चायनीज मांझे से सात साल के मासूम की गला कटने से मौत

  • 7 months ago
चायनीज मांझे से सात साल के मासूम की गला कटने से मौत
00:00 How did he die?
00:02 He died because of the kite
00:04 Where did this happen?
00:06 In Antwana
00:08 How did the kite get stung?
00:10 He was in the car with his father
00:12 He was going to the market
00:14 He got stung by the kite
00:16 He was in the car
00:18 He was my son
00:20 And he cut his throat?
00:22 Yes, he cut his throat
00:24 Where did you take him?
00:26 I took him to the Mahajan
00:28 The Mahajan brought him here
00:30 He died
00:32 How old was he?
00:34 He was 7 years old
00:36 He was a small kid
00:38 He didn't know anything
00:40 He was a small kid
00:42 Ciao!
00:44 (cheering)
