Finding Purpose in Discomfort - Creflo Dollar

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00:00:00 Always remember Jesus, Jesus.
00:00:14 Always remember Jesus, Jesus.
00:00:29 Always keep him on your mind.
00:00:39 Thank you, Jesus.
00:00:42 Thank you, Jesus.
00:00:48 Thank you, Lord.
00:00:52 Father, speak through my vocal cords.
00:01:01 Think through my mind.
00:01:04 None of me, none of me, Lord.
00:01:08 All of you, let us discover who you are,
00:01:17 what you've done, what you're doing.
00:01:22 And we praise you, Lord.
00:01:25 Jesus' mighty name, do what you can only do this day.
00:01:33 We thank you for it now.
00:01:36 And everybody say it.
00:01:38 Amen.
00:01:39 Amen.
00:01:40 Right before you're seated, would you give the Lord
00:01:42 a big hand clap of praise?
00:01:45 Worthy of it, amen.
00:01:49 He is so worthy.
00:01:54 (singing)
00:02:04 Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah.
00:02:09 Oh, praise the Lord.
00:02:12 You may be seated.
00:02:15 If you have your Bibles, go with me this morning to the book
00:02:18 of 2 Corinthians chapter 1, verses 2 through 7 in the NLT.
00:02:25 2 Corinthians chapter 1, verses 2 through 7 in the NLT,
00:02:30 and then in the King James, we'll visit 2 Corinthians 3
00:02:34 in verse 18.
00:02:37 Today, I want you to think with me through this subject.
00:02:43 We're gonna talk about finding purpose in discomfort.
00:02:48 And there's something that happens for Christian people
00:02:52 who find themselves in discomfort.
00:02:58 It is something that will happen to everyone who is saved
00:03:01 and believe in God.
00:03:04 There is something about standing in faith,
00:03:07 even in the midst of discomfort.
00:03:11 2 Corinthians chapter 1, in verse 2, he says,
00:03:16 "May God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ
00:03:19 give you grace and peace."
00:03:22 All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
00:03:26 God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort.
00:03:31 He is the source of all comfort.
00:03:34 So, you gotta be careful to understand God's the source
00:03:38 of all comfort because when you're in discomfort,
00:03:41 you want to escape so much and so quickly,
00:03:44 you turn to other things that won't really provide comfort.
00:03:48 Anything you turn to other than God, you have to understand
00:03:52 that he is the source of all comfort.
00:03:56 He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can
00:04:01 comfort others.
00:04:04 When they are troubled, we will be able to give them
00:04:08 the same comfort God has given us.
00:04:12 "For the more we suffer for Christ."
00:04:16 Now, how many of you know that's gonna happen?
00:04:19 The more we suffer for Christ or we're gonna hold up
00:04:22 under some things for Christ,
00:04:25 the more God will shower us with his comfort through Christ.
00:04:29 Now, look at that.
00:04:30 That's interesting.
00:04:31 The more we suffer for him, the more he showers us
00:04:36 with comfort.
00:04:39 The more you go through stuff, the more he's gonna be there
00:04:42 to comfort you when you go through.
00:04:46 He's not gonna eliminate the fire in the furnace.
00:04:50 He's gonna join you in the furnace.
00:04:54 He's not gonna take the lions out of the den,
00:04:58 but he gonna be with you when you're in the den.
00:05:01 Quit asking God to move stuff.
00:05:06 Thank you, Jesus.
00:05:09 Some of you in the stuff right now, ask for the comforter.
00:05:13 All right?
00:05:14 He says, "Even when we are weighed down with trouble."
00:05:20 Wow.
00:05:21 "It is for your comfort and salvation.
00:05:25 "For when we ourselves are comforted,
00:05:28 "we will certainly comfort you.
00:05:30 "Then you can patiently endure the same things we suffer."
00:05:39 Verse 7, "We are confident that as you share in our sufferings,
00:05:45 "you will also share in our comfort God gives us."
00:05:49 It is that in order to purify the gold,
00:05:53 it's got to go through fire.
00:05:55 That's not the question.
00:05:56 We know it's got to be put in fire.
00:05:59 I think sometimes as Christians, we kind of start doubting God
00:06:03 and questioning God when we get into that position
00:06:06 of discomfort.
00:06:08 And I am saying, if you are going to become what God
00:06:12 designed for you to become, discomfort is going to have
00:06:18 to show up in your life.
00:06:19 Look at this in the Corinthians chapter,
00:06:21 2 Corinthians chapter 318 in the King James.
00:06:24 2 Corinthians 318, "But we all with open face beholding
00:06:31 "as on a glass the glory of the Lord,
00:06:35 "that we are changed into the same image."
00:06:38 This is the objective, that we all who are born again
00:06:44 will be changed into the same image from glory to glory
00:06:50 even as--and the Spirit of the Lord's going to be behind this.
00:06:53 So, you're going to hear me say some things this morning.
00:06:55 The Spirit of the Lord is going to be behind this change
00:06:59 in the same image.
00:07:01 Well, the Spirit of the Lord wouldn't do something like that.
00:07:04 Wait a minute, when Jesus came, it was the Spirit of the Lord
00:07:07 that led him in the wilderness.
00:07:11 You would think, "Why would the--?"
00:07:13 No, God's not going to do that.
00:07:15 God's not behind that.
00:07:16 I get what you're saying, but the Spirit of the Lord
00:07:19 led Jesus in the wilderness to be tempted and tested
00:07:23 by the devil.
00:07:26 My God.
00:07:28 And in order for us to become this glorious image
00:07:33 of Jesus Christ, discomfort will be a visiting companion.
00:07:42 But if your mind has been set on, "Now that I'm saved,
00:07:49 no trials, no trouble, no suffering, nothing,
00:07:52 all peachy king, float on a cloud, sip on a drink,"
00:07:57 I'm telling you, you have been sadly deceived.
00:08:03 Now, listen to me carefully as we go through this journey today.
00:08:07 God absolutely wants us happy.
00:08:12 God wants us satisfied.
00:08:15 God wants us comfortable, without a doubt.
00:08:19 However, the Bible also talks about how important
00:08:24 our discomfort is to God.
00:08:29 Sometimes God wants you uncomfortable.
00:08:31 That sounds so strange, doesn't it?
00:08:33 Sometimes God wants you uncomfortable.
00:08:35 We have this thing of all sunshine, no rain.
00:08:38 How many of you know that's not gonna work
00:08:40 at the end of the day?
00:08:42 We have this thing of all good times, no bad times.
00:08:45 You're gonna find out that life is a journey.
00:08:47 It's an experiment, and you gotta have those other things
00:08:50 if we're gonna grow.
00:08:51 The objective is to grow and to be molded into the image
00:08:55 of the Lord Jesus Christ.
00:08:57 So, sometimes I can safely say--I would not have probably
00:09:00 said this about 40 years ago, but I can safely say
00:09:03 that God probably will permit the position of discomfort
00:09:09 to show up in your life.
00:09:11 Let me give an example.
00:09:13 Somebody might pray a prayer like this,
00:09:15 "God, help me, please.
00:09:19 God, help me, please."
00:09:21 I mean, that's a good prayer to pray,
00:09:25 but it may be the only time God hears from you.
00:09:31 "God, help me, please."
00:09:36 You won't pray in the morning.
00:09:38 You won't pray even at church, but when discomfort comes,
00:09:44 "God, help me, please."
00:09:50 When we are in discomfort, when we are in a state
00:09:53 of feeling uneasy, when we're in a position of worry,
00:09:56 when we're in a place of even being embarrassed
00:09:59 or even feeling physically uncomfortable,
00:10:02 even in our emotions, something godly,
00:10:08 something mature comes out of that situation.
00:10:14 When God wants you to grow, he will allow discomfort
00:10:18 in your life.
00:10:20 Boy, that's a strong statement.
00:10:22 When God wants you to grow--look at 1 Peter,
00:10:26 chapter 5, 10 in NLT, 1 Peter 5, 10 in NLT.
00:10:30 When God wants you to grow, he will allow discomfort
00:10:34 in your life.
00:10:36 Wow, I know this for a fact.
00:10:40 If you have ever had discomfort in your life and you're trying
00:10:43 to figure out, "Lord, why did I have to go through that?"
00:10:46 We must grow.
00:10:49 And sometimes, as Christian people, it will be cool
00:10:52 if you came to church and I could teach you
00:10:54 and you'd go home and do it, but it ain't happening like that.
00:10:56 So God says, "All right, all right, I prophesied it to you.
00:10:59 I gave you the Greek and Hebrew of it.
00:11:01 I gave illustrations of it.
00:11:03 I bought in guest speakers of it.
00:11:06 Okay, so let's now employ discomfort,
00:11:11 'cause I am committed to you being transformed
00:11:15 into the image of Jesus Christ.
00:11:19 And if I have to allow discomfort to come
00:11:21 and assist in your growth, when God wants you to grow,
00:11:26 he will allow discomfort into your life.
00:11:29 "In his kindness," the Bible says, verse 10,
00:11:32 "In his kindness, God called you to share in his eternal glory
00:11:36 by means of Jesus Christ."
00:11:38 So we've been called to share in that.
00:11:41 So notice this, "Since I've called you to share
00:11:43 in this glory, so after you have suffered a little while."
00:11:49 Wow.
00:11:50 See, we want to share in his glory,
00:11:52 but we don't want to suffer a little while.
00:11:56 "After he suffered a little while, he will restore."
00:12:00 Now watch this, glory that comes out of discomfort.
