PPF account में ब‍िना पैसा जमा किए भी होगी बंपर कमाई, जानिए सुपरह‍िट फार्मूला| GoodReturns

  • 6 months ago
PPF Investment कर एक बहुत ही सुरक्षित और मुनाफे वाला निवेश माना जाता है. दरअसल, इसकी सुरक्षा की गारंटी सरकार देती है, यही वजह है कि इसे सुरक्षित निवेश माना जाता है. आपको शायद जान कर यकीन नहीं होगा कि आप पीपीएफ अकाउंट (PPF Account) में पैसा जमा किए ब‍िना भी इसका फायदा उठा सकते हैं. पीपीएफ अकाउंट में यह व‍िकल्‍प होता है क‍ि आप ब‍िना न‍िवेश किए भी ब्‍याज का फायदा ले सकते हैं. आइये बताते हैं कैसे?

#ppf #ppfinterestrate #ppfaccount #personalfinance

00:00 Hello, friends.
00:01 Everyone wants to earn as much as possible, but money is limited.
00:05 But if you use that money in the right way, you can definitely get more returns.
00:10 Today I am going to discuss PPF with you.
00:13 There are many alternatives in PPF, but there is also one alternative that people are not aware of.
00:17 And if you say that you can earn interest without saving money.
00:21 This is not a big deal, it is convenient, but very few people know about it and are unable to take advantage of it.
00:25 So let's try to know about it today.
00:29 First of all, let's know what is PPF.
00:32 PPF is a scheme of the Indian government.
00:33 Usually people think it is a scheme of a bank or a post office.
00:36 So get rid of this misconception.
00:37 Post office and bank run the scheme of the Indian government.
00:41 And you can open an account in a post office or a bank anywhere.
00:44 And if you want, you can transfer from a bank to a post office or a post office to a bank and from one city to another city.
00:51 If you look at the interest rate, it is given at a rate of 7.1% on PPF.
00:55 And every three months the government calculates the interest rate and if it is needed, it can be kept low or high or stable.
01:02 For the time being, it is stable at 7.1%.
01:06 You can open this account with a minimum of Rs. 500.
01:09 And you can deposit a minimum of Rs. 500 and a maximum of Rs. 1.5 lakhs a year.
01:13 You can deposit this money at once or many times.
01:16 But once a year, the transaction is necessary, that is, you have to deposit money once, that is also a minimum of Rs. 500 and a maximum of Rs. 1.5 lakhs.
01:23 It is up to you, how much you can deposit.
01:25 If you want to open this account, you can open it alone.
01:28 If you want to open it with a joint name, you can open it.
01:31 And if you want to open it with your child's name and keep his guardian with you, you can do this too.
01:37 But what will happen in this case, when that child becomes your guardian, that is, when he is 18 years old,
01:42 then the account will be transferred to him and an application has to be given for it and it is done.
01:47 That is, it is not a big deal, it is done very easily.
01:50 Now you know what is the option in which you can earn interest in PPF without depositing money.
01:55 So, when 15 years are completed in this tax saving scheme, then PPF gives you three options.
02:00 The first option is very simple that your 15 years will be completed, you can take your money without interest.
02:05 And the money you take, its original and interest will be tax-free.
02:09 That is, no money will be added to your income that year.
02:12 So this is an additional benefit of PPF.
02:15 The second option you get is that you can increase this account by doing it for the next 5 years and you can deposit money as much as you want for 5 years.
02:23 The account that was running earlier will run the same way, but this time it will mature in 5 years and you can withdraw money from it after 5 years.
02:29 You can increase it again if you want and you can increase it by doing it for 5 years as many times as you want.
02:34 And the third and most attractive option is that you feel that after 15 years you do not want to deposit money, but you do not even want to withdraw money.
02:41 So you can write to the post office or bank that I want to continue this account, but I will not deposit in it.
02:49 In this case, whatever amount you have there, whatever interest you have on that amount, you will get it continuously, you will not have to deposit money.
02:58 So in this way, you can earn interest without depositing money.
03:02 I think you may not have this kind of information in PPF.
03:06 Information in the scheme is from the first day, but perhaps very few people discussed it and did not pay attention to this option.
03:10 That's why I thought I should share this kind of information with you.
03:14 I hope you will find this information correct.
03:17 If you have any questions about PPF, you can write in the comment box.
03:22 All your questions will be answered.
03:25 Apart from this, if you like this video, you can share it and share it with your friends.
03:32 I hope you liked the information. Thank you.
