Shan e Meraj - Talkshow - 7 Feb 2024 - Part 1 - ARY Qtv

  • 6 months ago
00:00 (Reciting)
00:11 Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
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01:38 Dear viewers, in this special transmission of Shahan-e-Miraj,
01:42 your host Dr. Sarwar Hussain Naqshbandi is present.
01:46 We are grateful to him for once again presenting this blessed night in our program.
01:51 In which the fortunes of centuries have been awakened,
01:54 the fortunes of humanity have been awakened,
01:56 the fortunes of humanity have been awakened.
01:59 That the Lord of the Universe has bestowed upon the government of the world,
02:03 the wealth of His nearness,
02:06 the honor and the glory of His presence.
02:09 In this blessed night,
02:12 in this important topic of the day,
02:15 in the light of His goodness and blessings,
02:17 this special transmission of today is being presented to you by ARYQ TV.
02:22 And today we will have a beautiful discussion on this blessed topic.
02:28 We will talk about many Jihad in the context of today's topic.
02:33 It is our pleasure to introduce you to our guests.
02:36 With us is Mr. Allama Muhammad Shahzad Mujaddidi.
02:40 Please be seated.
02:41 Our viewers always want to listen to your conversation on such important topics.
02:46 And you always provide them with the best content in line with your beautiful conversation and topics.
02:55 Thank you very much for your presence.
02:58 With us is Mr. Mufti Irshad Hussain Saeedi.
03:03 He is a very humble and beautiful name of the media.
03:07 He speaks in a very good and pleasant tone.
03:10 We welcome you as well.
03:12 Thank you very much.
03:13 With him, we have a very distinguished, respected,
03:16 beautiful and beautiful group of people.
03:19 And the connection of this night with the blessings of this night is very deep.
03:25 And our poets have created such creations in the context of Naat,
03:30 which I have presented to the Holy Prophet in the beginning.
03:34 And now we will listen to very beautiful words.
03:37 Please be seated.
03:38 We have with us Mr. Sajid Ali Chishti from Jadawala.
03:42 Assalamu Alaikum.
03:43 Walaikum Assalam.
03:44 Thank you very much for your presence.
03:45 Let us begin with the words.
03:47 And on the topic of the Miraj-e-Paag,
03:50 let us begin with the special transmission of the voice of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)
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08:01 Thank you very much.
08:04 Let us begin the discussion.
08:06 The incident of the Miraj is the most important incident of the life of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)
08:13 If we look at the miracles of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in the whole of the Holy Quran,
08:19 we will find that it has a fundamental and central role.
08:25 In the light of the Holy Quran, the incident of the Miraj.
08:27 [Reciting the Holy Quran]
08:52 The incident of the Miraj is a miracle in itself.
08:58 And there is such a unique miracle in the world of miracles that there is no example of it in the history of prophethood.
09:09 This is why it has been described in great detail in the Holy Quran.
09:15 And it should be kept in mind that it has three basic phases.
09:22 It has three stages.
09:24 The first part of it is Isra.
09:28 It is a journey.
09:30 Isra is called the night journey.
09:33 The journey that is done during the day is called Isra in Arabic.
09:38 The journey that is done during the night and a special state of journey is called Isra.
09:47 That is why in the Holy Quran, when the Surah Bani Israel is being recited,
09:51 [Reciting the Holy Quran]
09:58 It has been described step by step with the Madarij.
10:04 It is not that it is a journey.
10:07 It is a journey.
10:08 Allah has mentioned its destination.
10:10 And it has been described with the attribute of Subhan.
10:13 This is also something to keep in mind.
10:15 So, after describing its Madarij,
10:18 the second main phase is the Miraj.
10:22 The journey from the earth to the heavens.
10:26 And the third big phase, which is mentioned in Surah Najm,
10:32 is called E'raj.
10:34 Isra, Miraj and E'raj.
10:38 These are the three main phases.
