Training With Angela White

  • 8 months ago
Training With Angela White
00:00is Angela White apparently Jesse is
00:02going to take me through a hardcore
00:03workout I don't think he quite
00:05understands what hardcore means to me
00:07but we'll see how this goes let's go all
00:09right Angela it's time to get cracked
00:11out you're gonna pour this in my mouth
00:12you want me to scoop it or just
00:14sometimes you just gotta dig in there
00:15you know just finger it exactly
00:18you took that in your mouth really well
00:20one of my hidden talents yeah same
00:23you take this every day before you work
00:25out before I work out how did you get a
00:26pump you had me at pump I had myself at
00:28home yeah are you ready to squat no my
00:31doctor said I have runner's knee on my
00:33left knee this is a lie because I do not
00:36run so where's it from
00:39oh how often do you go to the gym this
00:41is my first time back so be kind I'll be
00:45I'll be gentle okay I'm built for
00:47Comfort okay you know you know
00:51have you ever squatted before yes okay
00:54sorry well usually when I'm sweating I'm
00:56in heels oh your oh like squat shoes yes
00:59something like that something like that
01:01okay you lift it up gonna walk it back
01:04okay and you're just gonna like throw it
01:06back just throw it back right there up
01:08perfect all the way down up perfect
01:11Angela you're a natural well I'm used to
01:13doing this oh okay is that like a like a
01:16pulsating squat right exactly how many
01:18reps could you do like that I could do
01:2010 minutes really yeah you can bring it
01:22up now I don't think he's done all right
01:24you just keep going can you rate my form
01:26on that okay how's that that's good
01:28should I be going deeper always go
01:31deeper as deep as you can oh yeah well
01:33let me ask you this did you practice
01:35safe sets yes always do you want to put
01:38it on fun when we do it together all
01:40right cool okay there we go
01:43it's on it's on yeah
01:49what would you say to a 25. let's try it
01:52let's go for it we'll find out you want
01:54the big boys I love the big boys if I
01:56just get stuck at the bottom you're
01:58gonna I'll get you up somehow some way
02:00or another I'll get you up that's
02:01usually what I'm saying
02:03with your friends
02:11um no we're good okay
02:14you're pretty strong he's showing me up
02:16now she's talking she's talking crap
02:18okay okay Angie is that is that all
02:21you've got if that's even your real name
02:22it is actually I Googled it it is your
02:25language I was really surprised why do
02:27you have a stage name or anything oh I
02:28love what I'm doing it's a political
02:30decision have you ever done a a gym
02:33scene many many gyms really yes no with
02:36real lights oh are they fake weights
02:38yeah they're fun no way yeah imagine
02:40like squatting 405 and like doing this
02:42that's hilarious
02:47all right Angela next up we're going to
02:50be doing an RDL and get that juicy booty
02:52going okay we want that we want that
02:54yeah we need that yeah we're gonna start
02:56nice and easy we're gonna go 25s with
02:58you okay even though I know that doesn't
03:00sound easy but okay you got this are we
03:03roll dogging this oh yeah one time and
03:05then it's just like listen once you
03:08break that ice it's like it's gaming
03:09yeah you can't go back after that
03:12no no it's never the same never the same
03:15make sure you keep this flat I don't
03:18know wait so should I yeah no no no
03:19which one down down yep yes like slight
03:23bad girl we all know that that a girl
03:25like this and that's not it yeah what's
03:28that but that's bad guys we're going a
03:31little in between okay come on Angela
03:33Angela White grinding it out we're
03:36building the buttocks the hammies you
03:38know it's way easier to build the
03:39buttocks in a scene does it burn yet yes
03:42this is the only time that you want it
03:44to burn otherwise you need to go to the
03:46doctor yeah
03:48just killing it man you're killing it
03:50all right now we're gonna we're gonna do
03:51like 400 pounds is that cool you are
03:53doing that you've never you've never
03:55dealt with 400 pounds before well
03:57actually when I think about it
03:59like way if I add up all the weights
04:01probably wow what's that experience like
04:04the best should I try it I recommend it
04:07I'd have to clone my girlfriend like hot
04:10actually we're getting off track Angela
04:12White quit distracting me
04:17what is the longest scene or like
04:20session I guess you'll call it that
04:22you've done normally
04:24things are about 30 minutes are there
04:25like cuts and like hold on let's reset
04:27lights there's so many different things
04:30you'll see the consumer doesn't see that
04:32we go through
04:33a boundary check
04:35so we go through all the different acts
04:37that we like that we don't like what our
04:40hard nose are oh they're a check box
04:42yeah didn't know that yeah awesome
04:49Angela we're going to decide today what
