2024 Hall of Fame Class Analysis and Player Selection Dynamics

  • 8 months ago
00:00 [MUSIC]
00:03 >> Craig, let's dive right in.
00:04 We thank you for being here.
00:06 What is your assessment of the Hall of Fame class of 2024?
00:11 >> Yeah, I mean, look, I really think that it's great that three players got in.
00:18 I'm sort of in between the big hall and the small hall people.
00:21 I'm a little disappointed that Donnie fell off the ballot with all the PED
00:26 speculation.
00:27 I mean, it'll be down to the sports grid committee to get him in,
00:31 in a few years from now.
00:32 It's just the nature of where we are.
00:34 I mean, they can only put Donnie so many people back on the ballot.
00:38 And I think you're gonna have to stay away from some of those betting enhancer
00:43 drugs.
00:44 But regardless of that, guys, as we really dive into the actual players who got in,
00:49 I was very happy to see Adrian Beltre get the kind of percentages that he did.
00:54 I thought that was well deserved.
00:56 Todd Helton makes a lot of sense.
00:57 You can't really decide where you play.
01:00 Coors helped him, let's be real.
01:02 He did get help by Coors, but his numbers do stack up to be a Hall of Famer.
01:07 The surprise for me was Joe Maurer getting in on the first try.
01:10 I did not see that happening.
01:12 I really, I thought he'd get into the Hall of Fame eventually.
01:16 But what I think, guys, and I've said this for years about the Hall of Fame and
01:21 things that we still are in this old school wave of thinking.
01:25 And because of that, players who play on one team for
01:30 their entire career are being rewarded.
01:33 And players who played on a lot of teams over the course of their career
01:37 are being penalized.
01:38 I mean, the data is there to show you this.
01:40 This is why Gary Sheffield is not in the Hall of Fame.
01:42 This is why Jeff Kent is not in the Hall of Fame.
01:45 Stack Kent's numbers up against Chase Utley.
01:48 Kent didn't get in, Utley's gonna get in a few years from now.
01:50 So I don't know why that is the case, guys.
01:53 But that definitely seems to be the thing.
01:55 It's probably the reason why Billy Wagner,
01:57 it's taking him 15 years to get in the Hall of Fame.
01:59 For some reason, the voters love these guys who are like,
02:01 they stayed with one team all the way through and didn't choose to what?
02:05 Go get more money from other team?
02:07 I don't understand it.
02:08 But that's the dynamic of what the Hall of Fame is.
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