• last year
Omos | Train Like


00:00 Wow, look at this place.
00:01 This is a 100 pound place.
00:02 Oh yeah.
00:05 Yup, a little bit 100 pounds.
00:11 Hello everyone.
00:12 This is WWE Superstar.
00:13 The name's Jiren "Giant" Omos.
00:15 And let me show you what a day of training looks like.
00:19 (upbeat music)
00:29 Typically, I have my first training in the morning.
00:32 This is about an hour of training
00:33 where it's mostly focused on mobility,
00:36 ankle mobility, hip activation,
00:38 and just getting strength in my hips, my lower back,
00:40 just making sure all those are functioning properly.
00:43 And then that goes for about an hour.
00:45 And then I have another session later in the day,
00:47 which is about an hour and a half to two hours
00:48 where I focus on lifting heavy weights.
00:51 Chest, shoulders, biceps, triceps one day.
00:54 The next day I have legs,
00:55 but I'm gonna focus on the glutes, the hamstrings,
00:58 the calves.
00:59 This next day is more chest, shoulders, trice.
01:02 And then the fourth day, more legs,
01:04 but more focused on the quads.
01:07 Started working out properly, I think,
01:08 about the age of 14.
01:10 I was a basketball player before I started wrestling.
01:12 My training then was more focused
01:13 towards speed and agility.
01:15 Now it's become more of a hybrid of still finding
01:17 that speed and agility,
01:18 but finding the ability to generate a lot of power.
01:22 It was a lot.
01:23 You know, basketball, you always had to cut weight.
01:25 And for what I do now, you know,
01:26 I still have to look jacked and look good
01:28 for what I do in the ring.
01:29 Playing weight when I was a basketball player
01:31 was about 330 in off season
01:33 and about 315 during in season.
01:36 And right now I'm currently about 4'10", 4'6"
01:39 7'3".
01:41 I'm a massive human being, what can I tell you?
01:43 My current training goal is to continue looking
01:47 as good as I can.
01:48 I can look, that's always been the goal.
01:49 Lean body fat, lean body fat,
01:51 but slow progression over time.
01:54 I don't wanna rush into where like I do this big cut
01:56 and then have a huge crash.
01:58 I wanna continually cut the fat and cut the fat.
02:01 So that way I don't have a huge crash.
02:02 So today we're gonna focus more on the legs.
02:05 You know, I gotta grow this thighs.
02:08 So we're gonna start off with some activation,
02:12 some mobility work,
02:14 and then we're gonna go into some fun stuff like squats.
02:17 Let's get into the workout.
02:18 The first mobility drill is a half kneeling
02:24 hip flexor stretch.
02:25 I wanna open my hips, my groins,
02:28 tuck in my glutes and squeeze.
02:31 And you're gonna feel that stretch
02:32 as you're right there on the quad here.
02:35 You just gotta stay there for one minute,
02:37 30 seconds if you want.
02:39 If you wanna make it more challenging,
02:42 you can stretch your hand up.
02:44 And the next trick,
02:50 swing your hips slightly from side to side.
02:53 Oh yeah.
02:54 The second mobility drill
03:01 is an ankle and hamstring stretch.
03:04 To get into a dip squat,
03:05 you need to have great ankle mobility.
03:07 So what we're gonna do is,
03:08 as much as you can,
03:09 without the heel coming off the bench,
03:12 to the front of me as much as you can.
03:14 Stay right there.
03:15 Count to like five seconds.
03:17 For me as a giant,
03:18 mobility is especially important.
03:20 I did a lot for WWE Superstar.
03:21 We travel a lot.
03:23 Like I'm talking about almost every weekend.
03:26 Flights, drives from city to city.
03:28 So mobility is a huge part of my life.
03:31 Which is why I'm making cognizant efforts
03:36 to make sure I do my mobility drills
03:39 almost every other day.
03:40 The third mobility stretch,
03:42 I call it the airplane.
03:43 So essentially what we're gonna do is,
03:44 single leg RDL while holding the bar.
