• last year
Silent Witness S26E06


00:00 -Felvy. -I didn't leave the scene.
00:02 I made sure no one went in.
00:04 -These might give us something. -Is that a needle mark?
00:07 Strange place for self-injection.
00:09 Avesti Limited rented a storage unit in West London
00:13 that a young woman used to make OSPU videos.
00:16 There's no law against that.
00:18 Is this what empowerment looks like?
00:19 I want to know who this woman is.
00:21 What if Star injected him?
00:23 Star, you're under arrest for suspicion of murder.
00:29 (Opera singing)
00:32 (Opera singing)
00:36 (Opera singing)
00:39 (Opera singing)
00:56 (Opera singing)
00:59 (Opera singing)
01:22 (Opera singing)
01:27 (Opera singing)
01:30 (Opera singing)
01:34 (Opera singing)
02:02 We've arrested Star at a festival this afternoon.
02:05 Has she confessed?
02:06 She doesn't seem the confessing type.
02:08 What was she doing at the festival?
02:12 We think she was targeting Kai.
02:14 So I'd love to know what you find on that needle as soon as...
02:17 I get it. You're in a hurry.
02:19 I've got all sorts of deadlines, believe me.
02:21 So it's a payback thing for her.
02:23 First Jay, now Kai.
02:25 We're still looking for Kai.
02:28 He ran as soon as he saw my officers.
02:30 Did she have anything on her? Flunotrazepam or a needle?
02:33 If she did, she dumped it.
02:35 There's a Pulsar team searching the site, but it's Friday night.
02:38 There's 15,000 souls dancing their heads off down there.
02:42 She did have this on her. It's Jay Prane's phone.
02:45 She took it from him?
02:47 Or from his body.
02:48 So far, she's not saying how she came across it
02:51 or how it came to be unlocked.
02:53 In fact, she's not saying anything at all.
02:58 [Sighs]
03:00 Can I ask what the machine does?
03:08 You cut your hair?
03:11 Huh.
03:18 Well, there was a Babylonian Talmudist,
03:21 the rabbi, who said that the outside should match the inside.
03:25 That makes sense.
03:27 Although I think Adele said something similar.
03:30 All right.
03:33 I'd rather talk about the machine.
03:35 It's known as the superglue method.
03:37 Basically, the prints are exposed to cyanoacrylate fumes,
03:40 which react to the amino and fatty acids plus protein
03:43 to produce a sticky white material on the ridge of the print.
03:46 I heard they arrested her.
03:53 Star?
03:55 Do they think she killed Jay Prane?
03:58 They're working through the evidence.
04:00 I don't think she could have killed him.
04:03 I saw her. She's not like that.
04:06 We don't see into people's souls, Elvie.
04:10 We're scientists, not priests.
04:13 We follow procedures and protocols to determine facts.
04:19 Okay?
04:22 (door opens)
04:24 You're really not going to take off the mask?
04:35 Do you know what I get offered to take off my mask?
04:39 What are you offering?
04:46 A golden, savoury, rice, ambient meal tray.
04:51 That's what's on the menu tonight.
04:53 What are you hiding behind there?
05:01 We all need to hide behind things.
05:04 You're hiding behind that bump.
05:07 I'm not hiding anything.
05:10 Not your fear?
05:15 Will the VMs do your job?
05:18 Will they look at you differently?
05:21 They already do.
05:23 I can see why you'd want a mask.
05:28 You've got to have some separation between you and Star, right?
05:33 Me and Star?
05:37 (sighs)
05:39 This is me.
06:04 What would you pay for it?
06:07 Star's DNA sample from the arrest matches the DNA from the lipstick on Jay Prane's cheek.
06:12 Hmm. So she kissed him.
06:14 The places are with him at least. Any prints?
06:17 Yeah, but not Star's.
06:19 Any prints on that syringe belong to Jay Prane.
06:23 What? So he self-administered the Flunotrazepam?
06:26 Spiked himself?
06:28 Or she spiked him, but he pulled it out.
06:30 What do you think?
06:33 (footsteps)
06:35 This was under Jay's middle right fingernail.
06:39 Could be from her opera glove.
06:41 I love that you call them opera gloves.
06:44 His right hand snagged her opera glove.
06:47 Struggle, maybe?
06:50 Or an embrace?
06:52 Tell me about Kai Lok.
06:58 Where did you learn from him?
07:01 My officers think that you wanted to hurt him. Why?
07:04 You were present at the Brightwire Festival on the 5th.
07:09 We believe you met this man.
07:13 You know Jay Prane, don't you, Star?
07:17 His company pays the rent on the storage unit in Acton that you use for your "Always For You" work.
07:24 His phone was in your possession.
07:27 It was unlocked, presumably with his fingerprint.
07:30 His settings changed to "Keeper Unlocked".
