Flood affected areas of Queensland driving tourists inland

  • 7 months ago
As the rebuild from tropical cyclone jasper moves slowly forward some far north Queensland businesses have seen a boost in food tourism. The Atherton tablelands has seen a spike in visitors diverted inland while the main highway remains closed which many agri-tourism businesses have seen as a silver lining.
00:00 Sweet treats are in demand.
00:05 In the peak of summer, this ice creamery has seen a spike in business.
00:10 That week after Christmas was our best week ever.
00:13 Generally, it's been, I'd say at least 30% sales increase, even the slower weeks.
00:19 The Captain Cook Highway heading from Cairns to Port Douglas is still closed after tropical
00:25 cyclone Jasper.
00:27 Also tourists are heading inland to the nearby Food Bowl.
00:31 Oh my goodness, that is actually making so much more of an impact than we could have
00:35 ever hoped for really.
00:38 In the wet season, businesses normally see a lull, but not this year.
00:42 There's more of an ice cream.
00:45 I'd say we're probably up by 10%.
00:47 It doesn't sound like a lot, but 10% of more people with bums on seats makes a big difference.
00:53 But tourism dollars haven't cancelled out the cyclone's impact.
00:58 It would be nice to think that it's balancing it out.
01:00 No, the farm's a much bigger component of what we do.
01:03 Further south, the Palmerston Highway is also closed.
01:08 Businesses there are missing out on visitors.
01:10 We've seen a drop of between 20 to 30% depending on what week.
01:15 Highways across far north Queensland, including the Palmerston, are set to reopen in coming
01:20 weeks.
01:21 With traffic routes returning to a sense of normality, it'll make life easier for farmers
01:25 who've had to pay higher freight costs.
01:28 For us as dairy processors, as our main business, we send 100 pallets a week down that highway,
01:34 and so our freight costs have gone up by more than $6,000 a month.
01:38 For visitors, the detours have meant a chance to see more of the far north.
01:43 You know, isn't that the best part of travel?
01:45 Not to expect too much, but to be surprised.
