• last year
Silent Witness S26E08 Hearts of Darkness


00:00 Now, thanks to the vision of the Stratton family,
00:03 the whole region will benefit from the creation
00:06 of a new high-speed rail link.
00:09 To think Frankie arranged all this. You must be very proud.
00:15 How many fatalities? They're saying two so far.
00:18 Over 30 wounded.
00:20 You think I had something to do with this?
00:22 Hannah Coles is dead, isn't she? Is she the target for this thing?
00:25 We want people to see the damage they're doing to this planet, not...
00:28 You think this is his fault?
00:30 This isn't how it was meant to be.
00:32 Hannah Coles! What could have happened to her?
00:35 Are you married? Yes.
00:38 Can you imagine life without her?
00:40 Is she not what you expected? She's very protective of Kara.
00:43 Yeah. And of you. Oh, dear.
00:46 Well, that's a good thing, isn't it?
00:48 Hold your shit.
00:57 # Testa torre silenz
01:04 # Hospices e spiritus
01:13 # Silen sti luci
01:24 # Testa torre silenz
01:35 # Testa torre silenz
01:40 I need paramedics at the tunnel.
01:56 Get the bomb dispersal team back now.
01:58 We need every officer at the perimeter cordon.
02:00 Stop anyone trying to leave. We're at the camp.
02:03 We're going to need to position.
02:05 We're going to need to position.
02:07 Units on the ground, 1828, BBD, 90 seconds.
02:10 The police are here. What?
02:16 Trevor? I'll be fine.
02:19 Where were you, Anthony?
02:23 You were out of here. Your phone was beeping half the night.
02:26 Who's Donner?
02:29 He's checking my phone.
02:32 They're coming for us.
02:34 Police affecting entry.
02:51 Ready to go, girl?
02:58 Why can't you talk about it? What?
03:01 What is it you really want, Eva?
03:03 Well, years ago, when we were lying in my bed together,
03:07 you said you wouldn't regret what we did.
03:09 I know you love Cara.
03:13 I think you once loved me too.
03:17 Why can't you admit it?
03:19 We knew then that this couldn't last.
03:23 It moved on.
03:25 It moved on. So should you.
03:28 If not for me, then do it for Cara.
03:31 Jack, I was... Yeah. On my way.
03:38 Sorry, Eva.
03:49 I'm sorry.
04:17 Trevor. Come on.
04:19 They're coming. They're coming.
04:21 Come on! Come on! Come on!
04:23 Come on!
04:51 Dr Alexander?
04:53 Professor Fulicuya.
04:55 Sorry, I'm early.
04:59 I'm here to see my dad.
05:01 It's Sergeant John Pryor.
05:04 I'm afraid Dr Alexander's at an inquest today.
05:07 Last-minute change of plans.
05:09 Is it a bad time?
05:11 No.
05:14 Not at all. This way, please.
05:17 Come on.
05:19 You go on.
05:25 I can't. I'm not leaving you.
05:27 Trevor.
05:32 Don't.
05:37 What?
05:39 What are you talking about?
05:41 It's OK. You're going to be OK.
05:43 I'm going to get you out of here.
05:46 Hey! We need help over here! Now!
05:49 They're coming. It's going to be all right.
05:52 You're going to be all right.
05:54 We'll go somewhere, just like you said.
05:57 We'll be together.
05:59 Just you and me.
06:01 [Groans]
06:03 [Police radio chatter]
06:30 I'm not sure I can do this.
06:33 Some people prefer not to.
06:37 Prefer to remember them living.
06:40 I've not seen him for months.
06:45 It was like that.
06:48 I knew he loved me and was there when I...
06:53 What would you do?
07:00 I don't know.
07:02 I've often wondered what I'd do.
07:06 You came this far, though.
07:11 Ladies.
07:22 Looks like a second device was placed near the front carriage.
07:25 Didn't get it right the first time, so they came back to finish the job.
07:28 What happened?
07:30 A journalist. She's been sniffing around since the first blast.
07:33 Found her in the middle carriage.
07:35 Said she saw someone in the tunnel, but she's barely conscious.
07:37 She couldn't give us any details.
07:39 She was right there when the bomb went off. She could be involved.
07:41 Or she could have been attacked by whoever planted the device.
07:44 Send us her clothing. See what we find.
07:46 [Phone rings]
07:48 Raymond. You've got Barzani.
07:51 I'm on my...
07:53 Christ.
07:55 Yeah.
07:57 Another fatality. One of the protesters.
08:00 What's that?
08:10 Is it where he fell?
08:12 Did someone hit him?
08:18 He should be in his uniform. He loved the army.
08:25 Why did he leave?
08:28 When I was younger, he was court-martialed for smuggling drugs.
