Rupiah Perkasa, Tinggalkan Rp16.100/USD

  • 4 months ago
Rupiah terapresiasi terhadap dolar Amerika Serikat, setelah The Fed dinilai pasar tidak akan menaikkan suku bunga di tahun ini. Dikutip dari data RTI hingga perdagangan Jumat siang ini, rupiah menguat signifikan di 0,62% di level Rp16.079 per USD.


00:00 We move to the information from another trading indicator, which is the bearish, where the Rupiah is appreciated against the US dollar after the Fed in the market value will not increase the flower rate this year.
00:11 Quoted from the TI data until the trading on Friday afternoon, the Rupiah strengthened significantly at 0.62% at the level of 16,079 per US dollar.
00:21 Previously, the Rupiah has been opened to strengthen at 0.74% at 16,060 per US dollar on Friday morning.
00:29 This is consistent with the closing of Thursday, where the Rupiah also strengthened at 0.46%.
00:34 The strengthening of the Rupiah occurred in the middle of the weakest US dollar index at 0.07% to 105.22 on Friday morning, from the closing of Thursday the day before at 105.3.
00:47 In addition, the movement of the Rupiah is imagined by the statement of the Fed, which is enough to convince the market players that there is no increase in the flower rate in 2024.
00:56 In addition, the Fed also insisted that it will remain independent in determining the policy of the flower rate, which is the front of the general election in the United States.
01:04 Let's just see how the Rupiah exchange rate movement is against the amount of capital in the following.
01:10 The data collected by our investigation team until Friday afternoon.
01:15 You can watch the graphics on the TV screen of your choice. The Rupiah movement against the US dollar at 16,095 Rupiah, then against the euro at 17,360 Rupiah, the Pound Sterling at 20,190 Rupiah, and against the Japanese at 105.05 Rupiah.
01:34 [Music]