for potential schizophrenia. Very very dangerous. Extremely extremely extremely dangerous.
01:40:55 Cliches. Tell me all the cliches. Come on people tell me all the cliches in that article I just read bits off. You can read it here too if you want but yeah tell me all the cliches. All the cliches that are going on.
01:41:12 I'll start. I'll start. So apparently he wanted her to do some cooking and laundry. Now why did he want her to do some cooking and laundry? Because they lived in the country. And because they lived in the country who was taking care of all the outdoor stuff? Who was taking care of all the fencing and the mowing and the brickwork and the garden and who was taking care of all the outside stuff? Most likely he was.
01:41:32 And he's like you know can we balance it? You take a little bit more of the inside stuff because I'm doing pretty much all the shoveling and all the leaf raking. I'm doing all the trimming and the pruning and I'm handling all the outside stuff and the barbecues. Handling all the outside stuff. Could you do some inside? No I'm a strong independent. Right? So.
01:41:53 A famous female writer in her 50s said the awards on her walls were tombstones of the children she didn't have and she was now too bitter to write. Oh boy. Well in particular white women in their 50s if you look at their antidepressant use it's oh my gosh it's beyond words. It's beyond words. It's beyond words.
01:42:15 Keep the new guy on hold for a year? Yeah see if you can do better. Well of course there's the religious epiphany. I've screwed up my life with bad decisions but God has a plan for me. His plan for me is to have a guy I rejected a year ago. And so how bad is that guy going to feel? Like knowing he's like 100th on the list right?
01:42:34 100th on the list. That's pretty appalling. Horribly, horribly, horribly tragic right? Horribly tragic.
01:42:54 So yeah she wants some big job. She didn't obviously have that big a job. I mean she's mid. I mean nice hair but who knows? Like who knows what the real hair is right? As far as like not dyed and not, she would have done her hair up and all of that. You can see the picture.
01:43:11 So yeah the fact that she moved to religion later in her 30s and the fact that she is taking a beta from the friend zone and all of that kind of stuff.
01:43:30 Let's see here. I'm not sure what that means but yeah it's just a real cliche. I mean good for her I guess for talking about it but she wasn't ugly but she's not going to be a good wife. Too many years of being selfish.
01:43:49 Well so she's 39 and she's only talking about marriage and kids. So 95% of her exes are gone and the ones that are remaining are I see at best. So she's only talking, she's 39 and she's got a guy she's only talking about marriage and kids now.
01:44:06 So maybe it takes her a year to get married then she's 40 then she starts trying to have kids and it's like oof. And who can feel loved when the woman just wants kids and you're the sperm donor who she's willing to marry to get them? You can't feel loved.
01:44:24 Young women are lied to. They're never shown the over 50 childless aunt watching reruns of friends in her sofa crying into a wine with her cat beside her. Well I get that. There was a pretty good friends episode where Rachel was turning 30 and how sad she was at her life.
01:44:40 She didn't have a husband, she didn't have kids, she didn't have a future, she didn't even have a career. She's like going nowhere. There was, there used to be some of this kind of stuff. And of course you know I mean after all the controversial stuff I tweeted about over the years the one that was voted the worst tweet ever on Twitter, kind of proud of that actually, was my one about Taylor Swift and declining egg fertility.
01:45:01 Declining egg fertility. Yeah the future of the character of the aunt hits hard. Alright should we do one more? Let's do one more female confusion. One more female confusion. And see I criticize people I care about. I criticize myself, I care about myself, I criticize people I care about. So I want women to be happy and so I sort of point out this kind of stuff.
01:45:27 Alright here's one more. So welcome to Valley Girls Def again. So this young woman was saying, so I met this doctor, he's like 38 and he's like kind of cute I guess. And so he like asked me out, do you want to go on a date? And I'm like yeah sure sounds good. And he's like well what do you want to do? He says I want to go and I want to like have some drinks. And she's like oh that sounds excellent, sounds marvelous, fabulous.
01:45:51 So I say, he says well what do you feel like doing? She's like oh the Barbie movie's out I really want to go see the Barbie movie. And so a couple of days later he calls to arrange what we're going to have drinks together and he's like did you get the tickets?
