• last year
Near to Welshpool a road linking Marton to The Cross, is crumbling away at both sides, and has damaged many a car.
00:00 I think. And then they'll come.
00:04 So Heather could be standing what could be the worst
00:09 road in Shropshire. Just fill us in where are we Heather? You're local
00:14 councillor? I'm the local councillor. This little piece of road here
00:17 is in Shropshire. Yeah. And either side of it's bits of road
00:21 in Powys. So we've got to your right is Wales and to my left is England. Got you.
00:28 So the road comes under England though in Shropshire. It does. I might just bring you
00:32 forward and come towards me and we can just see
00:35 the road has literally just crumbled away either side hasn't it? I mean quite
00:39 often the issue with potholes is you can't see
00:42 them and we can already see this is full of water.
00:44 But this is just tricky to even navigate around if you know it's here isn't it?
00:49 It is and when it was full of water you wouldn't have seen how deep the other
00:52 side is and I know three vehicles that have grounded
00:55 here and have had a real problem getting off it. I don't know what damage they've
00:59 done to their vehicles. I think the other problem here is that
01:03 actually for my residents and residents above the Shropshire ones this is the
01:08 route out. Yeah. And they have the other routes are
01:12 all really difficult to use. Once flooded
01:16 the surface of a diversion route has been stripped off.
01:20 Yeah. And so living up here they should be able to get in and out to get to
01:24 Welshpool or Shrewsbury to the hospital without a problem. Yeah I mean the one
01:28 road you've just brought me up on obviously not navigating this that
01:31 did have a landslide didn't it on it and you can see the remnants of that still.
01:35 Absolutely and the mud from that every time it rains is being washed off onto
01:39 the road. Yeah. And it's deep mud and rocks and
01:43 one of the residents has been removing the rocks. Yeah.
01:46 So I mean you know 2024 are you surprised that we're ending up
01:53 with roads in this state and not just that they're in this state
01:56 but there's nobody here you know working on them sort of isn't it.
02:00 I think the problem is when we live in rural areas they think oh well there's
02:03 not many people using this they'll all be fine.
02:06 Well they're not all fine and I've got two
02:09 households who have to be able to get to the hospital for various
02:12 routine appointments on a regular basis. Yeah.
02:16 Just because there are a few of us doesn't mean to say we shouldn't be
02:19 doing dealing with the roads so that people can get from A to B.
02:22 They don't need to be perfect they just need to be passable.
02:26 So sir you're a local resident. Yeah we've been to save over the
02:29 over topping just a bungalow down the bottom there. And go on then what's your
02:32 view on the state of the road around here. It's horrendous.
02:35 Well it's been impassable before long wasn't it. Yeah well yeah.
02:39 I've had three lots of people who've grounded on this. Yes yeah we've grounded.
02:43 My friend came up the other day and grounded in a car.
02:46 I reported it in September. I reported it again in October
02:51 and then I spent an hour on the telephone with a guy and he said oh yes
02:56 it's got a number you've been given a number and they'll do it when they can.
03:00 Yeah. And we're still waiting. So we've got um what's your names guys?
03:04 Glyn. Glyn and? Dorothy. So you're local farmers local residents?
03:09 Correct. And um what you what you got to say about this
03:13 this bit of track here then? I mean if you're in your track till you get through
03:16 all right wouldn't you but you you know people have had the cars
03:19 damaged on here is that right? Yes yes yeah. Even the tractor tires are
03:24 very expensive these days. Yeah I've caught the bottom of my car as
03:28 well. Yeah. Coming through here. Yeah. It's so deep at the side.
03:32 So we I mean being a farmer looking at this you're even thinking with the
03:36 tractor size you could end up damaging them.
03:38 Yeah you can easily damage a tractor tire on these now. Yeah.
03:41 Yes and then you know a couple of thousand pound of tire live there.
03:44 Yeah yeah yeah. So um very frustrating for being. Very frustrating. Yes and we use it
03:51 every day. Yes yeah. Yeah. And it's been like this
03:56 oh I don't know now six eight months more. Yeah yeah.
04:01 Oh thanks guys. Yeah. Well those wellies are just showing I
04:06 mean it's you know it ain't far off the top of your wellies is it? That's a
04:09 that's a deep hole in it that.
