L'INTÉGRALE - #LeDriveRTL2 (17/01/24)

  • il y a 9 mois
Les nouveautés du jour :
- Etta Marcus "Girls That Play"
- James Arthur "Bitter Sweet Love"

Le journal de la musique :
- No Doubt se reforme pour Coachella
- Elton John a enfin un "EGOT" (Emmy, Grammy, Oscar et Tony)
- Andy Summers regrette d'avoir vendu une de ses guitares à Eric Clapton.

Musique & Image : "The Bear"

Les classiques du jour :
- T. Rex "Get It On"
- Kaiser Chiefs "I Predict A Riot"

Le live du jour : Bon Jovi "Livin' On A Prayer" (Live In Zurich)

A suivre : The Black Crowes "Wanting and Waiting"


00:00:00 RTL2
00:00:02 Alors je tiens à préciser à tout le monde que je suis là
00:00:06 Jusqu'à 19h, c'est le Drive RTL2 avec Eric Jean-Jean
00:00:10 Je vous présente mes excuses d'ailleurs pour hier, pour ceux qui étaient là à 16h
00:00:13 Alors il y a quelqu'un qui a cafeté au patron, je me suis fait engueuler ce matin
00:00:16 Il y a quelqu'un qui a appelé le patron, donc merci monsieur, merci madame
00:00:19 C'est vrai qu'on est des enfants maintenant, faut qu'on se fasse engueuler
00:00:23 Ça va bien mon Brice ? Oui, très bien
00:00:26 Comment ça va Léa ? Ça va très bien, merci
00:00:28 Comment ça va toi Eric ? Super et toi ?
00:00:31 Très bien, on m'envoie des lettres manuscrites, donc je suis trop contente
00:00:34 Des lettres d'antides, des lettres d'amour ?
00:00:36 On va voir, je pense qu'ils veulent que je passe leur disque d'interêt
00:00:40 Qu'est-ce qu'on va se dire sinon ? On va parler de musique avec toi Marjorie
00:00:43 Elton John, 19ème personne, détentrice d'un égo, non, un égo surdimensionné
00:00:48 Quoique, un Emmy, Grammy, Oscar et Tony, tous les awards il a
00:00:53 C'est le grand chlème des artistes aux Etats-Unis
00:00:55 On y revient tout à l'heure, on parlera aussi avec toi de la BO de The Bear
00:01:00 C'est une super série sur Disney+ qui suit la vie en cuisine dans un petit restaurant de Chicago
00:01:07 Le live du jour ce sera Bonne Jeuvie et puis bien sûr 17 et 18h des infos avec Brice Boitelle
00:01:12 à la une de l'actualité aujourd'hui mon Brice
00:01:14 On parlera neige et verglas avec cette vigilance orange en cours sur la moitié nord du pays
00:01:19 Des pluies verglassantes pour l'instant un peu partout
00:01:23 Mais bientôt des flocons, beaucoup de flocons, notamment en Ile-de-France
00:01:28 Le préfet de police recommande aux habitants de la région d'organiser leur domicile avant 19h
00:01:35 Aujourd'hui ? Oui !
00:01:37 Non, mais non !
00:01:39 Bah, si, on aura pas fini, ils ont fini à 19h
00:01:43 On recommande, on fait ce qu'on veut
00:01:45 Oui c'est vrai, mais notamment sur les 18h
00:01:47 Je vais me faire engueuler encore
00:01:49 Est-ce qu'on est prêt pour un top horaire messieurs dames ?
00:01:51 Oui ! Allez c'est parti Léa !
00:01:53 Merci d'être avec nous, on se mercredi après midi
00:01:55 Vous écoutez Le Drive sur RTL2, il est 16h
00:01:58 [Musique]
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00:08:47 C'est Kimber Rose sur RTL2
00:08:53 C'est une petite française
00:08:55 mais ça sonne bien cette histoire
00:08:57 Il est 16h08 Marjorie
00:08:59 Alors, un égote
00:09:01 Qu'est-ce que c'est ?
