Bapanas: 2024 Masih Impor Beras

  • 9 months ago
Pemerintah masih akan, melakukan impor beras di tahun 2024 ini. Badan pangan nasional menyebut, impor tersebut dilakukan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dalam negeri, saat hasil panen dari petani masih rendah di semester pertama atau awal tahun ini.


00:00 The government will continue to import rice in 2024.
00:04 The National Food Board says the import is being done to meet domestic needs
00:09 and the harvest from farmers is still low in the first semester or early this year.
00:14 The head of the National Food Board, Mr. Nas Arief Prasetyo Adi,
00:21 revealed the sample area or KSA,
00:24 the monthly rice production in January 2024 was 0.9 million tons or 900,000 tons
00:30 and in the February 2024 period it was 1.3 million tons.
00:35 The total production is below the average consumption of monthly rice,
00:38 which is estimated to be 2.5 million tons.
00:41 Arief insisted that the import policy was done
00:45 to maintain the balance of the government's rice reserve stock or CBP,
00:49 where the policy is the government's decision to anticipate the monthly rice deficit.
00:54 On the other hand, rice production assistance continues to be distributed to low-income communities
01:00 to maintain the purchasing power of the community and suppress inflation.
01:03 The head of the National Food Board insisted that the most important thing in the fulfillment of the CBP stock
01:06 must be from domestic production.
01:08 For that, the head of the National Food Board also encouraged the optimization of the harvest of agricultural production
01:13 in the harvest season.
01:15 Arief asked the Perum Bulog and BUMN Pangan to be ready to absorb the results of agricultural production
01:20 at a good price.
01:22 For the absorption, the government through the Ministry of Finance
01:25 has set up a loan platform that can be given a flower subsidy
01:28 with a government guarantee scheme.
01:31 Where loans up to Rp 28.7 trillion
01:35 is what can be given a flower subsidy by the government to the BUMN Pangan,
01:39 namely Perum Bulog and Aidifood.
01:41 From Jakarta, Aidx Channel.
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