07:33 What were you looking for?
07:36 One of Jay's employees says that you and he had a falling out about terms and conditions.
07:43 Now Jay Prane is dead.
07:45 I didn't kill anyone.
07:47 But you're not sad he's gone?
07:50 Of course not.
07:53 How would that play with your fans?
07:55 They're paying for your irrepressible perkiness.
08:00 Your sex positivity.
08:02 Like they're positive they can have sex with you.
08:05 That's liberation?
08:09 I choose what to keep on.
08:13 What to take off.
08:16 I control the means of expression.
08:19 I control the means of production.
08:23 You're selling sex, Star.
08:26 The product's not new.
08:28 Just a shop front.
08:31 It's not that.
08:35 They're buying courage.
08:38 Courage?
08:40 Knowing who I am.
08:44 Who are you?
08:46 Star.
08:49 Your real name.
08:52 Star's as real as it gets.
08:56 I'm sorry.
08:58 I'm sorry.
09:00 I'm sorry.
09:02 I'm sorry.
09:24 Fearless.
09:26 She's young.
09:33 You're fearful.
09:47 Fearless.
10:15 According to Jay Prane's employees,
10:17 the real money on sites like Always For You isn't from subscriptions.
10:22 It's from tips for custom videos, sexting sessions, that sort of thing.
10:27 I take people places they've never been before.
10:30 All that liberation, it's pretty lucrative, right?
10:33 Sure.
10:35 But you can't be free without money.
10:37 But Jay Prane was in charge.
10:40 He was your boss.
10:43 Jay said he could boost my business even higher.
10:46 And he did.
10:48 We've seen his bank accounts.
10:51 You know what he was making out of you?
10:54 No. How much?
10:56 I can show you, if you like,
10:59 how much he was pimping you out for.
11:03 Jay was your pimp.
11:06 Might as well admit it.
11:08 Admit it? He boasted about it.
11:11 Called himself an e-pimp.
11:13 A what?
11:15 E-pimps run hundreds of creators.
11:18 Jay's people handle the accounts, the social media,
11:21 push subs into buying more content.
11:24 Hang on. So it's not you writing back to your own fans?
11:28 Jay gives them 40-page instruction manuals,
11:31 answer DMs in less than five minutes,
11:33 keyboard shortcuts to standard come-ons.
11:36 And their subscribers can't tell the difference?
11:39 Jay realised the chatters needed to talk like me.
11:44 Respond like me.
11:47 Be me.
11:51 Can you look at this?
12:07 Is she limping?
12:09 See you mean? Left side?
12:15 Also, I think her foot turns inwards just a little.
12:19 Car accident or sports injury?
12:35 Identical scars on both knees.
12:38 Looks like she might have had surgery when she was younger.
12:41 Maybe arthroplasty.
12:44 If it was NHS...
12:45 MP Records. Might get a name.
12:48 A real name.
12:50 You wanted to know.
12:55 This is what Jay was making from your content.
12:58 And this is what he was paying into your digital wallet.
13:03 You'll notice that one number is considerably bigger than the other.
13:07 You look surprised.
13:12 Jay told you that he was going to be taking 70%.
13:17 Angry?
13:20 He owns our content, not us.
13:24 I told him to back off.
13:27 Six months ago you stopped posting.
13:30 Why?
13:32 We can see you've deleted some of your content.
13:35 Did you do that?
13:37 Or did Jay?
13:39 Did it all become a bit too twisted, Star?
13:42 Suddenly you didn't feel so free.
13:45 What happened?
13:48 I need a break.
13:54 I remember that desire to be someone else.
13:58 Spread your wings.
14:01 When I was nine, I decided to change my name to Jarvis.
14:05 Jarvis Hodgson?
14:07 Oh yeah.
14:08 How did that go?
14:10 My mates gave me a good old kick in, that's how that went.
14:14 Ah.
14:20 What?
14:21 I sent Star's photo to a friend who's a paediatric orthopaedic surgeon.
14:25 She forwarded it round to her colleagues and one of them's just come back.
14:31 Sarah Mendes.
14:33 She had Blount's disease, had to wear leg braces.
14:37 Original surgery wasn't successful.
14:40 So she had arthroplasty in her teens.
14:42 There you go.
14:44 I think Star's real name is Sarah Mendes.
14:51 Mm-hm.
14:53 We got a warrant for the release of your medical records.
14:58 That's not me.
15:00 Must have been painful, Sarah.
15:05 Braces on your legs, operations, a girl of 13.
15:12 I got through it.
15:14 Your mum left you and your sister when you were 12.
15:18 It's Fiona, right?
15:21 She's your sister?
15:23 What's she got to do with it?
15:27 Fiona didn't have the condition.
15:30 The Blount's disease.
15:33 We're different.