08:33 Because of me.
08:38 I had to have surgery on my back.
08:41 I couldn't walk properly.
08:43 We needed money, so he started smuggling drugs from Kosovo.
08:49 Did Bob Stratton know?
08:53 They were in the army together, right?
08:56 Yeah. Bob kept it quiet.
08:59 They were loyal to each other like that.
09:03 When Dad got kicked out of the army, it broke him.
09:09 And his relationship with my mum.
09:12 But he said he'd do it all over again if it meant helping me.
09:21 It's not him, is it?
09:24 What do you mean?
09:26 His spirit's gone.
09:28 And that's what I want to remember.
09:31 Does Frankie know he's dead?
09:49 I believe so.
09:51 She and Dad got on really well.
09:54 He taught her how to shoot and fish.
09:58 Called her a fearless little thing.
10:01 Not like me.
10:07 Then their mum, Charlotte, died.
10:11 The family's never been the same.
10:14 Bob tried to help Dad.
10:16 Get him work where he could.
10:19 Let him live on the land.
10:22 Then Bob Stratton decided to sell the property.
10:26 The woods were going and so was Dad.
10:29 Did he bear a grudge?
10:32 You think, your father?
10:35 Wouldn't you?
10:38 Last few years, Dad really went downhill.
10:45 Should have done more.
10:48 I think Frankie was the only one who really stayed close to him.
10:54 Thank you, Professor.
11:13 Dr Alexander's on her way.
11:16 Trevor Taylor, one of the protesters.
11:18 Apparently he fell when the activists stormed the train after the crash.
11:21 Stormed? Thought they went to help the victims.
11:23 Doesn't look like that now, does it?
11:25 He was coughing up blood after the fall, according to Barzani.
11:29 Internal bleeding?
11:31 It's an icky question.
11:34 Any sign of a gunshot wound?
11:41 Not that I can see.
11:43 This was hidden in the undergrowth.
11:46 Blood on it?
11:57 Presumably the weapon used on John Pryor.
12:00 Yeah, Mum.
12:02 Twin flex wire.
12:04 Ah.
12:06 So the explosives were placed in the tunnel,
12:08 and they came up here just like the first device.
12:11 Oh, God.
12:13 What? What is it?
12:16 8am.
12:19 I was meant to be in the tunnel then.
12:22 If I hadn't been late, I'd be dead.
12:26 Well, it's lucky you had that extra bowl of shreddies then.
12:30 Oh, my God.
12:34 [Sighs]
12:37 Hmm.
12:40 [Grunts]
12:42 [Sighs]
12:46 [Footsteps approaching]
12:49 [Beep]
13:06 Okay, Donna.
13:16 [Beep]
13:18 Detective Sergeant Chaney,
13:33 CTU Human Intelligence Branch.
13:36 [Footsteps approaching]
13:39 [Tires screech]
13:42 [Door closes]
13:44 [Sighs]
14:00 What are you doing here?
14:06 They came to the camp. Arrested everyone.
14:09 Well, the police must have evidence.
14:11 They don't need evidence.
14:13 They've been hounding us for months, making our lives hell.
14:16 [Sighs]
14:18 I told you not to get involved with those people.
14:21 Those people?
14:23 Of course you'd other them, Dad.
14:25 The only difference between them and you is that they have their eyes open.
14:28 Those people are trying to save you, save the planet.
14:31 Yeah, you say you want to save the world, Frankie, but all you do is destroy things.
14:35 That tunnel, this family.
14:38 Can we please not start this?
14:39 I'm glad the tunnel was blown up.
14:41 I'm sorry people died, but this land has been saved.
14:44 Yeah. This land was gonna save the community.
14:48 Bring thousands of jobs.
14:50 You're not that naive, Dad.
14:52 Hannah Coles didn't care about anyone but herself.
14:59 Mum would never have sold up.
15:02 She knew how precious this land is.
15:04 You sound just like your mother, Francesca.
15:08 There's nothing special about Elmwood.
15:11 It's just like thousands of others in this country,
15:13 hidden behind high walls, preserved for the few.
15:16 Tear 'em all down, I reckon. Put 'em to use.
15:19 Suddenly, you care.
15:21 You turned Mum's home into a circus.
15:23 Train rides and Rotary Club booze-ups.
15:26 This place is killing us.
15:29 Now I've lived poor and now I've lived rich.
15:31 I can't say rich was any better.
15:33 Stop it, both of you. If Mum heard you like this...
15:35 Let's talk about Mum, then.
15:37 That journalist said she'd been looking into Mum's death.
15:40 She spoke to Mum's consultant.
15:44 He'd given her at least a year.
15:46 He was wrong.
15:49 Dad!
