• l’année dernière


00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 (upbeat music)
00:05 (upbeat music)
00:33 - In Thessalonians, second Thessalonians chapter two,
00:38 and the prevalence of,
00:45 might I say,
00:50 the negative attitudes of our day,
00:55 the prevalence of that attitude is forcing us
00:59 to have to take a look at scriptures
01:02 that remind us of what the whole gospel message is about.
01:07 I think it's important simply because the nature
01:16 of the day in which we live,
01:19 for those of you who have your ears on the tracks
01:25 of the spiritual train,
01:30 you would have to ask yourself the question,
01:33 is the Lord about to come and what is the atmosphere
01:41 in the world when he comes?
01:45 Because you have to give some thought to the Antichrist,
01:52 you have to give some thought to the preparation
01:56 for the Antichrist, you have to give some thought
02:00 to people being in a state where they would rather hear lies
02:04 than truth, and what did God say about that?
02:09 And in dealing with the thin line between holiness,
02:14 human effort, and the grace of God,
02:20 and the forgiveness of God,
02:23 the thin line between fruit inspecting
02:30 and judging, you shall know them by their fruit.
02:35 Fruit inspecting, if you lied to me all the time
02:41 and I called you a liar, I didn't judge you.
02:43 I just fruit inspected.
02:48 I mean, an apple can only come from an apple tree.
02:55 But there is a thin line between fruit inspecting
03:00 and hearing him say, judge not that ye be not judged,
03:05 for whatever you measure out shall be measured back unto you.
03:10 There's a thin line between the individual operating
03:16 in their own strength declaring that 99 1/2 just won't do,
03:24 and the issues of having righteousness imputed.
03:29 You see, everybody, I hear people talking,
03:35 but it seems as if we're neglecting the technicality
03:39 of a book that is supposed to get us from Earth to Heaven,
03:44 and you cannot just deal with this book whimsically
03:48 or on a shallow basis.
03:51 You have to be a student of the word of God
03:55 in order to be able to reconcile
03:59 what seems to be vast differences.
04:04 On the one hand, I'm expected to live holy,
04:06 but I cannot live holy without the Holy Spirit.
04:09 On the other hand, I'm expected to know
04:13 who labors among me, but at the same time,
04:18 I'm told that the wheat and the tares have to grow together,
04:23 and it is not my job to separate wheat from tares.
04:27 At the same time, I have to understand
04:30 that the blind shall lead the blind,
04:33 and they both shall fall in the ditch,
04:35 but I had problems with that,
04:37 because I said to God, I can understand
04:41 that the first blind man needs to fall in the ditch
04:44 because he knew he was blind and he presumed to lead.
04:49 He had the presumption, you know, he had the audacity
04:55 to decide that he was a leader and he can't see.
04:58 So I didn't feel any compassion
05:03 for him falling into the ditch,
05:06 but I said to the Lord, I said,
05:07 but God, what about the second fellow
05:10 who just latched on and end up in the ditch
05:15 following the first blind fellow who couldn't see?
05:19 But then, after years of struggling,
05:23 it came to me that a blind person
05:26 ought to know the symptoms of blindness.
05:29 So if you latch onto somebody
05:32 and you keep running into a tree and into a post,
05:36 you ought to ask, can you see?
05:38 (audience laughing)
05:41 To reconcile the scriptures when it comes to holiness
05:49 and to whom little is given, little is required.
05:52 To whom much is given, much is required.
05:55 But to whom much is given, all is not required,
05:59 because in order to require all from anybody,
06:03 you got to give them all.
06:05 And the only one who has all is the Almighty.
06:08 I don't know anyone in this room
06:11 who I could put a halo over their heads
06:16 and say that they have it made and it's already done.
06:19 It's already done in heaven,
06:22 because God is going to make the difference.
06:26 But it is difficult to be able to operate in a world
06:30 where you have to know them that labor among you
06:33 and yet move through here without making
06:35 any negative judgments.