01:46:05 And I'm like no I didn't get the tickets. And he's like why not were they sold out? And I'm like no I didn't get the tickets because like you asked me out on a date so I didn't think I would be buying the tickets.
01:46:22 And he's like well no I said I want to go for drinks so I'll like totally pay for the drinks but you want to go see the Barbie movie so you should pay for the Barbie movie. And I'm like I don't know what is fair I have no idea who's in the right or who's in the wrong I have no idea like makes no sense to me.
01:46:37 Who's right who's wrong? I mean yes I did say I want to see the Barbie movie but I said it because he asked me what I wanted to do on his date, the first date so shouldn't he pay for everything?
01:46:47 On the other hand I did say I wanted to see the Barbie movie so maybe I should pay for the Barbie movie like I don't understand.
01:46:54 A movie for a first date with a 38 year old. Yeah she's like 22 like it's close to a 20 year age gap so I guess she's in it for the money. She was pretty and all that which is often doomed but yeah.
01:47:08 That's the Schrodinger's feminist right? I really want equality when it's advantageous when it's not advantageous not so much with the equality.
01:47:24 And oh my gosh who like what sane human being what sane human being no no no her instinct is not to be a freeloader her instinct is to make sure that the guy is not stingy.
01:47:37 So one of the reasons you know you know why men evolved to pay for the first date like you know why men evolved to pay for dating and like you know why all of this happened right?
01:47:45 Because it's a real nightmare for a woman to not have control over the finances and to have a stingy husband like that's a nightmare right?
01:47:53 That is a nightmare for a woman if she's got a stingy husband and she's got to beg him for every dollar for groceries every dollar for children's clothing and he's like that's just a nightmare.
01:48:04 And it kills love in a marriage. So she needs to know that the guy is generous not only that he has resources but that he's generous.
01:48:13 Yeah so you can prove so he's not afraid the woman's instinct to be paid for is perfectly she needs to feel like she needs to feel treasured for a woman to feel treasured is the only way you can feel secure right?
01:48:25 Men can men we're fine with being needed but the woman has to feel treasured.
01:48:30 The second time I've tuned into Steph doing Valley Girl accent oh I haven't even cranked it up that much I can Wikipedia it up for days.
01:48:38 But so the woman absolutely needs to feel treasured because she's putting so much more at risk by having kids getting pregnant and destroying her sexual market value for the sake of becoming the other.
01:48:51 She's given up her whole life for the man so she needs to feel treasured.
01:48:53 All men all we need to just need us a little that's all we just need us a little bit of fine but a woman needs to be absolutely feel that she's worth her weight in gold that she's a goddess that she's treasured that she's you know.
01:49:05 Oh it's so no this because she's risking a lot more than men.
01:49:08 Yeah she's a I saw the movie with Stephen Fry.
01:49:15 One day I'll do that for the whole faxing show no I won't I'm just this an idle threat an Eric idle threat so.
01:49:22 Yeah first few days man should pay for it yeah my wife and I would pay back and forth it doesn't matter who cares right.
01:49:28 I was like with friends like after the age of like I don't know 14 while you had the cheesecake and you had two glasses of wine but you had this and like I'll forget it just I'll pay then you pay next time who cares right oh my god drives me nuts.
01:49:41 Yeah first few days man should pay absolutely I mean I can't imagine but but this is a man who what's he doing I mean I have no idea what he's doing but I imagine what he's doing is he's saying no no no in this relationship I'm the woman because I'm the high value price.
01:49:55 Because I'm a doctor I'm 38 I make a lot of money I'm professional I'm intelligent I assume he's attractive but he's like yeah I can have as many standards as they want because women are lining up to date me.
01:50:05 And he also may be trolling like I thought you believed in equality now but you asked me ah yeah but 80% of dates are in by the man right by the man.
01:50:18 And of course there's no standard for that right in any other friendship like when I was in my twenties I call a friend of mine and say hey man let's go for a movie he's like great and then he show up with no money I'd be like well where's your money man he's like well you asked me for the movie so.