15:51 Come on.
15:54 What happened?
15:56 What really happened to Mum?
15:59 Your mother was never going to fade away, Frankie.
16:09 A woman like that.
16:12 It's like her horses, when they broke a leg.
16:18 A... a kindness, she called it.
16:23 Dad, didn't you...
16:25 No.
16:27 Not even when she begged me to.
16:31 She killed herself.
16:38 Jesus.
16:43 Why didn't you tell us, Dad?
16:49 You both worshipped her.
16:51 I didn't want to change that.
16:53 Why do you think I need to leave this place?
16:56 She could have had another year with us.
17:04 If she'd wanted.
17:06 Frankie, we need to leave.
17:10 If you run, they'll think you're guilty.
17:12 In their eyes, she already is.
17:14 Philip.
17:15 Dad, I promised Mum I'd protect this family
17:17 and I'm trying.
17:19 Trevor Taylor was an undercover officer.
17:42 Not his real name, I get it.
17:44 Trevor had been in the group for a while.
17:46 Trevor had been in the group for three months.
17:48 We had intelligence that certain individuals
17:50 were planning mass impact events.
17:52 Bombings?
17:53 This group had become completely radicalised.
17:55 Always starts pure and local, but never stays that way.
17:58 You say so.
17:59 Mr Hodgson, was my operative murdered?
18:02 I don't know.
18:03 His body's been sent to the Lyle.
18:06 I'm sorry.
18:08 Just find out how he died.
18:10 I need to know.
18:12 (indistinct chatter)
18:14 Apologies, I'm not as quick on my feet after the crash.
18:21 I'm Detective Superintendent Gibbs, Mr Stratton.
18:26 It seems a large quantity of fertiliser
18:29 was ordered on the estate account
18:31 in the last couple of months.
18:33 That's a mistake.
18:35 Nobody but me can make orders like that.
18:38 Well, we'll need to take your fingerprints
18:41 and anyone else who lives or works here.
18:43 Okay.
18:44 Hi.
18:48 I know this man.
18:55 I saw him in the triage area after the first explosion.
18:58 He said he'd fallen off the carriage.
19:01 Well, that might explain the bruising here.
19:03 I told them he needed to go to the hospital.
19:06 I'm not sure they took your advice.
19:09 How was it with Emma Pryor?
19:11 Fine.
19:12 Yes, um...
19:13 It's not easy, the living side of death.
19:17 She, um, thanked me.
19:20 Hugged me.
19:23 Sounds like it was good you were there.
19:26 There's a left-sided collection within the chest.
19:31 Could be blood.
19:32 Multiple left-sided rib fractures.
19:39 How's she doing?
19:44 Scans are okay.
19:45 She's heavily sedated,
19:46 but they think she might be able to talk later today.
19:49 We did a little digging.
19:51 Turns out Bala Nazir's brother is a climate change protester.
20:01 Glued himself to the M46 weeks ago.
20:03 Is he still there?
20:04 Hmm.
20:05 You think she has the same sympathies?
20:07 Let's get her clothing to the Lyle Centre.
20:09 We'll see if the journalist is actually the story.
20:12 Fresh blood.
20:30 Has a large haemophorax with fractured ribs.
20:34 The fractured ribs have torn the intercostal vessels.
20:37 Blood has been building up inside his chest,
20:40 eventually collapsing his lung
20:42 and sending him into a hypovolemic shock.
20:44 So, potentially consistent with the protester's story.
20:47 A heavy fall. Absolutely.
20:50 Thank you.
20:55 The clothes have been bagged for you,
21:00 as well as a DNA and gunshot residue test from his arrest.
21:03 You have something of a reputation, Mr Barzani.
21:07 Striking a police officer at a climate change rally, 2017.
21:12 Altercation with a motorist at a motorway protest, 2018.
21:15 Threatening behaviour at COP.
21:17 All charges dropped.
21:19 You must have a good lawyer.
21:21 Is that a question?
21:23 Here's a better one.
21:24 Someone using an alias sent six messages to Hannah Coles's phone,
21:28 threatening to kill her if she didn't end support for the rail link.
21:31 That was you, wasn't it?
21:32 Hmm. Don't like that one.
21:37 Try this. Can you explain why your DNA was found on Hannah Coles's body?
21:41 I answered that already. I took her pulse. She was dead.
21:44 Is that when you and Trevor Taylor got on the train together,
21:47 checking your handiwork?
21:48 We heard the crash. Trevor wanted to help. I went with him.
21:52 Which was when you say Trevor Taylor sustained the injuries
21:57 that killed him.
21:59 He, um...he fell.
22:02 He fell hard. Um...
22:04 He said he was OK.
22:07 But he wasn't.
