• last week
Israel has been bombing parts of Lebanon and Syria, while considering an attack against Iran. In Lebanon, Israel destroyed a replica of the Dome of the Rock which is associated with the “Iranian Gardens” in Lebanon. Why might this further infuriate the Muslims? Has Hamas claimed that one of the reason it launched its October 7, 2023 attack against Israel was because it was concerned that after the arrival of five red heifers, that the Jews hoped to clear the Temple Mount of the Dome of the Rock? Does the Jewish Temple Institute really want to clear the Temple Mount region of all mosques and the Dome of the Rock in order to build a third temple in Jerusalem? Have representatives of the Sanhedrin and Temple Institute told Dr. Thiel that regular animal sacrifices can begin without a third temple consistent with what is recorded in Ezra 3:6? Does the Bible, in the 22nd chapter of Isaiah prophesy that the nation of Israel and the 'City of David' will face damage from what looks to be an Iranian-Syrian-Lebanese confederation? Will Israel's famed 'Iron-Dome' prevent great damage from coming? Is the Middle East an area to "Watch" like Jesus said in Mark 13:37? Dr. Thiel and Steve Dupuie discuss these matters.

A written article of possibly related interest is available titled 'Israel and Hezbollah keep fighting–Israel destroyed Lebanon’s ‘Dome of the Rock’' URL: https://www.cogwriter.com/news/prophecy/israel-and-hezbollah-keep-fighting-israel-destroyed-lebanons-dome-of-the-rock/


00:00Dupuit for the Bible News Prophecy Program with Dr. Bob Thiel.
00:08Dr. Thiel, wars and rumors of wars show no sign of lessening.
00:13What's the latest news on the Mideast?
00:15Well, Israel keeps dismantling Hezbollah leadership.
00:19They've killed a couple more of their military commanders.
00:22They've also struck Syria this week as Israel keeps expanding its campaign over there.
00:28Now, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant said his response to Iran's missile attack
00:36is going to be lethal, precise, and above all, surprising.
00:40He said that after President Joe Biden spoke with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
00:47The fact that Mr. Galant said that after President Biden spoke with Prime Minister Netanyahu
00:53may be significant.
00:54What else is going on?
00:56Well, the United Nations force in Lebanon accused Israel of repeatedly hitting its own
01:02positions and injuring a couple of peacekeepers.
01:06And over 2,000 people have been killed and more than 1.2 million people displaced in
01:11southern Lebanon.
01:13And the Israeli military said on Thursday that 40 rockets were launched from Lebanon
01:20toward Israel.
01:21And then the Israeli Defense Forces said that some of the rockets were intercepted
01:26while others fell to the ground.
01:28Well, for the IDF to say some of the rockets fell to the ground seems rather secretive.
01:35Do we have any other information from Israel?
01:38One of the things, by the way, is they got upset with somebody who reported about the
01:43Iranian missiles that hit.
01:46But IDF says it's still targeting Hezbollah.
01:50They keep striking various targets over there.
01:54And then Al Jazeera said Iran's foreign minister wants to try to make some kind of deal diplomatically.
02:05But it reported that Abbas Araghchi also told Al Jazeera that Iran's preparing for the Israeli
02:12response to the missile attack and that, quote, will assess how much the attack unfolds.
02:18Based on that, we'll carefully determine the nature of our response.
02:22So it doesn't seem possible that Israel's response to Iran's missile attack would show
02:28At the same time, it would seem that Iran's response to Israel's response would not show
02:33restraint either.
02:35If that is the case, what we are being told is that this war will escalate.
02:41What is Israel doing now?
02:43Well, certainly it looks like it's going to escalate.
02:47I mentioned Syria, Syrian state television talked about Israel hitting them as well.
02:53But another thing that's really interesting is I saw this from Israel 365 News.
02:59This one is what I really kind of want to focus on.
03:02The IDF, this is the headline, which stands for Israel Defense Forces, just destroyed
03:07the fake Lebanese Dome of the Rock.
03:10The IDF announced on Tuesday that it took operational control of the Hezbollah Combat
03:16Compound in El Maroun el-Ras in southern Lebanon, a site noted for its Iranian gardens, and
03:24it contains a replica of the gold Dome of the Rock that's used as a Hezbollah outpost
03:31and a lot of weapons.