15:35 How?
15:37 Fiona thought that if she was good,
15:41 and she did well in school,
15:43 and she became the perfect little girl,
15:47 that she could bring Mum back.
15:50 No, she couldn't.
15:53 What did you think, Sarah?
15:57 I'm Star.
16:08 Star.
16:11 [phone vibrates]
16:14 [phone vibrates]
16:24 [phone vibrates]
16:35 [phone vibrates]
16:38 Mummy?
16:43 [speaking in German]
16:55 [speaking in German]
17:02 [speaking in German]
17:06 [speaking in German]
17:09 [speaking in German]
17:18 [speaking in German]
17:22 [speaking in German]
17:25 [speaking in German]
17:52 Hi.
17:55 Oh, I was expecting the tall one,
17:57 but the short one.
17:59 Here you go.
18:01 Anything from the interview?
18:03 Nothing conclusive.
18:05 And the CPS are breathing down my neck.
18:08 I'm going to have to release her on police bail.
18:11 I got the results back on the blood samples from Jay Prane.
18:15 Electrolyte levels show a marked difference
18:18 between left and right ventricles,
18:21 suggesting water inhalation.
18:23 He drowned?
18:25 Combined with the froth that Velvi saw on the body at the scene,
18:28 it's possible.
18:30 Jack's collecting samples of lake water from the festival site
18:33 to check for diatoms.
18:35 Diatoms?
18:36 They're microscopic single-celled organisms.
18:39 They get into your bloodstream if you're alive
18:41 when your lungs fill with water.
18:43 If they're in Jay's tissue samples
18:45 and they're the same species as those from the festival lake,
18:48 then we'll know he drowned there.
18:50 Is it possible someone drowned him, held him under,
18:53 put cocaine on his nose, made it look like an overdose?
18:57 There was a bruise near his kidneys.
19:01 Could be an offence wound, but there were no defence injuries.
19:05 Someone did move him all the way from the lake to the tent.
19:09 And why do that if not to cover something up?
19:13 Star had her reasons.
19:15 Jay was pimping her out.
19:19 Sounds like you wanted to be her.
19:21 Right, Star, come on. Out you come.
19:36 [♪♪♪]
19:38 Hey!
19:56 Are you serious?
19:59 What the hell are you playing at?
20:00 Your sister's out there on A1 and you're here.
20:02 -Kai. -What's wrong with you?
20:03 -I'm here. I'm here. -Seriously.
20:05 What's the matter with you?
20:07 [♪♪♪]
20:09 [PANTING]
20:30 [♪♪♪]
20:32 Kylok hasn't been home since the festival.
20:37 No phone or online activity.
20:39 Just his credit card once to rent the vehicle.
20:42 I thought you said Star hated Kylok.
20:44 -Now he's her taxi. -Who knows?
20:46 What bail address did she give?
20:48 A flat in Bayswater.
20:50 We checked it out. It's completely empty.
20:52 No sign it's been inhabited in months.
20:54 And the rent is being paid by Jay Prain's company
20:57 in the Channel Islands.
20:59 Jay? Again?
21:01 Let's keep a track on Kai.
21:05 [♪♪♪]
21:26 Hey, we're here about Jay Prain.
21:28 Do you know when his body might be released?
21:31 You know, for the funeral.
21:33 His wife is really suffering.
21:35 Once we finish our investigations,
21:37 the body will be released by the coroner.
21:39 You don't understand.
21:41 We have a business to run, bills to pay.
21:44 Hundreds of people depend on us.
21:46 We need a cause of death for the company life insurance.
21:49 I'm sorry, is our work getting in the way of your live streaming?
21:52 -Of course not. -Excuse me.
21:55 I'm a desk to investigate.
21:57 That's good. Come on.
22:03 Local cops have been eyeballing the house since yesterday.
22:08 No sign of Star, just the sister.
22:11 Fiona Mendez is the only one registered at the address.
22:14 [phone rings]
22:19 Miss Mendez?
22:25 DIA Bass, Greater London Police.
22:27 This is Dr. Alexander.
22:29 We would like to talk to you about Sarah Mendez.
22:32 Can you tell me where she is now?
22:46 [dark music]
22:49 Mind if I use your bathroom?
23:05 [sighs]
23:08 [dark music]
23:11 [footsteps]
23:13 [breathing]
23:27 [dark music]
23:30 [breathing]
23:32 [footsteps]
23:46 [dark music]
23:48 [camera shutter clicks]
24:10 [camera shutter clicks]
24:15 [dark music]
24:17 [camera shutter clicks]
24:34 [dark music]
24:36 [camera shutter clicks]
25:02 [dark music]
25:04 I think she's on medication.
25:10 What did Sarah say about her?
25:12 That Fiona's a swat, a drone, gets her life out of books.
