Easter tart, chocolate and caramel

  • 6 months ago
Recipe Dessert

A delicious tart made with Mc Vities cookies, caramel, a chocolate ganache and an Easter egg topping !

Crust :
- 10.5 oz Mc Vities cookies
- 1/2 cup butter

- Toffee caramel : (or 7 oz salted butter caramel)
- 1/3 cup butter
- 1/3 cup sugar
- 7 oz condensed milk

Ganache :
- 7 oz dark chocolate (or milk chocolate)
- 3/4 cup hot cream

See recipe on site: https://en.petitchef.com/recipes/dessert/easter-tart-chocolate-and-caramel-fid-1576645