00:12:03 Out of discomfort will come restoration.
00:12:05 Out of discomfort will come support.
00:12:07 Out of discomfort will come your strength,
00:12:10 and he will place you on a firm foundation.
00:12:14 None of those things would not need to even show up
00:12:18 if discomfort were not allowed.
00:12:22 Oh, y'all don't hear me this morning?
00:12:25 I knew whoever needed to be here this morning
00:12:27 was gonna be here this morning.
00:12:30 Everybody else is doing bedside baptism this morning.
00:12:33 That's all right.
00:12:34 I'm glad you're in here.
00:12:35 Praise the Lord.
00:12:40 That's a statement.
00:12:41 When God wants you to grow,
00:12:44 he will allow discomfort in your life.
00:12:49 Look at Matthew chapter 5.
00:12:50 I saw something in Matthew chapter 5,
00:12:52 verses 1 through 12 in the NLT.
00:12:55 It's amazing how we look over Scriptures,
00:12:58 and when you really get a hold of what God's trying to do--
00:13:02 see, all of this stuff's gonna make you
00:13:04 extraordinarily patient.
00:13:05 You know, all right, well, discomfort is here.
00:13:07 I'm not gonna complain.
00:13:08 I'm not gonna whine about it.
00:13:10 I'm gonna put my head up, shoulders back,
00:13:12 take a deep breath, and gone, let's grow.
00:13:15 Gone, let's grow.
00:13:16 It's said that if a man wants to develop muscle mass,
00:13:20 he's got to increase his weight that he's lifting,
00:13:24 'cause if you're going there and lift only what you can lift,
00:13:27 you've already conquered that.
00:13:30 If you're gonna grow stronger,
00:13:32 we got to add some discomfort to your exercise.
00:13:38 Look at this, verse 1,
00:13:39 and I'm gonna read verse 1 through 12.
00:13:41 See if you can pick it up.
00:13:42 "One day as he saw the crowds gathering,
00:13:50 Jesus went up on the mountain and sat down.
00:13:52 His disciples gathered around him,
00:13:54 and he began to teach them.
00:13:56 'God blesses those who are poor and realize their need for him,
00:14:02 for the kingdom of heaven is theirs.
00:14:05 God blesses those who mourn,
00:14:08 for they will be comforted.'"
00:14:11 No need for comfort if there's no mourning.
00:14:14 "God blesses those who are humble,"
00:14:16 and sometimes that's difficult.
00:14:18 Sometimes it is uncomfortable to walk in humility.
00:14:22 "'For they will inherit the whole earth.
00:14:25 God blesses those who hunger and thirst for justice,
00:14:28 for they'll be satisfied.'"
00:14:30 All positions of discomfort.
00:14:32 "God blesses those who are merciful,
00:14:34 for they will be shown mercy."
00:14:36 You know, please, when I saw this,
00:14:38 I'm like, "God will bless those who will not hold accountable
00:14:42 those who did something wrong to them."
00:14:45 That's uncomfortable, 'cause I wanna cut you.
00:14:52 It's uncomfortable.
00:14:55 I said that like with passion.
00:14:57 That came up out of me, didn't it?
00:15:02 But he said he blesses those people,
00:15:04 "for they will be shown mercy."
00:15:07 "God blesses those whose hearts are pure,
00:15:10 for they will see God.
00:15:12 God blesses those who work for peace,
00:15:14 for they will be called the children of God.
00:15:17 God blesses those who are persecuted for doing right."
00:15:21 Very uncomfortable.
00:15:22 "For the kingdom of God is--and heaven is theirs.
00:15:25 God blesses you when people mock you and persecute you
00:15:29 and lie about you and say all sorts of evil things
00:15:33 against you because you are my followers."
00:15:36 Very uncomfortable, but he says, "I'm gonna bless you."
00:15:41 But we don't--we're not understanding what--really,
00:15:44 what he is saying here is basically Matthew is saying
00:15:48 blessed are the ones in discomfort.
00:15:53 You see that?
00:15:54 Blessed are the ones who are in discomfort.
00:15:56 If you're always living life in the comfort zone,
00:16:00 then growth and maturity will be slow to come your way.
00:16:07 And that's a false expectation.
00:16:12 James chapter 1 and 12 in the NLT,
00:16:15 James 1 and 12 in the NLT, I thank God I get the opportunity
00:16:19 to just sow this into your heart because you're gonna benefit
00:16:23 out of whatever comes.
00:16:24 It's almost like, Satan, you don't even realize
00:16:27 how God is using you.
00:16:32 You're so stupid, you think you're doing something for me
00:16:37 and you ain't doing nothing but helping me grow
00:16:41 and mature and be blessed.
00:16:47 So, take a deep breath and go on and walk through that fiery
00:16:50 furnace knowing that there's a fourth man in the fire.
00:16:56 Look at this, James chapter 1 and 12 in the NLT,
00:17:01 he says, "God blesses those who patiently endure
00:17:05 testing and temptation."
00:17:08 This is what I'm trying to bring you now.
00:17:10 It's not crumble, fall, become suicidal, get mean,
00:17:14 cuss everybody out 'cause you're going through something.
00:17:17 You're going through something because there has been an order
00:17:20 that has come up to the heavenly administration that says
00:17:24 they need to grow.
00:17:29 They need to grow.
00:17:30 They've been a baby for 25 years.
00:17:33 They need to grow.
00:17:35 Now, either you're gonna grow in the middle of it or die
00:17:39 in the middle of it, you choose.
00:17:45 Because as a Christian, you're dependent on God.
00:17:48 And I'm telling you, blessings come out of patiently enduring
00:17:52 the testing and the temptation.
00:17:54 Afterwards, he says, after, afterwards,
00:17:56 after they have patiently gone through it, and patience,
00:18:00 it means, all right, I understand what's happening here.
00:18:04 I get what the plan of God is here.
00:18:06 So, let me go ahead and, yeah, I'm gonna resist things.
00:18:12 I'm gonna fight against it.
00:18:14 I'm gonna pray.
00:18:15 I'm gonna declare what's right.
00:18:17 I'm not saying sit there and just take the stuff.
00:18:19 I'm saying there's a fight that's coming on that's gonna
00:18:22 mature you.
00:18:23 When I was going through what I went through,
00:18:25 I didn't sit back there and just say, okay, well, you know,
00:18:28 since this is supposed to happen, I'm gonna sit back and just let
00:18:31 the devil have a field day.
00:18:33 No, we're gonna fight.
00:18:34 We're gonna fight.
00:18:35 But after that fight is over with, he's coming with all of
00:18:38 that stuff, and I'm coming resisting.
00:18:40 He's coming, and I'm coming resisting.
00:18:42 To resist means to withstand, to fight against.
00:18:45 You don't sit there and just let him run over you because,
00:18:48 well, you know, pastor said that we just need to just go ahead
00:18:51 and be cool, chill out in the midst of discomfort.
00:18:55 No, no, no, no.
00:18:56 I'm not gonna chill out in the midst of nothing that's coming
00:18:59 my way.
00:19:00 See, the growth--see, when somebody increases the weight on
00:19:04 the bench press, you don't just let it fall and cave your chest
00:19:07 in.
00:19:09 When they let go, there is some resistance that's coming.
00:19:12 But now I understand.
00:19:14 And here's one thing I like.
00:19:15 Sometimes when you put too much on, here's where we're coming
00:19:18 from, other people who already know what you're going through
00:19:22 might be there to give you a spot.
00:19:24 They might be there to say, "All right, I got you.
00:19:26 I see it's too much.
00:19:27 Let me go spot."
00:19:28 But if you have to have two or three gathered there in the name
00:19:32 of Jesus, the trouble is not there just to wipe you out.
00:19:39 It is there to get you to withstand, to fight against
00:19:43 because now you're growing, you're maturing.
00:19:48 So I tell you to be still while they shoot the bow and arrow,
00:19:51 I ain't doing that.
00:19:52 You know how people with the apple in their head, they sit
00:19:54 there and be still.
00:19:55 I ain't doing that.
00:19:56 I don't know you.
00:19:57 I trust Jesus, not you.
00:20:01 So you get what I'm saying?
00:20:03 Yeah, discomfort, tribulation, testing will come, not so you
00:20:07 can just not resist.
00:20:12 Part of resisting is to show you what you've already had,
00:20:16 but you never employed.
00:20:20 Part of this fight is to show you you have something
00:20:24 supernatural the whole time, but you never gave it opportunity.
00:20:31 So discomfort has come to wake up what God has put on the
00:20:35 inside of you and to cause you to grow even in opportunity
00:20:41 to withstand, to fight against, to resist that thing.
00:20:46 My goodness.
00:20:47 And he said, "Afterwards, they will receive the crown of life
00:20:51 that God has promised to those who love him."
00:20:55 So if you are experiencing a season of divine--they're
00:20:59 nerving me to call this divine discomfort.
00:21:02 Some of you like to nerve you to refer this as godly discomfort.
00:21:06 I absolutely am that if you're experiencing a season of divine
00:21:10 discomfort, listen to what God wants to say to you or what he
00:21:15 wants to do with you.
00:21:18 While you're resisting, while you're withstanding,
00:21:21 "God, what are you saying to me?
00:21:23 What do you want to do with me?"
00:21:26 With all those things that attacked my body,
00:21:29 it was painful, it was hurtful.
00:21:31 I still quote my Scriptures.
00:21:33 I'm still--I'm withstanding, I'm fighting.
00:21:35 I believe I receive my healing.
00:21:36 I'm doing all that.