03:48 And we're gonna open our hips to the sky.
03:51 I want to feel a contraction in our glutes.
03:53 Try to make sure that back leg
03:55 is pointed all the way straight.
03:58 Ta-da!
04:20 This is Mr. Mike.
04:21 Mr. Mike built this exceptionally wonderful gym
04:24 here at WWE HQ.
04:25 Mr. Mike, can you tell them about
04:26 the equipment we have here?
04:27 - We have all types of equipment here.
04:29 We got arsenal, lancers.
04:30 We have all the cardio equipment,
04:32 everything available according to body part,
04:35 legs, back, chest, shoulders,
04:38 all separated into different areas
04:40 so that you don't have to run from one area of the gym
04:43 to the other to finish legs or back or chest.
04:46 So we try to keep it all together
04:48 so you can really get an intense workout.
04:50 - Thank you, Mr. Mike.
04:51 - You got it.
04:52 - I'm doing my workout.
04:52 - Good seeing you, my man.
04:53 - Good seeing you as well.
04:55 First exercise we're gonna do today is a squat.
04:59 And for being someone like myself,
05:01 I'm not really a fan of back squat,
05:03 but I do like the pit shot.
05:05 It's a hip squat.
05:06 Take the chains, you hook it up to the lever right there,
05:09 and you just drop your booty
05:11 all the way to 90 degrees and come back up.
05:13 I go, they have a second go,
05:14 and then I go six to eight.
05:17 And then the next set I drop the weight.
05:19 I go eight to 10.
05:20 And next set I go 10 to 15, drop the weight.
05:23 I feel it mostly in my glutes, my hamstrings.
05:27 I'm able to get a nice depth when I use this.
05:30 You know, that's a struggle for a giant,
05:32 you know, getting that ass down.
05:34 It doesn't put any pressure on my lower back.
05:36 I can get more of a depth when I squat,
05:38 and also it doesn't put pressure on my knees.
05:39 Damn, I love this machine.
05:42 This machine is just so freaking awesome, man.
05:45 This beautiful machine here is also a squat machine,
05:47 but it can double as an easy for Romanian deadlifts.
05:50 I'm feeling it in my glutes and in my hamstrings.
05:54 Keep my mind distracted.
05:56 What I'm gonna have for dinner, my next cheat meal.
05:58 There's some anime I'm gonna watch later on tonight.
06:01 I start with the heaviest weight,
06:03 and I go down with a lot more reps.
06:07 So for this one, you know, it's kind of light,
06:10 probably 10 to 15.
06:11 Do your four sets, be slow, and take your time.
06:15 The next exercise I have, this is the hamstring curls.
06:19 And typically, the same idea.
06:21 I wanna go the heaviest I can go in my first set.
06:23 And I'm gonna try to go, shoot for six to eight.
06:27 Slow tempo, and take our time, and just breathe.
06:31 You know, nature of my business,
06:37 as a giant, I catch people, toss people.
06:40 You can generate a lot more power and force
06:43 from your legs and from your hips
06:46 than from your chest and shoulders.
06:48 So I try to train them as often as I can.
06:51 I can have the biggest legs,
06:58 if it's not strong and mobile, then it's useless.
07:02 There's no point in having a giant ass leg,
07:03 and I can't do this.
07:06 And now, for the most important workout of the day,
07:09 to make sure that I am victorious,
07:12 the shoulder press.
07:13 (upbeat music)
07:16 As a giant, it's awesome to have a balance,
07:20 individuals, actually not individuals,
07:22 little minions of a man.
07:24 That's why getting a strong shoulder is important.
07:42 So the workout is completed, as you saw,
07:45 we did some activation, some mobility,
07:47 we did some squats, some hamstring curls,
07:51 we did some RDLs.
07:52 Thank you everyone for joining me here today.
07:56 I'm glad I was able to show you
07:57 what the workout of a giant looks like.
07:59 And don't forget, don't ever skip leg day.
08:04 (upbeat music)