Charlie Cox (EN)

  • il y a 6 mois
00:00 *Musique épique*
00:17 All right, let's do this !
00:18 Let's go !
00:18 *Musique épique*
00:26 I got it !
00:27 *Musique épique*
00:32 You're funny Tristan
00:33 *Musique épique*
00:35 Oh ! Tristan a shooting star !
00:37 *Musique épique*
00:40 I cross the wall and I bring you back that falling star
00:42 You can't cross the wall, nobody crosses the wall
00:45 *Musique épique*
00:52 Excuse me, have you seen a falling star anywhere ?
00:54 We're in a crater, this must be where it fell
00:56 Yeah, this is where it fell
00:57 You're the star, you're the star !
00:59 Really ?
01:00 Why ?
01:01 Tide
01:02 The washing powder
01:03 The fluorescence in the washing powder is caught by the UV light
01:05 *Musique épique*
01:06 Why do you know that ?
01:08 *Musique épique*
01:12 The universe is expanding
01:14 If you reverse time, then the universe is getting smaller
01:16 All right
01:17 What if I reverse the process all the way back to see what happened at the beginning of time itself ?
01:23 Wind back the clock
01:24 Wind back the clock
01:25 Until you get a universe born from a black hole exploding
01:29 Why would I ?
01:31 Did Doctor Strange have to trademark his name ?
01:34 Did Thor ?
01:35 You chose two examples of people who use their real names
01:38 *Rire*
01:39 *Musique épique*
01:40 I'm still Jennifer Walters
01:42 She Hulk is just a thing that happened to me
01:44 You said you didn't like the name She Hulk
01:46 I don't !
01:47 I do admit though, there are parts of it that I enjoy
01:49 *Musique épique*
01:51 The amazing hair
01:53 No hangover
01:54 *Musique épique*
01:55 Being able to walk home at night without being afraid
01:57 *Musique épique*
01:59 Darkness only responds to darkness
02:02 *Musique épique*
02:09 I'm Daredevil
02:10 *Musique épique*
02:15 I have made many mistakes
02:17 *Musique épique*
02:18 But I accept the debt I'm paying because of them
02:22 *Musique épique*
02:24 Prison has changed me
02:26 *Musique épique*
02:28 *Musique épique*
02:31 *Musique épique*
02:33 *Musique épique*