Wealthy Austrian heiress to distribute €25 million fortune to citizens

  • 8 months ago
Marlene Engelhorn has been fighting for years for a more equitable tax system in her country. A Citizens' Council will be formed in Austria to decide on how to distribute the money.


00:00 An heiress in Austria has set up a citizens assembly to give away her 25 million euro fortune
00:07 Marlene Engelhorn inherited the money from her family, which is linked to chemicals giant
00:13 EASF the 31 year old wants her vast wealth to be
00:17 Redistributed across society and has campaigned for years for a more equitable tax system in her home country
00:24 couldn't film and 20 million in oil or
00:27 Rick fatality
00:29 It's not like a start. She's not over tight. It's hard with this is good. I was nice before this
00:34 She was this girl well the author of the girl for some total of it's a song
00:38 Vermogen so in the gesellschaft often time does it seem each class on like a million and it normally have developed in
00:45 Indy's a specific family medicine not common
00:48 The assembly will be comprised of 50 citizens chosen randomly under the guidance of experts
00:55 They will choose how and to whom the money should be shared out Marlene says she will not have any say in the process
01:03 [whoosh]
01:04 (whooshing)