00:21:38 But in the middle of them, I'm like,
00:21:40 "I have changed the question.
00:21:41 I'm no longer asking, 'Why is this happening to me?'
00:21:45 I'm now asking, 'What is it you want me to get from this?'"
00:21:51 So the enemy working, they're trying to kill me.
00:21:54 I'm like, "What do you want me to get out of this?"
00:21:57 No more, "Why is this happening?"
00:22:00 You're still--that's whining, "Why?
00:22:03 Why?
00:22:04 Stop whining.
00:22:05 Why?
00:22:06 Why?
00:22:07 Stop it."
00:22:09 [chuckles]
00:22:14 You're uncomfortable in your heart.
00:22:17 It might be that God is trying to--let me just give you
00:22:21 some practical things so you can think about this.
00:22:24 What might God be trying to do in the midst of discomfort?
00:22:28 Maybe to have you to unlearn some old ways
00:22:32 of thinking and behaving.
00:22:35 To unlearn some old ways of thinking and behaving.
00:22:40 I know I did.
00:22:42 I unlearned some old ways of thinking.
00:22:44 How I used to think about certain things before sickness,
00:22:51 cancer, and shingles hit me.
00:22:54 And here's what befuddled me.
00:22:58 Hit, healed, hit, healed, hit, healed.
00:23:00 No break.
00:23:02 No vacation.
00:23:05 You better believe I started thinking differently.
00:23:10 Maybe to stretch you into a new era of increased effectiveness.
00:23:19 Maybe that discomfort is there to stretch you 'cause you won't
00:23:22 stretch yourself.
00:23:24 He told you to leave your job and do that, too risky.
00:23:27 You wouldn't stretch yourself.
00:23:29 He told you to start that business,
00:23:31 but you wouldn't do it.
00:23:32 You wouldn't stretch yourself.
00:23:34 And then you get in shock 'cause you got fired or dismissed.
00:23:37 You won't stretch yourself.
00:23:39 Now what you gonna do?
00:23:43 Maybe to uncover an ungodly character trait in your life
00:23:48 that he wants you to transform from that.
00:23:52 This ungodly character that you just keep there.
00:23:55 You're arrogant, you're rude, and you just keep it there.
00:23:58 And the thing about being arrogant and rude,
00:24:00 you can see how arrogant and rude you are.
00:24:03 I heard a man of God say, he said,
00:24:05 "It's so stupid for you to be arrogant because one incident
00:24:09 can change the whole thing."
00:24:12 But people do it.
00:24:14 One incident can change the whole thing.
00:24:17 Maybe the discomfort is there to raise your sights beyond
00:24:20 yourself to see others in need.
00:24:23 Maybe you didn't see others in need and discomfort had to cause
00:24:26 you to see others in need.
00:24:28 I am very, very sensitive to people who are in pain.
00:24:34 And where I wouldn't pray about it publicly,
00:24:37 I make sure somewhere in the line I'm praying about,
00:24:40 "Lord, set people free who are suffering pain."
00:24:45 Maybe it's to push you to become someone capable of much greater
00:24:49 responsibility.
00:24:51 Maybe it's to invite you to be an effective agent in spiritual
00:24:56 warfare for his kingdom.
00:24:59 This is glory that shall be revealed.
00:25:01 All of these things I mentioned, that's the glory that shall be
00:25:05 revealed as a result of discomfort,
00:25:08 as a result of what you suffer.
00:25:10 And then you begin to see the harvest that comes from
00:25:13 discomfort.
00:25:14 There is a harvest that comes from discomfort.
00:25:17 There is a blessing that comes from discomfort.
00:25:19 There is a change that comes from discomfort.
00:25:22 It causes you to be more and more like Jesus you're becoming.
00:25:25 You're resembling him each time you conquer and come out of
00:25:30 discomfort.
00:25:32 Look at Romans chapter 8, 18 in the NLT.
00:25:36 Romans chapter 8, 18 in the NLT.
00:25:39 He says, "Yet what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory
00:25:44 he will reveal to us later."
00:25:46 What you're going through now can't compare to what you're
00:25:49 gonna--what's gonna be revealed to you later.
00:25:51 Please believe that.
00:25:52 Please believe that if you're in discomfort right now,
00:25:55 if you will stand in that discomfort like a Christian,
00:25:58 if you'll resist it and fight against it,
00:26:00 and most of all, trust and believe God in the middle of
00:26:03 that, that's transformation.
00:26:05 There's a metamorphosis that's going on.
00:26:07 You will see later on the glory that will be revealed as a
00:26:11 result of the things that you're going through right now.
00:26:14 See, when you're living a life as a Christian,
00:26:17 if you're living a life as the righteousness of God,
00:26:21 and you're trusting God and depending on God,
00:26:25 when crazy things happen, the crazy can compare
00:26:30 to the harvest.
00:26:33 I used to see people thinking, "Oh, my God,
00:26:35 they're going through crazy.
00:26:36 What did they do?
00:26:38 They must have sinned in order to be going through all this."
00:26:41 Until I read John chapter 9 when that boy who was born blind,
00:26:45 and immediately the disciples asked Jesus,
00:26:48 they said, "What did he do to be born blind?
00:26:51 What did he do to be born blind?
00:26:53 He or his parents?"
00:26:54 And he said, "Nobody did anything wrong,
00:26:57 nobody sinned, but that my glory might be revealed."
00:27:03 He's in discomfort right now, can't even see,
00:27:06 but my glory is gonna be revealed,
00:27:09 and blindness will be over with.
00:27:11 You got to understand what's going on.
00:27:17 Look at 2 Corinthians 4, 16 through 18 in the NLT.
00:27:23 16 through 18 in the NLT.
00:27:26 I love the opportunity to take a subject like this
00:27:30 and to come to our church and to break it down
00:27:33 and to sow it into you step by step by step,
00:27:37 so when you walk out of here, it's just all on the inside
00:27:40 of you, circulating around.
00:27:42 You go home and dream about it,
00:27:44 and the next uncomfortable situation that visits you,
00:27:47 you're like, "Oh, devil, I got you now.
00:27:49 I got you now."
00:27:50 You start praising God and not even worrying about
00:27:53 what just happened.
00:27:54 "Oh, God, oh, God been bragging to me.
00:27:56 Oh, he getting ready to do something.
00:27:57 Something getting ready to happen.
00:27:58 Oh, oh, oh, I got to be patient.
00:28:00 Let me go and go through this.
00:28:01 Let me go--I bind you, devil.
00:28:02 Let me go there.
00:28:03 I will slap the black off you, Satan.
00:28:05 Move.
00:28:06 I bind you."
00:28:07 So, you stand up against him because you know some glory
00:28:13 is about to be revealed.
00:28:15 [cheers]
00:28:19 [laughter]
00:28:27 Look at this, 2 Corinthians 4:16.
00:28:29 He says, "That is why we never give up."
00:28:33 Say out loud, "I never give up."
00:28:37 Though our bodies are dying, our spirits are being
00:28:40 renewed every day.
00:28:43 For our present troubles--how many got some present troubles?
00:28:46 Don't raise your hand.
00:28:47 Everybody got some.
00:28:48 Everybody got a present situation.
00:28:51 Everybody got a present situation, but we all growing
00:28:54 to that glory that's about to be revealed.
00:28:56 Only reason we all got some present situations is that
00:28:59 we turning in to Jesus.
00:29:00 Glory to God.
00:29:01 We got some present situations 'cause where we are right now,
00:29:05 that's not what he promised.
00:29:06 He says, "You're going to be just like him when you see him."
00:29:09 So, you got to have some present situations to keep
00:29:12 their metamorphosis.
00:29:16 Why you got these present situations?
00:29:18 'Cause I'm constantly changing.
00:29:19 Hallelujah.
00:29:20 I'm changing.
00:29:21 Glory to God.
00:29:22 From glory to glory and the Holy Ghost is behind this.
00:29:28 I'm changing.
00:29:29 I ain't scared of you trouble.
00:29:30 Come on.
00:29:31 I ain't scared of you temptation.
00:29:32 Come on.
00:29:33 I've been through that before.
00:29:34 Come on, trial.
00:29:35 I ain't scared of you.
00:29:36 Where you ought to be 'cause you please God.
00:29:38 You don't understand, Mr. Devil.
00:29:39 You can't get me with that no more.
00:29:41 I know who I am in Christ.
00:29:43 I know I got mercy and grace.
00:29:44 And I'm going to tell you like Micah already told you.
00:29:47 When I fall, I shall arise but the glory shall be revealed.
00:29:52 I ain't scared of you.
00:29:53 You thought that was going to scare me?
00:29:55 You thought you can do me like you used to do me when I first got born.
00:29:59 The six-year-old me ain't there no more.
00:30:02 I've been in this thing a little while and I have figured out that I can grow
00:30:07 in the middle of discomfort.
00:30:09 So, no, I ain't showing as many teeth as I was showing last week,
00:30:15 but I'll make up for it next month, praise the Lord,
00:30:18 because I'm being transformed.
00:30:21 Hallelujah.
00:30:22 Excuse me.
00:30:29 I got a little excited right there for a moment.
00:30:32 Thank you.
00:30:34 For our present troubles are small.
00:30:40 Somebody said, "Mm-mm, wait, wait, wait, hold.
00:30:42 Let him finish."
00:30:46 Our present troubles are small and won't last very long.
00:30:51 And that's the question.
00:30:53 What determines how long it lasts?
00:30:56 You.
00:31:01 Go and take your medicine and get it over.
