Stok Beras Dipastikan Aman

  • 8 months ago
Presiden Joko Widodo mengungkapkan, harga beras saat ini masih tetap stabil, meski musim panen mengalami kemunduran akibat El Nino. Jokowi mencatat hingga akhir 2023, cadangan beras nasional berada di angka 1,4 juta ton.


00:00 President Joko Widodo's office announced that the price of rice is still stable,
00:04 although the harvest season has been delayed due to the El Niño.
00:07 Jokowi noted that by the end of 2023,
00:10 the national rice reserve will be at 1.4 million tons.
00:14 The amount will be added again through the purchase of rice imports from a number of countries.
00:19 President Joko Widodo announced that the price of rice is still stable,
00:27 although the harvest season has been delayed due to the El Niño.
00:30 According to Jokowi, the El Niño phenomenon and climate change
00:33 make the price of rice in all countries experience an increase.
00:36 In addition, Super El Niño also made 22 countries in the world
00:39 to stop exporting rice to various countries.
00:42 Nevertheless, Jokowi ensured that the situation of the increase in rice prices in Indonesia
00:46 was not as drastic as in other countries.
00:49 The stability of rice prices on the ground is maintained through the government rice reserve stock
00:53 which is still surplus.
00:56 Jokowi noted that by the end of 2023,
00:58 the national rice reserve will be at 1.4 million tons.
01:01 The amount will be added again through the purchase of rice imports from a number of countries.
01:06 The price of rice and food in the world, all countries experience it.
01:12 But our country's increase is not as drastic as other countries.
01:19 We can handle it because the stock of rice in the block is also very good.
01:23 The stock of rice in the block was 1.4 million tons last year.
01:30 And this stock will be added again for strategic reserves
01:34 so that we can be safe because the rice harvest will be a little bit delayed.
01:40 President Jokowi ensured that the national rice reserve stock in 2024 will be at a safe level
01:48 even though the situation of rice harvest in various areas is a little bit delayed from the annual cycle.
01:53 For more information, stay tuned on IDX Channel.
01:56 IDX Channel
02:00 IDX Channel
