Dental School Vlog! _ Drilling and Scaling

  • 9 months ago
Hey guys! In this dental school vlog, I show you a couple days in my life! I had a few exams, worked on drilling my class II preps, filled some class II preps, and practiced scaling! The drilling is for our operative class where we learn how to drill and fill for cavities, and the scaling is for our period class and helps us learn how to clean teeth and maintain periodontal health. I also include a couple meals I like to pack on a busy schedule, so this is kind of a what I eat in a day in addition to a day in the life of a dental student!
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 Hey guys, and welcome back to another dental school vlog.
00:21 So this week I have two exams
00:24 and I'm going to be working a lot on my drilling and filling.
00:28 Today I have a neuro final.
00:30 We had the class for like six weeks
00:32 and now we have our final.
00:34 It's really hard to study for neuro
00:36 because I just don't always see the relevance to dentistry.
00:40 It's not all relevant for sure.
00:42 So I woke up at 5.30 to study
00:44 because I just wasn't feeling it last night.
00:46 It is now like 7.15, I'm about to leave for class.
00:49 Just packing my lunch.
00:50 I went to Trader Joe's this weekend
00:52 and bought some like easy lunches
00:53 because I knew I didn't want to like
00:55 spend Sunday meal prepping
00:56 when I was preparing for this final.
00:58 It was also my boyfriend's birthday this weekend
01:00 and he came into town, we're a long distance.
01:03 But for lunch I have a lemon chicken arugula salad.
01:07 And for breakfast I have my overnight oats always.
01:10 This is the chocolate level one protein from First Form.
01:14 Has 24 grams of protein and it's like super thick in oats,
01:18 which is why I like it.
01:19 Some proteins you mix into oats
01:21 and it's like all chalky and like liquidy
01:23 somehow at the same time.
01:25 The First Form level one is so good.
01:27 I do have a link, Peach!
01:30 I do have a link down below for free shipping
01:33 and if you try it, they have it 110% money back guarantees.
01:36 So you can always return it, not a big deal.
01:38 And then I have some grapes
01:39 and I also have an energy drink in case I need it,
01:43 even though I also have like caffeinated tea.
01:46 So I'm gonna pack up my lunch now and head to class.
01:51 This morning we have operative.
01:52 We're learning how to do our class two
01:54 amalgam fillings today,
01:55 so I'll be showing you a lot of that.
01:56 And then I have my exam at like one o'clock
01:59 and then I have another class after that.
02:00 So it's gonna be a long day.
02:02 Didn't get like as much sleep as I would have wanted.
02:04 So hoping for the best, but I'm not too tired, so.
02:08 (upbeat music)
02:12 to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to,
02:17 (upbeat music)
02:21, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to,
02:26 (upbeat music)
02:28 (upbeat music)
02:31 (upbeat music)
02:33 (upbeat music)
02:36 (upbeat music)
02:38 (upbeat music)
03:08 So I just got home from class and my exam and everything.
03:12 I just changed into like some comfier clothes
03:15 from around the house, but we ended super early today.
03:17 Usually we end at like 5 p.m. on Tuesdays,
03:20 but it's like four o'clock right now.
03:22 So obviously we got out like early.
03:24 I think we got out at 3.30.
03:26 Took my exam at one, went really well, so blessed up.
03:29 Then we had our radiology class like moved up early.
03:32 The nice thing about dental school
03:33 is everyone's taking the same classes.
03:34 So if you have like an hour break in your schedule,
03:36 sometimes you can just ask a professor to move the class up
03:39 and then you can get out early.
03:41 So that's what we did.
03:42 And he finished like a little bit early anyway,
03:44 like the slides didn't take the whole time.
03:46 So we're done.
03:47 I definitely should have gone to the gym today
03:48 since I had this extra time,
03:50 but I thought I would be too tired
03:52 'cause I didn't like get my full eight hours
03:54 of sleep last night.
03:55 So now I'm gonna study a little bit for,
03:57 we have like this essay exam tomorrow.
04:00 Don't really know what it is,
04:01 but I'm gonna study a little bit for that.
04:04 Relax a little bit for sure, 'cause it's been days.
04:07 And I'm also gonna meal prep some lunches
04:09 for the next couple of days.
04:11 But yeah, you also saw me drilling today.
04:13 I filled my first class too,
04:14 definitely struggled a little bit.