06:37 So I'll ask the question,
06:41 who in here did God raise up to be the judge of others?
06:48 Who did God raise up to be the punishment
06:53 for the person that's sitting beside you?
06:57 Who did God raise up to walk through this house
07:03 and to decide who is right and who is wrong?
07:06 I don't want that job.
07:10 I would rather go down on the side of compassion
07:18 than on the side of being rigid and mean.
07:23 I want to take you to the scriptures
07:26 because I think it's important,
07:27 and to go to Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians,
07:31 and he says, "Now we beseech you, brethren,
07:33 "by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ
07:37 "and by our gathering together unto him,
07:41 "that ye be not soon shaken in mind or troubled,
07:46 "neither by spirit nor by word, nor by letter as from us,
07:51 "as that the day of Christ is at hand.
07:56 "Let no man deceive you by any means,
08:00 "for that day shall not come except there come
08:05 "a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed,
08:10 "the son of perdition, who opposeth and exalted himself
08:15 "above all that is called God or that is worshiped,
08:18 "so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God,
08:20 "showing himself that he is God.
08:22 "Remember ye not that when I was yet with you,
08:28 "I told you these things, and now ye know what withholdeth
08:33 "that he might be revealed in his time?
08:38 "For the mystery of iniquity doth already work
08:40 "only in he who now let that will let
08:43 "until he be taken out of the way,
08:45 "and then shall that wicked be revealed,
08:48 "whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth
08:51 "and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming.
08:53 "Even him whose coming is after the working of Satan
08:56 "with all power and signs and lying wonders,
08:58 "and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness,
09:01 "in them that perish, because they have received not
09:06 "the love of truth, that they might be saved.
09:12 "And because they don't have that love of truth,
09:15 "for this cause God shall send them strong delusion
09:21 "that they should believe a lie,
09:24 "that they all might be damned,
09:28 "who believe not the truth,
09:29 "but have pleasure in unrighteousness."
09:32 Now, one of the things that I hear often,
09:35 and that is that there is a great falling away now.
09:42 It's interesting.
09:49 And everyone is saying that precluding,
09:53 that a preclude to the coming of the Lord
09:57 is that there's going to be a great falling away.
10:00 You hear that from one group.
10:02 And then on the other hand, the next group declares
10:08 that there's going to be an end time revival.
10:12 Now, which one is it going to be?
10:17 And we take this particular scripture,
10:20 and we say the Bible says that there is going to be
10:24 a falling away.
10:26 Now, from an eschatological point of view,
10:30 we have to ask, this falling away,
10:35 when is it going to happen?
10:38 Is it pre-rapture, or is it post-rapture?
10:46 Now, I'm going to be real technical.
10:48 You got to follow me real close here.
10:50 Notice what Paul is saying here.
10:54 He says, "Remember ye not," verse five,
10:59 "when I was yet with you, I told you these things."
11:06 So, it would seem to me that when he was with you,
11:16 speaking of the falling away
11:21 before the man of sin be revealed,
11:26 it seems to me that he is declaring that he taught them this
11:31 while he was with them.
11:34 Could I logically come to that conclusion?
11:36 While I was yet with you, I taught you these things.
11:43 So now the question is, is that statement
11:48 significant enough to pinpoint what it is he is saying
11:53 to us when he's talking about us being gathered
12:00 with Christ when he comes?
12:04 Is he pinpointing something that we can rationalize
12:11 and intellectually come to some sort of conclusion
12:15 that gives us the timing?
12:21 Now, come with me now.
12:24 We're going to slip back to 1 Thessalonians,
12:29 and we're going to chapter five, I believe.
12:36 Or it could be chapter four.
12:39 Let's go to chapter four.
12:42 In chapter four, verse 13, he said,
12:47 but I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren,
12:49 concerning them which are asleep,
12:51 that ye sower not, even as others which have no hope.
