Data Tenaga Kerja AS Masih Panas, Rupiah Melemah

  • 8 months ago
Rupiah kembali melemah tipis, ditengah masih memanasnya laporan data tenaga kerja terakhir Amerika Serikat, yang memungkinkan inflasi akan sulit dikendalikan kedepannya. Dikutip dari data RTI, hingga perdagangan Jumat siang tadi, rupiah melemah tipis ke 0,06% di Rp15.624 per USD.


00:00 Let's move on to the other trading indicator information,
00:02 where the rupiah is the thinnest,
00:04 still warming up after the latest US labor data report
00:08 that suggests inflation will be difficult to control in the future.
00:11 Quoted from the RTI data until the Friday trading earlier,
00:15 the rupiah was thin at 0.06%, at US$15,624,
00:21 where before the rupiah was opened to a thin strength at 0.06%, at US$15,605.
00:28 However, 30 minutes after the opening,
00:30 the rupiah was weak again, at US$15,626.
00:35 Meanwhile, from the Global Analysis Bureau of US Labor,
00:39 reported a decline in the initial inflationary support claims
00:42 to the lowest since September 2022
00:45 and can make US inflation more difficult to control.
00:48 Meanwhile, on the other hand,
00:50 President of the Atlanta Fed, Rafael Bostic, said
00:53 policy takes are likely to begin to decrease
00:56 in the third quarter.
00:58 Let's see how the rupiah exchange rate
01:02 is moving towards the next main currency.
01:05 Data collected by our team in the last few minutes.
01:09 You can also see the graph on the TV screen.
01:13 The rupiah movement towards the US dollar at US$15,608,
01:18 then towards the euro at US$16,985,
01:21 the pound sterling at US$19,802, and towards the Japanese.
01:25 At US$105,10.
01:28 Where the exchange rate movement is quite fast.
01:32 The latest data from RTI is back to 0.13%
01:36 and has been traded at less than US$15,600.
01:39 At US$15,593.
01:45 (electronic music)