00:09:03 Un ami, un Grammy Awards, un Oscar
00:09:05 et un Tony et c'est Elton John qui a eu ça
00:09:07 19ème personne à obtenir ce
00:09:09 comme tu disais, grand chelem
00:09:11 Ça s'est passé lors des Emmy Awards
00:09:13 Plutôt cette semaine, l'artiste de 76 ans a remporté
00:09:15 le trophée qui lui manquait
00:09:17 dans la catégorie
00:09:19 "Meilleure émission spéciale de variété"
00:09:21 pour son film-concert, encore un
00:09:23 de 2022, Elton John
00:09:25 "Live Farewell from Dodger Stadium"
00:09:27 et donc, ça fait que
00:09:29 cette distinction rare du égo
00:09:31 avec ça, il rejoint des stars comme
00:09:33 Audrey Hepburn-Melbrooks ou Andrew Lloyd
00:09:35 Pepper
00:09:37 Ok, un "No Doubt" qui se réunit
00:09:39 ça, c'est la bonne nouvelle en plus pour tous les amoureux
00:09:41 de Pop Rock
00:09:43 Oui, absolument, ce sera leur premier concert depuis 2015
00:09:45 Le groupe dont la chanteuse n'est autre que
00:09:47 Gwen Stefani ont teasé une réunion
00:09:49 sur Twitter où "X, je vais jamais y arriver"
00:09:51 sont renom de son radio
00:09:53 Je vais faire un défilé
00:09:55 Tu veux faire un défilé ?
00:09:57 Ok, d'accord
00:09:59 Plein d'effets spéciaux pour "poupoupi"
00:10:01 Ce sont des effets sonores pour parler de...
00:10:03 Ça fait très années 60, tu sais, Batman
00:10:05 Oui, absolument, ils ont l'air très très contents de revenir
00:10:07 Alors on ne sait pas encore quelle date précise
00:10:09 va avoir lieu leur prestation
00:10:11 au festival le plus hype du désert
00:10:13 californien, qui comprendra
00:10:15 en Pop Rock Lana Del Rey, Blur
00:10:17 Deftones et bien d'autres
00:10:19 Merci beaucoup
00:10:21 beaucoup, beaucoup, beaucoup, beaucoup, Marjorie
00:10:23 En fait, je réfléchis à ces
00:10:25 deux dates quand on fait "Kwechela"
00:10:27 Il y a deux week-ends
00:10:29 Oui, ça dépend, on peut faire deux dates, trois
00:10:31 même, je veux en continu ou juste
00:10:33 une seule date, ça dépend des gens
00:10:35 Merci, le Vendredi de la musique, on se retrouve tout à l'heure à 17h10
00:10:37 On parla de la B.O. de Bear, qui est une série
00:10:39 donc validée par toute l'équipe d'RTL2
00:10:41 que j'ai pas encore vue, on peut pas tout voir
00:10:43 et pour l'instant, on va parler
00:10:45 des Etats-Unis
00:10:47 [Musique]
00:10:49 [Musique]
00:10:51 ("Unifying the Souls" de Marlon Brown)
00:10:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:11:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:11:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:11:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:11:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:11:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:11:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:11:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:11:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:11:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:11:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:11:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:11:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:12:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:12:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:12:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:12:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:12:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:12:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:12:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:12:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:12:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:12:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:12:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:12:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:13:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:13:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:13:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:13:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:13:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:13:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:13:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:13:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:13:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:13:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:13:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:13:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:14:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:14:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:14:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:14:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:14:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:14:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:14:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:14:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:14:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:14:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:14:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:14:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:15:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:15:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:15:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:15:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:15:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:15:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:15:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:15:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:15:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:15:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:15:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:15:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:16:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:16:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:16:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:16:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:16:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:16:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:16:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:16:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:16:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:16:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:16:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:16:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:17:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:17:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:17:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:17:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:17:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:17:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:17:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:17:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:17:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:17:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:17:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:17:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:18:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:18:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:18:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:18:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:18:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:18:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:18:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:18:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:18:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:18:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:18:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:18:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:19:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:19:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:19:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:19:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:19:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:19:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:19:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:19:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:19:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:19:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:19:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:19:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:20:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:20:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:20:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:20:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:20:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:20:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:20:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:20:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:20:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:20:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:20:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:20:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:21:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:21:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:21:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:21:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:21:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:21:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:21:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:21:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:21:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:21:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:21:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:21:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:22:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:22:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:22:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:22:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:22:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:22:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:22:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:22:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:22:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:22:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:22:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:22:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:23:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:23:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:23:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:23:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:23:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:23:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:23:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:23:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:23:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:23:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:23:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:23:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:24:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:24:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:24:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:24:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:24:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:24:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:24:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:24:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:24:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:24:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:24:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:24:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:25:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:25:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:25:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:25:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:25:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:25:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:25:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:25:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:25:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:25:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:25:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:25:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:26:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:26:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:26:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:26:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:26:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:26:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:26:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:26:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:26:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:26:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:26:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:26:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:27:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:27:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:27:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:27:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:27:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:27:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:27:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:27:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:27:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:27:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:27:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:27:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:28:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:28:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:28:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:28:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:28:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:28:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:28:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:28:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:28:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:28:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:28:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:28:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:29:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:29:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:29:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:29:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:29:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:29:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:29:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:29:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:29:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:29:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:29:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:29:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:30:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:30:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:30:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:30:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:30:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:30:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:30:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:30:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:30:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:30:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:30:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:30:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:31:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:31:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:31:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:31:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:31:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:31:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:31:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:31:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:31:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:31:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:31:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:31:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:32:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:32:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:32:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:32:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:32:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:32:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:32:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:32:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:32:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:32:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:32:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:32:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:33:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:33:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:33:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:33:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:33:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:33:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:33:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:33:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:33:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:33:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:33:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:33:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:34:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:34:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:34:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:34:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:34:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:34:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:34:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:34:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:34:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:34:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:34:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:34:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:35:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:35:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:35:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:35:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:35:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:35:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:35:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:35:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:35:