Buccaneers Defeat Panthers 9-0, Clinch Division Victory

  • 7 months ago
00:00 Mhm. It was the Buccaneers
00:06 nine to nothing. No, that
00:08 in MLB. That was the final
00:10 one. Tampa Bay goes on th
00:13 the division here mark an
00:15 to just two and five on t
00:19 blanked at home minus 4.5
00:21 Bay as the road favorite.
00:24 the game stays under 36 1
00:26 take away from Carolina t
00:33 actually should have won
00:36 going in for a seven noth
00:39 the ball in the back of t
00:41 got a touchback. Uh and I
00:45 through another red zone
00:47 it was something else hap
00:48 another touch on the board
00:51 just look at it real quick
00:55 look, you know, you want
00:58 that that are a disgrace
01:01 Tampa Bay Buccaneers are
01:03 their division. That's th
01:04 down to. I mean, you know
01:08 you know, there's no way
01:12 won that division like th
01:14 handed it to him. Oh yeah
01:18 goal to that miss field g
01:20 Um and they fumbled the b
01:24 35. Like you know, Tampa
01:28 Tampa today. Absolutely d