04:15 My marginal bridge wasn't quite prominent enough,
04:18 but I like to show when I like don't do great
04:21 on my restorations and stuff,
04:23 'cause this is my first time trying these things
04:25 and I don't want anyone to think
04:26 that you just are perfect on your first try.
04:29 Like that doesn't happen.
04:30 Like dentists who do this every day
04:31 have done it thousands of times.
04:33 So obviously like I still have a ways to go
04:35 before it's gonna be perfect.
04:37 We do have a practical in two weeks.
04:39 So I will be practicing a lot in the weeks to come
04:41 just 'cause I honestly just like wanna do better.
04:44 And I'm not feeling confident
04:46 in all these things right now.
04:47 I've now drilled three class two preps.
04:50 And it's just still, I'm not quite there.
04:53 They're getting better every time, not quite there.
04:55 I also need to practice filling them a little more as well.
04:58 Filling is easier than the drilling, at least with Amalgam.
05:01 We haven't worked with composite yet.
05:03 Amalgam is the silver stuff.
05:04 So that's what went on today.
05:06 Yeah, gonna go relax a little bit for now.
05:09 (upbeat music)
05:12 (upbeat music continues)
05:15 (upbeat music continues)
05:19 (upbeat music continues)
05:48 So I just made my breakfast for tomorrow.
05:49 Packed some snacks.
05:51 Peach, oh, would you look at that?
05:53 You like boxes?
05:54 (laughs)
05:57 Oh my gosh, she's crazy.
05:59 Okay, well I just packed my breakfast and lunch for tomorrow
06:02 and I just made myself these Trader Joe's stuffed peppers.
06:07 So one of them is only 200 calories.
06:10 So I figured like that might not be like entirely enough
06:12 for like a full on dinner.
06:14 So I did make two.
06:16 If I don't finish the second one, like that's fine.
06:18 Oh, but one of them is 14 grams of protein.
06:20 So yeah, they're like ground turkey with brown rice
06:23 and mozzarella cheese and tomato sauce in a pepper.
06:26 So it looks pretty good.
06:27 Like I said, I didn't really feel like, oh, hello.
06:30 Colors are really off.
06:31 Like I said, I just didn't really feel like
06:33 doing a whole lot of cooking like after my exam.
06:36 So just got this, but we'll let you know how it is.
06:39 And I'm gonna eat this
06:41 and I'm gonna work on editing a video.
06:45 Okay, so I like basically finished them.
06:47 I'm gonna eat them again, they're good.
06:48 I mean, they were like super filling.
06:50 Like I'm so, so full right now.
06:52 And that's like not like a super like high calorie dinner,
06:55 not like calories matter,
06:56 but like I'm just saying it's super filling.
06:59 Would you look at?
07:01 See, she tries to steal my popcorn.
07:02 I literally gave her treats so that she wouldn't do that.
07:04 Hey, hey.
07:05 (laughs)
07:06 Look at her little paw.
07:08 Peach, the answer's no.
07:09 These are mine.
07:10 These are mine.
07:12 So I just finished up working on my like
07:15 midterm notes for tomorrow.
07:17 This is really just like an in-class essay,
07:19 which we should just be doing at home if you ask me,
07:23 'cause I don't know, it's silly.
07:26 But I realized it's 9.30
07:27 and I forgot to make my lunches for the week.
07:30 So I'm just gonna put some rice in some of these guys.
07:35 I'm gonna cook up some ground turkey
07:37 and some cauliflower and broccoli.
07:40 And that's what's gonna be lunch.
07:43 (upbeat music)
07:46 Okay, so that was super quick.
08:02 I'm just doing turkey, rice, and veggies.
08:05 I do weigh out my turkey just because,
08:08 like it's not because I'm tracking anything.
08:10 Like I literally don't do anything with the numbers,
08:12 but I just have no idea how much I'm putting
08:14 into these bowls and I wanna make it about even.
08:17 So that's what I do.
08:18 You have a little bit extra.
08:20 So now I'm gonna get ready for bed and go to sleep.
08:25 I'm so tired.
08:25 (upbeat music)
08:38 All right, it's Wednesday morning.
08:40 I have my exam in like 40 minutes.
08:43 So I need to get going.
08:45 Just letting Peach out real quick.
08:46 She wants to have some outside time.
08:49 And yeah, bags all packed.