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:35:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:35:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:35:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:36:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:36:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:36:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:36:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:36:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:36:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:36:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:36:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:36:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:36:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:36:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:36:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:37:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:37:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:37:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:37:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:37:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:37:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:37:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:37:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:37:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:37:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:37:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:37:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:38:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:38:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:38:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:38:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:38:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:38:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:38:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:38:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:38:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:38:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:38:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:38:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:39:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:39:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:39:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:39:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:39:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:39:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:39:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:39:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:39:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:39:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:39:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:39:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:40:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:40:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:40:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:40:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:40:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:40:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:40:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:40:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:40:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:40:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:40:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:40:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:41:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:41:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:41:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:41:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:41:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:41:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:41:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:41:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:41:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:41:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:41:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:41:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:42:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:42:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:42:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:42:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:42:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:42:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:42:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:42:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:42:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:42:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:42:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:42:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:43:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:43:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:43:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:43:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:43:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:43:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:43:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:43:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:43:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:43:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:43:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:43:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:44:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:44:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:44:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:44:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:44:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:44:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:44:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:44:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:44:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:44:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:44:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:44:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:45:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:45:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:45:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:45:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:45:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:45:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:45:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:45:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:45:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:45:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:45:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:45:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:46:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:46:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:46:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:46:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:46:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:46:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:46:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:46:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:46:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:46:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:46:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:46:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:47:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:47:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:47:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:47:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:47:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:47:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:47:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:47:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:47:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:47:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:47:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:47:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:48:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:48:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:48:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:48:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:48:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:48:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:48:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:48:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:48:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:48:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:48:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:48:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:49:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:49:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:49:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:49:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:49:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:49:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:49:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:49:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:49:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:49:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:49:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:49:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:50:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:50:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:50:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:50:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:50:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:50:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:50:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:50:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:50:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:50:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:50:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:50:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:51:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:51:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:51:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:51:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:51:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:51:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:51:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:51:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:51:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:51:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:51:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:51:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:52:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:52:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:52:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:52:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:52:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:52:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:52:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:52:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:52:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:52:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:52:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:52:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:53:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:53:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:53:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:53:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:53:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:53:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:53:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:53:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:53:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:53:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:53:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:53:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:54:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:54:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:54:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:54:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:54:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:54:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:54:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:54:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:54:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:54:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:54:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:54:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:55:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:55:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:55:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:55:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:55:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:55:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:55:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:55:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:55:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:55:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:55:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:55:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:56:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:56:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:56:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:56:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:56:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:56:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:56:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:56:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:56:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:56:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:56:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:56:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:57:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:57:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:57:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:57:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:57:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:57:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:57:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:57:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:57:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:57:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:57:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:57:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:58:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:58:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:58:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:58:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:58:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:58:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:58:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:58:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:58:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:58:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:58:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:58:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:59:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:59:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:59:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:59:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:59:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:59:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:59:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:59:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:59:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:59:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:59:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
