Betting Preview: Fenway Bowl - SMU vs. Boston College

  • last year
00:00 [MUSIC]
00:03 Starting early, 11am East at Fenway Park.
00:08 The Fenway Bowl.
00:10 Yes, SMU and Boston College.
00:13 So we have some local flavor here.
00:15 SMU minus 10.5, flat 48 is the total.
00:21 - Yeah, now this was the game Cincinnati-Louisville last year
00:24 was a dead under and Louisville dominated that ball game.
00:28 Remember with Satterfield moving on.
00:30 I'll just say this.
00:31 I lean to Boston College.
00:34 Again, SMU has done it with defense this year.
00:36 29% third down defense.
00:39 Very good in terms of run support,
00:40 but I like Castellanos and Halfley.
00:43 I think he's a little bit better in this type of situation.
00:46 Give me the whole team catching the points.
00:48 They might not win, but I'm more inclined to take the ACC team
00:52 getting the points in terms of this type of matchup.
00:57 I just looked, Joe, because I wanted to see what the weather
00:59 was going to be in Boston.
01:00 - It's going to be ugly.
01:02 - It's going to be ugly tomorrow morning.
01:05 Dry, almost kind of what we just saw.
01:07 Now look, they scored a lot of points in that game,
01:09 but similar driving rain and wind.
01:13 Right, that we just saw in the Virginia Tech-Tulane game
01:17 down in Annapolis.
01:18 You're going to get that at Fenway Park tomorrow
01:21 between those two teams.
01:23 - Fenway Park.
01:24 I love the games in the baseball stadium.
01:27 I love it.
01:28 - I'll tell you this, Joe, in a slop game,
01:30 I can't believe I'm going to say this,
01:32 in a game involving a lot of slop like this,
01:34 I think I'm going to take BC with the points.
01:36 And I know SMU is a lot better than BC,
01:40 but if it's going to be that kind of a game,
01:42 I think that I want to have the points
01:45 in any game like that.
01:46 - Now Boston College played Army in the slop.
01:49 It was on, in terms of in Army, it was a complete monsoon.
01:53 They led 13, nothing, and they grinded out a four point win.
01:56 There's an underdog in that game.
01:58 You know how I know?
01:59 - Yes. - Because I had him.
02:00 I said it was the best.
02:02 - I...
02:03 (upbeat music)
02:05 (upbeat music)
