Mastering Car Ownership In 2024 with Mazvo Auto Car Care Center

  • 7 months ago
With the arrival of 2024, let's make it the year when your car's identity is finally revealed. Enhancing car maintenance and ownership skills should be at the top of your resolution list this year! To assist, this short guide offers simple-to-follow instructions, helpful hints, and plenty of affection - making this your trustworthy companion on the journey towards automotive care!
1. The Year of the Tire Check:
Make it your mission to regularly check tire pressure - both to avoid awkward gas station leans as well as maintain fuel economy. For every 10 PSI low, you will loose 4% of your fuel economy.
2. Oil Changes are Not Optional (Sorry, Not Sorry): Oil changes should be seen as mandatory maintenance habit! Learn the grade of oil your vehicle uses, if you’re conventional, no need to pay more for synthetic if it doesn’t require it. The secret to a long-lasting engine is consistent oil changes. Make sure you know the mileage interval in between each oil change.
3. Battery Health - Beyond Just Charging: Batteries can be fickle things; so, make sure they're charged during winter months when batteries may become finickier than cats on wet days. Check and clean their terminals regularly, while making sure that everything is charged up properly - particularly during those rainy spells when they may act like cat-like creatures!
4. Brake checks – Not Just for Extreme Situations of &#%@#$!!: they should be performed regularly as a preventative measure as well. Keep an ear out for unusual noises and get them checked regularly by a mechanic, since squeaky brakes could be an indicator that further help is required.
5. Light it UP: Double check that all your headlights, brake lights and indicators work effectively to provide safe visibility on the road and make you an instant celebrity without breaking out the cameras!
6. A Birds Eye View – Your Window to the World: Wiper blades provide your view of the world; when they begin to resemble old toothbrushes, they must be changed immediately as clear vision is essential when dealing with matters beyond romance alone.
7. Keep It Straight: Make sure to ask your repair shop to keep an eye on how your tires wear. If you have abnormal wear on one side versus the other, your steering is off center and or it drifts or pulls to one side, it’s time to have your alignment checked. Make sure to get a printout of your alignment to see before and after numbers to make sure you understand how far it was off and why?

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To enter the karaoke challenge for a chance to win a $300 amazon gift card, just Go to:
00:00 Hey, you know what we want to thank you to Mosbowl Auto Car Care Center for sponsoring this segment because you said New Year
00:06 New you and one thing that you should be doing in 2024 and that is mastering your car care
00:11 So here to help us is the man who sits crooked but talks straight to us about car care
00:16 And that is Shahay of Mosbowl. Good morning, Shahay. How you doing?
00:20 Good morning Brad, how are you? Good, sir. I'm actually Jeremy Piven. No, wait, I look like Jeremy Piven. Never mind
00:28 That's awesome. So well one thing that definitely
00:31 Will look the same and you can't mistake it and that's of course taking care of your car
00:36 And doesn't matter what kind of car you have you got to take care of it and you got to master it
00:40 Which is so important. So let's get into this and one that you talked about is the tire tango. What is that?
00:45 Yeah, you know tires are
00:49 Essentially your shoes and it takes your vehicle from point A to point B
00:54 It's crucial to basically this year
00:56 2024 should be the resolution for you to be your own first line of defense and get to know the basics of your car for
01:03 instance on this tire here every tire has a
01:07 Four-digit code that tells you how old it is
01:10 So 34 the first two numbers are the week and the second numbers are the year
01:15 So this was the 34th week of 2017
01:18 Well knowing that you should know right off the bat any tire that's five years or older it
01:22 Dry rots and it's not safe to drive and the cap separates and you have a blowout
01:26 We've all seen on the freeway highway that black piece of rubber laying on there like a banana wondering what the heck happened there
01:32 That's what happens the tire separates. So get to know your tires
01:35 Even if you think oh, it's just not long ago. Look at that number and you'll know for the facts
01:39 Yes, it's five years old. I should go get him replaced. I like that. Okay this one
01:44 I love my daughter said this to me the other day and I said, hey, sweetie. Have you had the oil change?
01:48 She goes well dad. I did it last year. Do I have to do it again?
