Aisla riceve 51mila euro da Galbusera, un ‘abbraccio’ che sostiene la ricerca

  • 8 months ago
(Adnkronos) - A pochi giorni dalla Giornata mondiale dell’abbraccio che si celebra il 21 gennaio, Aisla - Associazione italiana sclerosi laterale amiotrofica, ha ricevuto da Galbusera una donazione di 51 mila euro da destinare alla ricerca. Per i pazienti colpiti dalla malattia rara si tratta di un vero e proprio abbraccio, un gesto sincero e puro che può fare una bella differenza. Lanciata a novembre 2023, la campagna ‘Il Buon Gusto della Ricerca’, promossa da Galbusera, ha visto un’adesione importante, che ha portato a raccogliere 37mila euro grazie alla vendita dei cioccolatini Caffarel al prezzo simbolico di 1 euro. L’azienda ha poi scelto di integrare la cifra raccolta per portarla a 51mila euro.


00:00 A few days after the World Hug Day, AISLA, the Italian association of lateral sclerosis
00:09 and myotrophic, received from Galbusera a donation of 51,000 euros for the support
00:15 of the research.
00:16 "Today, an important company, Galbusera, hugs AISLA, hugs the whole community of AISLA
00:22 with a very significant hug, a hug that will lead us to research, a hug that means
00:29 hope."
00:30 The initiative "The Good Taste of Research" launched by Galbusera in November 2023 saw
00:36 an important support that led to the collection of 37,000 euros.
00:40 The company then chose to integrate the collected amount to bring it to 51,000.
00:45 "The initiative took place through the involvement of all our sales points and above all
00:51 of all the consumers who were fantastic because they had a support that went
00:57 beyond expectations, so much so that through the sale of this chocolate, a symbolic price
01:03 of one euro, we were able to achieve a result that I think can be really exciting."
01:09 Each donation produces a double social benefit, not only improves the lives of people who
01:14 receive the help, but also contributes to create a healthier and more positive context
01:18 in the present and in the future.
01:20 The Italian Institute of Donation confirms this.
01:23 "I am convinced that in moments like these, where the important role that companies
01:31 have in the relationship with non-profit in terms of donation is highlighted, there are
01:35 moments of great involvement and participation that can give the meaning of a donation,
01:43 of a collective and shared donation.
01:45 The Institute has been working for several years, also together with AISLA and the associations
01:49 that are part of it, to spread a culture of donation."
01:54 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is a rare neurodegenerative disease that at the moment has no cure.
02:00 People affected by ASLA face a journey into the disease during which they must not be
02:05 left alone.
02:06 "This journey allows us to live many experiences, it also gives us a great opportunity,
02:17 namely to choose our travel companions.
02:22 A travel companion can be AISLA, in this case, it can be a company that donates like
02:32 Garbusera.
02:33 In this way we feel embraced by everyone and encouraged to go on.
