More countries join talks on Ukraine peace formula, but China is missing

  • 8 months ago
Ukrainian officials hailed a it as a “good sign” that the number of participants in a string of conferences on Zelenskyy’s peace formula was growing — nearly half from Europe, as well as 18 from Asia and 12 from Africa.


00:00 Ukraine is pushing ahead with its peace formula to end nearly two years of war with Russia
00:07 with a meeting of national security advisors from around the world in Davos.
00:12 President Zelensky sent his chief of staff on ahead to attend the opening morning session.
00:17 Euronews was also there.
00:20 The World Economic Forum annual gathering has started earlier this year with the fourth
00:25 round of the Ukraine peace formula talks hosted by Ukraine and Switzerland.
00:30 And although there were more countries participating here in Davos compared to the previous round
00:35 in Malta, China did not attend the gathering.
00:39 I asked Andriy Yermak, the head of the office of the president of Ukraine, whether Kyiv
00:45 is trying to get China on board.
00:48 It's important that all the countries who are coming, they really, honestly want to
00:57 participate and to help to end this war and to bring the peace.
01:03 But there is a different thought, idea, how it's possible to do.
01:10 And different countries have the different experience.
01:15 Chinese Premier Li Keqiang will lead the delegation in Davos this week.
01:19 Ukraine recognizes that Russian ally China must be brought on board for any progress
01:24 to be made.
01:26 Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky was not at the Sunday meeting, but he will be
01:31 here in Davos on Tuesday addressing the World Economic Forum the same day as Chinese Premier.
01:39 Sasha Vakulina, Euronews, from Davos.
01:41 (whooshing)