01:50:34 I'm gonna you gotta pay cuz you asked me out for the movie right well maybe he didn't want to see Barbie yeah well that's probably true what a terrible thing I can't imagine a worst date.
01:50:43 I can't imagine a worst first date than going to see a movie like I literally can't conceive of that I'd rather go and watch the like recently they just finished the world excel competition in Vegas literally in Vegas there was a world excel competition I'd rather go see that.
01:51:01 I'm going to see a movie on a first date is lame beyond words I can't even conceive of how bad that is just a let's sit in parallel and watch something is gonna make us awkward hey hope there's a sexy did the first date movie.
01:51:16 I remember going to see I took a girl when I was a teenager to go and see the movie airplane and there's a topless scene and it's like.
01:51:27 Where are my tips working like a coolie here give me some tips feed me I think it's so the woman doesn't have to become conversationally interesting in the darkness of theater height skin imperfections no she was young and pretty I'll give you I'll give you the link if you want to watch it she was she had no skin imperfections against hard to tell without the makeup.
01:51:45 If the church kinds if the men can find out we can shape shift they can tell the church funny bit of a one hit wonder for comedy but she was there a funny alright let me see you can I find this oh yeah I look at that my gosh everything is just super helpful right now okay you can look at this.
01:52:02 Pretty girl.
01:52:04 It's got some eyebrows and it's interesting to me that she's not doesn't seem to be that much.
01:52:09 First ten minutes on a first day she's ranting about how specific Jimmy Choo will change your life right.
01:52:15 What are some things to look out for when dating women over 30 okay do you know what the average body count is for people in the US deal with the average body count is for people in the US.
01:52:28 No date dinner date dinner date dinner date dinner coffee maybe if it's really new and you're nervous right but yeah date is there museums.
01:52:36 You want to be focusing on each other conversation with each other.
01:52:41 Yes 15 that's right yeah the average in in in Washington DC where they fuck everyone it's over 50 but yeah for the average it's lowest I think is Connecticut or something like that but yeah averages is is 15 so the average is 15 so the average for women over 30 is probably close to 30 right.
01:53:01 So yeah that's rough.
01:53:06 That's rough now there's nothing wrong with having made mistakes Lord knows I've made mistakes in dating and not with a lot of excuses either it's my I mean there's lots of areas where I eat humble pie and dating is one of them.
01:53:17 And there's nothing wrong with making mistakes but has she learned from them and owned them right or she making excuses.
01:53:25 Is she making excuses.
01:53:28 If she makes excuses for prior dating mistakes I wouldn't date her.
01:53:33 If she's making excuses for a while you know I did go out with the guy for six years he said he was gonna marry me he ended up leaving me at the last minute cuz he was just a selfish jerk.
01:53:41 What like the woman I remember told you this I was dating a woman and I think the second or third date she was like yeah you know my last relationship I was living with the guy for like two years I come home.
01:53:52 From work and he's just completely gone like he's cleaned out completely gone I never heard from him again.
01:53:58 Like how bizarre is that how weird is that like what a strange guy and it's like.
01:54:03 What the guy you're living with for two years.
01:54:08 Ghosts you comes home from work in the middle of the day cleans everything out goes to blocks you never see him again.
01:54:15 Oof.
01:54:21 I heard on the radio that the best dinner to get if you want a second date is sushi.
01:54:27 Smells like raw fish.
01:54:29 So first date dinner is hardcore.
01:54:32 Go and jump in the deep end.
01:54:34 Jump in cuz let's say you spend a hundred bucks on your first date dinner but if you weed out a relationship that could have cost you thousands it's a good investment.
01:54:43 Meeting on a dating app makes the first date dynamic different if I met them in person then dinner is good online introduction is coffee lunch something low-key I agree with that for sure.
01:54:51 And of course most time you ask a girl out and then you go for dinner and that's when you get to know her but if you've message back and forth and you kind of feel like you know each other a bit already right.
01:55:00 What if your body count is of an elderly Christian gray but you only you only found virtue after 30 well that's you know that's totally fine if you slept with a lot of people and you find your virtue after 30.
01:55:10 Right just gonna own it and say yes I I made this terrible mistakes I was greedy for last and dated the wrong people and slept with the wrong people you know I found Jesus and I've gone to therapy and I've you know.