00:31:06 You're still hard-headed.
00:31:08 I ain't going to change.
00:31:09 I'm going to stay the same.
00:31:10 Mm-mm, mm-mm, I'm going to stay--uh-uh, I ain't doing that.
00:31:12 Ain't no role in me.
00:31:13 I ain't arrogant.
00:31:14 I ain't self-dependent.
00:31:15 I don't perform.
00:31:16 I don't do none of that.
00:31:17 I don't know what else to say.
00:31:18 And you're like, "Dang, why am I still going through this?"
00:31:21 Because you refuse to grow.
00:31:25 Instead of saying, "Lord, whatever needs to be done, bring it on.
00:31:30 I'm ready."
00:31:31 Yet, they produce for us--lookit there.
00:31:35 The troubles are small and they don't last long, but they
00:31:38 produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs the trouble,
00:31:44 them, and the glory it will produce.
00:31:48 My changes into the image of Christ, it lasts forever.
00:31:53 The trouble that helps change me is for a small time compared to
00:31:59 forever.
00:32:00 You follow me?
00:32:03 So, we don't look at the troubles we can see now.
00:32:06 What he says is, "Your focus should not be on the discomfort.
00:32:10 Rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen,
00:32:17 for the things we see now will soon be gone."
00:32:21 You remember that old, old song?
00:32:25 "Soon we'll be done with the troubles of the world."
00:32:33 There's a lot of truth in that.
00:32:39 "For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we
00:32:44 cannot see," those things that were used to cultivate in our
00:32:49 lives, it's being cultivated for forever.
00:32:53 Could it be that life is that journey preparing us for
00:32:59 eternity?
00:33:01 You gotta know that there's something more to this than going
00:33:05 to bed, waking up, going to work, coming back home, eating food,
00:33:09 having relationships.
00:33:10 You've got to know that God's doing something a lot more than
00:33:15 that.
00:33:16 He is too super intelligent not to just let all this happen and
00:33:20 then what you want to do is get some rules and play some church
00:33:24 and hallelujah, one day I see you in heaven when I get there
00:33:28 and we're gonna dance and shout and nobody gonna put us out.
00:33:31 You ain't gonna be doing--there ain't gonna be so much order.
00:33:34 You ain't doing none of that.
00:33:36 There's gonna be--you're gonna know so much more than what you
00:33:40 know right now.
00:33:42 I don't even know why there is a--I don't even know how there's
00:33:47 gonna be an excuse for us talking 'cause you already--I
00:33:52 can't prove this to you, but you can't disprove it, but when you
00:33:55 go to heaven and you meet people that were here, you ain't got to
00:33:58 say nothing.
00:33:59 They already know everything.
00:34:00 You're gonna enter into perfect knowledge.
00:34:03 You're gonna--you don't even know what that means to have
00:34:05 perfect knowledge.
00:34:07 [speaking in tongues]
00:34:10 And I'm just amazed at people who think they got the whole
00:34:13 thing together.
00:34:14 The more I learn, the more I realize I don't know, and I'm
00:34:17 finally at this point where I'm saying, "Well, we just gonna
00:34:20 have to see."
00:34:23 But no, not some folks.
00:34:25 Oh, they know everything.
00:34:26 No, this is what it is.
00:34:27 And argue over it and come in and strike over it.
00:34:29 Oh, I know what I think I know.
00:34:32 We'll check it out when we get there.
00:34:35 But that's why arrogance, you cannot--you've got to always
00:34:38 have your eye on ego and pride.
00:34:43 It's sitting at your table.
00:34:45 Just don't let it sit at the head of the table.
00:34:49 And then can't nobody tell you nothing because now you know
00:34:51 more what you understand.
00:34:54 I am grateful to declare amongst you, brethrens, that I don't
00:35:04 know if I got a dust ball of the knowledge that God's gonna show
00:35:08 us when we get there.
00:35:12 But what I know and think I understand, I preach it, and
00:35:15 then we'll figure all of it out when we get there.
00:35:17 But I can't wait till some of y'all get to heaven and see your
00:35:20 enemy there.
00:35:25 How this person get here?
00:35:27 I'm in heaven.
00:35:28 How this person get here?
00:35:36 I'm gonna say this now, and then I'll reiterate it a little bit
00:35:38 later.
00:35:39 I believe that life is an experiment.
00:35:49 Things that'll last forever, tools that we use to get you
00:35:54 there.
00:35:57 Think, think.
00:36:00 God is up to something.
00:36:05 You live, you die.
00:36:06 That's what life is.
00:36:07 Life is a combination of all the stuff you go through while you
00:36:10 here, and it is in the realm of finite.
00:36:17 You step out of the life into eternity.
00:36:21 Once you get into eternity, you're probably gonna understand
00:36:24 life a lot more than what you understand it now.
00:36:28 But after doing so many funerals and seeing so many babies come
00:36:31 and then two funerals and so many babies come and funeral,
00:36:34 you're thinking, "What is he--what is he up to?
00:36:40 What is he up to?"
00:36:41 And nobody's flawless, nobody's perfect.
00:36:44 The earth hadn't seen a man like that since Jesus,
00:36:48 but yet he will forgive us, and Jesus will stand in our stead,
00:36:53 and now we get everything through his perfection and still
00:36:57 be imperfect.
00:36:59 "What are you doing?"
00:37:00 "I'm better than what I used to be, and I keep getting better."
00:37:04 And, "What are you doing?"
00:37:07 And then we live, we love, we learn, and we die,
00:37:12 and then after that, truly, you die, you come out your body,
00:37:17 and you only have the Word to trust after that,
00:37:22 and you only have a small piece of that.
00:37:27 For if everything that Jesus even said was written down,
00:37:32 I think he said there would not be enough books available
00:37:36 for him to put all of it in it.
00:37:40 And you think the 66 books perfectly explains God?
00:37:46 No!
00:37:48 It's what I want you to know.
00:37:52 [speaking in tongues]
00:37:57 And what I want you to know is how to be transformed
00:38:02 into Christ.
00:38:04 The rest will pick up when I meet you looking like him.
00:38:09 [speaking in tongues]
00:38:10 Read it.
00:38:11 This whole thing is about being transformed into his image.
00:38:20 That's all I want you to know now.
00:38:24 Somebody say, "How do you say that?"
00:38:25 You remember when Jesus told his disciples,
00:38:27 "It always bugged me"?
00:38:29 I have many things to say unto you,
00:38:33 but you can't handle it now.
00:38:38 But when he, the Spirit of truth, has come,
00:38:41 oh, glory to God, the eternal Spirit of truth,
00:38:44 he will lead and guide you into all the truth.
00:38:48 So, I'm telling you there is a relationship with the Holy Spirit
00:38:52 that'll start giving you glimpses beyond what you think you know.
00:39:00 The Holy Spirit that leads us into a teaching on discomfort.
00:39:06 Come on, world change, go with me now.
00:39:14 Don't act like you're confused right now.
00:39:17 This is all about having a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ,
00:39:21 and when you know him, you know what is really going on
00:39:25 with your spirit on the inside.
00:39:28 You know what's going on on the inside.
00:39:34 It's no longer Jesus wept, and this is the way we go to church,
00:39:38 go to church.
00:39:39 This is so much bigger than what you did last night.
00:39:43 I ain't do that.
00:39:44 You ain't as good as I am.
00:39:47 Seriously?
00:39:48 I mean, I don't like you because, you know, you did this.
00:39:52 I'm like getting away from all that.
00:39:54 Like, bro, I ain't even there no more on that.
00:39:57 What?
00:39:58 You offended me.
00:40:00 You know, I really can't offend nobody.
00:40:01 You got offended, but I ain't even trying to do that.
00:40:03 Okay, for whatever I did, I apologize.
00:40:07 You hurt me.
00:40:08 You used me.
00:40:09 You did this.
00:40:10 I ain't got time for that.
00:40:11 That's baby stuff.
00:40:12 That's poop in the pamper, baby stuff.
00:40:15 It's time for you to grow up because God's trying to do so much more,
00:40:19 and he can't do it because you won't change your pampers.
00:40:22 You keep having poop in the pamper.
00:40:31 And he's trying to show you stuff that's universe stuff.
00:40:34 He's trying to show you the vastness.
00:40:36 Oh, glory to God.
00:40:38 I'm like, "I don't agree with that pastor.
00:40:42 Will you see what he said?
00:40:43 Oh, how they sang.
00:40:44 Oh, they shouldn't have sung that song.
00:40:45 Oh, they shouldn't have did that beat.
00:40:47 That's a worldly beat.
00:40:48 That's a worldly hairstyle.
00:40:49 Oh, she's showing her shoulders.
00:40:50 Oh, Lord, take this rag, put it over your knee because the deacon's going to lust over your naked knee."
00:40:55 Ah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:40:57 We ain't got time for all that.
00:41:00 Ain't nobody got time for all that.
00:41:02 We're being transformed into the image of the Lord Jesus Christ.
00:41:19 I'm over it.
00:41:22 Stuff don't bother me.
00:41:23 I'm over that.
00:41:24 I ain't got--that's baby stuff, boy.
00:41:27 I'm up here.
00:41:28 I ain't down there with no buzzers.
00:41:29 I don't want to hear what the buzzers got to say.
00:41:33 You rarely see eagles around anywhere because they're not coming down here flying around with the mess.
00:41:38 I ain't around no buzzers.
00:41:39 I'm tired of all the buzzers.
00:41:40 I don't want all the buzzers, the buzzer poop, the dead stuff.