25:17 Did she say anything?
25:19 She just fell asleep.
25:21 What are you doing?
25:30 [dark music]
25:32 Meadows Lodge.
25:37 Meadows Lodge is an addiction recovery centre near Kingston.
25:43 Sarah Mendez was a patient there.
25:45 So Star was in rehab.
25:47 I was wondering if you'd go with my DS and talk to them.
25:50 You know, doctor to doctor.
25:52 See if they'll tell you why and when she was there.
25:54 Me? I don't think I can.
25:56 Can't wait to hear what you find.
25:59 Oh, shit.
26:01 You don't normally swear, Dr. Alexander.
26:05 Don't I?
26:07 Oh, sorry.
26:09 Is it about Star?
26:12 It's nothing to worry about, Velvey.
26:14 Please help her.
26:18 It's important.
26:20 Because she's one of the righteous.
26:22 I wasn't joking about that.
26:26 Neither was I.
26:29 [phone ringing]
26:31 Like I said on the phone,
26:34 I haven't seen my daughter Sarah in years.
26:37 There's nothing you could tell me about that girl that would shock me.
26:42 I'm trying to know your daughter.
26:47 Any idea where she might be?
26:49 Family member? Childhood friend?
26:52 I don't know.
26:55 We agreed I shouldn't see the girls.
26:58 Their dad said it only upset them.
27:01 He was a good dad.
27:05 You don't have to explain yourself to me.
27:10 You think you'll love them,
27:13 give your life for them,
27:16 and one day you look in the mirror
27:19 and all you see is them.
27:23 Fiona seems very withdrawn.
27:26 Poor little Fee.
27:30 Knows always in some book.
27:33 Never found any answers in them.
27:35 She and Star are very different.
27:38 Star?
27:40 Sorry, that's the name Sarah uses now.
27:44 Miss Jenkins?
27:53 I used to sing her Star Man at bedtime.
27:56 (soft music)
28:00 (door slams)
28:02 (sighs)
28:04 (beeps)
28:14 (soft music)
28:17 Don't worry.
28:34 She's not stopping.
28:35 Just came for my keys, didn't you?
28:36 There you go.
28:38 Jack, she's not really in here much, Gabriella.
28:43 She's still adjusting to life in London.
28:45 She doesn't know many people, so...
28:46 She can use the spare desk for study on.
28:48 No one ever uses it anyway.
28:50 Oh, yeah?
28:52 Thanks.
28:53 She's a bright kid.
28:55 She knew the key to me is flattery.
28:57 And she idolizes you.
29:00 Me?
29:01 You're joking.
29:03 Professor Fuller-Coy speaking.
29:07 Ah, yes.
29:09 We don't usually talk about our patients,
29:12 even after they've left.
29:13 We're worried for Sarah.
29:15 We want to find her before she hurts herself or others.
29:18 Sarah came to us after an overdose of opioids.
29:22 She was given naloxone at A&E and then brought here.
29:25 That's all I can tell you.
29:26 Naloxone?
29:27 So she almost died?
29:29 Yes.
29:30 Can I ask who brought her here?
29:32 Was it Kylock?
29:33 I can't give you any names.
29:35 How long did she stay with you?
29:38 Our usual recovery program is eight weeks.
29:41 She left four months ago.
29:43 She's only been out for four months.
29:46 In your judgment, Doctor,
29:50 would Sarah be capable of hurting someone badly?
29:53 She had a few violent episodes.
29:56 That's possible.
29:58 Could she plan an attack on someone?
30:00 Even plan, perhaps, to kill them?
30:02 I think that's less likely.
30:04 She's very fragile, very uncertain in her decision-making.
30:08 Did she ever talk about what led to the overdose?
30:11 I hope you find her, Doctor Alexander.
30:15 She's a very damaged young lady.
30:19 Now, if you'll excuse me.
30:23 Thank you.
30:28 ♪ Unhealthy curves ♪
30:30 ♪ Aspirin out of control ♪
30:32 ♪ Find my possession ♪
30:34 ♪ Got that sleeping in my head ♪
30:36 ♪ Now it's burning bright red ♪
30:38 ♪ Oh, the feeling, destiny ♪
30:40 ♪ That's starting to sink into my sleep ♪
30:43 ♪ The healing of your love ♪
30:46 ♪ Now it's hard like concrete ♪
30:50 ♪
30:54 Donuts?
30:59 So what you're saying is that everything's gone cold?
31:01 It's a sharing box.
31:02 All over social media?
31:03 No.
31:04 Who am I kidding?
31:05 Uh, Zari, these are Star's top-tier subscribers.
31:09 We've been trying to contact them all,
31:11 but this one, CrazyDog9899,
31:15 everything was bouncing back.
31:17 Turns out he deleted all his social media
31:19 and terminated his phone contract yesterday.
