Michigan Wolverines Win National Title after Long Wait

  • 7 months ago
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:03 - All right, Gabe, I mean, look,
00:04 you've been waiting a long time for this.
00:06 We know that, we talk to you all the time.
00:08 We see you tweet about it all the time.
00:10 Michigan winning a national title.
00:13 How are you feeling here the next day?
00:16 - Well, you know what?
00:17 I don't feel so great the next day
00:19 because I celebrated last night
00:21 during and after the football game.
00:25 But it has been a long time coming, Carver.
00:28 The Michigan Wolverines, if you look at Michigan
00:31 as a whole, collectively,
00:34 I mean, you had the last two playoff,
00:38 the college football plus third time in a row.
00:40 Remember the Fab Five made it to two finals in a row.
00:44 Lost them both.
00:45 This is just off the top of my head, Carver,
00:47 but I believe if you include the Fab Five,
00:49 I think Michigan are 0-5 in national title games.
00:52 It's hard to keep up, right?
00:53 They lost to Villanova, they lost to Louisville,
00:55 they lost, might be 0-4.
00:57 It's 0-4, the two with the Fab Five.
01:02 But how many other times, bro,
01:03 did Michigan make the Final Four
01:05 over the last 10, 15, 20 years?
01:07 - Yeah. - I don't know,
01:08 like every second year type of deal.
01:10 You know what I mean? - Yeah.
01:11 - Where I'm going with this is,
01:13 Michigan have knocked on the door for a long time.
01:15 And to be real, guys,
01:17 for a program that gets talked about
01:19 and is hyped up as much as Michigan does,
01:22 the wins are up there, right?
01:24 The basketball team,
01:26 you know, in fact, the basketball team
01:28 hadn't won since 1989.
01:31 Football team hadn't won since 1997.
01:33 And they've had so many great players
01:36 and there's just been, you know, this or that
01:38 and one thing or another,
01:39 but it finally all came together last night for Harbaugh
01:43 as well, Carver, who had been knocking on the door,
01:45 never won a major big time champ,
01:47 you know, won conference championships
01:49 and NFC conference championships.
01:52 Now he's got the championship, bro.
01:55 And I gotta tell you what,
01:57 the next step, I do believe
01:58 he's going to the National Football League.
02:00 He's gunning for the Super Bowl, bro.
02:02 And I wouldn't bet against him.
02:04 Like, this is it.
02:05 Like, he's got the next thing,
02:07 he's like, all right, now I get the Super Bowl.
02:10 I won up my brother
02:13 and I joined the exclusive territory and company
02:16 of Barry Switzer and Jimmy Johnson
02:18 of winning a national championship at the Super Bowl.
02:21 - And I agree with you.
02:22 I think at the end of the day,
02:23 that is what he's going to do.
02:25 I thought he had a great line last night
02:26 in the post game where he was like,
02:27 I could sit at the big table now with my brother
02:30 and my dad who had won national championships.
02:33 I thought that that was very cool.
02:35 But he also said something in another interview
02:36 on the field where he was like,
02:38 you know, I already told the kids,
02:39 we usually start February 14th.
02:40 We're moving to start a spring practice back a few weeks.
02:43 Like, he had another interview where he talked like,
02:46 I'm going back to Michigan and like everything,
02:48 these are the plans.
02:49 I'm with you, Gabe.
02:50 I think that he's going to go to one of these jobs,
02:53 whether it's the Chargers or Washington,
02:55 whichever one he finds most attractive
02:58 and go and get that next level
03:00 that you're talking about with Johnson and Switzer.
03:03 - And also it's next level money,
03:05 but I don't think it's about the money with him
03:08 because look, Michigan supposedly,
03:10 yeah, I mean, reportedly Carver Michigan's offering them
03:13 in the $15 million range.
03:15 It's pretty good.
03:16 Like, all right, so what, you're going to get 22 a year
03:22 in the NFL, it's going to be 20 plus.
03:24 Payton gets 20, same agent, word is,
03:27 that's sort of the starting point,
03:28 20, 25 million a year, which is absolutely crazy,
03:32 but that's the market that we're in right now.
03:34 But you're right, Carver.
03:35 Thing is with Harbaugh, and I'm not going to pretend to know,
03:37 nobody knows.
03:39 He doesn't know.