00:41:44 Buzzers around dead stuff.
00:41:45 I ain't got no time for no dead stuff.
00:41:47 I have been rising after every discomfort, rising after every discomfort, rising, and I finally am up here where the eagles are,
00:41:54 that I can hear something more than baby in the pamper stuff.
00:41:58 Glory to God.
00:41:59 I have a relationship with the creator of heaven and earth, and he wants to talk to me about some stuff.
00:42:14 Got time to be arguing with you about no 10%.
00:42:16 I ain't even there no more.
00:42:17 10%, do what you want to do.
00:42:19 10%, I ain't got time for all that.
00:42:29 I'm being transformed.
00:42:39 I was thinking about running around in the dawn, but good sense just came to me.
00:42:42 I heard that.
00:42:45 I'm up, and I ain't say that, and I don't do that.
00:42:55 40 years ago, I'd have took off.
00:43:05 You're listening to me.
00:43:08 Spiritual growth is a path we walk as believers.
00:43:15 That's the path.
00:43:19 Your life is an experiment as God's hands shape you into the image of his son.
00:43:31 As you live and walk, you're being molded and shaped into his image.
00:43:45 Most of my spiritual growth has been the direct or indirect results of discomfort I experience.
00:43:56 I literally sat back and said, "Okay, let me see in my life," and most of it,
00:44:03 directly or indirectly, was sitting in that place of discomfort.
00:44:10 And then I started thinking about this.
00:44:12 Second Corinthians chapter 12 and 10, "We become stronger when we're weak."
00:44:20 What?
00:44:22 In King James, "We become," and then we'll go to NLT,
00:44:25 "We become stronger when we're weak."
00:44:30 Now, in the natural, that doesn't seem possible.
00:44:33 Yeah.
00:44:35 He said, "Therefore, I take pleasure in infirmities and reproaches and
00:44:38 necessities and persecutions and distresses for Christ's sake,
00:44:43 for when I am weak, then I'm strong."
00:44:52 Why?
00:44:54 Because I am weak towards dependence upon myself,
00:45:02 which when I am weak in the natural, in the flesh, I am strong with him.
00:45:11 And he makes me strong.
00:45:14 Glory to God.
00:45:17 And then Romans 8 and 26, I even discover this when I pray.
00:45:21 Sometimes I am weak in prayer 'cause I don't know what's going on.
00:45:27 I'm weak in prayer 'cause I don't know how to pray about a thing I don't know about.
00:45:33 Glory to God.
00:45:35 But he says, "Likewise, the Spirit, the Holy Spirit,
00:45:38 also will help our infirmities or the weaknesses of our flesh."
00:45:43 And the weakness here is I'm praying about--how do I pray about what I don't
00:45:48 know about?
00:45:49 I know prayer's powerful.
00:45:50 I know prayer changes things, but I don't know about it.
00:45:52 And he says, "He will help you with the weaknesses of your--or also help our
00:46:00 infirmities, for we know not what we should pray for as we ought,
00:46:04 but the Spirit himself will make intercession for us with groanings
00:46:10 which cannot be uttered."
00:46:12 And that happens sometimes when you wake up and there is nothing that should be
00:46:17 wrong in your life, but you got this sense of what's going on?
00:46:24 I'm feeling some kind of way.
00:46:27 But it ain't nothing wrong with you.
00:46:29 There's some intercession getting ready to take place through you.
00:46:33 See, that's why you can't be a buzzer down there because God needs some people
00:46:37 that will wake up with this "Ugh" feeling and know that's just God getting ready
00:46:42 to use your spirit to pray about something you don't know about,
00:46:46 something that "Ugh," something that's messy, something that's dangerous,
00:46:50 something that's tormenting, and he can trust you because out of discomfort
00:46:56 comes a person that God can depend on, that he can wake you up with everything
00:47:00 all right with you, but there's this feeling of "Ugh," something going on,
00:47:04 and you recognize and you know now.
00:47:07 Come on, Holy Ghost.
00:47:08 [speaking in tongues]
00:47:11 Don't even know what's going on.
00:47:12 Don't even know what's going on.
00:47:13 [congregation applauding]
00:47:15 [congregation murmuring]
00:47:21 Weakness and suffering, discomfort.
00:47:23 [exhaling]
00:47:27 Weakness, suffering, discomfort always reveals our souls.
00:47:37 You are a spirit, you have a soul, you live in a physical body.
00:47:40 Discomfort reveals our souls.
00:47:44 Watch me carefully now.
00:47:46 Your souls, that's the place that discomfort will draw out the true thoughts.
00:47:54 Discomfort, you can be trying to be spiritually deep and lying,
00:47:59 but discomfort will draw out the true thoughts.
00:48:02 It'll draw out your true attitudes.
00:48:05 It'll draw out the assumptions.
00:48:07 It'll draw out the desires of your heart.
00:48:09 Discomforts will hold a mirror in front of your soul,
00:48:15 and it shows you not who you want to be, but it shows you who you are.
00:48:23 And you'll quit telling yourself the story you believe,
00:48:28 and you'll start seeing things like they really are.
00:48:31 See, some of us believe the story we tell ourselves.
00:48:34 It's everybody's fault, ain't nothing wrong with me.
00:48:38 But discomfort will let you see it's all you and ain't everybody else.
00:48:46 Discomfort will put that mirror in front of you, bro.
00:48:49 Show you your soul.
00:48:52 Show you your arrogance, your pride.
00:48:55 It'll show you your immaturity.
00:48:58 I am still shocked today of the immaturity of pastors that pastor large churches,
00:49:04 and they are babies, which explains baby-led ministries,
00:49:14 why they try to hide behind their performance.
00:49:20 Wow.
00:49:23 Everything can't be judged correctly by the number of folk that show up.
00:49:31 You know that, don't you?
00:49:36 But we're more concerned about the seating of people
00:49:42 than the seating in people.
00:49:55 Doubts about God's character show up in the midst of discomfort.
00:50:04 You start doubting whether or not he exists.
00:50:07 Where you at, Lord? Where you at?
00:50:10 How come this? How come that? I thought you was this.
00:50:13 Now we're questioning God in doubt.
00:50:16 There's nothing wrong with asking God a question,
00:50:18 but it's wrong with questioning him.
00:50:21 If you were really God, then why'd you let this person die?
00:50:24 If he was really God, then why did I lose my house?
00:50:28 If you were really God.
00:50:32 Discomfort causes you to question the character of God,
00:50:37 and discomfort strikes and interrupts your living.
00:50:46 You just want to run and find comfort when you have discomfort.
00:50:51 See, people who don't depend on God, they just want to--
00:50:53 they just--they want comfort.
00:50:55 They don't realize that your comfort comes from God.
00:50:57 Then what happens is when you--when you're depressed,
00:51:02 you might run to alcohol.
00:51:04 I just want to escape discomfort.
00:51:07 When you're lonely as a man, you might run to pornography.
00:51:11 I just want to escape the discomfort of loneliness.
00:51:15 When you're stressed, you might run to overeating.
00:51:19 I want to try to escape the discomfort.
00:51:24 Whenever you run to something that you think is going to
00:51:28 provide you an escape, and yet it provides
00:51:31 discomfort, then you realize that he is the only one
00:51:37 who provides comfort.
00:51:42 Hebrews chapter 4, verse 15.
00:51:48 See, we're learning something while it's raining.
00:51:55 Hebrews 4:15.
00:51:58 "For we have not a high priest which cannot be touched
00:52:03 with the feelings of our hearts."
00:52:08 I'm glad I'm not that kind of preacher coming back.
00:52:11 Well, I'm not preaching today.
00:52:13 Ain't enough people here.
00:52:15 I got--I'm not preaching today.
00:52:17 We'll sing, and then y'all are going to go home,
00:52:19 because I'm--what the heck?
00:52:21 Where y'all get that baby pastor from?
00:52:24 Where's this pastor from?
00:52:27 "We have not a high priest who cannot be touched
00:52:30 with the feelings of our weaknesses and our infirmities,
00:52:34 but he was in all points tempted," he was drawn
00:52:38 into the wilderness by the Holy Ghost,
00:52:40 "like as we are, yet without sin."
00:52:45 So, we have a Christ that sympathizes with us.
00:52:50 What does that mean?
00:52:51 It means he draws near to our experience.
00:52:56 And whatever discomfort we're going through in our life,
00:53:01 he's in it with you.
00:53:03 We have a God that'll jump in the fire with you,
00:53:08 and I'd rather go through the fire with him,
00:53:14 'cause he going to show me something.
00:53:16 He going to take care of me.
00:53:18 He going to give me a reason to fight.
00:53:20 They putting me out right now.
00:53:24 Put an eviction notice on my door.
00:53:28 Said, "You got to go."
00:53:31 But Jesus is going through that eviction with me.
00:53:35 And as soon as I had everything loaded in my friend's truck,
00:53:41 'cause I couldn't afford a U-Haul,
00:53:44 somebody came up right when I was getting ready
00:53:47 to put it in reverse and said,
00:53:51 "I was on my way over here.
00:53:53 The Lord told me to give you my second home I had down there."
00:53:57 So, it said if I would sow it, he would--
00:54:01 See, God'll know how to work with you.
00:54:03 All right, now watch this.
00:54:04 That's once in a year.
00:54:05 And the other one is none of that happens.
00:54:10 You got to sleep in the truck for a couple of days.
00:54:15 And you remembered the attitude you used to have
00:54:20 towards homeless people.