22:09 He's lying about the fall.
22:12 It must have hit him. Caused the broken ribs.
22:16 We think that's unlikely, given the force involved.
22:20 His story is consistent with our findings.
22:23 Whose side are you on?
22:25 Science and probability.
22:27 Whose side are you on?
22:29 So you care so much about the planet that you'll threaten to kill?
22:36 The killing's already happening.
22:39 Here, right now. Those lights.
22:42 That plastic, this concrete.
22:45 You drive home, open your fridge, have a shower,
22:48 killing kids who aren't even conceived yet.
22:50 So violence is necessary. Wake us up out of our stupor.
22:53 Save us from ourselves. The house is on fire.
22:56 Did Trevor feel the same way?
22:58 We talked about it a lot. He understood.
23:00 You're sure about that?
23:02 Yeah.
23:03 You knew Trevor really well.
23:07 I knew him.
23:09 We were close.
23:11 Not that close. Trevor Taylor wasn't his real name.
23:13 Did you know that?
23:15 No.
23:17 Something else you didn't know.
23:19 Trevor Taylor was an undercover police officer.
23:22 Bollocks, he was.
23:24 You're lying.
23:25 He was gathering information about all the protesters,
23:28 but mainly about you, Anthony.
23:30 That's bullshit. Trevor wasn't...
23:33 Don't.
23:38 What?
23:40 What? What are you talking about?
23:42 He didn't know.
23:51 Yeah.
23:53 So we know all about you, Mr Barzani.
23:56 Every conversation, every plan, every thought.
24:00 Professor Follicoyer,
24:02 I've asked for the injuries to your arm to be examined.
24:06 What if I say no?
24:12 A refusal could be used against you in court.
24:17 Please roll up your sleeves, Mr Barzani.
24:20 How did you get those?
24:36 I got them running through the woods this morning.
24:38 We want to know whether they're consistent
24:40 with defensive or offensive injuries.
24:43 Now I'm going to take some swabs.
24:47 You planned the bombing.
24:54 You shot John Pryor when he refused to cooperate.
24:57 You boarded the train when the explosives misfired.
25:00 You strangled Hannah Coles and you set the second device.
25:04 You're not saving the planet, Anthony.
25:06 You're not even saving yourself.
25:10 All right?
25:12 Right, Jack. What have we got?
25:14 Quite an Aladdin's cave.
25:17 Gaffer tip.
25:37 Cement mixer. Mixing the HME.
25:41 Boxes of lead shot.
25:44 So, Stratton says Anthony Barzani struck up a friendship
25:51 with John Pryor since he came here.
25:54 And we found a key to this shed in Pryor's possessions.
25:59 So, Anthony enlisted John.
26:02 All the lost souls.
26:04 Oh, I've got you a present.
26:07 John Pryor's mobile.
26:09 RLC retrieved it from under the train.
26:12 Thanks. I'm trying to resurrect it.
26:15 Right.
26:33 Still no word?
26:35 I thought she'd be with you.
26:37 No, Aoife. I've been out all day.
26:39 Did you call Gabriel?
26:40 Yeah, she's not there.
26:41 Uni?
26:42 She doesn't have any lectures today.
26:44 I have texted her a hundred times.
26:46 Is this about us?
26:47 Do you think I'd use Cara just to speak to you?
26:49 I'm not that desperate.
26:50 No, I mean, has she gone off because of us?
26:52 All the confusion?
26:53 Confusion?
26:54 You know what I mean.
26:55 Are you confused, Jack?
26:56 No, I just mean...
26:57 She needs certainty, right?
26:59 And we can give her that.
27:00 Where have you been?
27:03 Where's your phone?
27:05 Did you not get our messages?
27:08 No.
27:10 Not good enough.
27:13 Wait, wait, wait, wait.
27:16 Calm down.
27:19 I could have died today.
27:24 I'm sorry.
27:26 I could have died today.
27:33 If your mom hadn't repped us this morning,
27:38 I would have been in the tunnel on the second floor.
27:43 Jesus, Jack.
27:45 Yeah.
27:47 So, you, answer your phone, please.
27:55 We all need to communicate better.
28:12 I'm in trouble, aren't I?
28:16 [car door slams]
28:18 Please, not recognized.
28:34 Try a fingerprint.
28:38 [dog barks]
28:40 Oh.
28:49 There we go.
28:52 [dog barks]
28:54 I thank you.
29:01 Is that blood?
29:04 I tasted it, and it's not sriracha.
29:12 See if it's John Pryor's.
29:15 If you're bored, Velvey,
29:17 that's the journalist Bell in a Sears clothing.
29:19 He'd swum in.
29:23 [dark music]
29:26 ♪ ♪
29:33 Is this hers?