01:50 Yeah, you need to change your oil
01:53 She goes well the light came on and went off and I thought I'd just wait for smoke to come out of the back of
01:57 the car
01:58 No, don't do that, right?
02:00 No, absolutely not actually the
02:04 The the oil is the lifeblood a lot of people have a misconception when they go to get their oil change
02:08 They basically are told. Oh you want the best oil we have this synthetic
02:12 That's it. Remember whatever oil came in the showroom when it was first bought
02:16 That's already the best oil by the engineers. So there's no need to buy
02:20 Excessive oil so if it came with conventional do conventional if it came with synthetic do synthetic but bottom line
02:26 Consistency is key. That's how you keep an engine going 150 200 thousand miles is by just changing the oil consistency is key
02:33 That's it. I like that. Well, how do you know? I mean what type of oil was given to you in the beginning?
02:38 Well, basically the owner's manual it's there it's it's all there if you just go to the index of the owner's manual flip over
02:45 Under oil it'll tell you what page go right to that page
02:49 It'll tell you this car takes and some vehicles have it on the oil cap as well
02:53 I'm not sure if this one that yes like this one here right there. It tells you
02:56 5w30 you already know that perfect perfect. I like that and people trying to upsell you don't let them up sell you
03:04 Yeah, exactly. So, okay
03:06 This is kind of important here and I keep telling my kids and I I'm bad at it
03:11 But I start to do it but a clean car isn't just about looking fancy. Is it?
03:14 No
03:16 No, no, definitely not you want to make sure like for instance, this is a great example
03:20 We've got all this rain that came down. Well, this is water, but it's not just regular water
03:25 So if this dries it leaves those stains and we get busy. We're like, oh, I'll wash it
03:29 It rained the other day might rain again. These stains will eventually
03:33 Penetrate into the clear coat of the paint. So make sure that even after a rainy day
03:38 Wait until it dries, you know, it's not gonna rain for a couple days
03:42 Go actually get it washed the soap water wash to get rid of all this rainwater stains off
03:47 Because eventually we'll do that inside when you leave residue old clothing leftover food
03:52 whatever that goes through your cabin filter in the vents of the car and
03:56 Eventually, it'll just bake in there and not good for allergens and so on
04:00 So make sure you keep a clean tidy vehicle. I like it and last one is fluids
04:04 What's that about? Because I know people don't even put sometimes put
04:09 Fluid in for their windshield wipers, but you need to write
04:11 Yeah, of course a windshield washer fluid is one waters, okay
04:17 But you want that windshield washer fluid specific because it's got that detergent in there that helps the streaking don't put dish washing liquid
04:24 Do not do that, but just get the blue water. They're very inexpensive. You can buy from any auto store and fluids
04:29 It's not just about oil coolant power steering brake fluid owner's manual is the Bible of the vehicle
04:35 It will tell you everything you need to know but the core of this message today is really taking
04:40 Your own first line of defense and being proactive and and saying you know what I know my car
04:45 It might not be a mechanic, but I know enough to ask the right questions
04:48 So I'm not taking advantage of the basics is all you need. I like okay really quick wrapping up. What is the
04:53 karaoke noise challenge oh
04:56 Yes, you go, this is great so all of us have that challenge where you go to a mechanic and you say hey
05:03 It's making this noise, and I asked well. What's that noise, and they're embarrassed to repeat it because they're gonna look funny or sound funny
05:08 Well this challenge is for you to go on to car confidential net force lad challenge
05:12 and you can record a 10-second video of yourself or your car making that noise of
05:17 Your rendition of what a rattle sounds like and basically the winner gets a $300 Amazon gift card
05:23 It's a way for you to connect with your car and realize. It's just a piece of equipment and nothing more
05:28 I like it my shy hey love when you come on helping those cars
05:31 And I love that you have the book out now that people can get on your website
05:35 And then we have information on AZ TV comm about it, so shy. Thank you very much
05:39 Thank you good sir have a great day all right
05:44 And we want to thank of course Mazda Auto Car Care Center for sponsoring this segment
05:48 You
05:50 You
05:52 You
