赞叹华人老板的经商之道 马来网友:卖杂菜饭年年换新车

  • last year
新闻报报看 | 最近有位马来网民对某华人老板的经商之道发出赞叹,还说自己要多多学习。而那位老板是经营的杂菜饭生意。(主播:颜江瀚、林晓倩)


00:00 What do you think is the most profitable business in the world?
00:05 Is it so profitable that the boss can change his car every year?
00:08 A Malay netizen may answer that
00:12 the profitable business is selling mixed vegetables and rice.
00:15 According to a recent report by M-Star,
00:18 a Malay netizen was impressed by a Chinese boss's business method
00:23 and said he should learn more.
00:25 And the boss is a mixed vegetables and rice business owner.
00:29 Yes, this Malay netizen said
00:31 the Chinese boss who lives across the street from the mixed vegetables and rice restaurant changed his car every year.
00:36 This year, he also bought a Tesla electric car.
00:39 This made him curious and wanted to understand the boss's business method.
00:44 After a period of observation, he said he found the answer
00:48 and was deeply impressed by the boss.
00:50 After this netizen said so,
00:52 I think everyone wants to know
00:54 how the boss sold mixed vegetables and rice to change his car every year.
01:01 The Malay netizen first raised his curiosity.
01:05 The mixed vegetables and rice restaurant looks like
01:09 not a very popular business.
01:12 Customers who come to the restaurant for lunch are also ordinary.
01:16 How did the boss make a lot of money?
01:18 At first, he didn't understand.
01:19 He doubted that he could really make so much money by selling mixed vegetables and rice.
01:23 Later, he found out that this restaurant also does factory business.
01:27 Maybe there is a long-term contract.
01:30 It's to supply factory staff food.
01:33 Then he saw a lot of motorcyclists every day
01:36 coming to the boss's store in this multiple-story container.
01:40 Then the boss filled the food into this box.
01:43 The riders will leave.
01:45 Then this Malay netizen gave a math problem to everyone.
01:49 One meal is 5 ringgit.
01:51 300 employees supply the factory every day.
01:54 5 times 300, the boss can earn 1500 ringgit a day.
01:59 The factory has a working day of 26 days a month.
02:03 26 times 1500, the boss can earn 39,000 ringgit a month.
02:08 In the end, the netizen said he was mistaken.
02:12 But he didn't seem to mention the cost.
02:15 The income of 39,000 must be deducted from the cost.
02:18 That's the real profit for the boss.
02:21 Yes, you have to think about the cost of water, electricity, rent.
02:24 Of course, he didn't mention whether the electricity was his own.
02:27 Even if he knows the cost of workers, ingredients, rice, vegetables,
02:32 he has to calculate all these.
02:33 It's impossible to say that 39,000 is 39,000, right?
02:36 Anyway, for the new sharing of this Malay netizen,
02:40 there are other netizens who left a message.
02:42 They said, "The story of this boss tells us how important connections are to a business."
02:48 The Malay netizen said he admired the boss's marketing method and his low-key style.
02:54 He said he would continue to observe the operation of this restaurant.
02:57 There are many things to learn.
03:00 Xinzhou Daily later found the boss of the restaurant written by the Malay netizen.
03:05 We call him Boss Cai.
03:08 Boss Cai's shop is located in Pili Taiping.
03:10 When he was interviewed, he said he didn't change his car every year.
03:15 The Malay netizen said it was too exaggerated.
03:17 Did Boss Cai deny that he bought a Tesla this year?
03:21 It was not mentioned in the report.
03:24 Anyway, the boss said if the Malay netizen living nearby wanted to learn how to do business,
03:30 he would be happy to share.
03:32 After all, everyone lives in the same Malaysia.
03:35 After reading this news, many friends in Taiping will go everywhere tomorrow.
03:40 Because Taiping is not a big city.
03:42 Where is the restaurant?
03:44 Where is the Tesla parked?
03:46 Then everyone will know that the boss is you.
03:49 Although the boss's income is good,
03:52 he also reminds everyone that every penny he earns is paid for by hard work and hard work.
03:59 He said it would be good for 30 days a month.
04:01 His restaurant will be open for 28 days.
04:03 And the working hours are about 12 to 13 hours a day.
04:07 It's hard work.
04:08 His business is hard work.
04:10 He wants to give people good service and strengthen the network.
04:13 He said 80% of his business is based on turning back.
04:16 So don't look at the scenery of others.
04:19 You should also understand the hard work behind it.
04:23 There is no stupid lunch in the world.
04:25 [MUSIC]