29:35 Yeah, why not?
29:36 I don't know. It seems fancy.
29:42 I put Trevor in because we believed
29:44 Anthony Barzani was agitating for more direct action.
29:48 You knew he was planning to blow up the tunnel?
29:50 Not the detail, but certainly the intent.
29:52 And you think Frankie Stratton was on board?
29:54 She's young, impressionable.
29:56 Anthony has a very persuasive personality.
29:59 You make it sound like a cult.
30:01 That's exactly what it is.
30:02 You have to be introduced.
30:03 Trevor met Frankie, and once he got her on board,
30:06 she introduced him to Anthony.
30:11 Frankie was the key.
30:14 Do you ever dream about her?
30:16 Mum, I try.
30:21 I mean, I thought I would, but...
30:25 It's like she won't come and see me.
30:30 I think she's angry with me.
30:33 Why?
30:35 You were always her favorite.
30:38 Her little soldier.
30:44 We can't stay here forever, Philip.
30:47 You know that.
30:50 It's just until the police are gone.
30:53 They found bags of fertilizer in the old barn.
30:56 Same stuff that was used for the bomb in the tunnel.
31:00 You won, Frankie.
31:07 [♪♪♪]
31:12 So what?
31:28 You're thinking that Anthony and Frankie Stratton
31:31 made an explosive device and moved it into the tunnel?
31:34 Trevor knew nothing about it.
31:36 Anthony knows what he's doing.
31:37 He split the group into cells.
31:39 That way plans don't leak.
31:40 We have evidence Anthony and Trevor shared the same tent.
31:42 In fact, both their DNA was found in the same sleeping bag.
31:44 That proves nothing.
31:45 Trevor was playing a part.
31:47 He was experienced.
31:48 He would never get too close.
31:49 And now he's playing the part of a dead person.
31:52 They'd started a relationship, hadn't they?
31:54 When was the last time Trevor was in contact?
31:56 When did you last get any intel?
31:58 It's been a while.
31:59 Could he have been doubting his mission?
32:00 He'd grown close to Anthony.
32:01 No.
32:02 He wouldn't do that.
32:03 Why didn't Trevor get treatment after the fall?
32:06 He wanted to go back in right away,
32:08 find out who was responsible for the bombing.
32:10 And you let him?
32:11 I encouraged him.
32:13 Three people were dead.
32:14 We needed answers.
32:16 When was the last time you spoke to him?
32:18 At the hospital.
32:19 Is that the reason he didn't get treated?
32:22 This is not my fault.
32:26 But the fact of the matter is,
32:28 if a CT scan or X-rays were carried out on your colleague,
32:31 it's likely he'd still be alive.
32:33 You're wasting time.
32:35 Anthony Barzani had a history of violence.
32:38 He came to Elmwood to cause trouble.
32:40 There's no evidence?
32:41 No traces of fertilizer or explosives,
32:43 gunshot residue on Anthony.
32:45 His clothes are inside their tent.
32:47 The only evidence we have suggests
32:49 that he tried to save Hannah Cole's life.
32:52 If Anthony Barzani isn't responsible for these murders,
32:55 then who is?
32:58 Malcolm.
33:02 It's just here.
33:04 Mr Coles, Jack Hutchin from the Lyle Centre.
33:11 I'd like to take a DNA swab, if I may.
33:13 We're trying to eliminate everyone who was on the train.
33:16 You still don't know what happened to Hannah?
33:18 The investigation's ongoing.
33:20 When I was in the hospital, I came across two kinds of people.
33:23 Those who looked me in the eye and said,
33:25 "Some bullshitters who told me what they thought I wanted to hear."
33:28 My job is to help gather the evidence and present it to the police.
33:32 May I?
33:34 Thank you.
33:42 I've started to remember things.
33:45 There were protesters on the train.
33:47 Yeah, they were helping people after the crash.
33:49 No, no, it was before the crash.
33:52 You sure?
33:55 They were already on the train?
33:56 They were all around Hannah, swarming her.
33:58 Did you recognise any of them?
34:00 They were all wearing those masks.
34:02 Male, female?
34:04 I think I heard Frankie's voice.
34:06 Frankie Stratton?
34:08 She was on the train?
34:10 Let's see.
34:15 Right, yeah.
34:16 Before you go, I recovered some messages
34:18 previously deleted on John Pryor's phone around the time of the crash.
34:21 I'll read them out.
34:23 "Frankie, you helped me before. Pryor, can't get involved.
34:26 "Frankie, just show me.
34:28 "Pryor, too dangerous. Why are you doing this?
34:30 "Frankie, it's time we made people listen."
34:33 So John Pryor was involved?