01:55:24 All the people in my life who encouraged me or allowed me to do that or didn't criticize me for do they're all out of my life because I just had to completely reshape everything from the ground up because I was just heading to hell itself.
01:55:34 Done in no problem.
01:55:38 No problem.
01:55:42 You want somebody who's gotten some wisdom out of their years.
01:55:45 You want somebody who's gotten some wisdom out of their years.
01:55:55 Being raised by liberal parents is much larger risk factor for mental health problems in adolescence than being raised in a low-income household with parents who did not attend college.
01:56:05 Being raised by liberal parents is one of the biggest risk factors for mental illness.
01:56:09 Generally speaking political conservatism is associated with more responsive and discipline oriented parenting or what the child development literature would characterize as authoritative style in contrast to permissive authoritarian styles.
01:56:21 The relationship between conservatism and parenting remains significant even after controlling for an extensive list of parental demographic and socio-economic measures.
01:56:29 Very conservative parents are also somewhat more likely to report giving their child hugs and kisses every day.
01:56:34 Adolescents with very conservative parents are 16 to 17 percentage points more likely to be in good or excellent mental health compared to their peers with very liberal parents.
01:56:43 Well, that's the last thing we can touch on if you like but do you know why?
01:56:48 Is it true that sperm remains from every partner a woman has had? I feel like I heard that here.
01:56:53 I've heard both sides of that. I can't tell you whether I see it. I don't know.
01:57:02 Do you know why conservative parents are more affectionate with their children?
01:57:11 The reason is that conservative parents obviously are usually religious and if you first of all fertility and fecundity and children are a gift from God and no matter how quote bad your child is there's a soul in them that is perpetually good and wonderful and you can love that.
01:57:28 Whereas for secular parents the children are just kind of feral animals who may please you or may displease you but there's no constancy in the affection because there's nothing anchoring the affections in that there's not a soul that God made that's perfect that's in the child no matter what.
01:57:42 So there's a lot more affection and most conservative parents will have children because they're happy, they love God, they want to create life and they want to spread the word of religion and God and so on.
01:57:54 And so they come out of a certain amount of joy whereas the liberal parents just tend to be a lot more impatient and easily frustrated with their kids and their love is conditional.
01:58:05 For Christian parents in particular the love for children is unconditional because it's the soul.
01:58:10 The child's body is a vessel for the holy soul of God and therefore your love is unconditional.
01:58:19 Alright any other last questions comments or or or go with me here to ensure prompt service any tips any last tips for what I think has been a fairly magnificent show fairly that's a really good argument.
01:58:33 Oh thank you again once in a while I managed to rip one out of my armpit so alright just while I'm waiting for the last tips did I get anything else here that I wanted to share and or mention did I?
01:58:45 Oh wrong place wrong place I am in the wrong place.
01:58:50 Oh nice picture of ribs vegan ribs are actually delicious the hardest part is hunting down the vegan that made me laugh that made me lol.
01:58:59 Do you know there's a town in Pennsylvania has been burning for 60 years almost 60 years called Centralia in Pennsylvania.
01:59:05 So in 1962 the town council decided to burn a landfill unaware it connected to underground mine shafts this ignited a coal seam which continues to burn after spending 7 million dollars trying to put out the fire Pennsylvania gave up in the 1990s.
01:59:19 Despite the dangers around five residents still live there with coal supplies under the town the fire could burn for another 250 years.
01:59:27 Excellent good job town council I gotta tell you I hear these kinds of stories probably just my craziness I hear these kinds of stories you know the first thing I want to do is jump in a car drive down to Pennsylvania and interview the five people who still live in the town.
01:59:40 I can literally would be dying to know their story what is the story of the five people still living in the town isn't that wild.
01:59:49 Liberal parents want to offshore all responsibility for the upbringing onto the state including affection yes because.
01:59:56 See liberal parents know that the schools will teach liberal values to the kids where's the conservative parents know that they're fighting against the general culture so they spend more time with their kids and stealing more values having more conversations about important topics right.
