Would you pay more council tax to get better services in Leeds?

  • 7 months ago
We asked people would you pay more council tax to get better services in Leeds
00:00 Well I think for the amount that we pay now, I don't think it justifies what services we get anyway.
00:06 So I don't really think that they could improve because they're not very good.
00:12 So no, I wouldn't be happy to pay any more council tax.
00:17 In what sort of areas, what services do you think is in the most need of funding?
00:23 I think mental health and crime and especially mental health for young children and adults.
00:33 Sorry, young adults.
00:35 And I think there needs to be more funding for schools so that they've got actually the mental health awareness
00:42 and they've got more staff to support children going through school.
00:48 And yeah, just generally mental health in all areas.
00:52 And the elderly as well.
00:54 And I think that they should start supporting the British people instead of housing the immigrants that are coming in.
01:03 I do believe that everybody's got a right to have a nice place to live and be looked after and fairly treated.
01:10 But when it means that it's penalising the armed forces and stuff who end up homeless with PTSD and things,
01:19 I don't think it's right.
01:21 And the amount of people that are homeless and living on the streets,
01:24 but the housing and accommodating immigrants that are coming into the country.
01:29 Would you consider paying more council tax if that meant you got better services from the council?
01:34 Oh, interesting.
01:36 I have to say at the moment, I'm pretty pleased with the service that I get from the council.
01:42 Are we talking about, you know, kind of, is there anything specific that that increase would be put towards?
01:49 That's what I was going to ask you.
01:51 Yes. No.
01:53 I mean, council tax is high already.
01:56 So, yeah, probably I'm going to have to say no.
01:59 Yeah.
02:01 What sort of area do you feel would need more investment for you to be alright with paying more council tax than you do at the moment?
02:10 Oh, I mean...
02:17 I mean, everything could be improved.
02:19 Literally everything could be improved.
02:21 But it's, yeah, it's a no-win situation.
02:24 I don't think that we'd feel the benefit on an individual level if they put our council tax up.
02:33 That's how I feel.