34:36 If he was, he was reluctant. He's clearly pushing Frankie back.
34:40 Frankie's DNA was on the gun that shot Pryor.
34:42 He taught Frankie to shoot, didn't he?
34:44 So Frankie shoots John Pryor in the tunnel,
34:47 gets on the train before it leaves,
34:49 finds Hannah Coles and kills her.
34:53 Malcolm said Frankie was on the train.
34:55 If this is true, why would she get on if she'd planted a bomb?
34:59 What makes you think the two events are connected?
35:02 The bomb in the tunnel and the murder of Hannah Coles
35:04 we're all assuming they're connected, but why?
35:07 So what, you think it's a coincidence?
35:09 Didn't the scientists believe in Kismet?
35:11 This is science. You're applying chronological bias.
35:15 These two things happen, one after the other,
35:17 so they're connected. That's a good point.
35:20 Two killers. Same motive, different motives?
35:24 We found Frankie Stratton. Where is she?
35:30 Elmwood Estate. Her father's called her in.
35:32 [♪♪♪]
35:36 [♪♪♪]
35:39 [♪♪♪]
36:06 Are you all right, Philip?
36:09 Say something.
36:12 You're a good man, Dad.
36:17 But you're weak.
36:19 [♪♪♪]
36:32 You know there's nothing on that screen you're staring at.
36:36 How's things at home?
36:39 Well, I have a friend on the board at Hellerson,
36:42 the company Aoife's going to be working for.
36:44 Sounds good.
36:45 Too good to be true. He'd never heard of her.
36:48 Oh.
36:50 Mm-hm.
36:51 Well, maybe she's trying to impress you and Cara.
36:55 I got the impression that she thought that she'd lost Cara to you.
36:59 It's Aoife that's lost, Nicky.
37:02 She thinks she's found herself in me.
37:06 Oh.
37:10 Mm-hm.
37:12 I don't know what to do.
37:14 What do you want to do?
37:16 Does the mess always find me, or do I make it?
37:19 [scoffs]
37:21 The upside is, I get to tell you you were wrong.
37:24 Come on. I want to hear you admit it.
37:26 Admit what?
37:28 Huh?
37:30 Frankie Stratton's.
37:32 Yeah, there are traces of the fertiliser and gunshot residue
37:36 and what looks like small bits of material
37:39 from combat trousers and human flesh.
37:42 So she killed John Pryor?
37:45 Should I send it for DNA comparison?
37:47 Stratton said that John Pryor was like an uncle to Frankie.
37:50 Yeah, she shoots him, then bludgeons him to death.
37:53 I... I found something else.
37:57 And, um...
37:59 Well, I think it's relevant.
38:01 All right, let's see.
38:03 OK.
38:07 Come on.
38:09 So I've been looking into the bracelet
38:16 we found in Ben and Azir's possessions.
38:18 Mm-hm.
38:19 It's an antique, a unique hallmark.
38:22 And...
38:25 It belonged to Charlotte Stratton.
38:28 So how did Ben and Azir end up with it?
38:31 I found it in the train carriage.
38:37 Why'd you go in there?
38:39 If I had my phone, I could show you.
38:41 I can log on to the cloud.
38:52 I took that on the station platform
38:55 before the train left.
38:57 The bracelet belonged to Charlotte Stratton.
39:03 It was a family heirloom.
39:05 Why was Hannah Coles wearing it?
39:07 Bob Stratton gave it to her.
39:10 They were in a relationship.
39:12 Hannah was a player.
39:14 She played Bob and got what she needed from him.
39:17 Is it her husband now?
39:19 Malcolm Cole's company stood to gain millions
39:22 from the rail link deal.
39:24 Maybe he saw what he wanted to see.
39:26 Can't see it just falling off Hannah Cole's wrist, can you?
39:32 Maybe in the struggle.
39:35 You tell me.
39:38 [train whistle]
39:40 We have a witness who says he saw you on the train from the start.
40:01 I was on the train.
40:04 So I ran to the tunnel, shot John Pryor, set a bomb
40:08 and then ran back to the platform?
40:10 Yep, we've done the timings. It's possible.
40:12 Only if I was Mo Farah.
40:14 Look, this isn't an up-in-front-of-the-magistrate-for-spray-painting-some-oil-company HQ Frankie.
40:19 Three people have been killed.
40:21 This is a whole life sentence.
40:23 That serious, is it?
40:25 The planet is dying.
40:27 Wake up, Jill.
40:30 I'd say this mark here might have been from where she was grabbed.
40:34 These from the glass on the carriage floor.
40:38 But this...
40:40 This faint scratch on the skin
40:44 could have been from where a bracelet was pulled off her wrist.
40:47 So who pulled it off?
40:49 Shall we speculate?