00:59:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:00:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:00:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:00:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:00:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:00:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:00:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:00:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:00:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:00:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:00:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:00:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:00:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:01:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:01:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:01:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:01:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:01:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:01:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:01:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:01:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:01:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:01:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:01:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:01:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:02:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:02:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:02:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:02:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:02:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:02:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:02:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:02:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:02:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:02:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:02:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:02:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:03:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:03:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:03:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:03:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:03:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:03:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:03:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:03:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:03:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:03:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:03:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:03:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:04:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:04:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:04:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:04:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:04:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:04:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:04:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:04:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:04:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:04:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:04:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:04:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:05:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:05:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:05:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:05:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:05:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:05:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:05:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:05:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:05:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:05:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:05:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:05:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:06:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:06:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:06:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:06:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:06:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:06:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:06:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:06:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:06:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:06:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:06:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:06:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:07:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:07:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:07:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:07:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:07:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:07:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:07:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:07:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:07:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:07:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:07:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:07:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:08:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:08:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:08:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:08:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:08:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:08:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:08:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:08:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:08:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:08:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:08:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:08:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:09:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:09:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:09:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:09:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:09:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:09:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:09:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:09:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:09:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:09:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:09:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:09:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:10:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:10:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:10:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:10:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:10:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:10:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:10:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:10:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:10:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:10:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:10:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:10:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:11:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:11:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:11:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:11:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:11:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:11:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:11:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:11:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:11:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:11:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:11:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:11:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:12:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:12:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:12:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:12:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:12:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:12:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:12:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:12:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:12:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:12:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:12:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:12:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:13:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:13:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:13:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:13:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:13:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:13:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:13:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:13:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:13:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:13:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:13:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:13:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:14:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:14:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:14:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:14:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:14:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:14:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:14:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:14:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:14:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:14:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:14:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:14:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:15:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:15:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:15:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:15:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:15:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:15:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:15:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:15:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:15:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:15:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:15:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:15:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:16:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:16:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:16:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:16:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:16:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:16:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:16:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:16:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:16:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:16:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:16:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:16:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:17:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:17:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:17:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:17:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:17:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:17:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:17:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:17:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:17:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:17:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:17:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:17:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:18:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:18:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:18:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:18:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:18:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:18:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:18:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:18:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:18:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:18:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:18:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:18:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:19:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:19:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:19:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:19:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:19:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:19:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:19:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:19:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:19:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:19:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:19:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:19:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:20:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:20:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:20:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:20:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:20:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:20:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:20:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:20:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:20:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:20:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:20:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:20:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:21:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:21:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:21:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:21:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:21:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:21:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:21:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:21:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:21:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:21:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:21:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:21:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:22:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:22:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:22:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:22:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:22:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:22:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:22:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:22:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:22:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:22:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:22:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:22:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:23:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:23:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:23:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:23:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:23:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:23:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:23:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:23:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:23:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:23:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:23:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:23:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:24:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:24:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:24:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:24:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:24:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:24:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:24:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:24:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:24:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:24:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:24:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:24:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:25:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:25:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:25:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:25:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:25:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:25:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:25:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:25:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:25:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:25:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:25:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:25:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:26:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:26:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:26:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:26:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:26:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:26:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:26:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:26:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:26:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:26:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:26:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:26:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:27:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:27:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:27:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:27:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:27:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:27:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:27:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:27:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:27:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:27:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:27:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:27:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:28:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:28:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:28:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:28:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:28:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:28:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:28:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:28:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:28:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:28:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:28:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:28:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:29:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:29:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:29:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:29:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:29:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:29:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:29:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:29:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:29:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:29:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:29:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:29:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:30:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:30:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:30:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:30:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:30:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:30:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:30:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:30:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:30:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:30:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:30:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:30:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:31:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:31:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:31:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:31:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:31:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:31:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:31:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:31:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:31:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:31:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:31:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:31:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:32:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:32:