02:00:09 Is this swimming against the current so they have to swim harder they have to parent harder love canal New York is similar people still live there too I think love canal was mostly a scam if I just been a long time since I read this but I think love canal was nowhere near as bad as people said or thought and it was just another one of these environmental global warming hysteria scams but you know it's been a long time since I read that so please be sure to look that up if you want to quote it.
02:00:34 Doctor that's great news you're gonna be able to see your wife again patient but she's been dead for five years exactly.
02:00:42 Again I bookmark the things that make me lol this didn't make me lol the average credit card interest rate right now is risen to 27.81% and a kidney.
02:00:51 I just make me lol as well mom can you pick me up from the sleepover the kids are being loud and mean and their dad keeps touching me no why not because those are your kids and your husband.
02:01:03 My cousin posted I'm expecting twins so I commented finally two kids from the same man and she blocked me.
02:01:12 Ok last one last one Judas ok guys what's everyone bringing for the last supper Jesus what supper the regular supper ordinary supper.
02:01:24 Ok last one last one there's a reason why babies so there's a reason why women get ultrasounds and not MRIs.
02:01:41 I'm sorry this is very funny to me so there's a reason why women get ultrasounds and not MRIs.
02:01:51 So this is this is a picture of a baby using an MRI and not an ultrasound a whole series of pictures of babies.
02:02:01 Using MRIs it's like truly Mars attacks levels of demonology I'm gonna put that in what was that 202 yeah I just thought that was very funny.
02:02:14 I actually was just at lunch with my family and the waitress was pregnant and I showed her this picture she's like oh my god demons live within me I'm like oh only from a certain angle but yeah that is not not the most attractive baby pictures you're ever gonna see in your life.
02:02:28 How do you deal with retaliation from a female worker who comes late and is unprepared for the job that is on a schedule I have verbal notice to be prepared and sent an email to my superior addressing the tardiness but I suspect she will lie about me and try to make me look bad.
02:02:40 I think she is the type who likes to castrate men.
02:02:43 Start your own business get to another company if your boss won't do it there's very little you can do to manage upwards especially these days right everybody's paranoid about lawsuits and all that kind of stuff right.
02:02:52 And some nightmare fuel to end the stream with yes that's right yes that's right.
02:02:58 What do you think of Nina? No no no she seems pretty cool post awesome music from time to time in the forums.
02:03:07 Seems great I don't have any particular thoughts but El Nina makes me wet.
02:03:13 Alright well thanks everyone I'm fine with the donations honestly no problem I'll just go slam some kitchen drawers and say that there's nothing wrong at all.
02:03:23 If you could if you're listening to this later freedom.com/donate I would really really appreciate your support freedom.com/donate remember remember you're feeding three people now because James and Jared still selfishly demand food.
02:03:38 It's just it's it's beyond appalling it's like they just don't care about philosophy but nonetheless these are the facts that we have to deal with so I really appreciate that of course they're massively valued members of the team but they remember the team.
02:03:49 No income needs to smidge up because expenses are up but we get great stuff out of it really great stuff out of it so don't forget to check out the search engine for the premium podcast that's posted.
02:03:59 Wherever you friendly subscription is and don't forget to check out of course the published a bunch of new chapters on the peaceful parenting book we've got 13 hours I think it is on the French Revolution and the 22 part history of philosophers series all at.
02:04:18 We demand a local start calm you can even sign up for free using the promo code all caps you be twenty twenty two and you get a month free if you sign up for a year you get two months free it's all great stuff and we are working.
02:04:31 Feverishly in a fever dream we are working like mad.
02:04:34 To get you even more value you finish the French Revolution excellent work.
02:04:40 Thank you thank you Dave thank you for being polite to me when I was rude to you I appreciate that three very noble very gentleman like a view.
02:04:46 Alright gorgeous time is over well for me it always continues as I'm sure it does for you but I combined collective gorgeous time is over every self a beautiful wonderful fantabulous evening.
02:04:57 I will talk to Friday night unless unless James just happens to make it the eleventy net second of June so Friday night 7pm and Sunday 11am will chat more chat deeper chat further chat wider alright.
02:05:13 Lots of love, take care, bye!