31:21 Um, real name's John Davenport.
31:23 Hasn't been seen at work today.
31:24 Trish is looking into it now.
31:27 Coincidence?
31:29 Shit.
31:33 Come on.
31:36 OSU creators don't have access
31:38 to the real identities of their fans, right?
31:40 I suppose Davenport could have told her his real name,
31:43 his address,
31:44 unless someone else gave her his details.
31:47 Someone else did.
31:49 We did.
31:50 Us?
31:51 How?
31:53 The interviewer showed her this printout.
31:56 When were the Vestia accounts last accessed?
31:59 Uh, bank flagged it yesterday afternoon, 1735.
32:05 That's half an hour after she left here.
32:08 She memorized the numbers.
32:11 Now she has all the details of her highest-paying customers.
32:15 Credit cards, postcodes.
32:17 She played us.
32:19 Go get back office on two all-stars clients in the area
32:25 and tell them to be vigilant.
32:26 Use those words.
32:28 You really think she's going after him?
32:31 I think she's going to take them down, one by one.
32:35 Find Kai Locke.
32:40 [door slams]
32:42 [door creaks]
32:45 Star has a list of her top-tier Always fans.
32:55 I think she's planning to exact revenge on them.
32:57 J-Plane was just a start.
32:59 Can you pin Star or Kai Locke to that syringe?
33:02 Hang on, slow down.
33:04 She's a wanted person.
33:05 I'm about to circulate to all stations and forces.
33:08 I need all the ammunition I can get.
33:11 I hope not literally.
33:12 She's not on a syringe. No prints or DNA.
33:14 You okay?
33:16 Sorry?
33:18 [groans]
33:19 Sorry, are you in labor?
33:21 No, it's early still.
33:23 How close together are the contractions?
33:26 I'm not having contractions.
33:30 I think you've been having them for a while.
33:32 [sighs]
33:35 This is not happening.
33:37 Not yet.
33:39 Oh, Christ.
33:41 [moans]
33:42 Velvey, Velvey, call an ambulance.
33:44 [moans]
33:46 And Velvey, get the medical kit.
33:48 [moans]
33:50 Velvey, chop chop.
33:51 Did your waters break?
33:53 Maybe.
33:55 When?
33:57 Maybe in the shower.
33:59 Did you tell your husband?
34:00 It wasn't real.
34:02 It was just false alarm.
34:04 Just brass and hicks, you know?
34:05 I think you need to tell him now.
34:07 Mm-hmm.
34:08 Do you have a birth plan?
34:10 Don't give birth until I've brought in this case.
34:13 Oh, that's quite a specific plan.
34:15 [sighs]
34:16 Come on, let's get you somewhere more private.
34:19 Come on, grab onto Jack. That's it.
34:22 [groans]
34:24 [groans]
34:26 [groans]
34:28 Okay, okay.
34:30 Oh, you've got to be kidding me.
34:32 Okay, lean on me, lean on me.
34:34 Thanks, Jack.
34:35 Here you go. Here you go.
34:36 [groans]
34:40 Oh, I'm not ready.
34:42 Just focus on the next contraction.
34:44 I can't have this baby now.
34:46 I'm working.
34:47 Yeah, you can. It's gonna be great.
34:48 Okay, breathe in.
34:50 And then blow out.
34:51 [groans]
34:52 Right down, right down into it.
34:54 Done.
34:55 Oh, God.
34:57 Done.
34:58 That's it, that's it, that's it.
35:00 That's good.
35:01 Move to where it feels right.
35:03 [groans]
35:06 Just relax your head.
35:08 You're doing so well.
35:11 Just remember, your body is designed for this.
35:13 [groans]
35:15 It's burning.
35:17 Just think, each breath, each contraction
35:20 is bringing her closer.
35:22 You sound like you've done this before.
35:24 [groans]
35:27 You said you didn't have kids.
35:30 Okay, just focus on the breathing.
35:33 Okay, inhale now.
35:36 And exhale.
35:37 [groans]
35:39 [inhales]
35:41 [exhales]
35:43 [groans]
35:45 [exhales]
35:48 [groans]
35:52 I think I need to check where baby's at.
35:54 Are you all right if I look?
35:56 The ambulance is coming.
35:58 Paramedics are on their way.
36:00 I'll wait outside for them.
36:02 [groans]
36:06 With the next contraction,
36:07 I need you to grab onto your knees
36:09 and push from below.
36:11 Okay?
36:13 Are you ready?
36:15 Mm-hmm.
36:17 Bear down.
36:19 And push.
36:20 Sorry.
36:21 [groans]
36:22 That's it.
36:23 Push.
36:24 Yes, sir.
36:25 And again.
36:27 [groans]
36:30 You've got this. Come on.
