Celebrate National Mocktail Week at Hash Kitchen!

  • 8 months ago
Breakfast classics are remixed and reimagined at Hash Kitchen, a buzzy brunchery founded in 2015 by The Maggiore Group with Instagrammable, creative daytime dishes and an interactive build-your-own Bloody Mary bar where guests can customize their cocktail from start to finish with housemade Bloody Mary mixes, house-infused spirits, and over 50 craft toppings. The innovative daytime concept combines chef-driven food and an elevated cocktail program with a next-level, brunch-centric atmosphere complete with social-media-worthy wall art and rotating guest DJs and turntables on the weekends. https://www.hashkitchen.com/
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 - All right, so dry January is upon us.
00:07 And if you are someone who is abstaining this month,
00:10 well, you are in luck because we have Lindsay
00:12 from Hash Kitchen to give us some great ideas for mocktails.
00:15 And we also have Danielle to talk about food,
00:17 but we'll get to that in a minute
00:19 because it is the reason for the season,
00:22 I guess, if you're abstaining this month.
00:24 Mocktails, it's also National Mocktail Week.
00:26 Is that right, Lindsay?
00:27 - It is.
00:28 - So Hash Kitchen, we all think of you guys
00:30 as kind of the place to go for really good brunch cocktails.
00:35 I know for me, if I'm going somewhere with the girls,
00:38 you wanna have a great brunch,
00:40 Hash Kitchen is the place to go.
00:41 - Always.
00:42 - Yep.
00:43 - But if you don't wanna drink,
00:44 you can still come and check it out.
00:45 So tell us a little bit about your mocktail offerings.
00:48 - So I think mocktails are super important.
00:50 I mean, nobody just wants a cup of juice.
00:52 Who wants to be able to still like experiment
00:54 and have fun with everybody else and still party.
00:58 So we have three right here.
00:58 We have Golden Ticket, which is gonna be like pineapple,
01:01 orange, frosted strawberry, coconut milk, dried strawberries.
01:05 And then we have this one, the short stack,
01:07 which we're also gonna be making.
01:08 So fresh blackberry puree, a little bit of lime,
01:11 and then soda water.
01:12 - And I love that you said no one just wants a cup of juice
01:14 because you're totally right.
01:15 I, you know, when I was pregnant,
01:17 I wasn't drinking obviously.
01:18 And sometimes you go somewhere and they say,
01:19 "Oh, we have great mocktails."
01:21 And they hand you a glass of pineapple juice.
01:22 And you're like, it's not the same.
01:24 You want something with a little bit of depth,
01:26 with a little bit more kind of fun ingredients.
01:29 Like you said, to make everyone feel like
01:31 they're joining the party,
01:32 they're enjoying with everybody else who is imbibing.
01:34 So we're going for this last one here.
01:36 You're gonna show us how to make it.
01:38 - Okay, super simple.
01:39 So it's just gonna be fresh blackberry puree.
01:42 - Ooh, I love that.
01:43 - And it's super easy 'cause it's built in the glass.
01:45 A little bit of simple syrup.
01:47 - Great.
01:48 - And then lime juice.
01:49 So I'm really big on making sure
01:51 our cocktails are very balanced.
01:52 You don't want like a sugar bomb,
01:53 especially if you're having brunch,
01:54 you're having like some super sweet items.
01:57 You wanna have something that like cuts it
01:58 and like compliments it.
01:59 So you can have more and enjoy yourself.
02:00 - 100%, that makes, you make such a good point
02:02 that you're already probably having some sweetness,
02:06 maybe with your brunch.
02:07 That is the time to do it.
02:08 If you're gonna do pancakes
02:09 or you're gonna do French toast,
02:10 you want a mocktail that's not gonna
02:12 just over sweet your palate.
02:14 So this has that lime juice in there,
02:16 the soda water, it's kind of gonna cut through a little bit.
02:19 Do you mind if I try this?
02:20 I just wanna see the flavor profile on here.
02:22 And also this is beautiful.
02:23 You have a gorgeous garnish on here, really fun straws.
02:27 It's great, yeah, it has a little bit of the sweetness
02:31 from the blackberry, but it's not overly sweet.
02:34 That would be something that if you're trying
02:35 to get kind of the flavor of maybe a mimosa,
02:39 you got the bubbles, you have the lime juice a little bit,
02:42 definitely gives you that feeling
02:44 like you're still having a fun, brunchy,
02:47 boozy brunch kind of a thing,
02:49 even though you're abstaining.
02:50 So all of these you can get
02:52 at any one of your locations across the valley?
02:54 - Yep, every single one.
02:55 - That's fantastic, and now is the time,
02:57 dry January like we were saying,
02:58 but if you're out and you're like,
03:00 you know, I think I'm gonna splurge a little bit,
03:03 you guys also have amazing cocktails
03:05 and things like that as well.
03:06 - Tons of amazing cocktails, super fun cups with everything,
03:08 brand new menu, so I would say come check it out.
03:10 - Okay, that's great, and this definitely is the place to go
03:13 if you're looking for a party spot.
03:15 You can tell by our table here,
03:17 we got the disco balls, we got the great food.
03:20 So Danielle, tell us a little bit about the food offerings
03:23 because you guys really do it all.
03:26 - Thank you, yeah, we have a great selection of items
03:28 at the restaurants.
03:30 Brought out today are cannoli donuts, those are amazing.
03:34 - Cannoli donuts, so is this like the cannoli filling,
03:38 but in a donut instead of the kind of traditional shell?
03:42 - Yeah, so the cream's in there,
03:43 and so yeah, you just kinda can dip it in the cannoli,
03:46 and they're just so great, like hot, out of the fryer,
03:49 so those are amazing way to start
03:51 or end your experience with us.
03:53 - I like that you could start or end with the sweets,
03:56 that's great.
03:57 - For sure, so we also have our protein pancakes out today,
04:00 and then Hash Kitchen, I have to bring a hash,
04:02 so I have carnitas hash to show you guys today as well.
04:06 - And this smells incredible, like whatever,
04:09 I think it's the carnitas, the meat, smells so fantastic.
04:14 And this is jam-packed, I mean, look at this,
04:16 there's potatoes, there's avocado, onions, amazing.
04:19 - Looks delicious. - Thank you.
04:20 - That will fill you up for all day.
04:21 - Yeah, absolutely, so we have great options
04:24 for brunch and lunch, and now we're doing catering
04:26 and events as well, so it's event season,
04:28 so we're excited to showcase all of our locals
04:32 and tourists as well, Barrett Jackson's coming up
04:34 this weekend too, so we have a fun promote.
04:36 If you come in, show your ticket,
04:38 you'll get a free billionaire's bacon, which is amazing too.
04:40 So Gold Flake, so super over the top and fun,
04:44 great to pair with our mocktails,
04:45 or like you said, the Bloody Mary bars, excellent,
04:47 other mimosas, cocktails that Lindsay's created as well.
04:50 So really, we've got you covered,
04:52 and it's like a party DJ on the weekends.
04:55 - Absolutely. - And just a lot of fun,
04:56 high energy, seven locations around the Valley.
04:59 - That's great, all right, well Danielle and Lindsay,
05:01 thank you so much for being here to show us some mocktails
05:03 and some delicious food, Hash Kitchen is the place to be,
05:07 and you can check 'em out at hashkitchen.com.
05:08 All right, stick around guys,
05:09 'cause we got more of the mix after this.
05:11 - I know.
05:12 (silence)
05:14 (silence)
05:16 (silence)
05:19 (silence)