00:54:26 Now, all of a sudden, the empathy that was nowhere near
00:54:30 your life is being developed in your life
00:54:35 just to call you to the ministry of homelessness
00:54:39 and the trauma that's experienced with them.
00:54:42 He was trying to tell you through a prophet.
00:54:44 He was trying to tell you through the Word.
00:54:46 The Holy Ghost mentioned it to you over and over again
00:54:48 and you wouldn't pay no attention.
00:54:50 But he says, "I got to grow you up to your design.
00:54:54 I designed you to do this, but you won't grow.
00:54:57 You keep sucking on the pacifier I'm trying to give you meat.
00:55:01 You still drinking milk.
00:55:03 Let me employ discomfort."
00:55:11 That's why I pray, "Lord, don't deceive me.
00:55:13 Listen, if something you can tell me, let me make sure
00:55:15 I hear it.
00:55:16 I'm not trying to be taking no unnecessary turns.
00:55:19 Help me."
00:55:22 Going through all that, "Just tell me.
00:55:26 Tell me you--ring my doorbell."
00:55:30 Of course, he's not going to do that 'cause it wouldn't be faith,
00:55:32 right?
00:55:34 Look at this in Psalms 34 and 18.
00:55:37 We have a God who draws near to our experience.
00:55:41 Psalms 34, 18, "The Lord is near unto them that are of a broken
00:55:46 heart, and he saveth such as be of a contrite spirit."
00:55:51 Whatever's happening to you emotionally, God says,
00:55:53 "I'm there."
00:55:55 You have to be careful in these days 'cause these emotions move
00:55:58 real quick to the trigger of suicide.
00:56:01 It moves really, really quick.
00:56:02 You're trying to figure out, "Why am I feeling like this?
00:56:05 I don't know why I'm depressed."
00:56:07 Well, let me explain it to you.
00:56:09 You know, what you expose yourself to determines how you
00:56:11 think and how you think determines how you feel.
00:56:14 So somehow, you feel the way you feel because of what you've been
00:56:17 thinking about and you're thinking about what you're
00:56:19 thinking about because of what you've been around and what you've
00:56:21 been exposed to and what you've been hearing and what you've been
00:56:23 hanging around.
00:56:25 So if you want to change the way you feel, you got to change the
00:56:27 way you think, and if you're going to change the way you think,
00:56:29 you got to change what you've been hanging around.
00:56:31 You've been hanging around toxicity and you're not trying to
00:56:33 recognize that there's a reason why you feel heavy like this
00:56:36 because if you stay depressed too long, what you expose yourself
00:56:39 to determines your thinking, your thinking determines how you feel,
00:56:42 and how you feel determines your actions, what you're going to do,
00:56:44 and you're going to end up doing something stupid because you've
00:56:46 been hanging around the wrong exposure, you've been thinking
00:56:49 the wrong thoughts.
00:56:50 Now, they are there.
00:56:51 You're feeling wrong, and now he's talking to you about,
00:56:55 "Why don't you just kill yourself?
00:56:57 Why don't you just blow your brains out?"
00:56:59 And what happens, it seems like you're in a hypnotic state,
00:57:03 and you're listening to something, but ain't nobody saying it.
00:57:07 And that's something--you know, we say something like,
00:57:09 "My wife said I was sorry."
00:57:11 No, you didn't.
00:57:12 You heard you were sorry, but she didn't say it.
00:57:14 [laughter]
00:57:21 And there is a growing epidemic of people who have been convinced
00:57:24 that suicide is a solution.
00:57:28 It's not.
00:57:30 It's not.
00:57:31 You hear--well, what happens when I cross over?
00:57:34 "Oh, my good and faithless servant."
00:57:36 Job incomplete.
00:57:40 I ain't trying to show up in heaven hearing my job undone
00:57:44 'cause I was tired, or 'cause people got on my nerves,
00:57:46 or because I was depressed, or, "Lord, I couldn't take it no more,"
00:57:49 and, "Lord, you don't know."
00:57:51 Yes, he do.
00:57:52 Are you serious?
00:57:53 He went to your hell.
00:57:58 You take a deep breath.
00:58:00 You go to bed.
00:58:01 You get up the next day.
00:58:02 If it ain't there, you take another deep breath.
00:58:04 You go to bed.
00:58:05 You get up.
00:58:06 Eventually, one of those days, you're going to get up,
00:58:07 and it's going to be there, but killing yourself is not an option.
00:58:15 Well, I got hurt.
00:58:17 Well, the church hurt me.
00:58:19 The boyfriend hurt me.
00:58:20 The girlfriend didn't really love me.
00:58:22 She just, you know, said she loved me,
00:58:25 but she found out I didn't make but $4 an hour,
00:58:27 and she said, "That ain't enough to take care of me."
00:58:34 And so, you got that Rick James mentality.
00:58:36 Love them and leave them.
00:58:41 And then, when you did that,
00:58:42 the husband got another Rick James mentality.
00:58:44 Pass the joint.
00:58:45 Dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun.
00:58:51 This stuff is real, and in the middle of all of this stuff,
00:58:54 we forget there's a God.
00:59:00 And everything in this society is all about the bag,
00:59:04 the money, everything.
00:59:07 New technology, new scams.
00:59:12 Everybody looking for the bag.
00:59:17 I'll serve God if God can give me the bag,
00:59:21 but if God ain't gonna give me the bag, I got to go.
00:59:26 And once you get the bag, you're gonna find out
00:59:28 that having the bag is not what you thought it was,
00:59:36 'cause you never understood how to pay taxes,
00:59:38 and the bag put you in jail 'cause you wasn't ready
00:59:43 to have no bag.
00:59:50 Amen.
00:59:56 It's getting quiet in the house.
00:59:58 I still got some time on the clock.
01:00:00 What about you?
01:00:06 Isaiah 43 and 2, what's this?
01:00:11 Isaiah 43 and 2, we have a God that sympathizes with us.
01:00:15 He says, "When thou passest through the waters,"
01:00:18 notice he says, "I'll be with you."
01:00:20 "Through the rivers," they're not gonna overflow you.
01:00:23 "When thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not--
01:00:27 you won't be burned, neither shall the flames kindle."
01:00:30 What does he say?
01:00:31 He says, "I'm gonna be with you."
01:00:32 Please understand something.
01:00:33 Whatever you're going through, don't forget that God's
01:00:36 going through it with you.
01:00:41 Jesus suffers with us, even though he already
01:00:45 suffered for us.
01:00:47 What a God.
01:00:48 "I'm gonna suffer with you even though I've already
01:00:50 suffered for you."
01:00:51 What a God.
01:00:53 Look at what he says, Romans 8:29.
01:00:56 Romans 8:29, let me go on.
01:00:59 Bring this home.
01:01:00 Romans 8:29, "For whom he did foreknow, he also did
01:01:04 predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son,
01:01:09 that he might be the firstborn of many brethren."
01:01:14 Now, how is he going to do this?
01:01:17 Philippians 3 and 10, how is he gonna do this?
01:01:20 How is this gonna be done?
01:01:22 How is this conforming to his image?
01:01:24 How is it gonna take place?
01:01:27 Philippians 3, 10, "That I may know him and the power of his
01:01:31 resurrection and the fellowship of his sufferings being made
01:01:35 conformable unto his death."
01:01:39 Suffering, discomfort is the catalyst for Christlikeness.
01:01:49 It's what is going to be used to bring you to that image.
01:01:57 Hallelujah.
01:02:01 In Romans 5, 3 through 5, I wanted to talk to you about joy
01:02:06 and discomfort, but, you know, the Bible says, you know,
01:02:10 "The joy of the Lord is your strength,
01:02:12 and joy comes from what you know."
01:02:14 And when you know what I'm talking to you about today,
01:02:16 you can have joy in the midst of discomfort.
01:02:18 You really can.
01:02:20 James 1, 2 through 4 tells you that.
01:02:23 First Peter 1, 6 through 7, Psalms 30, verse 5,
01:02:28 you can have joy even in the midst of discomfort because you
01:02:32 know what's happening.
01:02:34 You know why these things are happening.
01:02:37 Joy comes from what you know.
01:02:42 Romans 5, 3 through 5 says this, "And not only so,
01:02:46 but we glory in," what?
01:02:48 "Tribulation also, knowing that," what?
01:02:50 "Tribulation worketh," or employs, "patience."
01:02:53 Look what comes out of tribulation.
01:02:55 "And patience employs experience."
01:02:57 Look what comes out of patience.
01:02:59 "And experience employs hope."
01:03:01 Look what comes out of experience.
01:03:04 "And hope maketh not ashamed, because the love of God is shed
01:03:08 abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost,
01:03:10 which is given unto us."
01:03:12 So, prepare and expect to see your soul grow.
01:03:19 See your soul grow towards these attributes through all of the
01:03:24 discomfort that you have.
01:03:27 Areas of growth through discomfort,
01:03:32 self-sacrificing, kindness.
01:03:38 You become generous, nonjudgmental,
01:03:41 more accommodating, patience, long-suffering.
01:03:46 You become encouraging.
01:03:47 You become courageous.
01:03:48 You become focused, determined, biblically-minded,
01:03:54 loving, forgiving, peacemaking, proclaim truth.
01:04:01 You become faithful, hopeful, holy,
01:04:05 sympathetic, and empathetic.
01:04:08 This is the work of the Spirit in shaping us into the image of
01:04:15 Jesus Christ.
01:04:21 And we're going to pray this together.
01:04:24 We're going to pray this together.
01:04:27 We're going to pray this together.
01:04:30 We're going to pray this together.