12:55 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again,
12:59 even so them also which sleep in Jesus
13:02 will God bring with him.
13:04 For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord,
13:07 that we which are alive and remain unto the coming
13:10 of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.
13:13 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven
13:16 with a shout, with the voice of the archangel,
13:18 with the trump of God, and the dead in Christ shall rise
13:21 first, then we which are alive and remain shall be caught
13:25 up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord
13:26 in the air, so shall we ever be with the Lord.
13:30 We are for comfort one another with these words.
13:33 I would not have you to be ignorant, would suggest,
13:37 that what he is teaching them in first Thessalonians
13:42 chapter four, 13 through 18, what he is teaching them,
13:48 he is telling them that now for the first time.
13:52 I would not have you to be ignorant.
13:56 He is not saying, I taught you this before,
14:02 and I wanna bring this to your remembrance.
14:06 So I'm going to then, through some sort of logical
14:11 deduction, declare that when he taught them about
14:16 the rapture, and the rapture or the parousia includes
14:24 the dead in Christ rising first, and those who are living
14:33 together, they're caught up to meet God in the air.
14:35 Which means, Jesus said, he that believeth on me,
14:40 though he were dead, yet shall he live, and he that
14:44 liveth and believeth on me shall never die.
14:48 So he's talking about two categories.
14:51 He that believeth on me, though he were dead, dead,
14:56 and he that believeth on me, if he never dies,
15:03 so that means he's alive.
15:04 So we've got the dead and the living.
15:08 Look at your neighbor and say, I believe in Christ.
15:12 So I'm wanted, dead or alive.
15:17 He is teaching them that they should comfort one another,
15:28 because when you lose a loved one, it's not over.
15:33 That's what he's teaching.
15:37 Because if you're in Christ, it doesn't matter whether
15:42 you're dead or alive, because you're in Christ.
15:48 So I would say that the body of Christ now is existing
15:57 with living folk and dead folk.
16:00 Because now I need you to comfort one another
16:05 with these words.
16:05 Now, he says to the Corinthian church, don't act when
16:09 people die as someone who hath no hope.
16:14 Because if in this life only we have hope,
16:20 we are of all men most miserable.
16:27 Christianity has given the impression that the relationship
16:32 with God is strictly material.
16:35 But I've never seen a hearse with a U-Haul behind it.
16:41 So you ain't taking nothing with you but your soul.
16:47 So I cannot ignore the gospel message about people
16:53 being saved, because salvation is the only thing
16:57 you can take into eternity.
16:59 Amen, so you say you own your house, you own your car,
17:04 take it with you.
17:05 Amen, the Lord just loaned you.
17:09 I don't know why you're envious of somebody else's loan.
17:12 It's a loan.
17:14 I don't care how nice it is, I'm not going to have it
17:18 forever.
17:19 Amen, my body's tearing up.
17:21 [audience laughing]
17:24 I'm looking at this, showing me birthday years ago,
17:28 I'm walking straight.
17:29 Now I'm leaning over.
17:31 You got to understand that this thing is a soul thing.
17:36 Amen, this whole reason of sitting here today
17:41 is about your soul.
17:43 [audience cheering]
17:46 And I'm not looking at somebody else and I'm envious
17:48 about what you drive or what you wear.
17:51 It don't matter to me.
17:53 It's your soul.
17:58 But when we begin to make and focus on Jesus Christ
18:01 and make it things, then we leave people disappointed
18:06 if they don't move to the next level, financially.
18:11 But there's some beautiful people that I know who are broke.
18:14 And some ugly people.
18:18 [audience laughing]
18:21 Where all they think about is money and grabbing
18:25 and getting and gaining.
18:26 They do anything to get it and tear you apart
18:31 if they can't get it.
18:33 Because envy is such an ugly thing.
18:36 But don't be mad with me, I just have more credit with God.