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:32:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:32:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:32:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:32:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:32:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:32:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:32:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:32:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:32:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:32:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:33:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:33:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:33:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:33:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:33:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:33:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:33:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:33:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:33:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:33:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:33:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:33:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:34:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:34:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:34:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:34:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:34:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:34:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:34:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:34:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:34:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:34:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:34:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:34:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:35:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:35:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:35:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:35:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:35:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:35:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:35:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:35:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:35:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:35:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:35:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:35:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:36:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:36:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:36:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:36:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:36:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:36:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:36:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:36:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:36:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:36:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:36:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:36:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:37:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:37:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:37:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:37:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:37:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:37:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:37:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:37:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:37:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:37:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:37:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:37:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:38:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:38:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:38:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:38:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:38:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:38:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:38:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:38:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:38:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:38:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:38:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:38:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:39:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:39:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:39:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:39:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:39:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:39:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:39:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:39:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:39:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:39:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:39:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:39:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:40:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:40:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:40:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:40:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:40:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:40:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:40:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:40:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:40:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:40:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:40:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:40:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:41:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:41:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:41:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:41:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:41:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:41:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:41:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:41:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:41:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:41:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:41:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:41:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:42:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:42:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:42:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:42:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:42:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:42:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:42:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:42:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:42:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:42:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:42:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:42:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:43:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:43:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:43:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:43:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:43:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:43:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:43:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:43:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:43:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:43:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:43:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:43:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:44:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:44:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:44:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:44:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:44:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:44:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:44:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:44:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:44:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:44:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:44:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:44:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:45:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:45:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:45:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:45:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:45:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:45:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:45:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:45:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:45:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:45:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:45:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:45:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:46:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:46:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:46:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:46:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:46:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:46:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:46:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:46:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:46:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:46:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:46:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:46:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:47:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:47:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:47:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:47:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:47:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:47:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:47:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:47:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:47:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:47:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:47:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:47:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:48:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:48:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:48:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:48:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:48:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:48:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:48:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:48:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:48:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:48:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:48:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:48:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:49:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:49:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:49:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:49:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:49:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:49:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:49:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:49:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:49:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:49:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:49:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:49:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:50:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:50:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:50:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:50:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:50:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:50:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:50:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:50:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:50:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:50:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:50:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:50:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:51:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:51:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:51:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:51:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:51:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:51:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:51:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:51:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:51:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:51:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:51:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:51:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:52:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:52:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:52:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:52:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:52:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:52:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:52:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:52:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:52:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:52:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:52:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:52:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:53:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:53:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:53:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:53:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:53:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:53:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:53:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:53:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:53:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:53:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:53:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:53:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:54:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:54:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:54:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:54:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:54:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:54:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:54:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:54:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:54:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:54:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:54:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:54:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:55:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:55:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:55:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:55:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:55:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:55:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:55:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:55:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:55:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:55:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:55:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:55:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:56:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:56:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:56:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:56:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:56:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:56:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:56:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:56:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:56:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:56:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:56:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:56:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:57:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:57:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:57:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:57:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:57:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:57:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:57:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:57:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:57:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:57:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:57:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:57:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:58:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:58:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:58:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:58:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:58:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:58:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:58:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:58:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:58:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:58:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:58:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:58:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:59:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:59:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:59:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:59:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:59:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:59:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:59:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:59:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:59:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:59:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:59:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