03:36And the pseudo Dome of the Rock was sometimes used as a mosque, but it's no longer standing.
03:44They destroyed it, totally got rid of it.
03:48They found it was a staging area, they had lots of weapons over there.
03:53And it should be noted that when the current war began a year ago, the Palestinian Hamas
03:59invasion of southern Israel, they called that the al-Asqa flood.
04:06And many IDF soldiers reported seeing images of the Dome of the Rock prominently displayed
04:12in many homes in Gaza.
04:16And so while al-Asqa is the focus of the Islamic violence against Israel, they universally
04:22misidentify it as the Golden Dome, which in Arabic is referred to as Qobat al-Sakra.
04:30It's located at the Temple Mount Center on the Jewish temple's Holy of Holies sites,
04:35at least that's what the Israel said.
04:38It's not a mosque, but that's a shrine that Islamic law forbids facing while you pray.
04:48Is it possible that this military action by the IDF will escalate the war?
04:54You know, the destruction of the Lebanese Dome of the Rock may further infuriate many
05:00And one of the reasons was, earlier this year, a Hamas spokesman said that their October
05:077, 2023 attack was launched in order to stop the Red Heifers.
05:15He said that they were concerned because we look at what's going on with the Jews,
05:24and he says we call the October 7 attack the al-Asqa flood.
05:30And this is because of the fact, he said, that there were five female calves that were
05:35brought to Israel September of 2022.
05:38And after the announcement has unraveled those cows, Hamas reacted almost immediately, warning
05:44that the potential Jewish ritual posed a threat to al-Asqa and the Dome of the Rock.
05:52Why would the Red Heifers pose a threat to al-Asqa?
05:54Well, a lot of Muslims are concerned about the fact that there are Jewish plans for Red
06:01Heifer and what's known as a temple mount with a place called the Dome of the Rock.
06:09I want to read something that you can get online from the Temple Institute.
06:14The Temple Institute is a Jewish group that wants to re-institute animal sacrifices, and
06:20as the name implies, they also want to put another temple up there.
06:25So here's what they've posted related to the Dome of the Rock that's going to be removed.
06:32Quote, geopolitically, the temple mount has to be cleared of the Dome of the Rock and
06:37the mosques that are presently located upon it before the physical rebuilding of the holy
06:41temple can begin.
06:44Many scenarios can be imagined which would accomplish this.
06:48Most promising, not necessarily the most far-fetched, would entail Muslim recognition of the mount
06:54as intended as the location site for a rebuilt temple.
06:58With the acquiescence of the Muslim world, the Muslim structures currently in the mount
07:03could be dismantled, reassembled elsewhere, end quote.
07:09That's the nice way to do it.
07:11The other way is they wanted to clear it militarily.
07:14Anyway, by saying that the area must be cleared of mosques and the Dome of the Rock that are
07:21presently on the area called the Temple Mount, the Temple Institute has taken a position
07:26that infuriates a lot of Muslims.
07:31Is the position of the Temple Institute alone a recipe for disaster?
07:37Yes, because again, that's why just destroying the other Dome of the Rock in Lebanon, I think,
07:44is a factor that's going to infuriate them further.
07:46But the other interesting thing about the Temple Institute is that I visited them, and
07:52when I was there, there was a man who was working there, and I asked him, point blank,
08:00do the Jews have to have a temple in order to re-institute the regular sacrifices?
08:06He didn't really want to answer me, but I already knew what the answer was, but I wanted
08:10him to tell me.
08:12And he said, no, we don't have to have that.
08:16All we have to have is an altar.
08:19And I knew that was the case.
08:24And what's interesting is some people think, oh, no, you have to have a complete big temple
08:29over there in order for the Jews to sacrifice, but that's not necessary.
08:32And the reason the Jews know this, and I knew this, was because something from the Book
08:38of Ezra.
08:40See, back after the first temple was destroyed and was left in ruin, the Bible shows that
08:45sacrifices were made in the time of Ezra before there was a second temple that was done.
08:53I'm going to read Ezra 3, verse 6.
08:55It says, from the first day of the seventh month, they began to offer burnt offerings
09:00unto the Lord.
09:01By the way, right now we're in the seventh month of the biblical calendar.
09:04It says, but the foundation of the temple of the Lord was not yet laid.
09:10And so they don't have to have it, and I knew they didn't have to have it.