10:40 Since the incident of Muhayyar ul Aqool was such,
10:44 there was a strange thing in the world of miracles and the world of the ritual of Kharq,
10:49 that the human mind could not even imagine it.
10:53 This is a long story.
10:54 That is why it started with Subhan.
10:56 And the first addressee, since they were Arabs,
11:00 and they understood this without any explanation or explanation,
11:05 that who is Subhan?
11:07 Subhan Allah.
11:09 I have a great longing and longing for this.
11:13 Like that idol-worshipper, the idol-worshipper of the Arabs,
11:18 Abu Jahl, who understood the Qur'an as much as he understood the Kalima.
11:24 Not more than that.
11:26 So, Subhan is that pure being,
11:29 who is free from all faults, shortcomings, shortcomings, and defects.
11:35 Wow.
11:36 There is no weakness or weakness that can come to your mind,
11:41 or the mind can imagine it.
11:43 Subhan is the one who makes you walk.
11:46 Allahu Akbar.
11:48 Therefore, it will be negated.
11:50 That whatever thought you get, it will be wrong.
11:53 Wow.
11:54 Because Subhan is that pure being,
11:57 who makes his servant walk.
12:00 Here, the authentic Hadiths tell us that
12:04 Gabriel was appointed to this.
12:10 In today's terminology, he was the protocol officer of this journey.
12:16 Wow.
12:17 He was given supervision and was made in charge.
12:20 There were thousands of angels under him.
12:22 A whole system was running under him
12:25 to complete this program.
12:28 But, Imam Fakhruddin Razi wrote that
12:32 if someone understands the meaning of "be-abdi hi",
12:36 then it is "ba-ba-e-ma-ayyat".
12:39 Wow.
12:40 The one who makes the Subhan walk is not absent,
12:44 he is also present.
12:46 Wow.
12:47 "Be-abdi hi" means that the one who makes his servant walk is pure.
12:53 He was also present.
12:55 Allahu Akbar.
12:56 "Lai lam minal masjidil haram"
12:58 He took him from Masjidul Haram to Masjid-e-Aqsa.
13:04 Masjid-e-Aqsa is "Allazi baarakna hawlahu linuriya hu min ayatina"
13:09 In the meaning of "Aqsa",
13:12 the Master has written that I would like to take this opportunity to say something.
13:17 He says that Aqsa is the mosque after which no mosque comes.
13:22 Allahu Akbar.
13:24 Wow.
13:25 What to say?
13:26 It was the last mosque of the soul of the earth.
13:29 After that, there was no mosque, no Qibla.
13:32 It was the end.
13:33 It was the limit.
13:34 That is why the limits were being set.
13:37 What to say?
13:38 The limits were being set that when the Lord makes the servant walk,
13:41 and the Imam of the Prophets walks,
13:43 then he takes him from Qibla to Qibla.
13:46 Allahu Akbar.
13:47 Then the glory of that Qibla was told,
13:49 around which we have placed blessings.
13:52 And the purpose of making him walk was told,
13:54 "Linuriya hu min ayatina"
13:57 So that we show our signs to our Beloved.
14:00 "Innahu huwa al-sami'u al-baseer"
14:02 Here too two meanings were written.
14:04 One is that the one who makes him walk is also "sami'u baseer"
14:07 and the other is that the one who makes him walk is also "sami'u baseer".
14:11 Then in Surah Najm, there are details of this.
14:14 The one who took the Miraj,
14:16 and then the E'raj,
14:17 and the one which was at the end of the Qurb,
14:19 which the Sufis said that
14:21 "Musa (as) could not bring the glory of the Qibla,
14:25 O Beloved, you saw that whole glory and you saw it smiling".
14:31 Subhanallah, Subhanallah.
14:33 Viewers, you are watching this special transmission of Shahan-e-Miraj.
14:37 You are watching ARYQ TV, a small Waqfah.
14:39 Stay with us, we will return after a short break.
14:42 [Music]