03:39 I think in his mind, like, who knows, bro?
03:42 Maybe his father, you know what I'm saying?
03:43 Like, sort of has a feeling, like he's a Rubik's cube.
03:48 So like you said, I caught that as well.
03:51 So yeah, we're going to move spring practice back.
03:53 We won, this is great, and all that type of stuff.
03:56 And also I couldn't overlook J.J. McCarthy, Carver,
03:59 every time he spoke after the game.
04:01 This is really, you know, this is great,
04:03 but I'm sad because it's the last time
04:06 we're ever going to be together.
04:08 He kept saying that over and over.
04:10 - Yeah.
04:10 - We're never going to play together,
04:11 we're never going to be together again.
04:13 And I was thinking, well, what does that mean?
04:14 You could come back, Harbaugh could come back,
04:16 but I think if anyone would know it would be J.J. too.
04:20 - I think maybe, you know, Harbaugh would tell him,
04:22 this is it, bro.
04:23 Like, this is it, you and me, like, this is it, right?
04:26 Last game.
04:28 I don't know.
04:28 I don't know, Carver, like you said,
04:30 one minute he's talking about spring practice,
04:32 another time, and he's hiring Don Yee, Carver.
04:35 He's going to hire Don Yee to run football practices.
04:37 So I don't know what the hell the guy's up to,
04:39 but he's going to take offers, bro.
04:41 We'll put it that way.
04:42 - No, he's definitely going to take offers.
04:44 - He's going to listen to what you have to say.
04:47 Doesn't mean like he's begging for an NFL job,
04:50 but if you call, he'll listen to what you have to say.
04:53 - No doubt.
04:54 And you bring up McCarthy.
04:55 I thought the one aspect of the game
04:57 where maybe Michigan got a little bit off track
05:01 was early in that game, Gabe, they were smashing him.
05:03 I mean, it looked like if they wanted to,
05:06 they could have ran for 400 yards, 500 yards last night.
05:09 I mean, they were running the football at that kind of clip.
05:11 And we know how much Harbaugh loves J.J. McCarthy
05:14 and how he's talked about J.J. McCarthy this year.
05:17 And it's almost like after those first three drives
05:19 and those long runs, he like sat there thinking to himself,
05:22 "I got to let J.J. eat a little bit here."
05:24 And he tried to throw the ball over the place
05:26 and that's what kept Washington in the game.
05:29 - I agree with you, but that's on Sharon Moore, right?
05:31 The offensive coordinator.
05:32 And I totally agree, Carver.
05:33 I think they were like, "All right, all right,
05:36 now let's let J.J. look good."
05:37 And started him throwing the ball all over the place.
05:40 And full, full disclosure,
05:42 J.J. did not play well last night.
05:44 - No.
05:45 - You know what?
05:46 He's got a little Josh Allen in him a bit.
05:48 - Yeah, he reminds me of Joe Burrow a lot,
05:50 but he was too amped, bro.
05:52 Like it was just, I could tell right away,
05:54 like the ball, he was throwing the ball 113 miles an hour,
05:57 like on every play.
05:59 He's a strange dude, man.
06:03 Like I said, I'm sure you know about the meditating
06:05 and all that type of stuff.
06:06 - Yeah, I saw him.
06:07 - Yeah, bro, I could tell it didn't work
06:10 in Energy Stadium, bro.
06:11 He's in this like mall, indoors.
06:15 Like at the Rose Bowl, it was like zen.
06:17 He was there in the sun and the shadows alone.
06:20 And it was this peaceful moment.
06:22 There he's like trying to do this
06:24 in like a shopping mall or something, right?
06:26 And I was like, yeah,
06:26 this isn't gonna work for this kid tonight.
06:27 I just sort of knew.
06:29 I was like, you know,
06:30 I don't think he's gonna be on top of things,
06:32 but it'll be all right.
06:33 Sort of like Josh Allen.
06:35 He gets too fired up, calm down, Josh.
06:37 He's dialing back a little bit.
06:38 I think J.J. got so amped last night.
06:40 He didn't play great, but what an awesome quarterback, bro.
06:43 27 and one cover.
06:45 27 and one, bro.
06:47 What can you say about the kid?
06:48 And oh yeah, by the way,
06:49 he won a high school state championship in Illinois as well.
06:52 So high school state championship,
06:55 college national championship.
