• 9 months ago
In a rare moment, late '90s-early 2000s top models Kelly Misa, Amanda Griffin, and Nicole Hernandez got together for a Candy Cover Girls mini-reunion.

Candy Magazine, the top teen publication in the Philippines before everything went digital, was a career booster for a lot of young models and celebrities back then. It helped Kelly (Candy Cover Girl 2003, 2005, 2007), Amanda (1999, 2002), and Nicole (2004) land more jobs and got more well-known.

In this PEP Spotlight interview, the three, still-stunning and accomplished women now in their 40s, reminisce about getting their first Candy Mag cover, talk about their experiences as young models, and share their thoughts on how people and the industry they belong to saw beauty then and now.

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#candy #covergirls #myraultimate

Hosts: Rachelle Siazon & Bernie Franco
Video Producers: Kat Gangcuangco & Yssa Valdez
Director: John Henri Mariano
Video: Rommel Llanes, Yanie Cruz, Micah Moleno
Video Editor: Yanie Cruz
Music: "Scratch The Itch" by Quincas Moreira

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00:00 When you're younger, we're all like, you can't say no, no, no.
00:02 You're like, yes, yes, yes.
00:03 Take everything, take everything, right?
00:04 Criticism, rejection, whatever you take it.
00:06 But now, at present, we know how to filter.
00:09 Actually, now, we're the most beautiful versions of ourselves.
00:13 Don't you feel like the ultimate woman right now?
00:15 I do.
00:16 Kamusta, PEP Stars?
00:27 Welcome to PEP Spotlight.
00:29 It's a trip down memory lane.
00:31 Because our guests today are three of the most sought-after TV and print commercial models
00:38 in the early years of 2000.
00:40 There.
00:41 We are welcoming the new year with accomplished women in their respective fields of career.
00:46 We all have here,
00:48 Amanda Griffin-Jacob,
00:50 Kelly Misa Fernandez,
00:52 and Nicole Hernandez de Los Angeles.
00:56 Yay! Welcome to PEP Spotlight!
00:58 Welcome, girls!
01:00 Thanks for having us.
01:02 And I'm excited because they're cover girls and really "it" girls.
01:08 And I grew up watching these girls.
01:12 On TV, right?
01:13 On TV.
01:14 Like, wow!
01:15 Can you still remember or can you walk us down to your first experience as Kandy cover girls?
01:23 For me, it was always my dream to be on the cover of Kandy.
01:27 I saw Amanda's Kandy cover and she was the first ever Kandy cover girl.
01:33 After seeing Amanda's, I was like, "I want to be on the cover and I hope that happens for me."
01:38 And as a new model, of course, you never think that you make it that far.
01:42 And I was just starting to get small roles here and there.
01:46 And I was like, "Oh my gosh, if I were on the cover, I could die."
01:50 Like, I had that sort of aspiration.
01:55 And when it finally happened, I was just stunned.
01:59 And it was definitely a milestone in my career.
02:02 And I still bought a lot of copies, probably 20.
02:07 And I still have all of them.
02:09 How about me, Kool?
02:11 And again, seeing Amanda's cover, I was like, "Oh my gosh, wow.
02:16 Will I get the chance?"
02:19 Because when you do commercials, there's really no name.
02:22 We're really nameless people in those TVCs, right?
02:25 Because we play a role.
02:27 And to be a cover girl, it's like, you know, we're being recognized for who we are.
02:33 Not the role we're playing.
02:35 So it was such an honor to be asked to do a cover.
02:40 And then, of course, you see Amanda's cover, you're like, "Oh my gosh, I hope I get it too."
02:44 And then, you know, when you get the call, you're like, "I made it."
02:49 And for Amanda, how does it feel that they both look up to you when it comes to being the Candy Eat Girl?
02:56 I mean, it was a long time ago.
02:58 But I remember every detail of that because it was one of the big breaks of my career, honestly.
03:05 And I had no idea, obviously, because Candy hadn't, I mean, it hadn't come out, right?
03:09 So when they were asking me, I remember the meeting, Luis was with me, my agent.
03:14 And, you know, everything was so happy and supportive.
03:18 And, you know, I just had fun that whole shoot.
03:20 And then it came out and it was such a big deal.
03:23 I think it was a big break for all of us.
03:25 Oh, definitely.
03:26 You know, Candy was...
03:27 Like, it got me a lot of jobs, a lot more commercial work.
03:31 We had a name, right?
03:32 We're not just a tape there, like a VTR.
03:34 You know what I mean?
03:36 Yeah.
03:37 Yeah.