36:32 [inhales]
36:34 [exhales]
36:35 That's it.
36:36 I can see her head.
36:38 She comes.
36:40 She comes.
36:41 [panting]
36:43 You're doing brilliant.
36:45 Nearly there. Nearly there.
36:47 One final push for the next contraction.
36:50 [inhales]
36:52 Yes, come on.
36:53 [groans]
36:54 Well done, Mark.
36:56 [groans]
36:58 Yes.
37:00 [baby crying]
37:02 And she's here.
37:04 [baby crying]
37:12 There you go.
37:14 Hey.
37:17 [baby crying]
37:23 That's it. Well done.
37:26 [baby crying]
37:30 Well done.
37:32 [baby crying]
37:37 What if I'm grabbing this?
37:40 You've done great so far.
37:43 [laughs]
37:45 [exhales]
37:46 [baby crying]
37:47 She's in there.
37:49 [baby crying]
38:04 [door opens]
38:06 [indistinct chatter]
38:08 [footsteps]
38:17 I, um...
38:20 Um...
38:23 I...
38:25 haven't...
38:27 seen...
38:29 my...
38:31 b-baby boy...
38:34 since he...
38:36 was...
38:37 [sniffles]
38:38 nine days old.
38:42 [inhales]
38:44 [exhales]
38:47 [exhales]
38:49 [baby crying]
38:53 [water running]
38:56 You okay?
38:58 I didn't do anything. She did.
39:00 I know. I mean...
39:02 Are you okay?
39:08 I know what you meant.
39:11 Yes, I'm okay.
39:13 Not many of us can put a mortuary as our place of birth.
39:20 What's she gonna call her, formaldehyde?
39:22 [chuckles]
39:24 You going back to work?
39:26 Do you think Cabas is right?
39:27 To call her baby formaldehyde?
39:29 Is Starr going after her clients?
39:32 The psych at the addiction center said Starr might suffer from violent episodes,
39:37 but she didn't think she was capable of planning a killing.
39:40 That's just an opinion, you know.
39:42 And there's Jay Prain.
39:43 What about him?
39:44 Jay weighed nearly 90 kilos.
39:45 Could Starr really lift him out of the lake, onto the car, on her own,
39:48 with her history of Blount's disease?
39:50 Adrenaline can turn you into Wonder Woman.
39:52 Look at you, delivering babies.
39:54 What did the diatom analysis show?
39:57 Were the samples from the body the same species as the ones from the lake?
40:00 I've left the samples to fix.
40:03 Let's go home, Nicky.
40:04 I can't. I'm buzzing. Aren't you?
40:07 How long will it take?
40:08 What?
40:09 For the results.
40:12 [door opens]
40:14 Police! Stay where you are!
40:38 Guy, look! You're under arrest for suspicion of murder.
40:41 Cut it.
40:42 Nicky, take a look.
40:49 Those are the diatoms from the lake.
40:57 Those are the ones from the tissue sample.
41:00 They're larger. Not like the lake specimens.
41:02 Staphenodescus near Straya.
41:04 There are none in the lake samples.
41:06 Which means he didn't drown in the lake.
41:09 Staphenodescus near Straya.
41:11 They're usually found in larger bodies of water, aren't they?
41:14 But there was nothing like that at the festival site.
41:17 He was in the VIP area.
41:20 There was a hot tub there.
41:21 That would have been filled with tap water.
41:23 Which came from a reservoir.
41:25 A large body of water.
41:28 More than 200 people passed through that VIP area.
41:31 If he drowned in a hot tub,
41:33 nobody heard anything? Came to help?
41:36 Maybe they did.
41:37 Huh?
41:38 Maybe they helped him to drown.
41:41 Where you going?
41:44 Nicky.
41:45 Look.
41:49 There's faint bruising that's developed since the first PM.
41:53 It's fairly indistinct.
42:01 But it looks like a group of small coin-shaped bruises.
42:05 Approximately one to two centimetres across.
42:08 Inner and outer aspects.
42:11 Consistent with gripping, do you think?
42:14 Oh, it's so heavy.
42:25 Where?
42:26 Uh-huh.
42:27 [footsteps]
42:29 So, she lifted the body,
42:44 held the head under the water.
42:47 On her own.
42:49 You need some strength for that.
42:55 Two people?
42:57 Mm-hmm.
43:01 Have we got this all wrong?
43:05 Jay Prane didn't drown in the lake.
43:12 We think it was in the VIP area at the festival.
43:15 You've got the wrong person. Seriously.
43:17 We've just arrested Kyle Locke.
43:18 He logged in to rent a streetcar.
43:20 What's he saying?
43:21 He's saying the star didn't do it.
43:23 He said, "We just want to help our sister," blah, blah, blah.
43:26 I think you need to talk to Fiona Mendes.
43:29 The star hasn't been there. We know that now.