08:50 My bag is from Buffbunny Collection, a lot of you guys ask.
08:53 And I think it's still in stock right now.
08:55 So I like it 'cause it has the meal prep compartment.
08:57 So I don't have to like bring a separate bag for lunch.
08:59 Okay, I'm off to class and we'll see you there.
09:03 (upbeat music)
09:06 ♪ This will be your last call ♪
09:08 ♪ 20 minutes you're done being alone ♪
09:13 ♪ This will be your last call ♪
09:16 ♪ 20 minutes you're done being alone ♪
09:21 ♪ This will be your last call ♪
09:25 ♪ 20 minutes you're done being alone ♪
09:29 (upbeat music)
09:32 So I almost forgot to check in with you guys.
09:48 I literally brought my camera just so I could do this.
09:50 So we had our exam this morning.
09:52 It was super easy.
09:53 Then we had two more classes.
09:55 They felt super long and my friends and I
09:57 were like really, really tired.
09:59 So we got Monsters to have for our perio class
10:03 because our perio class,
10:05 like I could be out of there at 3.30 every day,
10:07 but he makes us sit around and wait until basically five.
10:11 We got out like 4.30, so like a little earlier,
10:15 but I just don't know why.
10:16 Like, it's not like there's anything for us to even practice
10:19 because after we like scrape off all like the fake calculus
10:22 on the teeth, there's nothing else to do.
10:24 Like, so we literally just sit around and wait.
10:26 So that's what we did.
10:28 And now I'm at the gym, a little bit tired.
10:32 It's probably going to be super packed.
10:33 Not looking forward to that,
10:35 but we're going to get a workout in.
10:37 (upbeat music)
10:39 So I just got back from the gym.
10:58 Peach is very meaty.
10:59 Hello, what do you want?
11:01 So yeah, Wednesdays are like everyone's least favorite days
11:04 because they're just so long.
11:06 We started at eight and went till 4.30
11:08 and perio is just like really tiring.
11:11 So today in perio, we did sub-gingival scaling.
11:15 So we have to paint fake calculus,
11:17 which is like dried plaque onto the,
11:21 like the bottom of the teeth.
11:22 So like below the like gingival line.
11:25 So like where your gums are.
11:26 So we painted that there last week
11:28 and then we scraped it off this week or scaled it off.
11:31 I don't really know if I did entirely right,
11:33 but all of the calculus was removed.
11:35 So, and then we painted on more calculus
11:37 on the mandibular anterior teeth,
11:39 the front teeth, front bottom teeth for next week
11:42 because we're practicing
11:43 because we have a practical on that the week after.
11:46 So yeah, then I went to the gym,
11:47 did a little full body workout.
11:49 And now I'm home and I think I'm going to have
11:51 a little protein shake as a snack while I cook dinner.
11:54 And then I'm going to just relax
11:56 'cause I'm so tired today,
11:58 even though I like slept a decent amount last night.
12:00 Maybe it's just catching up for me from the night before.
12:02 (upbeat music)
12:05 So the protein I always have post-workout
12:12 is the First Form Formula One.
12:13 It's a fast absorbing protein
12:15 and it just helps me like recover after my workouts.
12:17 I drink the chocolate milkshake flavor and it's so good.
12:20 It just tastes like chocolate milk.
12:22 It's so good, I love it.
12:23 And again, I do have a link for free shipping down below.
12:26 So check it out.
12:27 (upbeat music)
12:30 All right, so it's around 10.15 now.
12:51 Going to bed a little bit later than usual,
12:52 but I don't start until nine tomorrow.
12:54 So I just packed my breakfast tomorrow,
12:56 but I believe they're serving us lunch tomorrow
12:58 for like a town hall meeting thing.
13:00 So I do not have to bring lunch.
13:03 So yeah, I just kind of edited my video tonight,
13:06 got some stuff done, some packages I needed to ship out,
13:09 did some cleaning, just some life stuff.
13:12 No real studying.
13:13 I don't study every night, as you guys can see.
13:15 You don't have to, to do well.
13:17 Just saying.
13:18 All right, I hope you guys enjoyed this video.
13:20 Thank you so much for watching.
13:22 If there's anything you'd like me to include in my videos,
13:24 please let me know in the comments down below.
13:25 Give this video a thumbs up if you liked it
13:27 and subscribe if you're not already.
13:29 And I'll see you guys next time.