40:52 I was unconscious
40:57 when I was found.
40:59 A man, Trevor, I think his name was,
41:01 he held me up, led me back through the train.
41:05 I heard him say there was a woman
41:09 dead by the door, but I couldn't see who it was.
41:13 Can I see your arms, please?
41:16 Is this really necessary?
41:22 You think I hurt Hannah?
41:27 Do you recognise this?
41:29 It was my wife's.
41:35 I gave it as a present to Hannah Coles.
41:38 It's quite a gift, I mean, for someone you were negotiating with.
41:41 I wanted Hannah to know how much I appreciated all she'd done.
41:44 Oh, come on.
41:45 You were in a relationship with Hannah Coles, weren't you, Mr Stratton?
41:49 I didn't kill her.
41:51 Hannah understood me.
41:55 We came from the same stock.
41:57 Unlike your wife, Charlotte.
41:59 And yet you found out that Hannah was going to profit personally
42:03 from the sale of your home.
42:05 Hannah Coles was standing here?
42:09 Her husband told me that they were just about to sit down.
42:12 After the crash, Anthony said he came into the carriage and took her pulse.
42:15 She was already dead.
42:17 How long before the protesters got into the carriage?
42:19 We've worked this out. The platform is just over a kilometre away.
42:23 So, four or five minutes? Yeah.
42:25 The train slams to a halt. It's chaos in there.
42:28 How long would it have taken someone to strangle Hannah?
42:31 A minute, at least.
42:32 The state of her broken nails suggests she may have put up a fight.
42:35 Any chance she left a mark on her attacker?
42:37 We've questioned everyone on the train,
42:39 taken pictures of any scratch marks.
42:41 Here's the list.
42:50 Should we really be going back in there?
42:53 You can stay here. I'd understand.
42:55 No, it's not that. I mean, well...
42:59 What do you think you're going to find?
43:02 When Bella Nasir went back onto the train,
43:04 she said she saw someone in the tunnel.
43:06 You think they're still going to be there?
43:10 (SIGHS)
43:16 (DOOR SLAMS)
43:43 (PANTING)
43:45 Found anything?
43:58 Or anyone?
44:09 (GASPS)
44:24 (GASPS)
44:36 Jack?
44:45 Dammit.
44:51 Jack.
44:52 Alvie?
44:58 Is this what you meant?
45:06 From the outbuilding at the Elmwood estate?
45:08 Mm-hm.
45:09 We checked it.
45:14 There's no DNA, no prints,
45:16 just traces of diesel and those stones
45:20 they use between sleepers.
45:22 This torch was brand new.
45:24 The bomb-making equipment.
45:27 So, whoever put the batteries in...
45:33 Made the bomb.
45:34 Is that a print?
45:41 How's the arm, Mr Coles?
45:45 I fell on the train.
45:48 Oh.
45:50 I'm going to take swabs of these wounds, Mr Coles,
45:54 and the samples will be analysed for Hannah Cole's DNA.
45:59 I get so tired, you know?
46:04 The Covid.
46:06 It makes me angry. You'd be angry.
46:10 May I remind you...
46:11 I'm under caution, I know.
46:12 I couldn't work anymore, not like before.
46:17 Hannah said that the Elmwood deal would keep us for life.
46:20 She said nothing was going on with Bob, but...
46:24 That bracelet.
46:27 I've done my best to be a custodian of this land.
46:31 No new line.
46:33 Nice bracelet.
46:36 Oh, thanks. Yeah, I think so.
46:39 Not seen it before.
46:40 You've seen it before?
46:41 You ripped it from her wrist.
46:51 She was going to leave me. I knew it.
46:53 The train stopped suddenly.
46:57 We fell.
46:59 My shoulder went out.
47:01 And there she was, on the floor...
47:05 Calling for Bob.
47:08 Not me.
47:09 And I...
47:10 You strangled her, Mr Coles.
47:16 Bob's kid told me that the bracelet was Charlotte's.
47:23 And when I saw it on her wrist, I knew it.
47:25 I know you're angry with me.
47:31 I had to call the police.
47:37 You must understand, I had to give her up.
47:40 Frankie was going to get her, if things went...
47:43 It was my job to keep her safe.
47:46 How can I keep this family together when you keep breaking it apart?
47:57 You gave up your own daughter.
47:59 Philip...
48:01 Mum told me this had happened.
48:02 What's Mum got to do with this?
48:04 She told me. She knew.
48:05 She knew what?
48:06 That you were weak.
48:07 That's why she chose you.
48:09 She said I was strong like her.
48:11 You're not making any sense.
48:14 Everything I've done was to protect this family.
48:16 What have you done?
48:18 Only what I had to.
48:20 Oh no.
