Policlinico Tor Vergata, da maggio 2023 attivo centro vaccinale ospedaliero

  • 8 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Un eccellente esempio di centro vaccinale all’interno di una struttura ospedaliera pubblica. E’ il Centro vaccinale ospedaliero per soggetti fragili e immunocompromessi del Policlinico Tor Vergata, che è stato al centro di un convegno cui hanno preso parte: Levialdi Ghiron Nathan, rettore dell’Università degli studi di Roma Tor Vergata; Massimo Andreoni, responsabile scientifico della Società italiana di malattie infettive e tropicali (Simit); Loredana Sarmati, direttore della Uoc di Malattie infettive del Policlinico Tor Vergata; Andrea Magrini, direttore sanitario; e molti altri responsabili di unità cliniche che sono parte attiva nel progetto.


00:00 A great example of a public hospital is the Hospital Vaccine Center for Fragile and Immunocompromised Subjects of the Policlinic Tor Vergata in Rome,
00:16 which was discussed in a meeting that allowed to make the point on the work carried out by the hospital vaccine center and to discuss how much emerged from the guidelines of the fragile patient immunocompromised or subjected to immunosuppressive therapies.
00:31 The National Vaccine Prevention Plan 2017 and the one of 2023 emphasize the importance of hospital specialization structures and promote the active vaccine supply in the hospital,
00:43 the most suitable place for the assessment of the fragile and immunocompromised patient for the vaccine supply.
00:50 The most fragile patients often have more difficulty to reach the territory to be vaccinated, especially if they have a little of that vaccine hesitation that is talked about today.
01:02 In the hospital they have their reference doctors, and therefore oncologists, hematologists, all those who follow patients with chronic problems.
01:12 The doctors are the ones who can better motivate the patient to get vaccinated and therefore have a vaccination center within the hospital that can vaccinate them immediately.
01:22 So at the very moment when the patient's doctor tells the patient "get vaccinated", being able to get vaccinated immediately, this greatly increases the probability that these people will get vaccinated.
01:34 The center, active since May 2023, has involved the referents of the various specialist centers, from gastroenterology to transplant centers, which have begun to work by sending the first patients.
01:46 We started with the Zoster vaccine, which was the first new vaccine for the fragile, and then it expanded, in particular in the pre-influenza period on respiratory infections and on COVID.
02:00 We have given both the influenza vaccine and the COVID vaccine, and the primococcal vaccine, and now we are orienting ourselves, specializing in different sectors.
02:10 The goal now is to do culture on prevention through vaccination.
02:15 So our intention is to carry out a series of initiatives, both within our Ateneo and within the community in general, to ensure that this type of culture becomes more and more widespread within our society.