43:31 We've got other priorities.
43:33 Star and her sister.
43:34 Look, my DI's in the maternity ward.
43:36 I've got three hours sick and it's all kicking off.
43:38 Okay?
43:39 Got to go.
43:41 [footsteps]
43:43 [suspenseful music]
43:46 ♪ ♪
43:52 [doorbell rings]
43:54 [footsteps]
43:56 ♪ ♪
44:03 [car approaching]
44:05 [car door opens]
44:07 [phone rings]
44:09 [car door closes]
44:11 Can I help you?
44:12 Oh, hi.
44:14 Um, I'm Dr Nikki Alexander.
44:17 I was hoping to speak to Fiona.
44:19 Fiona Mendes.
44:22 Oh, um, Fiona's not here.
44:24 Oh, sorry about that.
44:25 It's the agency.
44:26 They, uh, they check up on us.
44:28 Come in. I'll just be a minute.
44:30 [phone rings]
44:32 [car door closes]
44:34 [phone rings]
44:37 [footsteps]
44:39 Oh, take a seat.
44:40 [phone rings]
44:41 Hello, Usha speaking.
44:43 [phone rings]
44:45 Yeah, of course.
44:47 [phone rings]
44:49 Mm-hmm.
44:51 Right, okay.
44:52 Uh, when was this?
44:54 Yes, okay.
44:56 Has she eaten anything?
44:58 Okay, that's good.
44:59 That's good.
45:01 Yes, yes, of course.
45:04 [phone rings]
45:06 Yeah, I'll miss the bathroom upstairs.
45:08 Uh, yeah, top of the stairs.
45:10 [phone rings]
45:12 [phone rings]
45:14 [phone rings]
45:18 Yeah.
45:20 [phone rings]
45:22 [phone rings]
45:26 [phone rings]
45:30 Usha.
45:32 [phone rings]
45:34 [phone rings]
45:36 [phone rings]
45:38 [phone rings]
45:40 [footsteps]
46:09 Sarah.
46:11 [phone rings]
46:13 [footsteps]
46:17 [footsteps]
46:20 [phone rings]
46:22 [phone rings]
46:24 [phone rings]
46:27 Oh, sorry, we're using the landline today.
46:29 Usha, it's me.
46:31 I've sent a cab for Sarah.
46:33 The driver will know where to bring her.
46:35 I'll meet her at the other end.
46:38 [phone rings]
46:40 [phone rings]
46:42 [phone rings]
46:44 [phone rings]
46:46 [phone rings]
46:48 [phone rings]
46:50 Sarah Mendez.
46:52 [footsteps]
46:56 [footsteps]
47:00 [footsteps]
47:04 [car door opens]
47:07 [car door closes]
47:09 [car engine starts]
47:12 [car engine revs]
47:14 [car engine stops]
47:16 [Sarah] The taxi's pulling up.
47:18 Where are you now?
47:20 I'm at the storage unit.
47:22 What? Why?
47:23 The girl they arrested.
47:25 She's not Star.
47:26 What?
47:27 She's Star's sister.
47:29 She's Fiona.
47:30 Fiona Mendez?
47:33 I think she might be here.
47:35 Okay.
47:36 Please tell me you've called the police.
47:38 Abbas is at the hospital.
47:39 I tried Trent, but he's in an interview.
47:42 Probably with Kai Logg.
47:44 Okay, listen, Nikki.
47:46 Do not go in there on your own.
47:48 Hear me?
47:49 Nikki, for all you know,
47:50 the disks might be working together.
47:52 [phone beeps]
47:53 What's that?
47:54 [phone beeps]
47:55 Nikki?
47:56 [phone beeps]
47:57 I think she needs our help, Jack.
47:59 I said do not go in there.
48:00 I'll call you later.
48:01 [phone beeps]
48:02 [laughs]
48:14 It's not that time you want.
48:16 I think you know the answer.
48:17 [muffled voices]
48:19 Oh, right.
48:21 Yes.
48:22 Yes, yes.
48:23 Thank you.
48:24 [laughs]
48:26 But now...
48:29 it's time you apologized.
48:32 Oh, would you prefer for your wife and children
48:36 to see what a pig you are?
48:39 What?
48:41 My name is John Davenport.
48:48 What?
48:51 Say it.
48:55 My name is John Davenport.
48:59 I subscribed to your Always For You page.
49:02 I subscribed to your Always For You page.
49:07 I paid you for personalized videos.
49:10 Say it.
49:11 [inhales]
49:13 I paid you for personalized videos.
49:20 What else?
49:23 I pushed you further and further.
49:27 I came here and I hurt you repeatedly.
49:35 I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
49:38 I'm so sorry.
49:41 I thought that was what you wanted.
49:44 Why would anyone want to feel the pain that you caused her?