04:52exercise you're gonna be doing by
04:53answering this question okay good girl
04:55or bad girl
04:57what happened
04:59today I can't say what's going to happen
05:01what's your heart tell you bad girl okay
05:03okay you're gonna be a bad girl okay yes
05:08trainer yes trainer yes daddy trainer
05:10we're all craving good performance
05:12especially in the bedroom thanks to
05:13today's sponsor Bluetooth you could be
05:15that super strong hero even from the gym
05:17to the sheets too easy why are you
05:19really flexible I can't do that hey who
05:22choose an online service giving men
05:24access to chewable tablets to help have
05:25a longer and stronger lasting events you
05:28get hard you stay hard and you do your
05:30night routine okay yeah you feel it yeah
05:33that's hotter everything is done online
05:34and shipped to your door so you don't
05:36need to skip a training day to go to the
05:38dock or the pharmacy you just need your
05:40phone or computer and you can order some
05:42today since they're really confident in
05:43their products they give you the first
05:44month for free so you can try it use my
05:47code west20 to get your first month for
05:49free be strong in all aspects of your
05:51life try Bluetooth today for me to be a
05:53bad girl that's fine yeah
06:00all right Andrew next up we're going to
06:02be doing a lying leg curl okay we're
06:05gonna lay down no Angela Angela this is
06:09the wrong Angela Angela this is
06:12no you told me
06:14very different than what I meant as
06:17you're doing it
06:18don't you dare Angela I just want to
06:20make sure you're isolating your glutes
06:22on this hamstring muscle ah it's
06:25isolated what are you doing
06:30I think is it good it's great I love it
06:34okay just making sure oh no what help me
06:38step bro I'm stuck Angela I told you
06:42I can't help you
06:45that bro hey bro where are you
06:49where is that from
06:54me I can't help you that way Angela
06:57never mind
07:00all right let me go got this thank you
07:03imagine I'm about to poke your butt get
07:06away I'm taking it my girlfriend I'm
07:09gonna watch this video I'm so close to
07:11poking it no quickly
07:15what must the peaches peaches
07:17safe word save what I told you before
07:20this oh you're good right good yeah I'm
07:22good you good I'm good I'm good okay
07:24here sorry I had to pull that out no
07:25that's totally fine I respect your
07:26boundaries thank you thank you what's
07:28your safe word uh cut
07:32have you ever done this machine yeah I
07:35have do they have like uh performance
07:37machines in Australia in your mind no in
07:40like uh adult films really that's fun
07:43because you know what they never get
07:44tired that's what's wrong with men out
07:47there yeah we get tired I'm useless are
07:50you having fun I'm having lots of fun
07:51it's a little too much fun yeah I think
07:54I've done enough reps oh boy what the
07:57hell she's not even doing it yo the
08:00whole time you're cheating the system
08:02Angela hey it worked it really did work
08:04what motivates you every day
08:07really yeah that reel like that's an
08:09honest really that motivates you it's
08:12something that brings me great pleasure
08:13but it's also a way for me to genuinely
08:15connect with people it's actually
08:17healthy for me all right we're gonna do
08:18one more exercise okay this is the last
08:20slide to me I did lie to you that's okay
08:23you laid you laid on me final exercise
08:26Angela let's go let's go you made it
08:29are you okay yes are you sore I think
08:32might be the first video I've ever done
08:35where I'm not going to be able to walk
08:36the next day and that's saying something
08:37that's pretty impressive all right okay
08:39have you ever done this you want me to
08:41show you
08:42I don't like the way you just looked at
08:43me I feel like she's up to no good man
08:45my hands are where you can see him
08:46you're gonna stay there you're gonna put
08:48the bar on your waist you're gonna bring
08:50your heels keep them like five inches
08:52perfect amount right perfect distance
08:54and then you're gonna Flex it
08:59easy right remember five inches five
09:03inches anything bigger is just like it's
09:04too big I agree
09:10okay this is what I think when I do this
09:13break your pelvis throw it to the
09:15ceiling break it again
09:18she threw the ceiling she's coming back
09:20down she's back down
09:22she's breaking it oh my God oh my God
09:25Angela that's why you shouldn't try and
09:27break a girl's pelvis I'm trying some
09:29pleasure this time okay okay I'll do it
09:31different this time next love sweet love
09:33kiss her while
09:36you guys they're good yeah
09:38last set all right okay are you ready
09:40Angela I am
09:41who are you gonna dedicate this set to
09:43you Daddy trainer at least she said
09:46trainer we're making
09:54Progressive I'm stuck if you guys
09:56enjoyed today's video make sure you
09:57subscribe we're chasing 5 million
09:59subscribers most importantly do not
