Domestic abuse survivor Kirsty rebounds from bankruptcy to home ownership

  • 9 months ago
Victims of domestic abuse are often thought to be in physical harm and are encouraged to seek protective shelter. But those facing financial coercion also find it difficult to leave their situation, for fear of being left homeless and unable to provide for themselves and their children. One woman who went from bankruptcy to home ownership is determined to show there's light at the end of the tunnel.


00:00 Kirsty finds peace photographing nature.
00:05 It's helped her heal after leaving a 13-year-long domestic violence relationship.
00:11 Butterflies and flowers takes the focus into something that's really beautiful.
00:17 Kirsty says she was financially abused by her former partner,
00:21 which got worse when she went on maternity leave.
00:25 He would take money out of the bank so I wouldn't have access to money for food.
00:32 Then when we did go food shopping, he would eat all the food
00:35 and there would be times where there wouldn't be anything left for me and the kids to eat.
00:40 When Kirsty left the relationship in 2012, her former partner's bankruptcy was transferred to her.
00:47 She had no money, no home, with three children under five and one on the way.
00:53 When you think there's families out there with two incomes
00:56 that are struggling with the cost of living at the moment,
00:58 there's an added layer to the stress when you're a single parent
01:02 navigating after domestic violence because you've had your credit rating destroyed.
01:08 Australian Bureau of Statistics data from 2016 found that 60% of women
01:14 who are single parents have left abusive and violent relationships
01:19 and 30% of them are living in poverty.
01:23 But experts say financial counselling can help survivors reclaim their economic independence.
01:29 If we can support women to be financially independent,
01:33 the likelihood of them feeling they need to return for fear of falling into homelessness
01:39 or poverty is reduced quite significantly.
01:43 Kirsty says with determination and financial advice, she went from bankrupt to homeowner.
01:50 With little steps you can rebuild your life after domestic violence and its impacts
01:56 and I guess I'm proof that you can do it.
01:59 The price for a safer life.