01:04:33 We're going to pray this together.
01:04:36 We're going to pray this together.
01:04:39 We're going to pray this together.
01:04:42 We're going to pray this together.
01:04:45 We're going to pray this together.
01:04:48 We're going to pray this together.
01:04:51 We're going to pray this together.
01:04:54 We're going to pray this together.
01:04:57 We're going to pray this together.
01:05:00 We're going to pray this together.
01:05:03 We're going to pray this together.
01:05:06 We're going to pray this together.
01:05:09 We're going to pray this together.
01:05:12 We're going to pray this together.
01:05:15 We commit to development and growth.
01:05:20 We commit to being transformed into the image of Jesus.
01:05:29 Thank you, Lord, that you love us so much.
01:05:33 And whatever you're up to, whatever the thing that we don't
01:05:38 understand now, may we come to know you better.
01:05:46 May we come know you better.
01:05:51 Jesus' name.
01:05:56 Lord, as we prepare to give and to honor you with our giving,
01:06:05 that we have at least grown to the point where we know that
01:06:10 this is our worship, that we give glory to you.
01:06:17 We bring an offering, a generous offering to you,
01:06:21 and we worship you in the beauty of your holiness,
01:06:26 that we tie our giving in with our living as we give you praise.
01:06:34 In Jesus' name.
01:06:39 Let's just go ahead and pass out the offering envelopes as we
01:06:43 prepare to worship God in our giving.
01:06:47 I get that now.
01:06:48 As we prepare to worship God in our giving,
01:06:51 that this part of our service is in line with the Word part,
01:06:59 the singing part, the praying part.
01:07:04 It's what we give in gratitude to God,
01:07:07 not forced, not pressured, but out of our heart,
01:07:14 we bring worship to him.
01:07:18 I think it's so awesome for me to see my financial gift as a
01:07:23 worship to the Lord.
01:07:26 And, Father, I pray that you received it,
01:07:30 and I pray that we continue to grow in maturity,
01:07:37 to not lend our thinking to mammon,
01:07:41 to ruin what comes out of our heart.
01:07:45 For as you have been generous to us,
01:07:49 show us how to return generosity for generosity.
01:07:55 Thank you, Lord.
01:07:57 We praise you for it.
01:08:00 Do something amazing.
01:08:02 Let the light stay on today.
01:08:06 When people walk back to their cars and go home,
01:08:10 they can't shake what they heard.
01:08:13 They're like, "Oh, my goodness."
01:08:16 And they begin to grow and blossom.
01:08:20 For that, we give you praise.
01:08:24 Hold your offerings up.
01:08:26 I declare over it, Father, thank you for the opportunity for us
01:08:30 to worship you in the beauty of your holiness,
01:08:35 for us to give out of our hearts because we want to and we get
01:08:42 to, and we thank and we praise you for this privilege.
01:08:48 In Jesus' name, amen.
01:08:53 Go ahead and receive the offering,
01:08:55 and those of you at home, pause a moment.
01:09:02 Get your devices out, sow your seed through the technology
01:09:06 that God has made available to you.
01:09:09 You can text "worldchanges" plus the amount to 74483.
01:09:13 All of that's on the screen.
01:09:15 You get it.
01:09:17 Those of you at our eChurch, I tell you,
01:09:21 there's something I'm gonna begin to teach on this.
01:09:24 You miss out on an amazing thing in this area of our worship,
01:09:30 and the Bible in 2 Corinthians 8 tells us to develop our faith
01:09:35 in this area just like we've developed in other areas as well.
01:09:38 Now, as we prepare to close today,
01:09:43 you're not born again, and if you don't know Jesus as your
01:09:52 Lord and personal Savior, I want to open this altar up for you
01:09:57 to come to it and give your heart to Jesus.
01:10:03 I pray for you, but this morning I pray that God would bring
01:10:09 people here today that are hungry to know God and that they
01:10:14 would give their life to the Lord.
01:10:18 And so, if you don't know Jesus as your Lord and personal Savior
01:10:21 and you know you want to settle that today,
01:10:26 you have to make the decision.
01:10:31 If you're here today and you believe that God's called you to
01:10:34 join World Changes Church International,
01:10:37 you gotta make the decision.
01:10:39 You are a free moral agent, and no one really can force or make
01:10:43 you do anything you don't want to do,
01:10:45 but God gets the pleasure out of knowing that what you did,
01:10:49 you did it 'cause you wanted to do it.
01:10:53 So, if you're not born again, consider that before we invite
01:10:58 you to the altar.
01:10:59 If you need to recommit yourself to God,
01:11:02 I need you to consider that.
01:11:05 If you don't have the baptism in the Holy Spirit with the
01:11:07 evidence of speaking in tongues, I need you to consider that.
01:11:12 But this is on you.
01:11:19 You--this is your life, and you have to decide,
01:11:25 "What am I prepared to do?"
01:11:31 And so, at this time, if you want to respond to any of
01:11:33 those things, come on down.
01:11:36 The altar is a place of change.
01:11:40 The altar is a place of change, and I believe that something
01:11:46 amazing can take place in your life.
01:11:50 Amen?
01:11:51 Praise God.
01:11:53 ♪ I know it was the blood ♪
01:11:58 ♪ I know it was the blood ♪
01:12:03 ♪ I know it was the blood for me ♪
01:12:13 ♪ One day when I was lost ♪
01:12:18 ♪ He died upon the cross ♪
01:12:23 ♪ I know it was the blood for me ♪
01:12:32 ♪ They nailed him to a tree ♪
01:12:37 ♪ They nailed him to a tree ♪
01:12:42 ♪ They nailed him to a tree for me ♪
01:12:51 ♪ One day when I was lost ♪
01:12:56 ♪ He died upon the cross ♪
01:13:01 ♪ I know it was the blood for me ♪
01:13:10 ♪ He never said a mumbling word ♪
01:13:15 ♪ He never said a mumbling word ♪
01:13:20 ♪ He never said a mumbling word for me ♪
01:13:28 ♪ Oh, one day when I was lost ♪
01:13:34 ♪ He died upon the cross ♪
01:13:39 ♪ I know it was the blood for me ♪
01:13:48 ♪ They laid him in a borrowed tomb ♪
01:13:52 ♪ They laid him in a borrowed tomb ♪
01:13:57 ♪ They laid him in a borrowed tomb for me ♪
01:14:05 ♪ One day when I was lost ♪
01:14:10 ♪ He died upon the cross ♪
01:14:14 ♪ Oh, I know it was the blood for me ♪
01:14:22 ♪ He rose one morning soon ♪
01:14:28 ♪ He rose one morning soon ♪
01:14:33 ♪ He rose one morning soon for me ♪
01:14:41 ♪ Oh, and one day when I was lost ♪
01:14:46 ♪ He died upon the cross ♪
01:14:51 ♪ I know it was the blood for me ♪
01:14:57 - Now, this is the part I like. Glory to God.
01:15:00 ♪ He's coming back again ♪
01:15:03 ♪ He's coming back again ♪
01:15:09 ♪ He's coming back again for me ♪
01:15:16 ♪ Oh, one day when I was lost ♪
01:15:22 ♪ He died upon the cross ♪
01:15:26 ♪ And I know it was the blood for me ♪
01:15:34 ♪ I know it was the blood ♪
01:15:40 ♪ I know it was the blood ♪
01:15:44 ♪ I know it was the blood for me ♪
01:15:51 ♪ Oh, one day when I was lost ♪
01:15:57 ♪ He died upon the cross ♪
01:16:02 ♪ I know it was the blood for me ♪
01:16:10 - Oh, somebody ought to give him a praise in this place.
01:16:14 [speaking in tongues]
01:16:16 Hallelujah.
01:16:17 ♪ Hallelujah ♪
01:16:20 ♪ Hallelujah ♪
01:16:23 My God, my God.
01:16:26 Father, we thank you for those who've come to this altar.
01:16:29 I thank you that their lives will never be the same again.
01:16:34 And we bless and praise you for it now.
01:16:37 In Jesus' name, everybody say amen.
01:16:42 At this time, if you'll turn this way and follow this gentleman
01:16:45 to the prayer room, they're gonna take you and minister to you,
01:16:48 give you biblical understanding of how to obtain
01:16:50 and maintain what you came to receive.
01:16:52 Congregation, if you'll stand on up for our final blessing.
01:16:55 Thank you so much for coming to church today,
01:16:57 getting a little wet. Praise the Lord.
01:17:00 Father, we release the blessing over these,
01:17:04 your precious people.
01:17:06 I thank you that the angels of God will continue to carry out
01:17:09 God's command to watch over us lest we dash our foot
01:17:12 against the stone.
01:17:14 I pray, Lord, that you will protect every family
01:17:17 represented here, that there will be no tragedy,
01:17:21 there will be no assassination, no car wrecks to take any life.
01:17:26 I plead the blood of Jesus over these families.
01:17:30 And in your name, I declare great blessings,
01:17:34 great promotions that doors will open that only you can open.
01:17:39 And I thank you that this will be a week of us celebrating
01:17:42 our intimate relationship with you.
01:17:45 And now unto him who is able to keep us from falling
01:17:49 and to present us faultless before the almighty God,
01:17:52 be glory, majesty, dominion, and power both now and forever.
01:18:00 And everybody said, "Amen."
01:18:02 God bless you. Have an amazing day today.
01:18:06 Amen, amen, amen.
01:18:09 Amazing service. Amazing service.
01:18:11 God is too good to be quiet about, man.
