Crimean naval ship hit by Ukrainian air strike, Russian defence ministry says

  • last year

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00:00 In the early hours of the day that Mikola Uleschuk, the commander of the Ukrainian air
00:05 forces said that Ukraine has destroyed the landing ship Novosherkassk. Novosherkassk,
00:12 this landing ship was located in the eastern port city of Feodosia in the occupied Crimean
00:20 peninsula, illegally occupied by Russia since 2014. If you look at social media from Crimea,
00:26 you see a lot of videos showing an explosion, a huge explosion, as well as comments that it
00:35 happened in Feodosia. The Crimean bridge was closed to circulation earlier in the early hours
00:43 of the day. And as you said, Russian occupier authorities in Crimea confirmed that the plane
00:51 had been damaged. It doesn't confirm it has been destroyed. But this comes as Russia also this
00:58 week has lost five of its Sukhoi planes, four Su-34, one Su-30 destroyed by the Ukrainian armed
01:07 forces, with Ukraine saying that because of those destruction, Russia will slow down its
01:14 shelling of Ukraine, a shelling that continues day in, day out. Just shortly before we came on
01:20 air, there was a new air raid alert over the region here. So this is why Ukrainian forces
01:26 are trying to neutralize landing ships as well as Russian planes to try and avoid that the country
01:34 is being shelled by the aggressor country.
