Barstool Pizza Review - Buddy’s Union Villa (North Easton, MA)

  • 7 months ago
El Presidente | Pizza Reviews
00:00 [MUSIC]
00:10 >> No.
00:16 >> [LAUGH]
00:19 >> All right.
00:20 >> Shut the door on the Hingham kids.
00:22 Shut the door on the Hingham kids.
00:22 >> We are at- >> What?
00:24 We don't want it.
00:25 >> These Hingham kids have reinforced my decision not to have kids.
00:29 >> Times a thousand, the most annoying little group of kids I've ever met.
00:32 >> He said he's the most annoying little kid.
00:34 >> Yeah, you guys, most annoying.
00:35 >> You guys are going to a time out.
00:37 >> Most annoying.
00:38 >> Hello.
00:39 >> Hello.
00:40 >> Time out.
00:40 >> Yeah.
00:43 >> I think they're not even funny.
00:44 >> Hello.
00:45 >> Can I get in the play?
00:47 >> What play?
00:48 Is this kid just a cool kid?
00:50 Well, he's making no sense.
00:51 >> You guys some kookies?
00:52 >> Wait, did you go to Next Page?
00:53 >> Who are you?
00:54 What are you talking about?
00:55 >> Do you know what the Grimace Shake is?
00:57 >> No.
00:58 >> You guys think you're a lot funnier than you are.
01:00 >> [LAUGH]
01:01 >> Get away from me, you obnoxious Hingham kids.
01:04 >> Hello.
01:05 >> Ooh, I love the looks of that.
01:07 >> Holy Jesus.
01:08 >> Yeah.
01:10 >> Let's hype it up, boys.
01:11 >> I did.
01:13 >> I made it.
01:14 >> I like the looks of it.
01:15 >> Where are you?
01:17 >> Easton at Buddy's Villa, right?
01:18 That's where I'm at.
01:19 >> I grew up here.
01:20 >> No, you didn't.
01:21 >> Yes, I did.
01:21 >> I did.
01:22 >> You guys are all silver spoon little Hingham kids.
01:26 >> [LAUGH]
01:27 >> Yeah, Hingham wearing the Duke right on point.
01:30 >> Don't talk about-
01:31 >> Actually, I just moved to Hingham two months ago, so.
01:34 >> Yeah, Hingham, you guys are at home.
01:36 >> I grew up in Brockton.
01:37 >> Yeah, that's where you're at.
01:37 >> I'm not kidding.
01:38 >> This guy's definitely living on the water in Hingham.
01:41 One bite every now and then.
01:43 >> He's seven.
01:46 >> Ooh, this is really good.
01:47 >> He's my baby brother.
01:48 >> This is recommended by, what was it, a bunch of people said we had to come out here.
01:52 >> By me.
01:53 We should hype this up.
01:55 Yay.
01:56 >> I'll subscribe.
01:58 >> Yay.
02:00 >> I'm trying to concentrate through the noise of these kids.
02:03 >> I thought it was the one bite rule.
02:04 >> It's tough.
02:04 >> It's tough.
02:05 >> Can I just be very high?
02:07 >> Wait, was it on the house?
02:10 >> Shut up.
02:12 >> [LAUGH]
02:13 >> Yes, mom, shut up.
02:15 >> Shut up, mom.
02:16 >> Ski.
02:19 >> All right, how long has this place been here for?
02:22 >> Eight years.
02:22 >> Fifty years.
02:24 Fifty years.
02:25 >> I was just estimating.
02:26 >> 17, 17.
02:28 >> Shut up.
02:28 >> [LAUGH]
02:29 >> Shut up.
02:30 >> [LAUGH]
02:32 >> Yeah, don't shut up.
02:33 >> [CROSSTALK]
02:36 >> I'm trying to concentrate here because I've done the whole social bar pie thing.
02:40 Important score, these rugrats won't give me any like-
02:44 >> Damn annoying rugrats.
02:46 >> I'm gonna go 8.2.
02:49 >> [APPLAUSE]
02:52 >> 8.2, how do you feel?
03:00 >> Yes.
03:01 >> Maybe it would have been higher.
03:02 >> We got it.
03:03 >> [LAUGH]
03:04 >> Yeah.
03:05 >> [LAUGH]
03:07 >> Yeah.
03:08 >> Great job, great job.
03:10 >> Good job, good job.
03:11 >> Good job, man, good job.
03:13 >> Hey, if you ever come back, you gotta get it with the burn edges.
03:16 >> This is pretty good, man.
03:17 >> Yeah, no, that's good, but the burn edges fucking makes it-
03:20 >> This is really, really good.
03:21 >> [CROSSTALK]
03:31 >> You're the dad?
03:34 >> Yeah.
03:35 >> How do you feel?
03:35 >> [LAUGH]
03:36 >> Holy shit.
03:37 >> All right, you ready?
03:37 >> Everybody smile.
03:39 Three, two, one.
03:40 All right, I got you.
03:41 Thank you.
03:42 >> Yep.
03:43 >> Thank you, David.
03:44 >> I love you, David.
03:46 >> Aw.
03:47 >> They're the absolute worst.
03:49 >> They want it.
03:49 >> Full of energy.
03:50 >> That's good to see.
03:51 >> Steve, a few years ago during COVID, you opened up a shirt for
03:53 my daughter, Teddy's tribe, that we sent to you.
03:56 >> I think this could get weepy here.
03:58 Yeah, this could be waterworks.
03:59 All right, Dave, we want to extend an invitation to be part of Teddy's tribe.
04:03 There's a shirt and a bracelet in there along with some of your favorite snacks.
04:07 Teddy is a three year old being treated for brain cancer at Mass General.
04:10 I told you that one, I could tell that was gonna be a little bit of
04:12 a waterworks situation.
04:13 Obviously puts a little paw on it and makes you appreciate things,
04:17 puts things in perspective, clearly.
04:19 >> Your buddies are now doing a Teddy's tribe collab.
04:21 >> Okay.
04:22 >> You should buy a shirt.
04:23 >> I should buy a Buddy shirt?
04:24 >> You should get a Buddy shirt.
04:25 >> It's a hard sell.
04:26 >> And all goals for childhood cancer.
04:27 >> Let's do it.
04:28 >> Teddy's here.
04:29 >> You're Teddy?
04:30 >> This is Teddy.
04:30 >> Nice to meet you, Teddy.
04:31 All right, let's take a-
04:32 >> This is amazing.
04:33 >> Here we go.
04:34 >> All right.
04:34 >> Who's taking a picture?
04:35 >> I don't know, my husband has the photo, I guess.
04:38 Teddy's, you're like, thumbs up.
04:39 >> Thank you, sir.
04:40 >> Love it.
04:41 >> Thank you.
04:42 >> Of course.
04:43 >> Thank you.
04:43 >> You're the best.
04:44 >> Yes, Teddy.
04:49 >> I love you, Teddy.
04:49 >> Thank you.
04:50 >> You're welcome.
04:51 >> Keep raising money for childhood cancer.
04:52 >> All right, I'm all for that.
04:52 >> Here we go.
04:53 Hey, Dave.
04:54 >> Can I get a picture?
04:55 >> Are you Taylor Swift fan?
04:58 >> She, of course she is.
05:00 >> Yay.
05:01 >> Her and her and her and her.
05:03 >> Thank you.
05:04 >> What?
05:05 What?
05:05 >> That's awesome.
05:07 That's awesome.
05:08 That's awesome.
05:09 (whooshing)
05:11 [WHOOSH]