03:38 And it's something concrete, like you can actually buy it and see your face there with your name and an article about you.
03:45 Because the commercial, of course, you have to see it.
03:47 Like, you have to wait for the commercial to come out.
03:50 And sometimes...
03:51 And it's not even like you're not Candy.
03:52 Yeah.
03:52 Right?
03:52 And you're not Candy.
03:54 Marie.
03:55 At least it's just Marie.
03:55 One of the...
03:56 With the Carla glasses.
03:57 Yeah.
03:58 I know.
03:59 And until now, it's stopped, right?
04:01 Yeah, it's stopped.
04:01 I'm not Whitey anymore.
04:02 You're an ultimate woman now.
04:06 Yes.
04:06 So what were your beauty regimen back then when you were younger?
04:11 Beauty regimen that time really is just soap, right?
04:17 Yeah.
04:18 Proper cleanser.
04:19 And I don't think we use sunblock.
04:22 I use sunblock because...
04:24 I don't think I did.
04:25 No, because I have freckles.
04:27 Back then, they were always saying, "Don't go in the sun.
04:30 Don't go in the sun.
04:31 We want you as White as possible."
04:34 They didn't like your freckles.
04:35 They didn't like the freckles.
04:36 I mean, they were like, "We don't want you to get more freckles."
04:39 So the one thing that I did...
04:40 I don't want you to get dark.
04:41 They didn't want you to get dark because we were all doing whitening.
04:44 Yeah.
04:45 Whitening commercials.
04:46 All of us, right?
04:48 Yeah.
04:48 When I go to Thailand for commercials, they would have one day of spa treatment for me
04:55 to make me lighter.
04:56 Yeah.
04:57 For me, hair was so important.
05:00 I had to keep my hair long to get shampoo commercials.
05:04 You can't cut your hair.
05:04 You can't cut your hair and it has to be black.
05:07 And you had to be...
05:10 It's so weird talking about this now.
05:13 But back then, as a model, you really had to have this cookie cutter sort of image.
05:18 And your skin had to be as fair as possible, hair long, black, and of course, as clear as
05:27 possible.
05:27 But luckily for us, I didn't really get any breakouts or anything just with soap and water
05:33 and whatever powder that...
05:35 I didn't even know how to do makeup.
05:37 But I just learned through the years from doing all of these shoots, especially magazine
05:42 shoots.
05:43 But back then, I didn't know anything.
05:46 And I'm glad that I didn't do much because I guess the less you do to your skin, the
05:52 better it is.
05:53 Well, that's at least for me.
05:55 Yeah.
05:55 Now that you're in your 40s, what does it mean to be beautiful for you now, knowing
06:01 what you know already?
06:04 Just that self-acceptance, just being yourself.
06:08 You embrace that authenticity, that uniqueness, and that's what makes you you and sets you
06:13 apart from everybody else.
06:14 And once you realize that, you'll accept whatever flaws you may have, which I don't
06:20 even see are flaws.
06:21 That's what makes me beautiful.
06:23 This is my unique badges that I have.
06:25 You gain that inner confidence and you're like, "You know what?
06:29 I look good.
06:30 I feel good.
06:31 I'm beautiful."
06:32 Especially because of the industry that we were in from such a young age where you are
06:38 just judged constantly on the way that you look and you have to be a certain size.
06:41 And then accepting yourself has been a long journey.
06:45 Like, I'm there, but I'm not all the way there.
06:48 You know, it's a work in progress because it's really hard to let go of what people
06:52 think of you when that's all you were being judged on for so long.
06:56 Have that confidence to be you and not apologize for it and not try to conform to anyone else's.
07:03 But again, that's part of growing up and living life.
07:06 You know, I want to add also because when you're younger, we're all like, "You can't
07:09 say no, no, no."
07:10 You're like, "Yes, yes, yes.
07:11 Take everything.
07:11 Take everything."
07:12 Criticism, rejection, whatever you take it.
07:14 Now, I'd like to say that at our age, not at our age, but now at present, we know how
07:21 to filter, right?
07:23 Yeah.
07:23 We choose to filter.
07:25 We know what we want to accept, reject, or whatever, and there's no pressure rejecting.
07:31 So I feel that it's such a great thing for us.
07:34 You know, it's really simple, but we're in control of our lives.
07:40 And I know it's there, but sometimes you're not aware that you are in control of your
07:47 life.
07:47 Actually, now we're the most beautiful versions of ourselves.
07:51 Our life experiences and just what we've been talking about just now.
07:55 Don't you feel like the ultimate woman right now?
07:57 I do.
07:58 Exactly.
07:59 That comes with age.
