• 8 months ago
The 19th chapter of the Book of Genesis discusses the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, as well as Lot's wife turning into a pillar of salt. The New Testament warns that the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah was to serve as an example for those who commit sexual immorality and who go after what it calls "strange flesh." Did the 1st century Jewish historian Josephus claim to see the pillar of salt that was Lot's wife? What does Wikipedia say? What did 'Israel365 News' report about the location of Lot's wife in 2024? Dr. Thiel holds up two photos of two claimed locations some believe could be the pillar of salt that Lot's wife turned into? Are there any geological reasons to think this may be so? Why might Jesus have said to, "Remember Lot's wife"? Are there relevant lessons to use now in the 21st century? Will most heed end time warnings or be more like Lot's wife? These matters are discussed by Steve Dupiue and Dr. Thiel.

A written article of related interest, with photos, is available titled 'Biblical archaeology: Remember Lot’s wife? Here are photos claimed to be her' URL: https://www.cogwriter.com/news/old-testament-history/biblical-archaeology-remember-lots-wife-here-is-a-photo-claimed-to-be-her/