18:40 So I just have more credit 'cause it ain't mine.
18:46 The earth is the Lord's, the fullness of.
18:49 So the point I'm making here is that he taught them
18:54 about the revelation of the Antichrist
19:00 when he talks about great falling away.
19:05 Because he is teaching them in 1 Thessalonians
19:10 about the rapture.
19:15 Now notice now, the dead will never be able to say,
19:20 oh grave, no, the dead will never be able to say,
19:25 oh death, where is your sting?
19:28 Because everybody who died would have felt
19:32 the sting of death.
19:34 But the dead will be able to say, oh grave,
19:39 where is your victory?
19:41 Because corruption shall put on incorruptibility,
19:45 that's for those who are dead.
19:47 For those who are living, mortal shall put on immortality.
19:51 And that's all at the rapture.
19:55 So when he's talking about great falling away
20:00 in Thessalonians chapter two,
20:02 he is not talking about rapture.
20:07 Stay with me now, I told you it'd be a little complicated.
20:14 I beseech you brethren by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ
20:18 and by our gathering together unto him
20:21 that ye should not soon be shaken in mind or troubled
20:25 neither by spirit nor by word nor by letter
20:29 from us at the day of Christ's at hand.
20:32 Let no man deceive you, for that day shall not come
20:37 except their coming of falling away first.
20:42 Now, if there's going to be a gathering together in Christ
20:47 and he says brethren, I think it's critical to understand
20:54 that he always speaks of his brothers in Christ
21:00 in a very special way.
21:04 Because it is impossible for me to intellectually grasp
21:10 intellectually grasp that I'm going to be with you
21:15 in eternity and I don't like you here.
21:22 You know, today my subject,
21:29 before they put all that stuff up there
21:31 and got all cuddly and mushy,
21:35 my subject today would have been where is the love?
21:39 - Amen. - Amen.
21:40 - And then I come here and I got all this cuddly,
21:43 smushy stuff and then it, you know,
21:47 sort of bothers your mind.
21:49 He uses expressions of endearment
21:56 when he is talking about his brethren.
22:04 Because there has to be a significant amount of love
22:09 that operates within the body of Christ.
22:17 You cannot have a body that eats itself.
22:23 And one of the things that's so significant is
22:32 that he never deals with us
22:35 from any other significant analogy than a body.
22:41 Look at the analogy that he's bringing.
22:46 What part of your body does not give support to the other?
22:53 The doctor is telling me now because my back was out of whack
22:59 I end up messing my hip.
23:04 And then the other doctor said probably it's the hip.
23:07 That's the reason the back is out of whack.
23:11 But what each one of them is saying
23:14 is there is a connection.
23:17 Jesus says, and he makes it very clear,
23:21 that they shall know ye are my disciples
23:27 because of a connection.
23:30 And that connection is love.
23:33 Love.
23:35 Love.
23:38 Now it is interesting that depending on how we were formed
23:45 and in our early lives,
23:49 there is a formation because we come in here literally blank
23:55 and the experiences of early life
24:00 oftentimes sets us in a certain pattern.
24:08 And that pattern that we are set in,
24:14 that mold that forms us in our early life
24:19 becomes very difficult to break.
24:25 So don't get too quiet.
24:26 Now I don't want you going back too far in your history.
24:31 And now, I have had certain incidents happen to me
24:36 at seven years old.
24:37 And at 30 years old I was still feeling it.
24:42 Because in your formative years,
24:48 this is why we have parents
24:52 or we have somebody that God ordains
24:56 to bring us up in a way
24:59 that gives us less stress and less pain
25:05 when we get older.
25:09 I need, as a child, and you and I needed people as children
25:22 who were more concerned about our first experiences
25:27 than their exploitation.
25:30 One of the most difficult things to get over
25:33 is to have to forgive someone
25:38 who should have been protecting you but they abused you.
25:44 We might as well just,
25:47 ain't no other way to approach it, saints.