08:01 I know we see three confident women now, but was there a time in your life that you really
08:06 felt insecure and what was the turning point of that moment?
08:10 Oh, I was very insecure, especially in my 20s and especially starting out as a model.
08:17 It really plays on your insecurities because it's based on looks.
08:21 And of course, there are so many factors to how and why you get a commercial.
08:27 But back then, in my head, it's like, "I'm ugly.
08:32 I didn't get it.
08:33 I'm ugly."
08:33 And it's very black and white.
08:37 And of course, now I know better and I now know what it takes for you to get a commercial.
08:44 But yeah, it was very simplified in my mind, in my very early 20s mind.
08:50 And I thought I needed to change so many things about myself.
08:55 I hated my nose.
08:56 I hated my face is so big.
08:58 And it's all really in my head.
09:01 And now I know that these are the same things that make you unique and that make you you.
09:08 And these are the very things that I embrace now.
09:12 Again, like Kelly said, there's a lot of rejection, really.
09:16 And for these jobs, you're not hired based on your personality or your IQ.
09:24 Or skills.
09:24 Or your skill or talent, if I can say.
09:26 Or your typing skills.
09:27 It's not.
09:28 It's the impression, the first impression.
09:30 They look at you.
09:31 They literally look at you like that, like that, like that.
09:34 You fit the look.
09:35 You fit the role.
09:36 You get it.
09:37 You don't.
09:37 There's one thing off.
09:39 Maybe your teeth's too big.
09:40 I don't know.
09:41 Or it's not straight.
09:42 You're out.
09:43 So you're judged or you're selected based on those tiny things.
09:49 So you will develop insecurities, especially at a young age, right?
09:55 And it's through doing that for how many years?
09:57 It's really a journey of you.
09:58 It's like a self-discovery of also learning more about yourself.
10:04 And then eventually coming full circle and accepting yourself.
10:07 You either take it or leave it.
10:09 Because this is me.
10:09 And if you want me for the ad, and this is my role, I'm going to get it.
10:12 You know what I mean?
10:13 Yeah.
10:13 I love your confidence.
10:15 No, but that's how I would--
10:18 It's not that I was overconfident.
10:21 When I would go to those castings, I would be like, "Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God.
10:26 I can't.
10:26 Tita, why am I here?
10:27 Why am I here?
10:28 Why? Why? Why?
10:29 I just look at her.
10:30 She's so much taller, sexier, prettier."
10:32 Like that.
10:33 I was like that.
10:34 You know, nervous.
10:35 And then I realized, "Wait.
10:37 It's really in my mind.
10:39 You know, it's either it's my ad or not."
10:41 So when I would get the ads that I shot, it's because I wanted to get them.
10:46 I really entered the room and I'd be like, "I like this ad.
10:50 I'm going to get this ad."
10:52 I would even tell my tita, "I'm going to get this ad.
10:54 This is going to be my ad.
10:55 You wait.
10:55 You watch.
10:56 I'm going to get it."
10:56 And it's probably the confidence that made you do it.
10:59 Yes, I was going to say.
11:00 I kid you not.
11:01 I did a commercial.
11:02 I was pregnant.
11:03 They shot me here.
11:06 There were other girls who were younger, taller, slimmer.
11:10 I walk in there.
11:10 My tita goes, "Just do it."
11:12 I'm like, "Tita, I'm pregnant.
11:14 Why will I?"
11:15 There's a bump.
11:15 You know, there's a bump.
11:16 You can see it.
11:17 The younger girl, she goes, "Just do it."
11:19 I'm like, "You know what?
11:19 Fine.
11:19 I'll do it."
11:20 I did it.
11:21 I got the freaking commercial.
11:22 They shot me from here.
11:23 You know?
11:24 It's really-- I guess they sense it.
11:27 They feel it that when you make the role yours, you go out and tame it and get it.
11:33 You have to believe in yourself first before others would.
11:36 Okay, I didn't believe about that because I was really--
11:38 I was really pregnant.
11:41 It wasn't a pregnant role.
11:43 There's not much to add after those two answers.
11:47 I fully agree with them.
11:48 But you can't be in this industry and not have insecurities.
11:54 It's just-- it is the nature of this industry.
11:57 Unfortunately, how amazing it is how far this industry has come.
12:01 You know?
12:02 Because we were subjected to that when we were younger.
12:06 As I was saying, we actually had thick skin.
12:12 I think we really--
12:12 I think that also helped us get to this place where we are all at now.
12:19 But I'm happy that this generation has--
12:23 they have a beautiful, diverse, inclusive environment where everyone is seen.
