Planet Chic: Student-Led Fashion Show, Feb. 9

  • 9 months ago
Planet Chic is a cosmic fashion show, produced by ASU’s Fashion Journalism Publication, The Chic. Planet Chic spotlights the future of fashion through supporting 501(c)(3) A Human Mission, celebrating local students and cultivating the arts and fashion scene that Phoenix is becoming so well-known for. This non-profit runway is completely student-led and showcases student designers, stylists, models, hair and makeup artists, and more. There will be vendor activations, photo opportunities and an out of this world runway experience. Happening on Friday, Feb. 9 at 424 N. Central Ave, tickets are on sale now at
00:00 ASU is known as being a hub for research, medical advancements, and now fashion.
00:06 We are so excited to welcome the creators of Planet Chic, Alexia Hill and Katie Tracy
00:11 here to tell us more.
00:12 Welcome, ladies.
00:13 Thank you for being here.
00:14 Hi.
00:15 Thank you for having us.
00:16 Thank you.
00:17 Okay, so I want to start first by telling our viewers a little bit about the fashion
00:21 magazine that's there on campus.
00:23 So kind of walk us through what that is.
00:26 Yeah, so the Chic Daily is ASU Cronkite's fashion journalism publication.
00:32 We do a physical imprint magazine every semester and we do a digital publication and of course
00:36 we do annual events such as Planet Chic, the fashion show.
00:40 This is so fantastic because you're definitely bringing the students there on campus a real
00:45 sense, a real pulse of what's going on in the fashion world, which is something that
00:48 you both have your finger on the pulse of like we were just saying.
00:52 So tell us a little bit about the fashion show itself.
00:54 Planet Chic.
00:56 What does that kind of mean?
00:57 What does that represent?
00:58 Yeah, so that idea has kind of been brewing in our heads for about a year now, honestly.
01:02 We do a themed show every year and the ticket proceeds go to a nonprofit.
01:07 Oh, that's great.
01:09 But really the biggest thing is just that we're trying to highlight those student models,
01:12 designers, stylists, hair and makeup artists.
01:15 And so we actually have one of our student designers right here.
01:18 That's great.
01:19 Okay, so yes, so this is something that's really fun.
01:23 You get to put your designs out there for everyone to see.
01:27 And the Planet Chic theme, I know it kind of is like a futuristic theme, kind of something
01:32 kind of unique and different.
01:33 So what are some of the styles, maybe yours, maybe other designers that people are going
01:37 to see on the runway?
01:38 Well, I mean, this is one of the looks that I made and I actually made this in a class
01:42 and I incorporated like zero waste patterns and like sustainability in it.
01:48 But yeah, everything I've made has just been, I wanted to be out of this world as if like
01:52 these little like characters came onto earth and just had a little fashion show.
01:56 So yeah.
01:57 Hence the title, Planet Chic.
01:58 No, I love that.
02:00 That really all ties together very, very well.
02:02 That's really cool, really fun.
02:04 And I know there's so much great stuff going on.
02:06 This is also part of your dissertation, is that correct?
02:10 Yes.
02:11 So this is my Barrett, the Honors College thesis as well.
02:14 So I'm kind of pulling the Chic's annual event in tandem with what I really love, which is
02:19 event production, public relations.
02:21 So all of the media campaigns, all of the branding that's been directed by the Chic
02:25 and by me.
02:26 And it's just been so fun to see everyone get so passionate about their own pieces to
02:30 it.
02:31 Like our clothing.
02:32 This is also a student designer.
02:33 This is Nick's crossing and everyone's inspirations are just so different to see.
02:39 He really focuses on like the desert landscape and the way that that plays into science fiction
02:43 films.
02:44 And so it's just amazing to see.
02:47 It all ties together.
02:48 And something that's great is that we do have a couple of models here today to kind of highlight
02:52 some of the type of things that you're going to see there at the show.
02:55 So why don't ladies, we take a step back and we can invite our first model out here for
03:00 us.
03:01 So would one of you like to kind of tell us what she's wearing?
03:03 So this is actually also a look that I made.
03:06 The jacket I made in a construction class for one of my classes last term.
03:12 And then I made the dress for the show in particular.
03:17 And yeah, I just wanted to have a little piece of like my own style and the things that I
03:21 make, but just make it for the show and something fun for everyone.
03:26 And go ahead and turn around as well, because I want everyone to see how beautifully crafted
03:31 this piece is.
03:32 I mean, this is a jacket that if you wore this out, this would be definitely a show
03:36 stopper.
03:37 People would not be able to stop talking about it.
03:39 And I feel like it's incredibly well made.
03:40 It's really beautiful.
03:41 Every little detail is there.
03:43 This is just so cool.
03:44 This would be stunning on the runway.
03:47 I love it.
03:48 Okay, thank you so much.
03:49 Let's go ahead and have our second model come out.
03:51 Yes.
03:52 So this is Olivia, our president of the chic actually.
03:55 And she's wearing Alejandra's designs.
03:58 Alejandra did the hand marbling dye process for this dress, made it herself.
04:04 And she really focuses in on that like retro futuristic kind of 50s almost inspiration
04:09 for it.
04:10 So maybe a 50s housewife alien kind of vibe.
04:13 I was going to say, it's giving me Stepford Wives, but in a good way.
04:17 I love this look.
04:18 It's very cool.
04:19 Beautiful.
04:20 Very, very chic.
04:21 Again, this is something that would be a show stopper on the runway.
04:24 I mean, everybody who sees this is just going to have their jaws on the floor because it's
04:27 so incredibly beautiful and such a unique, fun look.
04:30 All right, thank you so much.
04:31 So tell everybody where they can find more information and get tickets to come see the
04:35 show.
04:36 Yeah, you can find more information on our Instagram @theschicdaily.
04:39 And you can get tickets on our website,
04:41 Nice and easy.
04:42 Hope to see everyone there.
04:43 Absolutely.
04:44 I love that.
04:45 Okay, well ladies, thank you so much to our models and both of you, Katie and Alexia.
04:48 Thank you for being here.
04:49 All right guys, stick around because we have more of The Mix coming up after this.
04:52 Yeah.
04:52 See you later.
04:53 Bye.
04:54 Bye.
04:55 Bye.
04:55 Bye.
04:56 Bye.
04:58 Bye.
04:58 Bye.
04:59 Bye.
