Production of Jarrah and Karri timber banned from WA's native forests

  • 8 months ago
The State Government's ban on commercial production of Jarrah and Karri timber harvested from WA's native forests has come into effect.


00:00 The end of an era for dozens of south west timber mills.
00:06 The ban brings to a close a history stretching back 150 years.
00:12 Labour has a strategy to create new jobs in the south.
00:15 The shutdown signalled by Labour in 2001.
00:19 The final decision 20 years later.
00:21 We are going to stop logging in our native forests.
00:23 Blindsided industry.
00:25 Anything we were forewarned about or consulted about or anything like that we all, you know,
00:31 business owners, employees, everybody just found out via social media.
00:36 Last week the government revealed a new 10 year forest plan, sourcing chara in part from
00:42 bauxite miners clearfelling the forest.
00:45 We'll be doing what's called ecological thinning and so that's only where we are thinning trees
00:50 for forest health purposes.
00:52 If a mining company has environmental approval to clear any state forest then we will use
00:58 that timber resource as well.
01:00 With concerns native hardwood will become scarce and expensive.
01:04 If you or I want to go and put in a new jarrah floor, where's that going to come from?
01:08 Oh we'll go down to Bunnings perhaps and buy some imported timber from some tropical country.
01:12 How silly is that?
01:13 There have been a number of challenges as a result of that decision that's been made
01:19 and a number of areas that still remain uncertain and everyone is just waiting for that greater
01:24 clarity to come through from government.
01:27 The new management plan welcomed by conservation groups.
01:32 Really importantly we're going to see an additional 400,000 hectares of forests properly and securely
01:37 protected.
01:38 Those forests will be protected from logging and also from mining in the conservation system
01:43 and that is a major breakthrough for WA.
01:46 The Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions will produce a map of the
01:50 protected areas within five years.