48:24 You did this.
48:28 Me?
48:29 You sold us, Dad!
48:30 You were going to leave without woman, then Frankie never would have come back.
48:33 No, I was doing it for you to help.
48:35 Nobody helped me.
48:37 Johnno promised to, but when the train was moving, he saw it was me, not Frankie.
48:42 He wouldn't set off the charge.
48:43 So you shot Johnno?
48:45 He wouldn't go down, I had to.
48:46 You'd have killed me too.
48:49 I didn't know you were on the train.
48:51 I didn't.
48:53 Mum told me I had to protect this place.
48:56 She said that Frankie was mine to protect.
49:00 You were just a little boy. Your mum...
49:02 And you were a man, but you weren't able to read her!
49:04 She was in pain!
49:06 Oh no.
49:13 She woke me.
49:15 She said she needed my help.
49:18 She said these strong flips...
49:22 Her hands were too weak, she couldn't load it.
49:31 I had no idea.
49:32 She was tiny, but...
49:34 She couldn't do it herself.
49:39 Not with a long barrel.
49:41 So I...
49:46 I did it for her.
49:50 No!
49:55 I'm so tired.
50:00 Come and let it breathe!
50:01 I'm here.
50:29 It's alright.
50:30 Philip Stratton, I'm arresting you on suspicion of the murders of John Pryor and Stuart Rayner.
50:39 Would you not have to say anything?
50:40 Well, you got your story.
50:43 Did I?
50:45 What is it?
50:47 It's about the damage people do.
50:49 To the planet?
50:52 To each other.
50:56 To each other.
50:57 I got it wrong.
51:26 I should have stopped Trevor, but...
51:28 He wanted to go back.
51:30 I think it was to see you.
51:33 I know it was to see me.
51:35 I guess I...
51:38 You sent Trevor to spy and sabotage good people.
51:42 Good things.
51:44 You must know we're right about what's happening.
51:48 We are burning up the planet and still you spend all your energy on fighting us.
51:53 Tell me, which one of us is the fanatic?
51:59 Is the sale still going ahead?
52:15 The deal was corrupt.
52:17 Hannah's dead.
52:19 Her husband's in jail.
52:21 We have a chance of saving this place.
52:24 Making it what it always should have been.
52:27 I was hard on you.
52:30 I'm sorry.
52:32 I'm used to people not understanding why I do what I do.
52:36 Did you know the shotgun had your DNA on it?
52:40 Your brother...
52:42 Of course I was on the shotgun.
52:43 Jono let me borrow it sometimes.
52:46 Philip gave you that hoodie.
52:50 It could have convicted you.
52:51 No.
52:53 I picked it up.
52:54 Of course I'm angry.
52:58 But...
53:00 I don't know.
53:02 I have to believe that my brother was doing all of this for me.
53:07 Philip loves me.
53:11 Philip loves me.
53:12 Oh my god, I think that's the last thing.
53:22 What do you think?
53:24 What is that?
53:26 Thank you.
53:31 Taxi's waiting.
53:39 I don't have long to say goodbye.
53:41 You're going?
53:44 Huh?
53:46 That's the answer?
53:47 That's always the answer, Jack.
53:50 Is it?
53:51 Stay.
53:58 We'll work this out.
54:02 Yeah?
54:04 I've been thinking.
54:05 You...
54:07 mean a lot to her.
54:09 You two...
54:12 are my only connection...
54:15 to who I am...
54:18 and what I was.
54:21 I remind you of a past you couldn't wait to run away from.
54:28 I'm not running anymore.
54:33 What about you, Nicky?
54:34 Would you like me to stay?
54:37 Me?
54:38 I think that's for all of you to decide.
54:43 I want what's best for all of you.
54:52 I'm not running away.
55:01 I'm not running away.
55:02 That's the difference between her and me.
55:09 Look after this one for me.
55:13 Work her hard.
55:18 She seems to enjoy it.
55:22 I'm sorry.
55:23 I can't be just someone to you, Jack.
55:34 I don't know why.
55:37 Sorry.
55:40 [phone beeps]
55:41 [phone beeps]
55:59 [phone beeps]
56:00 [sighs]
56:27 [soft music]
56:29 [woman on phone]
56:47 [woman on phone]
56:55 [soft music]
56:56 [sighs]
57:21 [soft music]
57:22 [child laughing]
57:25 [child laughing]
57:28 [child laughing]
57:30 [child laughing]
57:33 [child laughing]
57:35 [woman singing in foreign language]
57:42 [children laughing]
57:49 [woman singing in foreign language]
57:51 [children cheering]
58:04 [soft music]
58:05 [soft music]
58:06 (eerie music)
58:08 [MUSIC]
