(Adnkronos) - L’Istituto Piepoli ha presentato a Roma l’indagine su consumatori, medici italiani e prodotti innovativi senza combustione, commissionata da Philip Morris Italia e realizzata in collaborazione con l’Associazione dei consumatori Adiconsum. Tra i dati più rilevanti emersi dall’indagine, si rileva che circa il 60% del campione di medici intervistati riferisce che i propri pazienti affermano di sentirsi meglio dopo avere effettuato il passaggio dalla sigaretta tradizionale ai prodotti a tabacco riscaldato. Quasi la metà dei medici intervistati afferma di aver avuto difficoltà a reperire informazioni sui prodotti innovativi senza combustione.
00:00 The Institute of Pneumonia and Cancer in Rome has presented the study on Italian medical consumers and innovative combustion-free products, commissioned by Philips Morris Italy and carried out in collaboration with the Association of Consumers, AD Consum.
00:18 Among the most relevant data from the investigation, it is found that about 60% of the interviewed medical examiners say that their patients say they feel better after having switched from traditional cigarettes to tobacco products.
00:33 Almost half of the interviewed doctors say, however, that they had difficulty in finding information on innovative combustion-free products.
00:41 This second part of the study confirms what the consumers told us in the investigation we did a few months ago.
00:48 The consumers told us three things. First, we need information. We need to be informed about these products and their characteristics and differences from traditional products.
01:01 They told us to continue scientific research, because it allows us to have more and more precise and accurate information.
01:09 And then they told us that we get personal benefits, we record personal benefits in this process.
01:16 The medical class confirmed all these three concepts. The medical class also said that we need to be more informed about these products.
01:24 They founded their work on scientific research, so they confirmed in almost all the interviewees that we need to continue scientific research on this topic.
01:34 But they also confirmed that in 56% of cases their patients said that they were actually recording these benefits.
01:42 So we need to continue to be informed and to study this topic, because it is an important topic.
01:47 Research also showed that for 92% of doctors, health institutions should invest more in programs to help smokers to stop smoking.
01:57 Two issues have emerged, as we have seen. One is to guide people to stop smoking.
02:03 The other is to do it, let's say, by accompanying this process towards technological systems.
02:11 Today we have the possibility to accompany it, first through non-traditional smoking, without combustion.
02:21 So, in this regard, I say we could set up a permanent observatory, because we have also participated in a self-regulation code on non-traditional smoking.
02:32 This observatory could be useful to accompany the process and to bring the consumer citizens towards new forms or towards non-smoking, because it would be the ideal thing.
02:46 We absolutely need to make sure that the institutions and scientific societies of the medical and health world
02:54 come out of the logic that we have had until now to address the issue of smoking as an ideological reason, which has not solved anything until now.
03:02 We must make sure that in these documents we finally speak of the truth.
03:06 We put the need to reduce the number of smokers at the center, to make a campaign to stop smoking,
03:15 but at the same time, for those who smoke, to have and offer them alternatives that are less risky for their health.
03:23 So, I think that in the document that we must approve in the next few weeks,
03:29 the European document against the fight against cancer, there is the condition in which this path of training, information and damage reduction is foreseen.