Global Warming is a Hoax? || Acharya Prashant

  • 8 months ago
Video Information: 27.07.2022, 'East-West Dialogue on Climate and Justice', organized by Bard College, USA.

~ What is Climate Change?
~ How to stop climate change?
~ What is the solution to global warming?
~ How can we control the increasing population?
~ How can spirituality solve the problem of global warming?
~ What is the most effective way of dealing with climate change?
~ How can population control help in dealing with climate change?
~ What is the solution to climate change?
~ How spirituality can stop climate change?
~ Climate change has no scientific solution

Music Credits: Milind Date
00:00 There is a huge community of climate deniers that exists and who keep saying that all this
00:09 anthropological global warming thing is a hoax.
00:12 It does not exist at all.
00:14 So what does that mean?
00:15 I mean that means that the common man still has a lot of places to take refuge in.
00:27 The truth is still not very bluntly out in the open.
00:33 Those who want to refuse it are still refusing it and will probably be able to refuse it
00:38 for another I think five or eight years at least.
00:43 So my question, let me take that.
00:47 I asked you what is it however that no person in his senses can refuse.
00:55 He can neither refuse it nor can he pretend disinterest from it.
01:01 What is it?
01:05 The fact that our lives are in a mess.
01:10 There is nobody who does not want to improve the quality of his life.
01:13 Do we agree on that?
01:16 Every single person on this planet wants change in his or her life and what is that change
01:21 all about?
01:22 That change is about improvement.
01:23 We want to have a better life.
01:24 That is the truth.
01:25 We accept, we acknowledge that our lives as they stand have problems in them.
01:32 Otherwise why would we want to change or improve?
01:34 We are all looking for change.
01:36 We get up each morning and say can we have something better?
01:39 Can we reach a better place?
01:40 Can we do something better?
01:42 Whatever, whatever.
01:43 Can we eat something better?
01:45 So if we can show this to the person and impress on him that you need to be better, your life
01:53 needs to change, then I think the climate crisis can also be addressed.
01:59 With the common man example, how they would, you give the term global warming and then
02:06 others would be like how is it warming whenever it's freezing cold?
02:10 They fail to take into account the destruction of the ozone layer which protects us from
02:15 extreme heat.
02:16 It protects us from freezing winters.
02:18 It protects us from these extremes and they fail to recognize these issues that's going
02:23 on due to the breakdown of the ozone layer.
02:27 You know, I'm a part of certain WhatsApp groups of intellectuals, people coming from technological
02:39 backgrounds, working in tech companies, having good tech knowledge and good numerical skills
02:49 and decently well-informed people and there is a sizable lobby there that presents very
02:59 very logical proofs backed by data and stats to prove that first of all climate change
03:12 is not happening.
03:13 Secondly, if it is happening, it is not happening due to human activity.
03:17 It is just something in the cycle of natural events, it keeps happening all the time.
03:24 Thirdly, even if it is happening due to human activity, it is actually beneficial for the
03:30 planet because more carbon dioxide means more greenery.
03:39 And these are not arguments coming from illiterate or mindless people.
03:46 These are arguments coming from seasoned tech professionals.
03:53 So if you want to rationally convince people about the climate emergency, I am afraid you
04:03 might not see much success.
04:06 I'm aware that there isn't much success because we know humans are stubborn people.
04:11 We like to stay within our box but think of the technological perspective, for example
04:18 like within algorithms which is trained to feed people what they want.
04:24 Do you think that is also part of the problem too of keeping people locked in?
04:30 I'm sorry but I lost that word you used in between.
04:33 Algorithms?
04:34 Algorithms, right.
04:37 So what about the algorithms?
04:39 So for example with algorithms like Instagram, Facebook or TikTok, it's trained to keep the
04:46 user engaged.
04:47 Yes, very very definitely.
04:48 Right, right, right.
04:49 So you can see, you are using AI in the worst way possible.
05:01 And would you contest it if I say that, I don't know how you would appreciate it but
05:10 if it clicks it clicks.
05:13 Instagram for example is a lot of climate change.
05:17 Instagram is a lot of climate change.
05:21 All the emotionality that you see in the general public discourse, be it politics or economics
05:30 or social welfare, all that is a lot of carbon.
05:36 I once said all our emotions are carbon intensive.
05:42 All the natural, prakritic, animalistic emotions that we have, they are nothing but a lot of
05:48 carbon.
05:50 See what you do when you get emotional.
05:52 And the moment you see that, it becomes amply clear.
05:56 In your moment of emotional high, whatever you do, you would find that very surprisingly
06:03 all of that is very carbon intensive.
06:06 So definitely, I mean greed, if you let it have its way, it would consume everything,
06:16 this entire planet.
06:18 And you know that's what I said, this might be called as the information age.
06:24 But the level of wisdom is the lowest we have had in centuries.
06:33 First of all, information is there, no doubt, a lot of information is there, but not much
06:37 knowledge is there, otherwise it's not possible that supposedly very knowledgeable people
06:44 talk of the climate crisis as a hoax.
06:48 So even knowledge is not there, and what to say of wisdom.
06:52 It has completely plummeted.
06:59 You give information to the wrong entity and he will use it in the worst possible way.
07:13 The algorithms you talked of are a very good example.
07:17 That's what I am constantly asserting, that we need to address the very center of the
07:23 human being.
07:25 If we do not address that center, then whatever else we say or do or try, won't see much success.
07:34 [Music]
