How Ceredigion council salaries stack up to UK's top brass

  • 7 months ago
00:00 Kerrydig Yonge County Council's Finance Boss says he has 'sleepless nights' over
00:05 the local authority's financial outlook. That's no surprise with some big council
00:11 salaries to pay out every year. Avion Evans, Chief Executive, earns £137,000
00:19 a year. Barry Rees, Corporate Director, is on £120,500 a year.
00:26 Fellow Corporate Director James Starbuck earns £97,300 a year.
00:33 In Gwynedd, the Chief Executive there earns over £15,000 less than his Kerrydig Yonge
00:37 counterpart and less than one of the Corporate Directors on the other side of the border.
00:42 The Chief Executive for Gwynedd, David Gibbard, earns £118,000 a year.
00:48 How does Kerrydig Yonge Chief Executive Avion Evans, £137,000 a year compare to other top
00:56 jobs? Dr Richard Lewis, Chief Constable of Dyfed
00:58 Powys Police, is on £9,000 a year more at £146,000.
01:05 The First Minister of Wales, Mark Drakeford, is earning £148,000.
01:10 Chancellor of the Exchequer, Jeremy Hunt, also £148,000.
01:15 Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London, is on £152,000. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, £164,000.
01:26 With a whopping 13.9% council tax hike on the way, the largest in Wales, are the high
01:32 annual salaries paid to Kerrydig Yonge Council's executives justifiable?
01:38 Have your say. Share your opinion on our Facebook page or send a letter to the editor.