49:48 Please don't tell my wife.
49:50 Fiona?
49:52 Who are you?
49:54 My name's Nikki. I'm a doctor.
49:56 What? Where is she? Where's my sister?
49:58 Sarah, it's okay. She's at home. She's safe.
50:02 She needs your help.
50:04 She needs to see them weak.
50:07 No.
50:08 Humiliated.
50:09 No.
50:10 Begging for forgiveness.
50:11 Not like this.
50:13 They paid to have sex with her when she was on Oxy.
50:17 I'm sorry.
50:18 Jay kept her on that shit so she couldn't fight back.
50:21 And when she finally stood up for herself, he destroyed her.
50:24 That must have been awful for her.
50:26 There's nothing left of her now.
50:27 I know, but--
50:28 I need him and everyone who took my star away to say sorry.
50:33 I understand.
50:34 I'm gonna find every one of them, make them confess,
50:38 post it all over social media, destroy their life like they destroyed hers.
50:42 I understand, but this is--
50:43 My sister was fierce, protective, honest.
50:47 Protective, unstoppable.
50:52 Everything she did was for me.
51:00 I've never been anyone...
51:05 till I was Star.
51:11 You're Fiona.
51:14 That's enough.
51:25 You don't need that.
51:37 You're safe now.
51:45 He knew I wasn't Star.
51:54 He was going to hurt me.
52:09 I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
52:10 I'm so sorry.
52:14 I'm sorry.
52:23 I didn't kill him.
52:26 I didn't kill him.
52:38 [music]
52:44 Woo!
52:47 See what I mean?
52:48 You know, I hadn't realized what a lucrative business you're in.
52:51 You guys are making a killing.
52:54 Especially now Jay Prine's dead.
53:00 Wow.
53:02 He's really gone this time.
53:05 Jay?
53:09 [grunts]
53:10 Sean!
53:11 Sean, what are you doing?
53:12 You bastard!
53:13 You thieving, cheating, abusing son of a bitch!
53:16 Sean! Stop!
53:17 [grunts]
53:20 Help me!
53:21 [grunts]
53:29 Hold him!
53:30 [grunts]
53:48 Oh shit.
53:50 Shit.
53:52 Grab that 20.
53:54 Boom!
53:55 Then you put Star's wings next to the body,
53:58 make it look like she'd done it.
54:00 Makes sense.
54:02 But you put cocaine in his nose.
54:05 Plus it's your fingerprints and glitter on the tent.
54:10 Nice bruise on your hand, Mr. Jones.
54:15 Enjoy the festival, guys.
54:17 You know, I have a feeling it might be your last.
54:21 Don't move.
54:22 Right, hands behind your back.
54:23 Hands behind your back.
54:25 [grunts]
54:29 [baby crying]
54:33 Oh.
54:34 Her name is Camille.
54:35 Do you want to hold her?
54:36 Yes.
54:38 [baby crying]
54:42 Hello.
54:44 Hey, little one.
54:45 How are you feeling?
54:47 I'm sore, I'm knackered.
54:49 I don't know what she wants half the time,
54:51 but I'm glad she's here.
54:55 [baby crying]
54:57 She wants you back.
54:59 Are you back at work already?
55:01 No, no.
55:02 But--
55:03 I wanted to let you know we're going after the subscribers
55:06 who sexually assaulted Star.
55:08 It's complicated.
55:09 They say that it was consensual,
55:11 and Sarah's in no state to give evidence.
55:14 But I'm not giving up.
55:17 And what about Fiona?
55:19 No further action is being taken against Fiona or Kai.
55:22 Unsurprisingly, no one on her list
55:24 wants to explain themselves to their partners,
55:27 let alone a court.
55:29 You're right.
55:30 That's complicated.
55:32 God knows how Camille is going to navigate this world.
55:37 I'm sure she'll be fine.
55:40 Right.
55:42 Well, thanks for coming in and letting us know.
55:44 Take care, baby.
55:49 Sweet.
55:57 Are you OK?
56:00 Buffy?
56:01 I've been caught up in myself a lot recently, I think.
56:08 Well, that's not surprising, is it?
56:11 Maybe.
56:13 But I feel as though I should be doing something about it.
56:21 Hey, doc.
56:43 Hey.
56:47 Come sit down.
56:56 Can we have a cup of tea, please?
57:48 Hi.
58:00 Ah, right.
58:03 Yeah.
58:04 Hi, I'm Dr. Nikki Alexander.
58:06 I've heard a lot about you.
58:08 All good, I hope.
58:09 Aoife.
58:10 Hello, Jack.
58:15 Maybe you can explain to me how my daughter signed
58:20 up for a criminology degree and is hanging around in a morgue
58:27 full of dead people.
58:29 Hm?
59:02 (audience laughing)
