Central African Republic: French grants for students wanting to go abroad

  • 7 months ago

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00:00 Many Central African students the time has come to choose a destination for further studies, France.
00:05 This afternoon, thousands are queuing inside the office of Campus France. Among them, Gail's
00:12 Fortune Kinder, who has recently passed his final exam.
00:15 As a French-speaking person, it's wiser to study in France to take advantage of the opportunities available.
00:23 Above all, I didn't want to suffer too much from the language barrier.
00:29 The establishment of a local office of Campus France, France's international student mobility
00:38 agency in the Central African Republic last November, is a plus for Central African students.
00:44 This institution facilitates the enrollment process and provides information on the French
00:49 education system.
00:54 It depends on the availability of funds. 40% of people benefited from scholarships in 2022.
01:00 This is a grant awarded by the French Embassy, and this year, we're going to award the grant
01:05 to 45% of applicants.
01:10 There is only one university in the Central African Republic. When it was founded in 1969,
01:15 it had around a thousand students. Now it has over 50,000 undergraduate and postgraduate
01:20 students, despite its deplorable infrastructure.
01:26 There are 1,854 Central African students abroad who benefit from the national scholarship.
01:33 When I say abroad, it can mean Africa, Europe, Asia or America.
01:40 Over the last two years, countries like Morocco, China, Russia and South Korea too have awarded
01:46 around 50 grand to Central African students.