06:57 Super Bowl could be next for this kid, bro.
06:59 He's a winner.
07:00 - Maybe, but I don't know if you think
07:02 he should come out this year, Gabe, or should he?
07:04 I mean, maybe a little bit more college football.
07:07 You know, there's a lot of quarterbacks
07:08 at the top of this draft already.
07:11 He hasn't been mentioned a month.
07:12 - Kuiper's got him ranked fifth.
07:14 - But the thing is, Kuiper,
07:15 even if you're the fifth ranked quarterback.
07:17 - You know, next year you could be second ranked.
07:20 - Yeah, maybe.
07:21 I don't know, Shador Sanders next year.
07:23 Oh, there's a couple other guys, you know,
07:24 top of my head, but Shador Sanders,
07:26 I guess would be the front runner.
07:27 But what more can he do?
07:30 So what?
07:31 He need to go back to college
07:32 to improve his draft stock by three spots?
07:35 And don't fool yourself.
07:36 I think J.J. is gonna go higher than people think, too.
07:41 Like, I think he's one of those dudes,
07:43 you'll get Daniel Jones,
07:44 and he's better than Daniel Jones,
07:45 but you know what I mean?
07:46 There's gonna be someone that says,
07:47 "Yeah, yeah, I don't care.
07:48 I'm taking this kid six."
07:50 Like, you know what I mean?
07:50 Like, yeah, I'm not,
07:52 I don't wanna hear that he's supposed to go 11.
07:55 I've been thinking about it, looking at a lot.
07:57 There's a lot of teams in a mix here.
07:58 The Falcons need a quarterback.
08:00 To me, J.J. McCarthy went into last night, Carver,
08:02 sort of 10 to 15 in the draft.
08:05 I was talking to draft people before the game.
08:07 They were saying, "No, he's worked his way
08:08 into the top 10 for real,
08:10 and coaches are gonna love him when they meet him
08:12 at the combine and stuff like that,
08:15 but nothing's official yet, and plus money, Carver.
08:17 He doesn't really need it.
08:19 Word is, he could get like three, four,
08:22 maybe $5 million if he returns to Michigan.
08:26 That's the new dynamic, isn't it, bro?
08:28 Like, these kids, it's like,
08:29 "I don't need to go to the NFL.
08:31 Michigan's offering me 4.2 million to come back."
08:33 - Right, 'cause he's not gonna make that.
08:34 Let's say he went in the second round.
08:36 Let's just say he's a second-round pick next year,
08:39 and he's gonna sit behind somebody.
08:41 He ain't gonna make $5 million next year doing that.
08:43 I mean, he may find another thing
08:45 in the quarterback at Michigan, so it's-
08:46 - Can you believe that?
08:47 He may make more in college.
08:48 You're like, "Wow."
08:50 - It's changed the game.
08:51 - You guys are gonna pay me 1.8 million a year,
08:53 and I'm gonna be a backup?
08:54 I don't know.
08:55 Like, you know what I mean?
08:55 - Yeah.
08:57 - He's gonna go.
08:58 I think the Vikings are a good fit for him, Carver.
09:00 I was sort of looking at the teams.
09:02 Where the Vikings pick 11th, sort of that right there.
09:05 Listen, Caleb Williams is gonna be
09:07 the number one quarterback take him.
09:09 I think this Drake May stuff is a little bit overdone.
09:14 It's like, okay, he's got a nice arm, Carver.
09:16 Calm down.
09:17 He ain't the next second coming.
09:18 You know what I mean?
09:19 - I think it's like Levis right here, honestly.
09:22 I think it's like Levis and all the gaps that we got.
09:24 - I hear a good comparison.
09:26 Well, I think he's more polished
09:27 as a quarterback than Levis,
09:28 but I'm just like this whole, "And Drake May."
09:31 It's like, "Okay, I don't know."
09:34 Panicks is good.
09:38 I don't think Panicks should be like a top 10 guy though.
09:40 But Panicks is, you know, he's gonna be a first rounder.
09:43 I like Bo Nicks.
09:45 None of those guys went 27 and one.
09:47 Like McCarthy's got that sort of impact.
09:50 Oh, and he's got James Daniels,
09:51 who was born to be a Raider.
09:53 - Right, yeah, that's very true.
09:55 (upbeat music)
09:58 (bells chiming)
