Bapanas: Bansos Beras Dilanjutkan Hingga Juni 2024

  • 8 months ago
Badan Pangan Nasional memastikan, pemerintah terus melanjutkan penyaluran bantuan pangan berupa beras, yang menjadi salah satu bantalan ekonomi bagi masyarakat yang rentan terhadap dampak kenaikan harga pangan. Di mana penyaluran bansos beras dinilai dapat meringankan beban masyarakat.


00:00 The National Food Agency has ensured that the government continues to distribute rice-based food assistance,
00:07 which is a barrier to the economy for the poor community,
00:11 in response to the rising food prices.
00:13 The distribution of rice-based food assistance is considered to reduce the burden on the community.
00:18 The rising food prices continue to occur in various regions.
00:24 The National Food Agency has ensured that the government continues to distribute rice-based food assistance,
00:31 which is a barrier to the economy for the poor community,
00:34 in response to the rising food prices.
00:37 The Director of Food Distribution and Supply, Mr. Nas Rahmi Widiriani,
00:42 emphasized that in addition to helping to reduce the burden on the community,
00:45 rice assistance is also expected to mitigate the rise in poverty.
00:53 We have to agree on this.
00:56 The data we use is from the National Food Agency.
01:01 The distribution scheme continues to be blocked.
01:12 The National Food Agency, after receiving data on 22,477,000 KPN,
01:23 has ordered the Ministry of Food to distribute 10 kg of rice-based food assistance.
01:30 10 kg?
01:32 The allocation of rice-based food assistance nationally in 2024
01:37 will be distributed to 22 million food assistance recipients, or PPP,
01:41 each of which will receive 10 kg of rice per month,
01:44 for six months from January to June 2024.
01:48 The Minister of Food and Agriculture, Mr. Nas, asked for the certainty of the smoothness of rice distribution
01:52 so that it is precisely targeted.
01:54 From Jakarta, I am Aidek Shanal.
01:57 For more information, visit
02:00 [Music]