09:15And not only that, I'd already, before I went there, went to Jerusalem, I actually
09:21contacted the Sanhedrin, and then emailed them and said, hey, do you guys have to have
09:25this temple, or can you sacrifice any time?
09:28They said, as soon as the government gives us permission, we can do that.
09:31And that's still the position of the Temple Institute.
09:34So we know you've got Jews that'll do sacrifices if they can get government permission.
09:40Now, you know, the Lebanese Dome of the Rock was basically a replica.
09:45But its destruction, as I said before, might further infuriate and motivate Iran, Syria,
09:54and others to take strong action against Israel.
09:57Now, what we know for sure is that the objectives of the Temple Mount and many Muslims are in
10:03serious conflict.
10:05And the fact that the IDF destroyed the replica Dome of the Rock would be a reason that the
10:11Muslims might think, hey, wait a second, if they destroyed that one, they could destroy
10:13this other one too.
10:16And they may take, Iran and others might take steps consistent with the prophecy in Isaiah.
10:22Now, I'm going to go to Isaiah chapter 22 and start to read.
10:29Verse one talks about the burden of the valley of vision.
10:34And verse five says it's going to be a day of trouble, and a time of crying of the mountain.
10:42And verse six tells us that Elam bore the quiver with chariots and men and horsemen,
10:48and Kur uncovered the shield.
10:50It shall come to pass that your choice's valley shall be full of chariots, and your horsemen
10:54shall set themselves arrayed in the gates.
10:58Verse eight, he, this is God, removed the protection of Judah.
11:04You looked in that day to the armor of the house of the forest.
11:07You saw the damage to the city of David, that it was great.
11:12And it says, continuing, you did not look to your maker, nor do you have respect for
11:21him who fashioned it long ago.
11:26So what we see here is some type of a prophecy about destruction coming to Israel.
11:34The nation of Israel represents biblical Judah and great damage to the city of David.
11:40We're talking about Jerusalem and the fact that Israel relies on itself instead of God.
11:48People would agree with all that.
11:49Now, where it gets a little more tricky, though, is that Elam in this context seems to be a
11:54reference to at least some in the country of Iran.
11:58And some reports identify Elam there, including the Jewish historian Josephus in the first
12:06century and the old worldwide Church of God in the 20th century.
12:14So those are some people who thought that that was the case.
12:17Now, Kerr looks to point to Syria.
12:21The Bible talks about that after one of the kings in Syria took over Damascus, he moved
12:27Syrians to Kerr.
12:29That doesn't mean it couldn't be something else other than Syrians in Kerr.
12:33The fact is that Syria is an ally of Iran, so that's pretty interesting.
12:39And it's also the south of Iran.
12:43And God's word actually in Amos 9, verse 7, talks about the Syrians from Kerr.
12:50So that's kind of a confirmation that Isaiah 22 probably is going to include the Syrians.
12:58And the Bible also talks about a time when Kerr is going to be destroyed in Isaiah 15,
13:02verse 1, and at Syria's capital, Damascus will be destroyed in Isaiah 17, 1.
13:08In Judah, I talked about that.
13:10That's a reference to what we call Israel and great damage to the city of David, talking
13:15about Jerusalem.
13:17But the house of the forest was anciently located in Lebanon.
13:22And I want to read from the Catholic public domain translation of Isaiah 22, 8.
13:28And the covering of Judah shall be exposed, and that day you'll see the weaponry of the
13:34forest house.
13:35And one of the ways through Judah's Israel to see the weaponry of the forest house would
13:39be a massive attack from Hezbollah.
13:44So when we look at the Bible, we see in Isaiah the Bible shows that God's going to allow
13:50something that appears to be an Iranian, Syrian, Southern Lebanese confederation to
13:54strike the nation of Israel.
13:57Israel's Iron Dome, David's sling, and other defenses are not going to be enough to protect
14:02Jerusalem against having great damage, which is going to come.
14:07And the fact that Israel has destroyed the Lebanese Dome of the Rock is making these
14:12people upset.
14:13You know, the Middle East really needs something to watch, as Jesus indicated in Mark 13, verse
14:20That's absolutely fascinating.
14:22Thank you, Dr. Teal.
14:23For more interviews with Dr. Teal, in addition to written as well as audio articles, visit
14:28our website at BibleNewsProphecy.net.
14:31This is Steve Dupuy for the Bible News Prophecy Program.