01:18:13 Listen, God is so good, too good.
01:18:15 So, I just want to remind you all, man, again,
01:18:18 just as my little quick nugget, real quick,
01:18:22 what I got especially is that you can have joy
01:18:24 in the midst of this conference.
01:18:26 And joy, of course, does come from what you know.
01:18:28 So, my question is who you know?
01:18:30 Who do you know?
01:18:31 Who you with?
01:18:32 Who you with?
01:18:33 Who do you have a relationship with?
01:18:34 That's right.
01:18:35 Having a relationship with him, listen,
01:18:37 it doesn't matter what it looks like,
01:18:38 it doesn't matter what it feels like,
01:18:40 you know that God is good and he got us.
01:18:42 He got us. So, trust God.
01:18:44 Trust God. Amen?
01:18:45 Amen.
01:18:46 So, of course, we want to make sure
01:18:48 if you did not get an opportunity to participate
01:18:50 in our giving today, we want to make sure
01:18:52 that you have the opportunity right now.
01:18:54 So, we have a few different ways that you can give.
01:18:56 You can, of course, text the word "World Changers,"
01:18:58 leave a space, and then your amount to 74483.
01:19:01 You can also call in your gifts.
01:19:03 Excuse me, you can call in your gifts to 866-477-7683.
01:19:08 You can mail in your gifts to 2500 Burnett Road,
01:19:11 College Park, Georgia, or of course, online,
01:19:13 right where you are at,
01:19:15, or of course,
01:19:17 just simply scan the QR code that's on your screen.
01:19:19 Listen, we're just so thankful that you all,
01:19:23 of course, participate and you're right where you are.
01:19:26 There's no distance in the Spirit.
01:19:28 So, we are one band, one sound, as we always say,
01:19:30 but man, God is so good.
01:19:32 So, we just thank you, and we thank you for participating
01:19:34 and also that we just get to give.
01:19:36 Get to give.
01:19:37 You know how good God is?
01:19:38 God is too good. Listen.
01:19:39 He gave us life.
01:19:40 Listen.
01:19:41 And the church said...
01:19:42 Amen.
01:19:43 So, we do have just a few announcements
01:19:45 before we let you guys go for today.
01:19:47 First up, New York.
01:19:49 New York.
01:19:50 New York and all its surrounding areas.
01:19:52 Now, I always used to do that, and they used to tease me,
01:19:54 like, "You are not from New York.
01:19:56 You are so Atlanta."
01:19:57 Well, I'm not going to do it.
01:19:59 So, New York and its surrounding areas.
01:20:01 We want to make sure that you know that this Friday,
01:20:04 this Friday is Change Experience New York.
01:20:06 New York, we are headed your way this Friday.
01:20:09 So, be sure, if you have not already registered,
01:20:12 if you have not already gotten your cousins, your friends,
01:20:14 your relatives, those people you know in New York,
01:20:17 to sign up and to register.
01:20:18 Make sure to do that.
01:20:19 Not right now, but right now.
01:20:22 So, we want you to text the word "Change 2024."
01:20:25 Text that to 51555.
01:20:28 We have two sessions, two amazing Power Pack sessions.
01:20:30 Listen, I've heard some little sprinkles of what's going to happen in New York.
01:20:35 Lives will be changed.
01:20:36 Lives will be transformed.
01:20:37 We have declared war on cancer.
01:20:39 So, listen, this is your time.
01:20:41 This is your time to experience change.
01:20:43 So, we invite you out.
01:20:44 Be sure to register right now.
01:20:47 Right now.
01:20:48 Seats are limited.
01:20:49 So, it's going to be an amazing time this Friday in New York.
01:20:52 All right.
01:20:53 All right.
01:20:54 So, what else we got?
01:20:55 Ladies.
01:20:56 Ladies, we have two amazing weekends coming up.
01:20:59 Two.
01:21:00 Not one, but two.
01:21:01 First up, if you are in the Atlanta area,
01:21:04 our Women's Fellowship.
01:21:06 We're going up the mountain, honey.
01:21:08 Join the Radical Women's Ministry on Saturday, April 27th at 10 a.m.
01:21:14 We're going up Stone Mountain.
01:21:16 We're going to have some fellowship.
01:21:17 We're going to have a great time.
01:21:19 I'm coming.
01:21:20 I got some new sneakers.
01:21:22 I brought me some little hiking sneakers, you know, just to be cute for this fellowship.
01:21:28 We are so excited.
01:21:29 Come on out.
01:21:30 Meet us at Stone Mountain Park at 10 a.m.
01:21:33 We will be there.
01:21:34 We have the signs out, and we'll see you there.
01:21:37 So, 10 a.m. Saturday, April 27th.
01:21:40 For more info, please text WCCILadies to 51555.
01:21:45 All right.
01:21:46 Next up, the next weekend.
01:21:49 The next weekend.
01:21:50 Ladies, treat yourself to something sweet.
01:21:53 Lemon Bliss 2024 is back and classier than ever.
01:21:58 Join us on Saturday, May 4th at 11 a.m. as we honor all women who nurture and inspire
01:22:04 because every woman deserves to be celebrated.
01:22:07 We are building tomorrow's legacy with generational wealth and learning how to manage our finances,
01:22:13 as God intended, with Jade Warshaw from the co-host of The Dave Ramsey Show.
01:22:18 So, tickets are only $58.
01:22:21 So, you can text Lemon Bliss right now to 51555 to register.
01:22:27 Tickets are selling out.
01:22:29 So, I suggest you get your tickets, ladies.
01:22:34 And ladies, listen.
01:22:35 So, if you paid attention, I think it was maybe last week or the week before,
01:22:39 Ayanna said, "We're going to go to Stone Mountain.
01:22:41 I think I need to get some shoes."
01:22:42 Now, if you ain't said, you wouldn't have got no new shoes.
01:22:46 And look at that.
01:22:47 Look what God done blessed her with some new shoes to go up to Stone Mountain.
01:22:50 So, ladies, right where you are.
01:22:51 Listen, I'll take a chance to get some sneakers, honey.
01:22:53 Hey, listen.
01:22:54 But where you are, go ahead and get them tickets.
01:22:56 Go ahead and tell your man, like, "Hey, boo, tell your son, tell your --"
01:22:59 Mother's Day is coming up.
01:23:00 You might as well.
01:23:01 Treat me, honey.
01:23:02 Treat me.
01:23:03 All right?
01:23:04 So, join us for Lemon Bliss.
01:23:07 We'll be there.
01:23:08 I'll be there.
01:23:09 I'm so excited.
01:23:10 My mom will be there.
01:23:11 Yeah, come on out, ladies.
01:23:13 Get your tickets.
01:23:14 So, get your tickets, ladies.
01:23:15 And last but certainly not least, the major, major game -- you know,
01:23:19 we need a drum roll.
01:23:20 We need a little marching band coming up here right now because we have
01:23:24 Grace Life 2024 happening this July.
01:23:28 On July the 11th through the 13th right here in College Park is going to be a
01:23:32 time unlike any other.
01:23:33 We want to make sure that you get your free seat.
01:23:35 Get your free seat.
01:23:37 Get your team signed up.
01:23:38 Get your children signed up.
01:23:40 We have something for everyone.
01:23:41 Men, women, ministers, leaders, teens, children.
01:23:45 It is happening.
01:23:46 Okay?
01:23:47 So, make sure to get your tickets right now.
01:23:49 Text the word "Grace Life" to 51555 or simply visit
01:23:55 Save your seat.
01:23:56 We're excited to welcome you all here in College Park, the international city.
01:24:00 Yes.
01:24:01 For a time of grace unlike any other.
01:24:03 So, we hope to see you all here.
01:24:05 And when we say it's a reunion, we are all family, y'all.
01:24:08 That's right.
01:24:09 All family around the world.
01:24:10 You know World Changers spans around the world.
01:24:13 That's right.
01:24:14 So, come on, family.
01:24:15 Come to College Park, Georgia for our reunion.
01:24:18 That's right.
01:24:19 Grace Life.
01:24:20 Grace Life.
01:24:21 So, we're excited to see you all here.
01:24:22 It's going to be an amazing time.
01:24:23 So, of course, to keep up with not only the events we just mentioned,
01:24:26 but also all of the other events happening here at World Changers,
01:24:30 be sure to visit today.
01:24:33 So, that is all that we have for you all today.
01:24:36 We pray you all have an amazing, amazing, amazing Sunday.
01:24:40 We know it's sprinkling over here in Atlanta, Georgia.
01:24:42 But, hey, it might be raining a little bit, but it's still going to shine.
01:24:46 Amen.
01:24:47 Find that joy in whatever discomfort it may be.
01:24:50 So, we pray that you all have a blessed Sunday.
01:24:52 Enjoy your family.
01:24:53 And have a great day.
01:24:54 Have a great week.
01:24:55 Love y'all.
01:24:56 Love y'all.
01:24:57 Bye.
01:24:58 Are you ready to come home?
01:25:01 Grace Life Conference 2024, the reunion is coming.
01:25:04 Creflo and Taffi Dollar will be joined by special guests,
01:25:07 Andrea Creighton, Gregory Dickhow, Bishop Clarence McClendon,
01:25:11 Inky Johnson, Michael Smith, Hezekiah Walker,
01:25:15 and Brian Courtney Wilson, July 11th through 13th.
01:25:19 Don't miss this experience that includes our annual Mentality
01:25:22 and Ministers and Leaders Conferences.
01:25:25 Text "Grace Life" to 51555.
01:25:28 [music]
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