25:51 Ain't no other way.
25:53 And because of those early negative experiences,
25:56 one psychologist says that grown folk
25:59 are simply children trying to get over
26:01 their earlier experiences.
26:03 Now here comes Jesus.
26:07 Jesus comes into a situation where most of us
26:11 are narcissistic and selfish and egomaniacal.
26:16 I was taught early in life,
26:18 you got to get it while you can.
26:21 (audience laughing)
26:22 You got to go after it.
26:24 You got to give up some, don't you party.
26:27 You got to study.
26:29 You got to work hard because you got to be successful.
26:33 My mother would say, you got the Jones name.
26:35 You got to live up to that name.
26:38 So we are all taught to be aggressive
26:43 about gain, success.
26:49 And it almost teaches you to be ruthless
26:53 and impatient.
26:57 You got to get it now.
27:00 You got to get it while you can enjoy it.
27:04 'Cause you're going to get old.
27:06 And you can't enjoy it.
27:09 And we get nervous when the years begin to count
27:12 until some of us won't even tell our age.
27:15 (audience laughing)
27:19 - That's right, that's right.
27:20 - As if it's a curse to be old.
27:24 And then here comes Jesus.
27:28 And Jesus says, be patient.
27:33 Totally antithetical to how I was early,
27:38 my early formation.
27:40 Then Jesus says, prefer your brother.
27:47 Jesus says, love your enemies.
27:52 Do good to them that despitefully.
27:59 (audience murmuring)
28:03 Can you imagine the upheaval?
28:14 Can you imagine the contradiction that flows
28:19 through the average person who is trying to be a Christian?
28:24 In an atmosphere where if you show kindness,
28:32 people think it's weakness.
28:34 (audience applauding)
28:41 And our defenses are always up.
28:44 Because we've been hurt so much, we don't trust anybody.
28:51 I am supposed to trust.
28:53 Can I say that again?
28:57 I'm supposed to trust.
29:01 I'm supposed to be in your presence
29:04 and not worry about you cutting me in the back
29:08 when I walk away from you.
29:10 I'm supposed to be able to speak my heart
29:14 and not worry that somebody is going to use it
29:19 to crucify me later.
29:22 Supposed to trust.
29:27 But I can't.
29:30 I'm supposed to come here and not make a judgment of you,
29:36 but enjoy who you are.
29:40 I'm not supposed to come in here and look at you critically
29:43 as if you were some kind of devil
29:45 getting ready to do something to me.
29:47 I'm supposed to come down here and shake your hand
29:53 and not be worried about somebody taking a swing at me.
29:56 Now I got the higher security.
30:03 And I'm not at the club.
30:07 (audience laughing)
30:10 I wish somebody talked to me in this house.
30:14 I'm hiring security and I'm not selling dope.
30:18 I'm over here selling hope and I got to have security.
30:24 And in order to get the right kind of security,
30:31 I got to get the dope man security.
30:33 In the church.
30:36 Right?
30:37 I used to have church security, but they didn't work out.
30:42 They weren't tough enough
30:49 to deal with the saints.
30:53 I need to talk to the saints, man.
31:00 I feel like crying.
31:01 You don't understand.
31:04 The church ought to be a place where people love one another.
31:08 Where people enjoy each other.
31:11 It ain't supposed to be a place
31:13 where you're scared to come in.
31:16 You're scared to open your mouth.
31:18 You don't know what somebody's going to say about you,
31:20 how somebody's going to treat you.
31:23 It shouldn't be in the house of God.
31:25 (crowd cheering)
31:27, Yes.
31:28, Yes.
31:29 [APPLAUSE]
31:39 >> Yes.
31:57 [APPLAUSE]
32:01 >> It's an incredible truth that when I look at Paul,
32:06 who arguably, not arguably, without question,
32:11 is the most profound theological mind that Christianity has ever had.