12:31 There's not just one type of woman and that's it.
12:34 There's so many and everyone can feel accepted and beautiful.
12:39 And what I like about this conversation because there are younger models out there
12:44 going through the same insecurities that you've had.
12:47 And now they hear you about this journey.
12:51 I'm sure it's going to help them about themselves.
12:55 Can you share with us some beauty tips that you are following now?
13:00 That you are in your 40s.
13:02 Well, for me, wellness is very important.
13:05 And I really take my supplements seriously.
13:08 Like right now at this day and age, it's all about beauty from the inside out.
13:14 Not just like all the creams and all the things that you put on your skin.
13:17 Because it really matters.
13:19 And I know when I forget to take my supplements, my ultimate,
13:25 when I forget the next day or a few days after,
13:29 I feel like, okay, I need that boost.
13:31 And it really adds something, a little something to my beauty regimen and to my confidence.
13:38 I see it literally from the inside out.
13:41 Wow. How about you, Amanda?
13:44 I'm so passionate about health and wellness because I think when you're healthy on the inside,
13:51 that radiates to the outside and you look really good.
13:54 And so that's why it's so important to really take care of yourself and live a healthy lifestyle.
14:01 Because it really is inside out.
14:04 And then it's important to have products that are formulated for our skin now.
14:10 So we can't forget.
14:12 Like that's really important.
14:14 I'm actually quite forgetful.
14:17 And I do notice the difference if I haven't used my ultimate.
14:22 Then you can see it.
14:23 Like you were saying, you can see it after a few days.
14:25 So you have to be really, you really have to remember.
14:29 Now, I think really the simplest thing is really a positive mindset.
14:36 That really helps because from then that all follows, you know,
14:39 choosing the right lifestyle, the diet, the changes that you'll make for your family,
14:45 the changes that you'll make for yourself,
14:47 really all starts from here, then followed here, right?
14:51 When you implement it.
14:53 So I think from there, that's when your beauty will shine from within and pour out.
14:57 When you were younger, you were mentioning earlier that you were just using soap or toner.
15:03 Sometimes you don't use anything at all, just water, you just wash your face.
15:08 But with you, you use sun duck now.
15:10 You have other things that you've added on your regimen.
15:15 What we added to our lifestyle now is supplements, right?
15:19 Like Myra Ultimate.
15:20 That really helps.
15:21 So, you know, like what Amanda and Kelly said,
15:24 they notice when they skip a day or a few days that there's a difference with how they feel, right?
15:30 Yeah.
15:31 So I think it's really important nowadays, especially,
15:33 actually you should start when you're younger.
15:35 Take the proper supplements that are age appropriate.
15:40 Because at certain stages in your life, there are supplements that you will need.
15:44 Like what we need also now that, you know, that we benefit from.
15:48 Yeah.
15:48 I was saying, like, I think this generation is more aware of being proactive about,
15:55 you know, about looking good and having that longevity.
15:59 So we didn't have that access to that information when we were young.
16:05 And now they do.
16:06 And so it's...
16:06 We're still young.
16:07 I mean, in our 20s.
16:09 In our teens and 20s.
16:12 But, you know, I'm already telling, you know, I'm already teaching my kids,
16:14 like, you have to take care of your skin.
16:17 The only one you have.
16:18 And, you know, I was in the sun and I'm like, oh, my goodness.
16:22 Just you have to put protection.
16:24 You have to moisturize.
16:25 And so it really is important to start.
16:28 Yeah.
16:28 For us, for me before 40s, 50s is old.
16:32 Like I couldn't imagine, like, oh, my God, I'll never be that age.
16:35 I mean, I could never put myself in that age or imagine myself in that age.
16:41 But now that I'm here, I mean, it's that old.
16:46 And there's still so many more years ahead.
16:49 And that's how I know how important it is to take care of your body and of your skin.
16:56 And not just to look young.
16:58 Of course, we all want to look young, but to feel good.
17:01 To feel good.
17:02 Like when you wake up in the morning, you don't have any aches and pains.
17:05 And you don't feel like groggy and tired.
17:08 That is the ultimate.
17:10 I think that's the ultimate goal.
17:12 Like waking up and feeling amazing.
17:14 That is the goal.
17:16 Never have I ever read messages accidentally on another person's phone.
17:22 Borankay.
17:23 When I told you and I'm like so stressed and I'm like, I saw something that I shouldn't have seen.
17:28 I forgot.
17:29 Yeah, it's good that you forgot.
17:30 Like, oh, my gosh, oh, my gosh.
17:32 Oh, my gosh, oh, my gosh.
17:34 [Music]