01:59:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:00:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:00:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:00:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:00:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:00:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:00:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:00:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:00:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:00:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:00:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:00:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:00:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:01:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:01:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:01:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:01:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:01:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:01:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:01:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:01:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:01:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:01:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:01:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:01:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:02:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:02:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:02:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:02:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:02:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:02:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:02:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:02:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:02:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:02:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:02:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:02:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:03:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:03:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:03:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:03:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:03:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:03:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:03:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:03:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:03:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:03:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:03:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:03:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:04:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:04:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:04:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:04:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:04:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:04:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:04:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:04:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:04:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:04:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:04:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:04:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:05:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:05:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:05:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:05:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:05:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:05:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:05:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:05:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:05:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:05:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:05:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:05:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:06:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:06:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:06:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:06:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:06:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:06:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:06:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:06:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:06:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:06:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:06:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:06:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:07:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:07:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:07:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:07:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:07:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:07:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:07:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:07:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:07:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:07:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:07:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:07:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:08:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:08:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:08:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:08:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:08:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:08:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:08:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:08:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:08:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:08:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:08:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:08:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:09:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:09:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:09:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:09:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:09:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:09:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:09:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:09:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:09:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:09:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:09:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:09:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:10:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:10:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:10:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:10:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:10:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:10:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:10:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:10:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:10:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:10:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:10:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:10:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:11:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:11:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:11:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:11:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:11:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:11:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:11:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:11:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:11:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:11:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:11:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:11:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:12:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:12:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:12:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:12:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:12:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:12:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:12:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:12:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:12:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:12:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:12:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:12:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:13:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:13:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:13:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:13:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:13:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:13:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:13:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:13:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:13:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:13:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:13:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:13:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:14:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:14:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:14:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:14:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:14:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:14:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:14:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:14:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:14:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:14:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:14:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:14:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:15:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:15:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:15:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:15:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:15:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:15:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:15:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:15:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:15:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:15:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:15:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:15:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:16:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:16:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:16:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:16:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:16:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:16:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:16:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:16:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:16:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:16:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:16:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:16:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:17:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:17:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:17:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:17:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:17:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:17:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:17:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:17:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:17:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:17:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:17:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:17:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:18:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:18:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:18:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:18:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:18:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:18:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:18:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:18:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:18:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:18:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:18:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:18:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:19:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:19:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:19:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:19:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:19:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:19:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:19:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:19:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:19:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:19:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:19:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:19:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:20:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:20:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:20:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:20:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:20:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:20:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:20:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:20:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:20:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:20:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:20:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:20:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:21:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:21:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:21:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:21:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:21:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:21:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:21:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:21:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:21:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:21:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:21:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:21:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:22:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:22:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:22:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:22:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:22:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:22:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:22:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:22:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:22:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:22:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:22:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:22:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:23:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:23:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:23:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:23:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:23:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:23:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:23:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:23:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:23:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:23:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:23:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:23:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:24:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:24:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:24:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:24:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:24:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:24:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:24:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:24:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:24:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:24:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:24:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:24:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:25:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:25:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:25:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:25:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:25:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:25:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:25:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:25:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:25:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:25:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:25:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:25:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:26:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:26:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:26:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:26:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:26:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:26:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:26:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:26:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:26:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:26:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:26:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:26:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:27:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:27:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:27:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:27:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:27:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:27:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:27:30 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:27:35 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:27:40 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:27:45 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:27:50 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:27:55 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:28:00 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:28:05 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:28:10 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:28:15 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:28:20 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
02:28:25 ("Born in the USA" de Marlon Brown)