32:18 And with all of the accolades that you could give him, and he has many.
32:26 If you look at how he approaches his brethren,
32:32 now we beseech you.
32:35 Notice what he's saying here.
32:39 He's saying essentially, now I beg you.
32:42 >> That's right.
32:45 >> I implore you.
32:52 He's in a position where he could command, demand, and
32:56 he could be very ugly about his presentation.
32:58 But he refuses to deal with them other than in a loving and kind manner.
33:10 And don't think that for one minute he doesn't understand
33:19 that the people that he's talking to within the parameters of the Thessalonian
33:23 church don't have a struggle.
33:27 He understands that they struggle.
33:29 He understands that any human being who is brought into an atmosphere where he's
33:36 called on to love his enemies is having a struggle.
33:45 Because what we did was, we decided not to go with the intensity of what holiness is,
33:52 and that's loving your enemies, doing good to them that despitefully use you,
33:56 caring for people, treating people with dignity and respect.
34:00 So what we did was we took the easy way out, we just went to clothes.
34:04 So we said if you dress a certain way, you're fine.
34:10 If you look a certain way, you're fine.
34:15 I grew up, you couldn't wear shoes with the toes out.
34:18 You couldn't wear shoes with the heels out.
34:20 You had to have your dresses all the way down here and all the way up to your neck.
34:25 You couldn't show any flesh nowhere.
34:28 You had to have stockings because you couldn't wear pantyhose.
34:32 >> [LAUGH]
34:38 >> And in the middle of that,
34:40 all we ended up with people looking at other people making judgments.
34:45 So we had a whole lot of folk who were dressed right, dressed tight, but
34:49 mean as nine butcher knives because their concern was how you
34:55 look on the outside, didn't care nothing about your heart on the inside.
35:00 >> [APPLAUSE]
35:07 >> I want you to just look at how he
35:12 talks to them, because I think it's important to understand how he talks.
35:20 He deals with them when he says I beseech you, therefore brethren.
35:27 He deals with them in a manner that says, we're not only going to be together here,
35:36 but we're going to be together in eternity.
35:40 And when I speak to brethren as he speaks, he's speaking about
35:46 the strongest one of us and the weakest one of us at the same time.
35:51 He is not making a distinction between who is greater or
35:58 who is more significant than the other.
36:02 Because in the body of Christ, there are different levels of maturity in Christ.
36:09 But that does not mean you're not a part of his body.
36:13 And the power of being in the body of Christ is the strong
36:21 should bear the infirmities of the weak.
36:30 The strong is not supposed to abuse and mistreat the weak.
36:35 That's what we do in the world.
36:37 >> [APPLAUSE]
36:40 >> I wish somebody would understand me.
36:42 This is something to shout about.
36:43 That's what we do in the world.
36:46 That's what Jacob did to Esau.
36:49 >> [INAUDIBLE]
36:53 >> That's what we do in competition.
36:57 When I'm in competition with you, I look for your weakness.
37:02 >> [LAUGH]
37:04 >> And I exploit your weakness.
37:06 You're going to see it today.
37:07 You're going to see it today with the Lions against the 49ers.
37:12 You're going to see it today.
37:13 >> [LAUGH]
37:16 >> You're going to see it with the Ravens against Kansas City Chiefs.
37:22 You're going to see it today.
37:23 >> [LAUGH]
37:24 >> You're going to see a group of men looking over there at the other side with
37:29 their teeth in, and they're going to be looking for
37:32 the weakness of the other team, and they're going to exploit it.
37:36 Yeah, we're going to throw on that rookie.
37:37 There's that rookie down there.
37:39 Go on down there.
37:40 We're going to throw right there.
37:41 We want one on one, and we're going to get that rookie out of there.
37:46 Let somebody get hurt.
37:47 Uh-huh, bring him back in here if you choose.
37:49 >> [LAUGH]
37:52 >> That is not the spirit of God.
37:56 That is not the spirit of the house of God.
37:59 You don't walk around here looking to exploit and put people's weaknesses
38:04 on media.
38:05 Why don't you put their strength and put what they have done to bless somebody else?
38:11 Why don't you talk about somebody's goodness and somebody's strength?
38:15 Everybody's got something somewhere.
38:18 If you dig deep enough, you will find something wrong.
38:22 But nobody is walking out here publicizing their wrong.
38:26 They publicize what's good.
38:28 They publicize their victory.
38:30 You tell stories of what God brought you out of.
38:34 You don't tell stories of what you're still in.
38:36 >> [APPLAUSE]
38:40 >> I feel like lifting him up.
38:41 >> [APPLAUSE]
38:43 >> I feel like giving God the glory.
38:46 Give somebody a high five and say, I'm a child of God.
38:50 I'm not always perfect, but I'm always his.
38:55 I'm not always on the mountaintop, but he is always with me.
39:00 I'm getting ready to close.
39:03 Give somebody a high five and say, neighbor, remember what he said.
39:09 I will never leave you nor forsake you.
39:16 I'll never leave you.
39:18 I'll never leave you when you're hurt.
39:21 I'll never leave you when you're burdened down.
39:24 I'll never leave you when you're messed up.
39:27 I'll never leave you when you can't praise me.
39:30 I'll never leave you when you're complaining.
39:33 I'll never leave you when you won't come to church.
39:36 I'll never leave you when you don't call my name.
39:39 I'll never leave you when you don't lift me up.
39:42 I'll never leave when you're struggling.
39:46 I'll never leave when you're down in sin.
39:50 I'll never leave because I am the way maker.
39:55 I am the healer.
39:57 I am the savior.
39:59 My blood washes you.
40:03 My blood cleanses you.
40:06 I will always feel like shouting in here.
40:13 Give somebody a high five.
40:16 Say, neighbor, where is the love?
40:20 Where is the love that should run through the house?
40:24 Where is the love that should flow through the house of God?
40:32 Woo!
40:33 Touch three people real quick and say, I love you,
40:44 and you can't do anything about it.
40:46 I love you from the depth of my heart.
40:50 Bring back the love.
41:01 Bring back the love.
41:03 Bring back the love.
41:05 I need a house of love.
41:10 Oh!
41:15 Oh!
41:23 I feel it in here.
41:25 I feel it in here.
41:27 I feel the love.
41:29 Touch two people real quick.
41:31 Say, I want to feel the love.
41:34 I walk better with love.
41:36 I talk better with love.
41:38 I do more with love.
41:41 I get deep with love.
41:43 I help you out with love.
41:45 Love!
41:46 Love!
41:50 How did we get here?
41:57 How did we get so messed up?
42:04 My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood
42:23 and righteousness.
42:25 I dare not trust sweet refrain, but wholly lean on Jesus' name.
42:35 One time on Christ, thus I'll let rock I stand.
42:43 Oh!
42:43 It's teaching time.
42:50 If you're here and the Lord's calling you, if you're online,
42:54 I want you to reach for your phone and call 844-267-7729.
43:04 Somebody's there waiting for you.
43:07 All of the ground is sinking down.
43:12 Whoa!
43:13 Woo!
43:17 Call.
43:17 Somebody's waiting for you.
43:19 You're in this building, and you have not met the love of God.
43:25 You've met the God of love, but you
43:27 haven't met the love of God.
43:29 Come on.
43:29 Come on.
43:30 Come on.
43:31 This is what church is about.
43:33 We'll throw our arms around you.
43:35 We'll wrap our arms around you, because your life is important.
43:41 One more time.
43:42 On Christ, thus I'll let rock I stand.
43:48 Oh!
43:48 The ground is sinking down.
43:55 I'm not looking for your weakness.
43:57 I'm looking for your strength.
43:59 Everybody stand.
44:13 Bye.
